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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 913–924 of 2417 results

  • Endure : Building Faith For The Long Run


    How to run and not grow weary

    Following Jesus is like running a race. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While we prefer to live in the immediate, our God is not after quick fixes. His ways and his timetable are better. He wants to make us like Christ, and that takes a lifetime. So how do we run the race with endurance?

    In Endure, Daniel Ritchie explores how God’s people run well. Within this book, you will find direction and encouragement for how to trust God in every year, every day, and every minute. You are loved by God. And specific attitudes and habits will build your faith and connect you to God’s love. Learn how the seemingly mundane choices can be the most important–for your good and God’s glory.

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  • What Does It Mean To Be A Thoughtful Christian


    How to love God with your heart, soul, and mind.

    Christians are surrounded by differing voices and opinions. How can you be grounded? How can you be sure you think Christianly?

    In What Does It Mean to be a Thoughtful Christian?, David S. Dockery argues that Christians must be intentional about their thought life. Thoughtful Christians follow guidance from the Bible, possess a consistent worldview, listen to voices of the past, engage with the world, and prioritize faithful community and character development. Learn how thinking well and thinking Christianly is what you, your church, and your culture needs.

    The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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  • Ecclesiastes And The Search For Meaning In An Upside Down World


    This unique book combines memoir, exegesis, and theological reflection to demonstrate the ongoing significance of the book of Ecclesiastes to the Christian life in the twenty-first century.

    Through exegesis of Old Testament passages and theological reflections on Ecclesiastes, the author deals with issues of abuse, trauma, and forgiveness. For thousands of years, God’s grace and glory have been shining in the stories and poems of broken people: the Psalms give voice to our darkest moments of pain and anger, showing us that God welcomes our rawest emotions; Ecclesiastes and Job help us confront suffering and injustice in life; and the failures of Noah, Jacob, and David help keep us tethered to the God of the Bible.

    These stories and poems still speak to the brokenness of humans today, beckoning us into the arms of the God who made us and loves us even though we too are riddled with sin, hurt, and a longing to be loved. By working through the book of Ecclesiastes, we can let the Teacher’s words seep into our hearts and shape our understanding of who God is and how he helps us navigate this upside-down world. This short and engaging book enables us to see how one part of the Old Testament–Ecclesiastes–can help us navigate a world in which things do not always turn out as they should.

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  • Pockets Of Joy


    “No matter your situation, you have a choice. I chose joy.”

    At one point, as a struggling divorced single mom, all Roxane Battle had for dinner was a single chicken nugget.

    With wit, dignity, and gripping detail, Roxane shares her story of intentionally looking for joy during this challenging chapter of her life, when she struggled with anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Her faith was the guiding force as she searched for moments of gratitude and found a lifetime of grace.

    Alongside Roxane’s practical tips for spiritual, professional, and personal wholeness for today’s woman, Pockets of Joy reveals the incredible secret to a joy-filled life as Roxane shares her journey to a place of mental well-being.

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  • 3 Keys To The Kingdom


    Imagine how terrible it would be to find yourself a prisoner, locked behind bars with no chance of escape. The enemy has captured you with his lies and robbed you of your freedom. But a light suddenly dispels the darkness. You have a visitor! His eyes are full of compassion. “I have a key that opens all prison doors,” He tells you gently. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.” In The 3 Keys to the Kingdom: Binding, Loosing, and Knowledge, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom she’s gathered during her years of ministry. She shares personal experiences and testimonies of people who’ve been freed from Satan’s grasp as she covers topics such as: *How we know Christ chooses us *Using our keys to save others *Binding amiss for personal reasons *Destroying the work of the devil *Dealing with a perverse spirit *Four things from which we must abstain *God’s solution for complete freedomAnd much more! Learn about the keys you hold that Satan cannot take away.

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  • Daring : A Call To Courageous Manhood


    Victory is always on the other side of a fight. Here is help to win the battles and keep on winning!

    Daring: A Call To Courageous Manhood sets the tone for a new wave of masculinity by defining what it is to be a man of courage, endurance, and resolve. The unique, creative voice of Paul Louis Cole cuts through cultural clutter to speak to the issues that lay in the heart of every man.

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  • Vision Con Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, ofrece consejos practicos y biblicos diarios para cumplir la vision de su vida. Basado en sus populares libros Los principios y el poder de la vision y Los principios y beneficios del cambio, este devocional de 90 dias lo ayudara a descubrir el proposito de Dios en su vida, captar las claves necesarias para lograr el sueo de su vida, desarrollar un plan especifico para perseguir su vision, superar los obstaculos y aprovechar los beneficios del cambio. El devocional de cada dia incluye enseanza y aliento, una lectura de las Escrituras y un pensamiento motivador para el dia. Su exito no depende del estado de la economia, de las carreras que estan en demanda actualmente, de como esta el mercado laboral o de lo que la gente cree que usted es capaz de hacer. Usted puede aprender principios probados por el tiempo que le permitiran cumplir su vision sin importar quien sea o de donde venga. Ya sea un empresario, un gerente de departamento, un empleado, un ama de casa, un estudiante o un jefe de estado, el Dr. Munroe explica como puede hacer realidad sus sueos y esperanzas. Usted no estaba destinado a una vida mundana o mediocre. No existe solo para ganar un cheque de pago. Reviva su pasion por vivir. Persiga su sueo. Descubra su vision y encuentre su verdadera vida.

    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for fulfilling your life’s vision. Based on his popular books The Principles and Power of Vision and The Principles and Benefits of Change, this 90-day devotional will help you to discover your God-given purpose in life, grasp the necessary keys for accomplishing your life’s dream, develop a specific plan for pursuing your vision, overcome obstacles, and embrace the benefits of change. Each day’s devotional includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading, and a motivating thought for the day. Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, what the job market is like, or what people think you are capable of. You can learn time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, Dr. Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Re

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  • Fear : The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


    You overcome the fear of people when the fear of God becomes your priority.

    This book will teach you to recognize the fear of man and how the enemy uses it to trap you and keep you from the purposes of God for your life. It will empower you to break free from this trap and live boldly, unafraid to trust God and His promises.

    When you care more about what people think than what God thinks, you will miss out on the opportunities God has for you. The Bible says, “The fear of man lays a snare” (Prov. 29:25). This type of fear is dangerous. It can get you into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy skillfully uses this weapon to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. It can silence you when you should speak or paralyze you when you should take action. It affects far more Christians than you might think, but it doesn’t have to rule your life anymore. So how can you be freed from this trap?

    The fear of God leads to wisdom and worship, and there are two ways it comes to you:
    (1) it must be taught; and (2) the presence of God can bring fear as it did on the day of Pentecost and during the Great Awakening. You also learn it as you step out in courage and choose to trust what God says in spite of what people say. As you do this, the fear of man loses its power over you.

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  • Follow Me : Make DISCIPLES The Way JESUS Did


    God has placed the next generation into our hands. Who will raise them up if the church does not?

    This book will teach you how to effectively mentor the next generation of Christians. You will learn how to disciple others in their faith while getting outside of your comfort zone to increase your relationship with God.

    If we want to change the world with the gospel, we must stop focusing on crowds and events and reclaim Jesus’ method of relational discipleship. Jesus’ final mandate to His followers was “Go and make disciples”–yet today most of the church is oblivious to what discipleship is, and few Christians are actually investing their lives in helping other believers grow spiritually. A vast paradigm shift is needed in the church today in order to reach the next generation and advance the gospel in the twenty-first century.

    In Follow Me, J. Lee Grady uses many New Testament examples, as well as his own experience in mentoring dozens of young leaders and a clear strategy for discipling others that can be used by individuals and churches. Grady makes a compelling case that Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport where huge crowds sit and listen to one preacher on a Sunday. Jesus intended all believers to engage in ministry–and this includes the work of discipling other believers.

    So many Christians today live in a box of limitation. We must understand that the Christian life is an adventure of the Holy Spirit working through them. This book will help believers get out of that box and begin the exciting adventure of spiritual multiplication.

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  • Awake My Soul


    Awaken your soul with this inspiring devotional.

    An act of kindness.

    A much-needed hug from a friend.

    A word of encouragement.

    A timely, but unexpected gift.

    These are the moments that awaken your soul to the undeniable love of her heavenly Father–the One who sees and meets your every need. Each of the 200 devotional readings in this lovely collection will speak to your heart as you experience the unchanging and overflowing love of God. Every inspiring word will draw you more closely to the Master Creator as you envelop your soul in the perpetual love found only in His Word.

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  • Power Of Communion With 40 Day Prayer Journey Leather Gift Version


    40 Days of Accessing Miracles through the Body and Blood of Jesus.

    For centuries, the Church has observed the Lord’s Supper as part of corporate worship, instituted by Jesus Himself. But for many Christians today, this tradition can be a confusing ritual. Are we missing something in this ancient sacrament?

    Beni and Bill Johnson–best-selling authors and senior leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California–had a miraculous revelation while celebrating communion. In this special edition of The Power of Communion, featuring the 40-Day Prayer Journey, discover how the sacred practice of communion is an often overlooked opportunity to release God’s power in your life!

    Don’t settle for a lifeless routine. God is supernaturally present in the sacrament of Communion! Learn to embrace this prophetic act of remembrance, worship, warfare, and healing as it was always meant to be!

    Discover practical keys in this devotional for…
    *Healing: release the healing testimony of Jesus’ blood and body over sickness
    *Deliverance: announce the eternal victory of Jesus over torment, addiction, and bondage
    *Warfare: shift spiritual atmospheres over you, your family, and even world events
    *Presence: experience new dimensions of God’s glory as you apply Jesus’ victory over your life

    There are miracles just waiting to be released that Jesus’ atonement already paid for! Discover The Power of Communion today!

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  • Releasing Resurrection And Revival From The Courts Of Heaven


    Do you need to experience Resurrection or Revival in any area of your life?

    Many Jesus followers are sleepwalking through their Christian lives. They wear a smile, attend church gatherings, and try their best to make it through, but they don’t really expect answered prayers, breakthroughs, or a miraculous change in their situations. Why? Disappointment and disillusionment. The Bible calls this hope deferred. What we hoped for did not happen, and we are left with hopes and dreams that are dead.

    But remember: we serve the God of resurrection life and revival!

    Robert Henderson is the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series, and in this latest book he challenges you to pray for miracle reversals in every situation that seems hopeless. Resurrection thunders as a verdict from the Courts of Heaven, for it is God alone who gives life to the dead.

    This powerful new book will show you how to:

    *Discover the Seven Secrets to seeing dead things revived in your life.

    *Identify the spirit of sabotage in your life – and cancel its influence.

    *Make Lazarus Decrees over those situations that Jesus wants to resurrect and revive.

    *Dismantle the spirit of death and stop it from impacting every area of your life.

    *Receive stirring biblical examples of resurrection power released into impossible situations.

    *Break off the pain of disappointment and position yourself for answered prayer.

    Resurrection is not a one-time event; it should be the default setting of the Christian life. We are filled with Jesus’ resurrection life and power! We have been commissioned by the resurrected Jesus to see His supernatural miracle power reverse any plan of the enemy that has sought to steal, kill, and destroy.

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