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Tag: Bible Studies

Showing 61–72 of 296 results

  • Freed To Be Gods Family


    Family provides community, identity, and shared values.

    In the book of Exodus, God frees Israel from slavery to Egypt. But they are not left as orphans. Rather, the redeemed are made into a new family–God’s family. In Freed to be God’s Family, Mark R. Glanville argues that the central motif of Exodus is community. God wants a healthy, dynamic relationship with the redeemed. As family members, Israel is called to learn God’s ways and reflect God’s character to the world.

    Freed to be God’s Family is a concise and accessible guide to the message and themes of Exodus. Each chapter keeps the big picture central and provides probing questions for reflection and discussion.

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  • What Does It Mean To Be Chosen


    This eight-week Bible study is the official complement to season 1 of the Chosen, the groundbreaking series about the life of Jesus. What Does It Mean to Be Chosen? works in tandem with every episode of the show, bringing the Bible to life in a brand-new way.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado una mayor comprension de la Palabra de Dios a miles de creyentes. Ahora, el autor de A traves de la Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de la Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio de 12 lecciones, verso por verso, del libro de Daniel. La enseanza profunda de Stringfellow aportara claridad y entendimiento a uno de los libros mas incomprendidos de las Escrituras. Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan…

    *Como identificar los temas principales

    *Como memorizar versos clave

    *Como reconocer el mensaje central de Dios

    *Una vision general de varias interpretaciones de las imagenes del libro

    *El papel que juegan las profecias de Daniel en toda la historia biblica

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes descubriran la influencia que Daniel tuvo en la vida y la literatura del pueblo judio a lo largo del periodo biblico y hasta los escritores del Nuevo Testamento, incluido Jesucristo mismo, que a menudo lo citaba. Pero en ninguna parte se ve esa influencia tan a fondo como en los escritos del apostol Juan y los paralelos que existen con el libro de Apocalipsis. Al igual que en la obra profetica de Juan, el libro de Daniel describe en un lenguaje hermoso y maravilloso la gloriosa venida de nuestro Seor Jesucristo. Al igual que Juan, Daniel estaba seguro sobre el triunfo final del reino de Dios.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels th

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  • Insights On The Book Of Daniel


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels that exist with the book of Revelation. As in John’s prophetic work, the book of Daniel describes in beautiful and marvelous language the glorious coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Like John, Daniel was sure and certain about the final triumph of the kingdom of God.

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  • Ruth : The Lord Provides


    Seven studies for small groups to explore the book of Ruth together and learn how God provides for his people.

    Ruth is one of the best short stories ever written. We are drawn to the characters: grieving Naomi, loyal Ruth, and compassionate Boaz. The setting is also intriguing, as it takes place during the time of the judges.

    The plot is a story of redemption which is part of the grand story of redemption. And at the heart of the resolution is Boaz, a figure who points to David’s greatest son, Jesus.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.

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  • Ruth For You


    Applied expository guide on the book of Ruth: a story of redemption that points us to Jesus.
    The book of Ruth is a love story. Like all love stories it has twists and turns, tension and resolution, and a happy ending.

    But it’s far more than that because it reveals to us a God who is deeply committed to caring for his people. In Boaz, God provides Ruth with a loving husband to free and provide for her, pointing us to the Bible’s grand story of redemption and David’s greatest son, Jesus.

    Tony Merida’s compelling story-telling and Christ-centered insights make this both an accessible and absorbing expository guide to the book of Ruth. It can be used for personal devotions, or for leading small-group studies, or for sermon preparation.

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  • John 1-12 For You


    Josh Moody helps those new to John to dip their toes in its waters, while also showing new depths to those more familiar with this Gospel. Jesus came to bring life to the full–and in showing us his seven signs, John pictures the fulfillment that comes from living life as a follower of the Word become flesh.

    This Expository Guide takes you verse by verse through the text in an accessible and applied way. It is less academic than a traditional commentary and can be read cover-to-cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation. There is an accompanying Good Book Guide for small group Bible studies.

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  • Proverbs For You


    Eight studies exploring how Proverbs’ ancient wisdom should shape our lives today.

    If there’s one thing we need for navigating life in the 21st century, it’s this: wisdom. But God hasn’t left us guessing as to what that looks like. He’s given us a whole book of wisdom, Proverbs, which points us to Jesus – wisdom personified and exemplified.

    Discover how to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom as you walk through Proverbs in these eight engaging and practical Bible studies.

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  • Proverbs For You


    Divine wisdom for your everyday life from the book of Proverbs.

    In the Proverbs, God offers us wisdom for real life and he shows us Jesus, who was wisdom personified and exemplified.

    This accessible, absorbing expository guide to Proverbs by Kathleen Nielson brings these ancient sayings to life, helping ordinary Christians to see what it can look like to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom in the great multitude of everyday situations and decisions we face.

    This book gives an expository rather than topical treatment to the book of Proverbs, so it can be read as originally intended. It also has more application than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotions, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or sermon preparation.

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  • Proverbs For You


    In the Proverbs, God offers us wisdom for real life and he shows us Jesus, who was wisdom personified and exemplified.

    This accessible, absorbing expository guide to Proverbs by Kathleen Nielson brings these ancient sayings to life, helping ordinary Christians to see what it can look like to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom in the great multitude of everyday situations and decisions we face.

    This book gives an expository rather than topical treatment to the book of Proverbs, so it can be read as originally intended. It also has more application than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotions, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or sermon preparation.

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  • Talking To Our Father


    Seven studies examining the Lord’s Prayer in detail and how it should shape our prayers and lives today.

    In these studies, Tim Chester helps small groups to examine the Lord’s Prayer line by line, exploring other passages in Matthew’s Gospel along the way.

    As we learn more about the prayer Jesus taught us, we’ll get to know God better and seek to live according to his purposes.

    Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. Contains ideas for starter discussions and for personal and group prayer as well as a focus on practical application. Substantial leader’s guide included.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado a miles de creyentes una mayor comprension de la Palabra de Dios. Ahora, el autor de A traves de la Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de la Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio de 25 lecciones, verso por verso, del libro de Apocalipsis. La enseanza profunda de Stringfellow aportara claridad y entendimiento a uno de los libros mas incomprendidos de las Escrituras. Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan…

    *Como identificar los temas principales

    *Como memorizar versos clave

    *Como reconocer el mensaje central de Dios

    *Una vision general de varias interpretaciones de las imagenes del libro

    *El papel que juega Apocalipsis en toda la historia biblica

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes reconoceran como toda la narracion biblica que comienza en Genesis encuentra su climax final en la vision milagrosa de Juan. Aunque Apocalipsis puede parecer centrado en gran medida en el futuro, el conocimiento de sus temas y su mensaje principal tienen una gran importancia para nuestras vidas actuales, dejandonos mejor preparados para enfrentar los desafios diarios de la vida.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 25-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Revelation plays in the entire Bible story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will recognize how the entire Bible narrative that begins in Genesis finds its concluding climax in John’s miraculous vision. Even though Revelation may seem largely focused on the future, knowledge of its themes and central message have great importance for our present lives, leaving us better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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