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Tag: Bible Studies

Showing 229–240 of 296 results

  • Colossians : Confident Christianity (Student/Study Guide)


    It happens all the time… People who start out well as Christians can end up light-years from the gospel of Jesus Christ, caught up in weird and not-so-wonderful cults, movements and traditions. They may still talk about Jesus, but their focus has shifted from the fundamental truths of who He is and what He has done to other things: rituals, rapturous experiences, morality, or an intense engagement with ideas and schools of thought. These other things become the focus of our Christianity. It seems that Jesus Christ and His saving death are no longer enough…

    This kind of teaching was the reason Paul wrote his letter to the Colossian church. He recogniszed the fall-out of ‘moving on’ from the gospel we become unsure of God’s forgiveness because it no longer depends solely on Jesus; we become proud of what we do; and ultimately, these new spiritualities completely fail to deliver the new life that they promise.

    Undoubtedly, Christians today face the same danger. These six studies can help us resist the fine-sounding arguments enticing us to add to what Jesus has done. Only if we are convinced about the true identity of Christ, and certain that He alone is all we need to grow, will we mature into confident Christians.

    The six studies in this Good Book Guide will help groups and individuals find the way to achieve true Christian growth into confidence and fruitfulness.

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  • Lord Teach Me To Pray In 28 Days (Expanded)


    A new cover and additional questions for study and discussion grace this bestselling 28-day study (more than 525,000 copies sold) by respected teacher and author Kay Arthur. Readers of little or great prayer experience will discover practical insights to help them know how to pray, what to pray, and what to expect when they pray. Arthur sheds light on the instructions Jesus gave to His disciples for the perfect pattern of meaningful prayer and demonstrates how the Lord’s Prayer covers worship, praise, intercession, and petition and ushers an individual into the presence of God. This look at biblical prayer is refreshingly simple and exceedingly powerful-and it can transform the way anyone lives and prays. Ideal for individual or group study, and a classic resource for any home or church library.

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  • 1 Thessalonians : Living To Please God (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you feel like an ordinary Christian. Not especially gifted or knowledgeable. Does anyone really notice your faith? Does any of it matter? Time to take a look at the Thessalonians.

    When this group of ordinary first-century pagans believed in Jesus Christ, they changed so dramatically that many others across the Roman world were imitating their faith, hope and love. The apostle Paul, thrilled to see their vibrant Christian lives, recorded his delight in this lovely warm letter, packed with advice and encouragement to keep going. This was a transformation that would change lives, cultures and destinies far beyond first century Macedonia.

    Learn through this Good Book Guide how an unremarkable, pointless existence, can be transformed into lives marked by an unshakeable faith, overflowing love and sensational hope. It is this kind of life that ordinary Christians like you are called to. So that, in the our world of suffering, hostility and trials we will be blameless and holy when our Lord Jesus comes.

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  • Contentment : Healing The Hunger Of Our Hearts (Student/Study Guide)


    We all know what it is to feel discontented with our lives with what we have, how much we can get, what we do, who we live with, how we are and what the future promises.

    The constant hunger for something more may seem like the aches and pains of growing old something that we must just put up with in this far-from-perfect world. But the Bible shows that discontent is the symptom of a lethal disease that will kill us if we do not find a cure. It was discontent that first led humans into rebellion against God, with the catastrophic consequences that have followed from that decision.

    Yet Jesus Christ promises that anyone who believes in Him will never again hunger or thirst. The apostle Paul was able to say that he had learned the secret of being content in any and every situation in need or in plenty. Discontent is a problem of our hearts not our circumstances. This Good Book Guide can help us to understand why we become discontented, how Jesus Christ alone can help us, and on a practical level, how Christian living can bring the treasure of contentment to our daily lives.

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  • Growing In Christ Series (Student/Study Guide)


    Growing in Christ is designed to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life as you explore the Scriptures. Growing in Christ has two parts:

    Lessons on Assurance– Basic Bible studies on five beginning principles for following Christ, plus five corresponding Scripture memory verses entitled Beginning with Christ.

    Lessons on Christian Living– Bible studies on eight more principles for Christian growth, plus eight Scripture memory verses entitled Going On with Christ.

    For use in groups or individually, Growing in Christ can help you establish a firm, scriptural foundation for your life as you develop habits of Bible study and Scripture memory.

    You will study these topics:
    Assurance of salvation -Answered prayer -Victory over sin -Forgiveness -Guidance -Putting Christ first in your life -Relying on the Lord’s strength -The importance of the Bible -Giving -The church -Good works -Witnessing

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  • Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life (Student/Study Guide)


    Having influence, making a difference and leaving a legacy is a costly privilege. Doing so is to step into a destiny filled with opportunities to yield, to lead, and to boldly go where others have not gone before. It requires quietness in the midst of turmoil and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. As you journey with Glenda Malmin through the life of Esther and those she related to in The Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life, you will find your life woven together with the ancients and see their lives in yours. Esther and her beloved mentor Mordecai both had hesitations, concerns, opinions and deep challenges in their roles and yet remained surrendered to the will of God.

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  • Name Of God


    Throughout history, God has revealed Himself through many and various Names and Titles. Each of these have some distinctive feature about them. However, there is a Name which is above every Name, and this Name includes or comprehends in itself all the Names and Titles of God. It is the all-comprehensive Redemptive Name of God as revealed in the Triune Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    This volume endeavors to set forth the glory of the Triune Name of the Triune God. Its biblical insights are provocative, especially in the area of the application of “The Name” in Water Baptism.

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  • Hidden Power Of A Mothers Heart (Student/Study Guide)


    In this book, the third book in Glenda Malmin’s “Hidden Power” series, mothers, grandmothers, and mothers-to-be will be encouraged and challenged as they relate to the mothering journey of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Based on biblical narrative, historical research, and anointed fiction, this book will bless the reader as it leads her through the seasons of Mary’s motherhood and applies relevant biblical principles to her own through the examples of other contemporary mothers.

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  • Hidden Power Of Undefeatable Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    The second installment in Glenda Malmin’s ‘Hidden Power’; Series. The reader will journey with the author in the remarkable story of the ancient Rizpah in The Hidden Power of Undefeatable Faith, while discovering principles of unbeatable faith, intercession, and fulfilled destiny

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  • I Believe : The Apostles Creed (Student/Study Guide)


    I believe in God, the Father Almighty…’

    The Apostles’ Creed is recited by Christians throughout the world each Sunday. For many it is a dull routine, and for others, it is spoken with confusion or doubt, rather than with confidence and joy.

    Do we really need creeds? Increasingly, people do not like the idea of pinning truth down. Others want to stick to the Bible alone, and think that creeds have no place in our worship.

    But most churches have found it helpful to have a summary of Christian beliefs. Creeds summarisze who we are, they teach us what is important and they help us avoid error. In modern business language, they are our ‘identity documents’.

    This Good Book Guide aims to fill out the content of the short statements of this creed which are so familiar to us. In ten studies, it shows how they are derived from the Bible – the teaching of the apostles – and what the significance of this momentous formula is for our daily lives. Saying the creed need never be dull, confused or joyless again…

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  • Psalms Soul Songs (Student/Study Guide)


    Exploring love, temptation, fear and guilt from the Psalms

    How often do you get the tune of a mindless song stuck in your head? Its one way that Christians can end up thinking and wanting things just like the world around us. So God has given us a collection of songs that can help us re-tune our hearts to what He thinks and wants instead.

    You may feel as if your soul is downcast or sick troubled by worry, sin, suffering, fear or guilt. David, the Israelite king who wrote many of these songs, tells us that the Word of God revives the soul its powerful stuff! And how to revive your soul is the theme of this selection. Mostly written by people rolling in trouble, they take us from the problems we face, and turn us back to God, the rock.

    In these psalms you will find medicine for your soul. Learn to fear God instead of others, to trust Him in difficult times and to sing a new song to the God who saves.

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  • Pressing On Toward The Heavenly Calling (Student/Study Guide)


    Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling will challenge you to reach for the abundant life in God that Paul testifies is available to every one of us. Through daily meditation, readings and questions for reflection, you will be asked to consider the truth of Scripture and apply it to your life. At each week’s end, you will also read about the life of Paul, a man who burned in the refining fire of God for nearly thirty years. Through this 12-week study, you will be inspired to join Paul on this great eternal quest in Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling.

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