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    • Aprovecha El Poder De Las Tens – (Spanish)


      La palabra tension proviene de la palabra latina tendere, que significa “estirar”. No es malo estirarnos en nuestras carreras, nuestra crianza de los hijos, nuestros ministerios o nuestro liderazgo. Sin tension, nos estancamos y dejamos de crecer. De hecho, podriamos decir que la tension es inevitable y, en muchos casos, deseable en la vida y el liderazgo.

      En Aprovecha el poder de las tensiones: estirado pero no roto, el consultor internacional de liderazgo, Sam Chand, examina la tension a medida que surge en y entre los ambitos de negocios, iglesia y familia. La presencia de tension no es un defecto en ti o una amenaza de los demas. No es un problema para resolver, sino un recurso para utilizar. Cuando desarrolles esta perspectiva y encuentres tension, estaras menos confundido y te sentiras menos culpable porque entiendes que la tension no es el resultado de un error o un fallo tuyos. Experimentaras menos presion para resolver todo y menos compulsion para resolverlo rapida y completamente.

      Cuando aceptamos la tension como una realidad de la vida, ganamos confianza y claridad mental ante ella. Nuestro objetivo no es deshacernos de la tension, sino usarla para crear algo mejor que antes. No caminamos sobre cascaras de huevo, por miedo a decir algo incorrecto. Aprendemos cuando hablar, cuando hacer preguntas, cuando escuchar y cuando dejar ir las cosas. A medida que nos relajamos en medio de la tension, vemos a las personas y las situaciones mas claramente, e invitamos a nuestras familias y equipos al proceso de utilizar creativamente la tension en la vida y el liderazgo.

      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tensions: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figu

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    • Harnessing The Power Of Tension


      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tension: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figure everything out and less compulsion to resolve it quickly and completely.

      When we accept tension as a reality of life, we gain confidence and mental clarity when we encounter it. Our focus isn’t on getting rid of tension, but using it to create something better than before. We don’t walk on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing. We learn when to speak up, when to ask questions, when to listen, and when to let things go. As we relax in the middle of tension, we see people and situations more clearly, and we invite our families and teams into the process of creatively using tension in life and leadership.

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    • Secuencia Hacia El Exito – (Spanish)


      Todos llegamos a algun lugar en la vida debido a tres cosas: alguien nos observa, forma una opinion sobre nosotros y decide darnos una oportunidad… o no. Nosotros hacemos lo mismo con los demas. Las personas han jugado este papel esencial en nuestras vidas, y nosotros lo jugamos en la vida de quienes nos rodean, y no importa cuanta habilidad tengamos, podemos jugar aun mejor.

      La secuencia se aplica en los negocios, la iglesia, los matrimonios, la paternidad y las amistades. A menudo evaluamos a otros en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Percibimos instintivamente la expresion de la cara de alguien, el tono de voz o el lenguaje corporal que es consistente o diferente de sus palabras. Reaccionamos a nuestra observacion, pero rara vez nos detenemos a analizar antes de responder; simplemente sucede inmediatamente. Observamos y tenemos una opinion, y en base a lo que hemos determinado en ese segundo, le damos a la persona una oportunidad de relacionarse con nosotros, o cerramos la puerta y permanecemos vigilantes.

      Secuencia del exito es un libro de liderazgo, pero no se limita a las empresas, presidentes, directores generales o pastores principales. Es para todos los que tienen una posicion de influencia en la vida de otra persona, y eso nos incluye a todos. En este libro, Sam Chand saca a la luz nuestras suposiciones subconscientes. Con mas perspicacia y confianza, tomaras mejores decisiones para avanzar a las personas que te rodean… o tal vez mostrarles la puerta. Estos principios tambien te ayudan a ser mas consciente de que las personas te estan observando y formando opiniones sobre ti, abriendo o cerrando puertas de oportunidad.

      Every one of us gets anywhere in life due to three things: someone observes us, forms an opinion about us, and decides to give us an opportunity…or not. Likewise, we do the same with others. People have played this essential role in our lives, and we play it in the lives of those around us–and no matter how skilled we’ve become, we can play it even better.

      This sequence applies in business, church, marriages, parenting, and friendships. We often assess others in the blink of an eye. We instinctively notice the look on someone’s face, their tone of voice, or their body language as consistent or different from the words being spoken. We react to our observation, but we seldom stop to analyze before we respond–it just happens. Immediately, we observe and form an opinion, and based on what we’ve determined in that split s

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    • Sequence To Success


      Every one of us gets anywhere in life due to three things: someone observes us, forms an opinion about us, and decides to give us an opportunity…or not. Likewise, we do the same thing with others. People have played this essential role in our lives, and we play it in the lives of those around us–and no matter how skilled we’ve become, we can play it even better.
      The sequence applies in business, the church, marriages, parenting, and friendships. We often assess others in the blink of an eye. We instinctively notice the look on someone’s face, the tone of voice, or the body language that’s consistent or different from the words being spoken. We react to our observation, but we seldom stop to analyze before we respond–it just happens, and it happens immediately: we observe and have an opinion, and based on what we’ve determined in that second, we either give the person an opportunity to engage with us or we close the door and remain guarded.

      The Sequence to Success: The Three O’s That Will Take You Anywhere in Life is a leadership book, but it’s not limited to corporate presidents, CEOs, and lead pastors; it’s for everyone who has a position of influence in another person’s life–and that includes all of us. In this book, Sam Chand brings our subconscious assumptions into the light. With more insight and confidence, you’ll make better decisions to advance the people around you…or perhaps show them the door. The principles also help you become more conscious that people are observing you and forming opinions about you that will open or close doors of opportunity.

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    • Piensa Diferente Vive Diferent – (Spanish)


      “Nuestros procesos de pensamiento son tan familiares, tan arraigados, que no podemos imaginar pensar de una manera nueva. Es como si nuestras mentes estuvieran ejecutando un software anticuado que es lento, con muchas fallas y que es improductivo, pero es todo lo que hemos conocido. !Necesitamos actualizar el software en nuestras cabezas!”- Sam Chand

      Algunas personas pensaban que estaban haciendo a Sam Chand “una oferta que no podia rechazar” cuando lo invitaron a hablar en un evento de dos dias en el extranjero. Despues de todo, estaban pagando por vuelos en primera clase y alojamiento tanto para Chand como para su esposa, ademas de pagar un generoso honorario. Pero el no aprovecho la oportunidad. Chand tan solo estaba interesado en “el impacto existencial a largo plazo” en los asistentes. El pregunto: “Todas las actividades me daran la oportunidad de influir en personas influyentes? Puedo ser parte de una experiencia que deje una marca en el liderazgo, en lugar de tan solo un evento de liderazgo? “. En lugar de ganar dinero, Chand estaba interesado en construir relaciones. El estaba pensando de una manera diferente a como ellos pensaban.

      Chand seala que nuestras percepciones y patrones de pensamiento determinan nuestras emociones, valores y creencias, lo que influye en como respondemos a las personas y los eventos. A veces, ni siquiera somos conscientes de las razones detras de lo que decimos y hacemos, porque nuestras respuestas pueden estar arraigadas desde la infancia.

      Pero Chand cree que todos nosotros podemos tener una manera diferente de pensar que nos permita crear un nuevo futuro. El se ha propuesto ayudar a las personas a pensar mas alla de los objetivos especificos, y considerar los objetivos y los resultados clave, desafiarse a si mismos, hacerse preguntas cruciales y “actualizar el software” en sus cabezas. A traves de este libro, Chand espera ayudar a otros a “pensar de manera mas profunda, mas clara y mas productiva que nunca antes”.

      Sam Chand te ofrece una manera de desafiarte a ti mismo, hacer preguntas cruciales y “actualizar el software” en tu cabeza, para desarrollar el pensamiento diferente que pueda crearte un nuevo futuro.

      “Our thought processes are so familiar, so ingrained, that we can’t imagine thinking a new way. It’s like our minds are running antiquated software that’s slow, with lots of glitches, and is unproductive, but it’s all we’ve ever known. We need to upgrade the software in our heads!”-Sam Chand


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    • New Thinking New Future


      “Our thought processes are so familiar, so ingrained, that we can’t imagine thinking a new way. It’s like our minds are running antiquated software that’s slow, with lots of glitches, and is unproductive, but it’s all we’ve ever known. We need to upgrade the software in our heads!”–Sam Chand

      Some people thought they made Sam Chand “an offer he couldn’t refuse” when they invited him to speak at a two-day event overseas. After all, they were paying for first-class travel and accommodations for both Chand and his wife, plus throwing in a generous honorarium. But he didn’t jump at the opportunity. Chand was only interested in “the long-term, existential impact” on attendees. He asked, “Will every activity give me the opportunity to influence influencers? And can I be part of a leadership journey instead of just a leadership event?”
      Rather than monetary gain, Chand was interested in building relationships. He was thinking in a different way than they were.

      Chand notes that our perceptions and thinking patterns determine our emotions, values, and beliefs, influencing how we respond to people and events. Sometimes, we are not even aware of the reasons behind what we say and do because our responses may be ingrained from childhood.

      But Chand believes all of us can have New Thinking for a New Future. He has set out to help people move beyond specific goals and consider objectives and key results, challenge themselves, ask crucial questions, and “upgrade the software” in their heads. Through this book, Chand hopes to help others “think more deeply, more clearly, and more productively than ever before.”

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    • Culture Catalyst : Seven Strategies To Bring Positive Change To Your Organi


      Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization

      “Culture–not vision or strategy–is the most powerful factor in any organization. It determines the receptivity of staff and volunteers to new ideas, unleashes or dampens creativity, builds or erodes enthusiasm, and creates a sense of pride or deep discouragement about working or being involved there. Ultimately, the culture of an organization–particularly in churches and nonprofit organizations, but also in any organization–shapes individual morale, teamwork, effectiveness, and outcomes.” -from Chapter One

      Often, organizational leaders confuse culture with vision and strategy, but they are very different. Vision and strategy usually focus on products, services, and outcomes, but culture is about the people–an organization’s most valuable asset. Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization offers a practical resource for discovering the deficits in an existing organization’s culture, and includes the steps needed to assess, correct, and change culture from lackluster to vibrant and inspirational, so that it truly meets the needs of the organization.

      Prominent leadership consultant Sam Chand describes the five easily identifiable categories of organizational culture (Inspiring, Accepting, Stagnant, Discouraging, and Toxic), and includes diagnostic methods that leaders can use to identify the particular strengths and needs of their organization’s culture. To help in this process, there is also a separate, free, online assessment tool (www.samchandculturesurvey.com).

      Once an organization’s culture is clearly identified, leaders can put in place a strategy for applying the seven keys of CULTURE (Control, Understanding, Leadership, Trust, Unafraid, Responsive, and Execution) that will make their culture one that stimulates people to be and do their very best and ultimately reach their highest goals.

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    • Living Forward : Plan Probado Para Llegar Al Lugar Deseado


      Todos tenemos una sola vida que vivir en la tierra. Lo que hacemos con ella es nuestra decision. La vivimos a la deriva como espectadores, reaccionando a nuestras circunstancias, y preguntandonos como llegamos al punto donde estamos? O la estamos dirigiendo, maximizando la alegria y el potencial de cada dia, viviendo con un proposito o una mision en la mente?

      Muchos de nosotros hacemos lo primero, y nuestras vidas se deslizan de nuestras manos un dia a la vez. Y si trataramos la vida como el regalo que es? Y si vivieramos cada dia como si fuera parte de un plan? Eso es lo que nos ensenan el autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times Michael Hyatt, y el coach ejecutivo Daniel Harkavy: a disenar de una vida con el final en mente, determinando de antemano los resultados que deseamos, y el camino para llegar alla. En esta guia paso por paso, ellos comparten principios basicos para ayudar al lector a crear un plan de vida efectivo para que pueda llegar a donde desea, en todas las areas de su vida.

      Each of us has but one life to live on this earth. What we do with it is our choice. Are we drifting through it as spectators, reacting to our circumstances when necessary and wondering just how we got to this point anyway? Or are we directing it, maximizing the joy and potential of every day, living with a purpose or mission in mind?

      Too many of us are doing the former–and our lives are slipping away one day at a time. But what if we treated life like the gift that it is? What if we lived each day as though it were part of a bigger picture, a plan? That’s what New York Times best-selling author Michael Hyatt and executive coach Daniel Harkavy show us how to do: to design a life with the end in mind, determining in advance the outcomes we desire and the path to get there. In this step-by-step guide, they share proven principles that help readers create a simple but effective life plan so they can get from where they are now to where they really want to be–in every area of life.

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    • Do More Better Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)



      In Do More Better – Student Editon, you will learn: > Common obstacles to productivity > The great purpose behind productivity > 3 essential tools > The power of daily & weekly routines > How to balance, school, family, church, & the rest of life > & much more! It really is possible to live a calm, orderly life.

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    • Contador De Historias – (Spanish)


      Todos buscamos la grandeza. Y el exito que alcanzamos depende de la narrativa que escuchamos.

      Luis Garcia ejerce como ejecutivo de una importante multinacional. Su vida es, para cualquiera que la contemple desde afuera, un exito absoluto. Reconocido, laureado, con una altisima remuneracion economica, Luis Garcia toca la gloria con ambas manos. Sin embargo, poco despues de alcanzar uno de sus maximos logros empresariales, su existencia se quiebra, y conoce el amargo sabor de la bancarrota fisica, emocional y familiar.

      Esa crisis lo hace recalar en un tranquilo pueblito de la costa. Alli llega abatido y absolutamente desanimado, pero tendra un encuentro que cambiara su vida para siempre. La experiencia que vive lo conducira a la verdadera cumbre, y le hara conocer que es y como es la autentica grandeza.

      El Contador de Historias es un libro realista que aborda las claves fundamentales del verdadero liderazgo. A traves de una narrativa agil, dinamica y llena de giros inesperados, Jose Luis Navajo lleva al lector en un viaje cargado de suspenso, donde reira, reflexionara y, sobre todo, encontrara las claves y diferencias entre ser activo y ser efectivo. De asombrar a transformar, y del liderazgo de imposicion al liderazgo de influencia.

      We all strive for greatness. And the success we accomplish breaks forth from the narrative we hear.

      Luis Garcia is a top executive at a multinational company. For anybody who sees him from the outside, he is an absolute success. Awarded, recognized, highly paid, Luis Garcia reaches the sky. However, right after one of his biggest business achievements, his life goes into burnout, and he goes financially, emotionally, and relationally bankrupt. The crisis takes him to a peaceful coastal town. When he arrives, he is depressed and downhearted, but one encounter soon changes his life. He soon learns what authentic greatness is all about.

      The Storyteller is a realistic book about the core foundations of true leadership. Through an agile, witty, and dynamic storytelling technique, full of unexpected twists, Jose Luis Navajo takes the reader on a ride charged with suspense, humor, and thought-provoking ideas. Most importantly, during the ride the reader, too, will find the difference between being active and being effective and move from amazement to transformation; from impositional leadership to influential leadership.

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    • True Wealth : How To Fulfill Your Dreams Without Losing Your Soul


      Mani Erfan grew up in Iran as a faithful Shiite Muslim, but with the help of his father’s courageous actions, he avoided enrolling in the Iranian military and was given the opportunity to come to the United States instead. While studying at the University of Florida, Erfan gave his life to the Lord through a unique experience at a Christian businessman’s meeting. Within a few days of accepting Jesus as his Savior, unexpected money showed up in Erfan’s bank account, a court case was dropped, and he was reinstated at his job. Despite working at various companies that treated Erfan poorly, the Lord told him to stay put. In doing so, Erfan earned millions of dollars and learned importance of being obedient to the faithfulness of God. He then began a successful recycling company, funded by Muslims even though the sole purpose of his ministry was to preach Christianity to followers of Islam. God then told Erfan to quit his job and start a catalyst company, UNICAT. It was a risky endeavor and Erfan had to trust the Lord to carry his family through as he was trying to grow and launch his new business. Through the pages of True Wealth, Erfan expands upon what God has done in his life and he demonstrates the importance of obeying the voice of the Lord, even when you don’t understand why the Spirit is directing you to do something. Today, Erfan uses the wealth he has amassed in business to reach the Muslim world with the gospel through satellite TV and the Internet. He lives out the principle that, for Christian businesspeople, the goal of gaining wealth and market share is not to stockpile money for personal, frivolous use, but to use the income that God provides to impact the world for the kingdom of God.

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    • Power Principles : The Benefits Of A Wisdom Driven Life


      It has been said that the primary difference between winners and losers is their perspective.

      The best chance of real success in business, in government, in the family, in our personal goals-in any realm of life-is to develop a perspective that will enhance and expand upon what we already bring to the table. That unique outlook is a wisdom-driven perspective. Such a viewpoint is rare today because we live in a society that is gorging on information and knowledge while starving for wisdom.

      As a businessman and civic leader, Dr. Dale Bronner has been in many challenging places where he has needed to study, test, and apply the principles of wisdom. With the insights he has gleaned in addressing the demands and opportunities of leadership, professional growth, and personal fulfillment, he has helped thousands learn how to realize their maximum capacities.

      We don’t really have a leadership problem, a financial problem, a relationship problem, or a problem with any other issue-we ultimately have a wisdom problem. Power Principles guides you into the countless benefits of the wisdom-driven life, demonstrating why wisdom is the “principle thing.”

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