The Love Everybody Wants
National bestseller now in paperback, featuring an all-new chapter written with her husband, Grant Troutt! Speaker and bestselling author Madison Prewett Troutt shows you how embracing God’s love allows you to truly love yourself and cultivate deep, meaningful relationships.
Is there something wrong with me? How many more wrong ones until the right one? Am I hard to love?
Madison Prewett Troutt knows what it’s like to ask these questions in the middle of the night—to doubt and worry about never finding the love so desperately hoped for. But Madi has discovered a deeper truth now, that the love we’re searching for is already ours.
In The Love Everybody Wants, Madi sets aside the shallow messages our culture shouts every day to help us hear God’s beautiful whisper: I have loved you with an everlasting love. And nothing will ever change that.
Drawing from Scripture and stories from her own life, Madi invites us to embrace God’s unconditional love so we can love ourselves well—and never settle for less. The Love Everybody Wants empowers you to
view relationships in whole, holy, and healthy ways
rely on biblical strategies for healing when your heart is hurting
overcome lies such as “I have to follow my heart and feelings above all else”
understand that a life partner is meant to complement you, not complete you
look to your future with joy—because you were made to love
This isn’t a manual for how to get a boyfriend or a manifesto for getting married. It’s a book about the abundant love already at your fingertips—the love God has for you. The love that lasts forever, the love that changes everything. The love everybody wants.
9780593445259 Madison Prewett Troutt, Audrey Roloff Paperback
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