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Tag: Roberts Liardon

  • Gods Generals 3


    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    Prologue: One Hundred Years Of Intercession
    1. John And Charles Wesley
    2. George Whitefield
    3. Jonathan Edwards
    4. Francis Asbury
    5. The First Camp Meetings
    6. Peter Cartwright
    7. Charles Finney
    8. Dwight L. Moody
    9. William And Catherine Booth
    10. Billy Graham
    Further Readings
    About The Author

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    Roberts Liardon recaptures God’s glory with these compelling spiritual biographies of some of the most powerful preachers ever to ignite the fires of revival. Liardon faithfully chronicles their work, teachings, methods, and spiritual discoveries, allowing the reader to better understand their role and influence in Christian history. The book includes biographies of John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, General William and Catherine Booth, Billy Graham, and more! Liardon goes beyond the history, drawing crucial life application for the reader from the lives of these mighty warriors. Let these great revivalists inspire your life and ministry!

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  • Gods Generals Highlights And Live Footage (DVD)


    Even though these men and women of God have passed on, their ministries and anointings still live. Experience the anointing of God’s Generals as you step into the healing revival tents of Jack Coe and A. A. Allen. Get to know Aimee Semple McPherson’s dramatic personality, and receive a touch from the Holy Spirit through Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry. There is an impartation for you as you absorb one solid hour of footage from these faith greats.

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  • Gods Generals A A Allen (DVD)


    The Miracle Man

    Perhaps one of the most persecuted of God’s Generals, A. A. Allen operated his healing ministry with a heart for God’s people. Watch live footage of Allen healing a man in a stretcher, causing a leg to grow, and ridding a man of tumors. Find out why a man who paid an incredible price for spiritual strength and divine gifting would fight an ultimately losing battle for his own body’s healing.

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  • Gods Generals William M Branham (DVD)


    Man of Notable Signs & Wonders

    What William Branham lacked in formal education, God made up for in the Spirit. Branham is shown here in live footage, aided by an angel and the Word of knowledge, as he reveals the secrets of men’s hearts. Used by God to heal and set the mentally tormented free, Branham would later fall into a deception that would eventually cost him his life.

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  • Gods Generals Charles F Parham And William J Seymour (DVD)


    After growing up in sickness, Charles F. Parham committed his life to God and the healing ministry, even opening a school. His dedication would affect the lives of countless others, including William J. Seymour, who was the only black student at Parham’s school. In order to abide by the Jim Crow laws, Seymour would listen from the hallway through an open door as his Bible school teachers unfolded the mysteries of Christ. Later, what he learned there would explode into the great Azusa Street Revival.

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  • Gods Generals Evan Roberts (DVD)


    Welsh revivalist Evan Roberts was a spiritual leader during a time when his nation was experiencing powerful waves of God’s convicting Spirit. Eventually Roberts laid down this leadership position and moved into the ministry of intercession. What caused him to make this ministry change? The answer can be found in a close-up look at the life of this man of God.

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  • Gods Generals Jack Coe (DVD)


    The Man of Reckless Faith

    Jack Coe’s humble beginnings at an orphanage where he was left by his father prepared him for God’s work, including the construction of his own boys’ home. Empowered by his radical salvation experience, Coe threw himself into God’s work, en bearing criticism for his gruff nature and reckless faith. Watch and see Coe in action as the blind see, deaf hear, and the lame walk.

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  • Gods Generals Collection (DVD)


    Meet a dozen dynamic individuals who helped fan the flames of revival in the 20th century! Evan Roberts, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson—from humble beginnings in Wales, England, and America, they went on to lead some of the most remarkable Christian movements in recent history. Roberts Liardon’s compelling biographies chronicle their lives, work, and teachings on 12 DVDs.

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  • Sharpen Your Discernment


    We all know people that we would call wise, prudent, or discerning. What sets these individuals apart is their ability to walk in the guidance of God. Do you feel like you daily receive direction from God? You can! From the Scriptures, author Roberts Liardon sets you on the path to pursuing a life marked by wisdom. With this knowledge and insight, you can: find out how to be led by the Spirit of God; develop a plan of action for successful decision-making; defeat the spiritual forces of evil in your life; discover the immense power in daily prayer and Bible-reading. Sharpen your discernment and you will be more than a conqueror!

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  • John G Lake


    1. Chronoligical Material
    2. Undated Material By Topic

    Additional Info
    The extraordinary life of John G. Lake is best experienced through his own stirring words. The power of his healing ministry and his effect on the world through his teachings is finally at your fingertips. For the first time, the entirety of his life’s work has been collected and bound into an amazingly comprehensive treasury.

    John G. Lake was one of the most powerful healing evangelists of this, or any other, century. His life’s work spanned two continents and included countless conversions, healings, and deliverances, as well as the establishment of hundreds of churches and ministries. His Spokane Healing Home is unique in the archives of medicine – and miracles. He was once arrested for practicing medicine without a license because of the thousands of unexplained medical healings that took place under his care.

    Find out for yourself why Lake’s eulogizers said: “We thought the victory was over there, but Dr. Lake revealed to us that the victory was here.” The John G. Lake collection is sure to inspire you and generations to come.

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  • Gods Generals 2


    1. John Wycliffe The Bible Translator
    2. John Hus The Father Of Reform
    3. Martin Luther The Battle-Ax Of Reform
    4. John Calvin The Teaching Apostle
    5. John Knox The Sword Bearer
    6. George Fox The Liberator Of Spirit
    About The Author

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    In an atmosphere of oppression and darkness, the Reformers came with revelation from God and translations of the Bible into common language. Roberts Liardon will introduce you to six men who fought to reintroduce the beliefs and principles of the early church. You’ll journey with them through their periods of enlightenment and their periods of persecution. As you read about these men who sacrificed everything in their fight for God, and view the many revealing photos, you will appreciate the freedom you have to worship, find encouragement for your spiritual battles, and be motivated to find biblical truth for your own life.

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