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Tag: Bible Studies

Showing 205–216 of 296 results

  • Esther : Royal Rescue (Student/Study Guide)


    There are times in our lives when we question whether God truly loves us, whether He is really in control of the world, whether He knows what He is doing, whether He even notices what is happening to us.

    These are exactly the kind of questions that God’s people in Esther’s day must have been asking. Not only were they exiled from their home, the land that had been promised to them by God, but they were facing ethnic cleansing on an unprecedented scale.

    The story of Esther reveals that whatever the appearances, God is in control. Although the enemies of God and His people are many and powerful, their plans are doomed. God’s plans are the ones that will triumph. He delights in answering His people’s prayers often in most unexpected ways.

    As He delivered the Jews of Esther’s day from seemingly unstoppable destruction, so He has and will deliver all who turn to Him in Christ. He is to be trusted in all situations at all times.

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  • Hosea : Gods Love Song (Student/Study Guide)


    Hosea is a love song, with a difference.

    Love songs are everywhere. On the radio; on movie soundtracks; in the background as we shop and eat out. Theyre often stuck in our heads and hearts, too.

    And yet their lyrics are full of desire leading to disappointment, and hope followed by heartbreak. Love songs reflect our yearning for a love that is solid and sure; and they expose our inability to find it.

    The book of Hosea is a love song. But uniquely, its lyrics are about a love which will never fade; which will never disappoint; and which will never say: Enough. The singer throughout Hosea is God: and the love He talks about is His own love, lavished upon His people. Its a love song that is surprising, raw, emotional, at times uncomfortable, but always compelling.

    These eight studies will thrill you with the wonder of Gods love, even as they challenge you with the truth about His people. And, as you read through Hosea, youll be provided with a soundtrack for your life which truly is worth singing along to.

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  • Christianity Explored Universal Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


    Before We Begin (map And Background To Mark)
    1. What Is Christianity?
    2. Who Is Jesus?
    3. Why Did Jesus Come?
    4. Why Did Jesus Die?
    5. Why Did Jesus Rise From The Dead?
    6. How Can God Accept Us?
    7. What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?
    8. What Next?
    Optional Readings Through Mark

    Additional Info
    The Christianity Explored Universal Handbook contains everything a guest needs to take part in the eight-session course.

    The Universal edition of Christianity Explored is designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English.
    Written in a Bible study format, participants discover the life of Jesus together as they work through eight sessions in Mark’s Gospel. Use of the CE DVD is entirely optional.
    It is ideal for International students or anyone who would benefit from a Bible study format and straight-forward, everyday English.

    * Revised and updated from the “English made easy” edition
    * Eight Bible studies in Mark’s Gospel
    * Written in simple and clear English
    * Includes help in running a course, detailed notes for leading each Bible study, answers to common questions from Mark or about Christian belief
    * Additional resource material available as free downloads

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  • Spiritual Warfare Self Study Bible Study Course


    Be Prepared for Spiritual Warfare

    Do you know how to wage effective warfare against our spiritual enemy, Satan? Spiritual battles are not just for preachers or other spiritual leaders. Whether you are a new believer or have known the Lord for many years, you will inevitably experience the devil’s attacks. But you can learn how to protect yourself from them, take the offensive, and fulfill what God has called you to do in life.

    The principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course apply to all believers. They show you step-by-step the nature of the spiritual realm and how to effectively defeat the enemy. Be encouraged! God has provided everything you need to be “more than a conqueror.”

    You will learn how to:
    *stand firm against Satan to protect your spiritual health and growth
    *loosen the devil’s chains and cast down demonic strongholds through the weapons of warfare God has given believers
    *fight on behalf of others whom Satan is attacking and help set them free
    *thwart Satan’s schemes and bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven
    *live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, enjoying fellowship with your heavenly Father and receiving all that He has for you

    In Jesus Christ, you have both authority and power to overcome the enemy’s attacks against you and your loved ones. Are you prepared for this warfare? You can be ready and equipped through the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course.

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  • Joy : A Bible Study In Philippians For Women


    Keri Folmar has written a worthy Bible study for women based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Keri has a heart for women to experience deep and fruitful Bible study. Carried by the desire to see her sisters in Christ grow in their knowledge of the Lord, Keri has written a book toward that end. The book starts with a brief but concise explanation on how to do inductive Bible study and notes for leaders. From there it dives into a 10 week study of Philippians. Each week is broken up into 5 days. Each day there is a reading and some questions to answer.

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  • Gods Rhythm Of Life


    God’s Rhythm of Life, by Rev. William J. Morford, explains the Seasons of the Lord as given in Leviticus 23. The traditions of the Jewish people are described so we can see spiritual meanings in these Holy days. This book encourages churches to return to the Scriptures and to obey the Lord’s commands to observe His Seasons. God’s Rythm of Life exhorts believers to seek Divine wisdom in following Scripture to celebrate the same Holy Days that Jesus celebrated.

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  • 1 Kings 1-11 (Student/Study Guide)


    He was a king who rose to dizzying heights. An empire renowned wisdom breathtaking buildings incredible wealth Solomon had it all. And under him, Gods chosen people Israel enjoyed a golden age.

    But he was also a king who fell ruinously. His reputation became tarnished his kingdom was divided his achievements did not last. Solomon’s life and rule are a fascinating study of wealth and powerand their corrupting influence.

    But his rule is not primarily a morality tale. Solomon’s reign, and the blessings Gods people enjoyed under him, point us to a greater king, who will never fall. The king and his kingdom turn out to be just a shadow of the reality that is to come in Christ. Its rise shows us how wonderful it is when Gods people live in Gods land under Gods king. Its fall reminds us that the best is yet to come.

    The eight studies in this Good Book Guide will help ordinary Christians get to grips with the first eleven chapters of 1 Kings. They will encourage and challenge you as you seek to live as Gods people today. And they will excite you as you look forward to the eternal glory of living under great Solomons greater SonJesus Christ.

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  • Man Talk (DVD)


    The Man Talk is what it sounds like – a discussion about what it’s like to be a Man today. It’s a real talk, a meat and potatoes approach to issues pressing us from all sides: * Being the best Father I can be. How to lead my family spiritually. * What it’s like to be a Husband and a Servant. Christian men and sex. * Christian dating: A how-to. Everyone needs a good talking to at some point. And, this is one for you. Real Men who aren’t afraid to talk about Man stuff, and who are better for it

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  • Nombres De Dios – (Spanish)


    Los nombres de Dios revelan su favor y su amor inmensurable por nosotros. El es nuestro Sanador, Proveedor, Pacificador, Conquistador y mucho mas.

    Al saber como Dios expresa su amor por nosotros por medio de sus nombres, usted puede:
    profundizar su comunion con El
    descubrir su proposito en la vida
    encontrar seguridad y paz en su presencia
    recibir sanidad para su cuerpo
    derrotar la influencia de Satanas en su vida

    Al entender la naturaleza de Dios, usted cosechara las bendiciones de sus muchas promesas, vivira el gran plan que El tiene para su vida y vera satisfechas sus necesidades mas profundas.

    Aqui esta la llave para abrir el tesoro… las miles de promesas hechas por Dios a cada uno de nosotros. !Reclamelas hoy!

    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for us.
    He is our Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more.

    By knowing how God expresses His love for us through His names, you can:
    Deepen your fellowship with Him
    Discover your purpose in life
    Find security and peace in His presence
    Receive healing for your body
    Defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you will reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

    Here’s the key to unlocking the treasure…the thousands of promises made by God to each one of us. Claim them today!

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  • Jonah : The Depths Of Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    The story of Jonah and the whale is one of the most famous in the Bible: but its message is perhaps one of the most ignored. It’s a story about storms and sailors, rebellion, and rescue, preaching and protest. And it s a story about one reluctant evangelist’s experience of speaking to people who knew nothing about God. So its message has great relevance today for God’s people, living in an increasingly non-Christian culture. Jonah’s story will encourage believers who find themselves ill-equipped to share God s message with colleagues, friends and family: and it deeply challenges our priorities in life. But most of all this is a story about God. The book of Jonah reveals to us the depths of God’s grace, both to outsiders and to insiders. It shows us God’s compassion for the lost and His patience with His wayward people. Use this guide to uncover the wonderful message of Jonah, and to come face to face with the greatest evangelist of all the Lord our God Himself.

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  • Promises Kept : The Whole Story Of The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    One Saturday, less than a decade after the end of Jesus of Nazareth s life, a man named Paul stood up in a Jewish synagogue with a mind-blowing message.

    We tell you the good news, he said. What God promised our fathers, he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus (Acts 13 v 33-34). In many ways, in these two sentences Paul was summing up the story of the whole of the Bible.

    God is a promise-making God. Throughout history, He has made huge, extravagant, wonderful promises to humanity. Crucially, God is also a promise-keeping God. What He says, He does. And at a particular point in history, He fulfilled all of His promises in the life, death, resurrection and rule of one human Jesus, a carpenter from a small Jewish town. The good news is that God’s promises are promises kept.

    This Good Book Guide will take you on a rapid tour of the whole story of the Bible. Over nine sessions, you ll travel from the beginning of the past, through our present, to the future. Each session you’ll discover one of God’s wonderful promises, and see how He kept it in Jesus.

    It s a whirlwind tour. It s a breathtaking tour. And it s a tour we re part of…

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  • Ruth : Poverty And Plenty (Student/Study Guide)


    This woman from ancient times was no powerful princess – just a young, vulnerable widow, an impoverished outcast. The story records no famous events or places – just a struggling family facing hard times in a small, agricultural community occupied with their livelihoods and customs.

    But the hidden hand of God is at work in the lives of these ordinary people, and wonderfully at work in history. God transforms hardship from bitterness to joy; God’s word liberates people to become a community filled with loving kindness towards outsiders; God’s people reach out to their enemies. And most significantly, God’s great plan, to send a promised savioursavior King to redeem people of all nations, is being worked out.

    Like those in the story, we may be just ordinary people, unable to see how the events of our lives will turn out. But by encountering the God who works through the circumstances of life, we too can discover the God who can turn our ‘poverty’ to ‘plenty’ through Jesus Christ.

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