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Tag: Bible Studies

Showing 241–252 of 296 results

  • Meeting Jesus : Women Of Faith From The New Testament (Student/Study Guide)


    The Gospel records are extraordinary for their accounts of the encounters and conversations Jesus had with women of all kinds. But this wasn’t sexual attraction – these women grew to love Him because He treated them with dignity and compassion. In an age where women were considered second-class citizens, Jesus devoted time and care to them all – the godly, the grieving, the sick, the stressed, the sinful outcasts and even the foreign ‘dogs’.

    But in all his dealings with women, Jesus wanted to give them the opportunity to hear and receive His good news – that however we live, we all need God’s forgiveness; that whatever we have done, we can be forgiven by God, through Jesus. Women didn’t only experience a welcome from Jesus; they received a brand new life of hope, joy and peace, as forgiven children of God.

    Worldwide the good news of Jesus still transforms the lives of countless women today. By using this Good Book Guide to examine the encounters of these eight women who met Jesus, you too can learn about His liberating good news, discover what it means to have true faith, and experience His transforming power in your life.

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  • Holy Spirit : Understanding His Work In Our Lives (Student/Study Guide)


    You may have heard a lot about the Holy Spirit… or very little. Christians and churches seem divided over this issue. Some are always talking about gifts of the Spirit, baptism of the Spirit, Spirit-filled people and so on. In other circles, the Spirit seems to be rarely mentioned.

    There are plenty of books around that will claim to offer insight into the work of the Spirit…but what does the Bible actually say on the subject?

    This Good Book Guide has been put together from a survey of every single verse in the Bible that mentions the Holy Spirit and His activity. It will help you discover what God’s Word means when it talks about being ‘filled with’ or ‘led by’ the Spirit. Or the differences between the Spirit’s work in the Old and New Testaments. You may be in for some surprises!

    But most of all, this Good Book Guide will show how your life can and should be changed and shaped by the Spirit of God, who gives us life, and brings glory to Jesus Christ.

    Please note: These studies take slightly longer than a typical Good Book Guide study.

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  • David : Gods True King (Student/Study Guide)


    It’s the stuff of legends.

    An unknown, unlikely-looking kid defiantly takes on the ultimate enemy weapon – an enormous, unconquered super-warrior. He sets out unprotected and alone, yet astonishingly, he slaughters the evil giant – the enemy is routed and David wins a complete victory for his people.

    It’s easy to see why the story of David and Goliath is still so popular. We love David the hero, the shepherd boy who became king of Israel, chosen by God as a man ‘after His own heart’. But what about David the despised ‘worm’, the hot-tempered bully, the weak father, the lustful playboy and the coldly-calculating murderer? Did God really know what He was doing when He chose David?

    This Good Book Guide on the life of David reveals the secret of Davids success and the reasons for his many failures. But it also uncovers the greater story of a better hero. In just six sessions, you will learn how this weak Israelite king points us to the ultimate king, Jesus despised like the worm of Davids psalm, yet finally winning the ultimate victory for His people over sin and death.

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  • Lamp Unto My Feet (Student/Study Guide)


    Every true believer is daily moving toward his eternal destination. However, before that final crossing into the land of immortality, the Christian pilgrim must first travel through a hostile empire, fraught with dangers, toils and snares. How will he find his way through this land of shadows? Fortunately, the Father of lights has not left us to fend for ourselves; but rather, He has provided a roadmap, the Word of God. Little wonder that David christened it A Lamp Unto My Feet. A sequel to Gallaghers The Walk of Repentance, this is a 12week journey through the beautiful Psalm 119. This practical, personal study is a great resource for any individual seeking guidance in the midst of lifes struggles. Through daily meditation readings and questions for reflection, believers will be asked to consider the truths of Scripture. At each weeks end, they will also read about the life of David, a man after Gods own heart and author of this epic psalm. Every reader will be brought into a deeper love, respect and appreciation for Gods Word.

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  • Mark 9-16 : The Servant King (Student/Study Guide)


    Have you ever arranged to meet someone for the first time, only to miss them because you expected someone who looked quite different? But more serious would be to miss God Himself, just because He didn’t look like we expected…

    This is exactly what happens in the second half of Mark’s Gospel. Jesus is the King. But He comes to serve and suffer, not to fight political battles. He is Israel’s Messiah. But He comes to judge those who believe they are already God’s people. He is the promised Rescuer, but He can’t even seem to save himself. Rejected by religious leaders, deserted by His followers, it seems everyone is missing who He really is.

    Could we make the same mistake as the people of Jesus’ day? This Good Book Guide will help you to know and understand Jesus, just as Mark knew Him – nothing that people expected, but more than any of us could hope for.

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  • Women Of Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    Ask the average person about women from the Old Testament and they will probably imagine that these ancient documents have little to say. After all, doesn’t the Bible come from an age in which women were totally repressed? In fact, until recently, hasn’t the Bible itself been responsible for keeping women down?

    If these are opinions that you share or have come across, then this Good Book Guide will give you a totally different view of the Bible. It examines the lives and experiences of seven women from ancient Israel, highlighting their flaws and their faith, their struggles and solutions. Women who were wives, mothers and worshippers of God from a pagan prostitute to a prophetess waging war.

    Through the lives of these women we learn about God, ourselves, the great problem with this world, and what God is doing about it. This is not just a history course these stories could change your life!

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  • Names Of God


    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for you. He is your Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more. By knowing how God expresses His love for you through His names, you can:
    *deepen your fellowship with Him
    *discover your purpose in life
    *find security and peace in His presence
    *receive healing for your body
    *defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you’ll reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

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  • Mark 1-8 : The Coming King (Student/Study Guide)


    Ten studies for individuals or groups

    Jesus has always been endlessly fascinating to people, yet few know accurately the eye-witness record of Jesus found in the gospels. These ten Bible-studies in Marks gospel provide a great opportunity to find out the truth about Jesus, taking you on a journey of discovery through the first eight chapters, as the disciples learn who Jesus really is. Find out for yourself just how much Mark has packed into his brief account of Jesus!

    Youll learn, beyond doubt, that Jesus is King, but also find answers to many questions: Why does this promised king come in such a secret way? Why is He powerful, yet opposed? Why does He stop people talking about Him? Why do some recogniseize Him, but not others?

    Most of all however, with two very practical sections for personal application in every session, this course aims to help each of us live with Jesus as our king.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Prayer (Revised)


    So often we think of prayer as something we do to break through to God-to get His attention and to get Him to listen to us. But intimacy with God is His idea. He has taken the initiative and prayer is His gift to us. It is an opportunity for us to respond to His invitation to intimacy by calling, crying, and singing to Him. Prayer is our response to the One who has called out to us and desires to be in a relationship with us.

    In Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Cynthia Heald will lead you through an examination of what the Bible teaches about prayer. In addition to a thought-provoking Bible study, each lesson features classic quotes from some of the great devotional writers throughout history, a reflection from Cynthia, and a suggested memory verse.

    Becoming a Woman of Prayer will encourage you to respond to God’s invitation to deeper intimacy with Him.–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • Ezekiel : The God Of Glory (Student/Study Guide)


    Few books of the Bible seem scarier than Ezekiel 48 chapters of weird and wonderful visions, bizarre street performances and blood-curdling judgements. Perhaps youve wondered what its all about. But, will you ever have the time to study such a large book? Does this stuff really have anything to say to you?

    Here is a Bible-study course that will take you through the whole of Ezekiel in SIX sessions! This whistle-stop tour gives a clear overview of all the main themes of Ezekiels prophecy Gods glory, judgement, and hope focusing on key passages that explain the surrounding chapters. But more than that, youll discover how Gods Word to His exiled people is truly fulfilled in the gospel of Jesus and the experience of Christians.

    Then they will know that I am the Lord is the repeated message of Ezekiel. In a world of false hopes that will ultimately fail, this is a message for everyone.

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  • Self Study Bible Course (Workbook)


    1. Foundations
    2. Deeper Life
    3. Israel: God’s Chosen People
    4. The Future

    Additional Info
    Healing, prosperity, and guidance. If you have questions about God and the Bible, here is a help for you. In this Bible Study course, you will find answers to questions such as:
    *How can I have victory over sin?
    *What is God’s plan for healing our bodies?
    *How can I know I will go to Heaven when I die?
    *What is God’s plan for prosperity?
    *How can I receive answers to my prayers?
    Even if you have never read the Bible before, you will find this systematic study guide easy to use and helpful. Or, if you have been a believer for many years, you will find a new ease in conversing with God, fellowshipping with Christians, receiving guidance, and witnessing and winning souls. Through this study, you will experience important changes in your life and discover an intimacy with God that you may have never known before.

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  • Zechariah : Gods Big Plan For Struggling Christians (Student/Study Guide)


    Christians struggle. We struggle with ridicule and being ignored in a day of small things; with opposition to the message that Jesus is the only way to God; with our own failures and the devils accusations that make us question whether God accepts us. False teachers, false religion, and false priorities plague and distract us.

    In Zechariahs day, Israel had returned from exile, but home was certainly not all they had hoped for. Zechariahs task was to bring comforting words to the struggling people of God.

    These six Bible-studies open up Zechariahs reassuring and revitaliszing message for Gods discouraged people, including Gods great international building project; His solution to sin; His promised Shepherd-King; His great Day of judgement and salvation. Constantly focusing on what these things mean practically for Christians today, this course aims to help Christians live a life shaped, not by these days, but by that day when Gods big plan comes to glorious fruition.

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