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    • Leading Me : Eight Practices For A Christian Leaders Most Important Assignm


      Leading Me will help you get traction on living a Christ-centered, holistic, sustainable and fruitful life of impact. Grounded in biblical truth, utilizing the latest research and drawing on the proven process of the Arrow Leadership Program, Leading Me provides practical next steps for your most important leadership assignment…you.

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    • LEAD Personality Survey


      The L-E-A-D Personality Inventory will provide you with an in-depth study of the unique characteristics of each type of personality. Your entire family, church members-even employees-will benefit from gaining a complete knowledge and understanding of their own personalities. Improve communication and relationships as you identify and better understand your own personality type, find out what motivates/demotivates people, and learn how others are most/least effective based on personality type. Includes questionnaire; answer sheet; instructions; profiles of the different personality types such as the Leader, Expresser, Analyst, and Dependable; and descriptions of different personality patterns. 13 pages.

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    • Leadership Management Inventory


      Every leader and manager has a unique style for leading and managing whether a Producer/Workaholic, Visionary/Arsonist, Survivalist/Deadwood, Administrator/Bureaucrat, Integrator/Compromiser. This quick, easy-to-use, self-scoring inventory will help you and your ministry or business leaders discover your personal leadership/management style and learn the positive and negatives of each style. Includes questionnaire with answer sheet and description of each style, giving the pros and cons of each.

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    • Worlds Best Customer


      “Sher Valenzuela represents the new breed of leaders that America needs now more than ever. She is a leader capable of creating sustainable and scalable systems and processes, balancing budgets, leveraging strengths, optimizing efficiencies, and reaching out to others to get things done.

      More than simply a case study, formula or model, The World’s Best Customer captures and conveys what is best about America-entrepreneurism, free enterprise, capitalism, government, and public-private partnerships. Every entrepreneur should read this book with pen and paper in hand and learn how you too can add The World’s Best Customer to your client list!

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    • Aligning With The Apostolic 3


      Volume 3 includes Apostolic Intercession, Apostolic Character & Maturity, and Apostolic Education

      Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

      This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

      Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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    • Aligning With The Apostolic 1


      Volume 1 includes Introduction & Overview

      Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

      This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

      Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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    • Poder Del Caracter En El Lider – (Spanish)


      How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power

      You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.

      Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.

      Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

      Como proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo

      Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sueos y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada dia, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios ambitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verguenza de la vida publica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos lideres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por si solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su caida.

      Por que fracasaron al final? Porque carecian de la unica cualidad que habria protegido su liderazgo y les habria dado influencia perdurable. Ironicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ensea a los lideres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o caracter.

      Todo ser humano es un lider sobre algun dominio en el que el o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podria ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el salo

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    • Gospel Centered Leadership (Workbook)


      1. God Rules
      2. Examples And Models
      3. Learning From THE Leader
      4. Character
      5. Aptitude
      6. Wisdom
      7. Service:
      8. Authority
      9. Style
      10. Leadership
      11. Decisions, Decisions
      12. When It All Goes Pear-shaped
      13. Letting His People Grow
      14. Where Have All The Good Men Gone

      Additional Info
      Our world is awash with Leadership trainers and gurus, claiming to show how people can do their job better.

      But Christians only have one role model for leadership in practice – the Lord Jesus Christ.

      And the leadership he calls us to is radically different to the kind of leadership the world looks to. It is humble and servant hearted.

      Use this book to grow into the servant-hearted leader that God wants you to be.

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    • Fred 2.0 : New Ideas On How To Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results


      Nine years ago, bestselling author and business consultant Mark Sanborn introduced the world to Fred, his postman, who delivered extraordinary service in simple but remarkable ways. Fred’s story inspired millions. Companies-even, cities-were inspired to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary each day.Today, with stiff competition from the networked global economy, delivering extraordinary results is more important than ever. With Fred 2.0, Mark not only revisits the original Fred to gain new insights, but also equips all of us with new strategies to achieve more. You’ll not only be inspired by Fred 2.0, you’ll also have the tools and strategies to aim higher and achieve the extraordinary.

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    • Making Of A Leader (Revised)


      After examining the lives of hundreds of historical, biblical, and contemporary leaders, Dr. J. Robert Clinton gained perspective on how leaders develop over a lifetime. By studying the six distinct stages he identifies, you will learn to:

      * Recognize and respond to God’s providential shaping in your life
      * Determine where you are in the leadership development process
      * Identify others with leadership characteristics
      * Direct the development of future leaders

      This revised and updated edition includes several new appendices and expanded endnotes as well as an application section at the end of each chapter.

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    • Irresistible Church : 12 Traits Of A Church Heaven Applauds (Reprinted)


      Want your church to become more vibrant and effective? After years of ministry, Cordeiro knows how to work together as a team. Here he presents 12 practical steps to help you cultivate a congregation God wants to bless; develop a culture of serving; turn visitors into regular attenders; and more. Includes study guide.

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    • Servanthood As Worship


      Browse a Christian book website or bookstore and notice all there is for leaders and would-be leaders. There are studies of leaders, keys to leadership, and tips on becoming a leader. Books that promote servanthood tend to be about leadership. But how many books inspire us simply to serve one another? The appeal of leadership has hijacked the biblical call to servanthood. As a result, we major on a role that will only ever be held by a few, and we largely ignore a role that ought to be held by every Christian. Whatever happened to servanthood? Servanthood as Worship offers Christians a biblical understanding of their calling to serve in the church, motivated by the grace that is ours in the gospel. It has the potential to revitalize service teams in churches across the world, from church plants to established congregations.

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