Samuel Chand
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Liderazgo Practico – (Spanish)
$29.99Muchos pastores y lideres tienen problemas porque les preocupa como ejercer un liderazgo lleno de incertidumbres, impreciso, donde no saben a donde se dirigen ni a donde deberian dirigirse. Sea usted lider de iglesia o de una empresa, con frecuencia se siente inseguro ante tantos retos; todo parece complicado, y se siente tentado a rendirse. Necesita soluciones claras y efectivas que le traigan resultados.
El Dr. Samuel Chand ha propiciado el exito de miles de lideres eclesiales y empresariales alrededor del mundo, con sus tecnicas sencillas y directas, pero practicas y efectivas. Mentor de resultados, ha visto a muchos de los lideres poderosos de hoy donde usted esta ahora. Y tambien ha visto y aun ve a muchos lideres reconocidos pasar por crisis, retroceder, y ansiosos ante los retos que crecen, segun crece su organizacion. Su vasta experiencia y su pasion por ayudar han creado respuestas francas y correctas para cada una de las preguntas de pastores y lideres; respuestas que usted puede poner en marcha enseguida y con seguridad. Ahora todas las soluciones para el liderazgo estan reunidas en un solo volumen. Este es su libro de consulta para alcanzar a paso firme, el nivel de liderazgo que usted busca. Recoge Liderazgo Practico: Los mejores principios de liderazgo para pastores y lideres.
Many pastors and leaders are concerned about exercising leadership surrounded by uncertainties, in which they don’t know where they are nor where to go. Whether you are a church leader or a business leader, you frequently feel insecure about so many challenges. Everything looks so complicated that you feel tempted to quit. You need sound, effective solutions that bring out results for your issues.
Dr. Samuel Chand has assisted thousands of church leaders and business success through their path of success with direct techniques that are unique and simple, yet also practical and effective. A results-oriented mentor, Chand has seen many of the most powerful pastors and leaders standing where you stand right now. He has also seen powerful leaders going through growth crises, and navigating great challenges. His unparalleled experience and passion for helping leaders and pastors have provided the right answers for each and every question pastors and leaders ask themselves; answers that you can confidently put into practice right now in any situation. Now every leadership answer is available within one volume. This is the consultation book to achieve, firmly and s
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Culture Catalyst : Seven Strategies To Bring Positive Change To Your Organi
$24.99Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization
“Culture–not vision or strategy–is the most powerful factor in any organization. It determines the receptivity of staff and volunteers to new ideas, unleashes or dampens creativity, builds or erodes enthusiasm, and creates a sense of pride or deep discouragement about working or being involved there. Ultimately, the culture of an organization–particularly in churches and nonprofit organizations, but also in any organization–shapes individual morale, teamwork, effectiveness, and outcomes.” -from Chapter One
Often, organizational leaders confuse culture with vision and strategy, but they are very different. Vision and strategy usually focus on products, services, and outcomes, but culture is about the people–an organization’s most valuable asset. Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization offers a practical resource for discovering the deficits in an existing organization’s culture, and includes the steps needed to assess, correct, and change culture from lackluster to vibrant and inspirational, so that it truly meets the needs of the organization.
Prominent leadership consultant Sam Chand describes the five easily identifiable categories of organizational culture (Inspiring, Accepting, Stagnant, Discouraging, and Toxic), and includes diagnostic methods that leaders can use to identify the particular strengths and needs of their organization’s culture. To help in this process, there is also a separate, free, online assessment tool (
Once an organization’s culture is clearly identified, leaders can put in place a strategy for applying the seven keys of CULTURE (Control, Understanding, Leadership, Trust, Unafraid, Responsive, and Execution) that will make their culture one that stimulates people to be and do their very best and ultimately reach their highest goals.
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Liderazgo Acelerado – (Spanish)
$15.99El renombrado consultor de liderazgo, Samuel R. Chand, detalla el recuento de la construccion del Canal de Panama, y traza paralelos entre ella y la metodologia del liderazgo exitoso. “Mas pasion no es la respuesta, y suenos mas grandes no siempre son la solucion. Cada lider se hace dos preguntas: Como podemos crecer? Como podemos crecer mas rapido? La unica manera que las organizaciones pueden ser mas grandes y moverse mas rapido es acelerando la excelencia de sus sistemas y estructuras,” dice Chand en este libro. Una epifania durante una visita al Canal de Panama llevo a Chand, una de las voces mas respetadas en el ministerio y el liderazgo, a aportar nuevas visiones al ciclo de vida de las organizaciones empresariales y eclesiasticas. Simplemente, el tamano y la velocidad de una organizacion son controladas por sus sistemas y estructuras.
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8 Pasos Para Alcanzar Tu Desti – (Spanish)
$14.99Todo comienza con un pensamiento. Dices las palabras correctas. Tomas decisiones con proposito. Las acciones desarrollan habitos. Los habitos forman el caracter. Y el caracter te lleva a tu destino de exito. !No hay atajos!
El Dr. Samuel Chand comparte ejemplos de las principales organizaciones, estableciendo un fundamento solido para decirte como dirigir tu vida con intencionalidad, y vivir paso a paso el proceso hacia el exito que buscas.
Sea que administras una corporacion, una entidad sin fines de lucro, o una iglesia, te provee acceso a las ocho puertas que te llevan a tu destino.
En este libro, recibiras conocimiento especifico sobre:
1. Personas-Con quienes trabajar y a quienes dejar atras
2. Penas-Como manejar las penas externas e internas
3. Paisajes-La habilidad de cambiar de lugar y adaptarte
4. Perspectiva-Como obligarte a pensar de nuevas maneras
5. Prioridades-Cambiar tus prioridades segun tu vision
6. Pasiones-Saber reconocer nuevas pasiones
7. Preparacion-Cuando cambiar el plan estrategico
8. Posibilidades-La astucia de descubrir posibilidades que otros no ven!Lidera tu vida con proposito hacia tu destino de exito!
Everything starts with a thought. Then you say the right words. You make decisions with purpose. Actions develop habits. Habits shape character. And character leads you to success. There are no short cuts!
Inspired by real situations he has observed in major organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand sets the solid foundation you need to lead your life with intention, and go, step by step, through the process that takes you to fulfill your destiny.
Whether you manage a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, 8 Steps to Fulfill your Destiny opens the eight doors towards your destiny.
In this book, you will gain specific knowledge on:
1. People-With whom to work and who you should dismiss
2. Pain-How to manage external and internal pains
3. Places-The ability to change a place and adjust to it
4. Perspective-How to force yourself to think in new ways
5. Priorities-Change your priorities according to your vision
6. Passions-Acknowledge new passions
7. Preparation-When to change your strategic plan
8 . Possibilities-The sense for finding out possibilities nobody can seeLead your life with purpose towards your successful destiny!
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8 Steps To Achieve Your Destiny
$22.99Unforeseen problems.
Unanticipated market changes.
Unexpected organizational conflicts.No leader is immune to the shifting circumstances and events that can challenge or stymie their professional or organizational progress. Advance warning of these oncoming storms, together with adequate preparation, can mean the difference between disaster and success.
Using a wealth of examples gleaned from today’s top organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand lays a solid foundation to prepare today’s leaders for the unavoidable difficulties. Whether you run a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, LadderShifts will provide insight into eight issues every leader must face.
These include:
*Getting the most out of people
*Dealing with unexpected pains
*Why it’s necessary for leaders to make friends with their plans
*Ten tools for gaining new perspective
*Discerning your essential priorities
*Coping with changing passions
*Why preparation is more important than planning
*Exploring new possibilitiesAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Whats Shaking Your Ladder
$24.99What obstacles are blocking you?
What is your biggest leadership challenge?
If overcome successfully, what challenge is ready to springboard you toward your destiny?In What’s Shakin’ Your Ladder? Dr. Samuel Chand discusses fifteen challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them. Regardless of whether you are leading a new organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, you will be confronted by the challenges of:
*FOCUS: Finding and maintaining what is important
*COMMUNICATION: Saying it in a way that everyone gets it
*DECISION MAKING: Understanding how we make decisions, so we can make them better
*CHOOSING THE TEAM: Making critical decisions about who is on our team
*CHANGE VS. TRANSITION: Intentionally planning transitions for smoother change
*CONFLICT: Understanding the importance of health during conflict
*CONTROL VS. DELEGATION: Learning when to hang on and when to let go
*EXECUTION: Getting the job doneDr. Chand takes an in-depth look at each of these challenges (plus seven more) and provides practical advice on how to face and overcome the things that are blocking you from achieving your personal best.
If you want to be a leader, this book is your guide.
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Que Mueve Tu Escalera – (Spanish)
$15.99What obstacles are blocking you?What is your biggest leadership challenge?If overcome successfully, what challenge is ready to springboard you toward your destiny?In What’s Shakin’ Your Ladder? Dr. Samuel Chand discusses fifteen challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them. Regardless of whether you are leading a new and developing organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, you will be confronted by the challenges of: FOCUS: Finding and maintaining what is importantCOMMUNICATION: Saying it in a way that everyone gets itDECISION MAKING: Understanding how we make decisions, so we can make them betterCHOOSING THE TEAM: Making critical decisions about who is on our teamCHANGE VS. TRANSITION: Intentionally planning transitions for smoother changeCONFLICT: Understanding the importance of health during conflictCONTROL VS. DELEGATION: Learning when to hang on and when to let goEXECUTION: Getting the job doneDr. Chand takes an in-depth look at each of these challenges (plus eight more) and provides practical advice on how to face and overcome the things that are blocking you from achieving your personal best.If you want to grow as a leader, this book is your guide
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