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Tag: Women

Showing 61–72 of 214 results

  • Women At Halftime


    Are you feeling adrift as you face transitions in a new season of life? It’s time to start dreaming again . . .

    Have you made personal sacrifices to pursue something–a career, a relationship, or a quality family life–and now it has changed, gone away, or just doesn’t feel as rewarding anymore? If so, you may be looking for a new source of energy, significance, and joy in the next season. Shayne Moore, a former client of the Halftime Institute, and Carolyn Castleberry Hux, a coach with Halftime, which was founded by the author of the bestselling book Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance, know from experience what it means and how difficult it can be to navigate this territory. In Women at Halftime, Shayne and Carolyn offer you the building blocks for getting unstuck and finding renewed joy and purpose.

    Shayne and Carolyn set out to ask you key questions like:

    *Whose voice in your head still silences your voice and your dreams–and what can you do about it?

    *How can you evaluate the activities, people, and places in which you invest your time?

    *Where do you need to embrace freedom from limiting beliefs, fears, perfectionism, or other obstacles holding you back?

    Know you are not alone. Transformative growth takes time, but the end result is worth it.

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  • KJV Devotional For Women


    This insightful devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible enriches women’s lives with wisdom from God’s Word and encouragements for daily living.

    The King James Version of the Bible is one of the most venerable and popular translations in history, loved for its unrivaled eloquence and literary richness.

    This collection of beautifully worded verses, coupled with short spiritual applications, makes a welcome addition to any woman’s devotional library and quiet time with the Lord. Topics addressed in this devotional include the importance of hearing God’s voice, living righteously, and showing kindness.

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  • Woman Thou Art Loosed


    More than a blank page journal or fill-in-the-blanks exercise, this guided journal from Bishop T.D. Jakes provides a unique format for readers to explore their hearts, minds, desires, needs, wants, and spirits to manage their everyday lives, leading to an exciting lifestyle of health and happiness.

    After reading specially selected excerpts from T.D. Jakes’ bestselling books, readers are prompted with comments, scenarios, and questions designed to identify and/or stir up energies and emotions, secrets and situations that may be holding them back from experiencing freedom spiritually, physically, relationally, mentally, and emotionally.

    With Scripture and inspirational writings by T.D. Jakes, readers can partner with the Holy Spirit to seek and find solace, joy, strength, and liberty. The journal focuses specifically on the uniquely personal aspects of women’s issues, and is designed to inspire and edify every reader to ponder her private dreams, yearnings, ideas, and musings.

    Journal page titles include:
    *Identify Yourself
    *The Devil Is a Liar
    *The Divine Physician
    *Moved by Compassion
    *Salvation Is Not Theology
    *Possibility and Power

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  • Ripple Effects : Discover The Miraculous Motivating Power Of A Woman’s Infl


    Discover the God-inspired difference only you can make in the world . . . using the key you never knew you had.

    Tim Tebow credits his mom with being the key to his success-but Pam never expected that she would be known on a national stage. For most of her life, she was serving quietly and faithfully as a wife and a mom-choosing life for her child in the face of medical risks, answering the Lord’s call to mission work in the Philippines, and homeschooling before anyone knew what the word meant. But all along the way, her experiences-and her consistent, everyday choices to follow the Lord and to serve wherever He placed her-were creating unexpected ripples of influence throughout her family, her community, and her world. And they would end up extending far beyond anything she ever imagined.

    Pam believes that every one of us can be influential-and that deep within a woman’s heart is the desire to use her influence for good. In Ripple Effects, Pam uncovers and explores the miraculous motivating power of influence we can have on this generation and the next, no matter where we are planted in life. Whether we are in the midst of endless diaper changes, climbing up the corporate ladder, or simply doing our best to live, love, and serve well each day, Pam will encourage us to maximize our God-given opportunities for influence-and watch how far the ripples will spread.

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  • Daily Conversations With God


    Daily Inspiring Prayers. . .Just for Women!

    Stress. Self-esteem. Work. Health. Relationships. Spiritual matters.

    Daily Conversations with God covers all these topics and more. This inspiring book created just for you offers everyday down-to-earth prayers that are brief–especially for busy women–but bold enough to have life-changing impact. With Daily Conversations with God, you will find true refreshment for your spirit and a renewed sense of God’s loving presence in everyday life. You won’t be able to resist buying one as a gift and one to keep!

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book


    Beautiful Bible Promises from God’s Word Just for Women

    The Bible Promise Book is now available in the Beautiful Wisdom family of books, featuring the easy-to-understand New Life Bible. With more than 60 relevant topics-including Adversity, Duty, Friendship, Modesty, Protection, Sincerity, Strength, and Zeal-this book includes nearly 1,000 total verses. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into context. Designed in a beautiful package, The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book will bless the lives of women of all ages.

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  • Unstoppable God : Hope-Filled Devotions And Prayers For Women


    We serve an unstoppable God!

    This lovely devotional, inspired by Job 42:2 GW (“I know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable”) features more than 200 uplifting devotions for your heart. Created to encourage you to stay strong in your faith no matter what you’re experiencing in life, each devotional reading is complemented by an inspiring scripture selection and prayer starter. Touching on topics important to you, like Trust, Hope, Prayer, God’s Provision, Faith, Perseverance, and more. . .with each turn of the page, you will find your soul encouraged by the undeniable power of your heavenly Creator.

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal


    You want the most from your time in God’s Word. . .

    The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal provides encouraging, edifying quotations, refreshingly approachable New Life Version scriptures, and ample space for you to jot down your reflections. This journal will provoke thought and allow you to share your own insights, creating a treasured record of your personal walk with God.

    With a flexible textured binding, two-color interior printing, stained page edges, and a ribbon marker, it makes a perfect gift–for a friend or oneself!

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  • Daily Wonders Devotional


    Inspiration for your grateful heart.

    Rooted in the biblical truth of James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. . .” This inspiring daily devotional encourages you to live every day with a grateful heart for the many blessings God provides. Each titled devotional reading will touch your heart as you encounter daily wonders from your heavenly Father, including laughter, comfort, kindness, miracles, family, time, music, hope, and prayer. Every day’s reading begins with scripture and ends in prayer.

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  • Path To Peace


    Overwhelmed. Stressed out. Burnt out. Fried.

    However we name it, all of us know what it feels like to deal with circumstances and worries that drag us down and wear us out. Many of us experience persistent anxiety. Peace can be hard to find.

    But it is in the middle of our stress and fear that God extends his unshakable peace to us.

    In this beautiful book that is part devotional and part Bible study, Ann Swindell shares how the biblical stories of eight women and men helped her realize that what she needed most in her own journey wasn’t a stable job or healthy kids or good friends–it was God’s peace. Through forty faith-stirring readings, Ann will help you:

    * Experience God’s peace in your daily life
    * Respond to challenges with faith rather than fear
    * Find hope in God’s goodness and faithfulness toward you

    The good news is that even if our situations don’t change, we can still experience Christ’s peace in our daily lives. The Path to Peace is for everyone who longs to experience a soul at rest.

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  • Secrets Of Hannah


    Hannah. . .Loving Mother, Faithful Follower of God

    “I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I. . .have poured out my soul before the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:15 KJV).

    This brand-new devotional, offering equal parts inspiration and encouragement, will uncover the “secrets” of Hannah. Each reading, tied to a theme from the Old Testament story of Hannah–loving mother and faithful follower of God–is rooted in biblical truth and spiritual wisdom. You will be inspired to emulate the example of persistent prayer and unwavering faith extolled in this memorable passage of scripture as you wrap your heart in a timeless message from God’s Word.

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  • Hang In There Girl


    On your journey to adulthood in today’s challenging world, do you long for a coffee date with a big sister in Christ? Time to vulnerably discuss and find answers to so many of the things you need to know, but are not sure how to bring up? Hang In There, Girl explores what it means to fearlessly, boldly, sincerely, and intentionally pursue a life in Christ as a modern young woman. Come and look past society’s pressures and look to the living Word of God to find what it means to truly live authentically onward in the story written just for you. Hang in there, girl, you’re not in this alone!

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