Myles Munroe
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Man Of Purpose And Power
$15.99Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for men. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a man.
Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God the Father and His purposes for you. Explore the nature and role of men as God intended, addressing such issues as: What does the Bible really teach about men and women? What does it mean to be male? What are the purpose and design of the man? How is a man uniquely different from a woman? What is a man’s role as a husband and father? What are a man’s sexual needs? How are men and women meant to relate to one another? How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?
Through this devotional, you can strengthen your relationship with your heavenly Father as you discover how to fulfill your destiny and potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.
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Mujer De Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)
$15.99El autor de exitos de venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, ofrece consejos practicos y biblicos diarios para mujeres. Basado en dos de sus libros mas populares, Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de las mujeres y Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de los hombres, este devocional de 90 dias te ayudara a entender verdaderamente el proposito y el poder que Dios te dio como mujer. La lectura de cada dia incluye enseanza y aliento, una lectura de las Escrituras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento, y un pensamiento del dia para acercarte mas a Dios. Explora la naturaleza y el rol de las mujeres como Dios lo hizo, abordando temas como: En que se diferencia una mujer de un hombre? Cuales son el proposito y el diseo de la mujer? Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de una mujer? Cual es el papel de una mujer como lider? Que ensea realmente la Biblia acerca de las mujeres? Como el Dr. Munroe escribe: “Una mujer no puede cumplir su proposito a menos que este en relacion con Dios”. A traves de este devocional, puedes profundizar en tu relacion con tu Padre celestial, y realizar tu potencial como parte integral de Sus propositos eternos.
Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.
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Proposito Y El Poder Del Espir – (Spanish)
$18.99Es realmente posible el cielo en la tierra?
Cuando lidiamos con la derrota y el desanimo, el Espiritu Santo es la clave para la victoria y la paz. El autor de exitos de venta, Dr. Myles Munroe, nos muestra como:
-Poner orden en el caos en nuestra vida
-Recibir el poder de Dios para sanar y liberar
-Cumplir nuestro verdadero proposito con gozo
-Ser un lider en nuestra esfera de influencia
-Ser parte del gobierno de Dios en la tierra
Tenemos acceso al mundo invisible del Espiritu y podemos traer a la tierra influencia celestial. Cuando recibimos al Espiritu de Dios en nuestra vida, descubrimos que sus dones son nuestra primogenitura. Reciba la plenitud del Espiritu de Dios y comience a vivir en el poder espiritual que Dios le ha prometido. “Os conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me fuera, el Consolador no vendria a vosotros; mas si me fuere, os lo enviare.”
(Juan 16:7, RVR-60)Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?
When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).
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Woman Of Purpose And Power
$15.99Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.
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Purpose And Power Of The Holy Spirit
$16.99Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?
When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).
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Spirit Of Leadership
$19.99You were born to lead. Now it’s time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds-anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not meant for an elite group of people who, by fate or accident, become leaders while everyone else is consigned to being a lifelong follower. After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that while every person possesses the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.
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Becoming A Leader Expanded Edition
$16.99Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some are destined to be leaders while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to:
Activate your leadership potential.
Develop a positive legacy.
Find resources to fulfill your vision.
Empower others for leadership.
Embrace your unique role in life.Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be!
New expanded edition includes study questions for individual and group use.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Entendiendo El Proposito Y El – (Spanish)
$16.99Aprenda a orar…y cambie el mundo.
“Estas en nuestras oraciones” se ha convertido en un cliche. Es solo una expresion amable que decimos cuando vemos a alguien en problemas. Pero realmente entendemos el poder de la oracion?
Dios, Dios Todopoderoso, Dios Creador de los cielos y la tierra, Dios el Principio y el Fin, Dios la Fuente de todo lo que existe, Dios el Creador del Hombre; el mismo Dios, en todo Su poder y toda Su majestad, se detiene y escucha cuando oramos. Dios le ha dado a la humanidad licencia terrenal para influencia celestial.
Lo sepa o no, usted tiene la autoridad de cambiar el mundo mediante la oracion. Cuando Dios dijo: “Que el hombre tenga dominio sobre la tierra,” El estaba ordenando el dominio del mundo de manera que su asociacion con el hombre fuera esencial para el cumplimiento de Sus propositos. A traves de su perspectiva unica en este tema malentendido con frecuencia, el Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de venta, devela el misterio de la oracion, proveyendo respuestas practicas para preguntas dificiles sobre comunicarnos con Dios. Todo lo que Dios es–y todo lo que Dios quiere–puede recibirse mediante la oracion. Todo lo que necesitamos para cumplir nuestro proposito en la tierra esta disponible a traves de la oracion. Los principios vertidos en este libro, basados en la Biblia y probados por el tiempo, encenderan y transformaran la manera en que usted ora. Preparese para entrar en una nueva dimension de fe, una revelacion mas profunda del amor de Dios, y un entendimiento renovado de que sus oraciones pueden realmente mover la mano de Dios.
Esta edicion ampliada incluye preguntas de estudio para uso individual o de grupos pequenos.Learn to Pray–?And Change the World
“You’re in Our Prayers” has become a cliche. Just a nice thing to say when we see someone struggling.
But do we really understand the power of prayer?
God, God Almighty, God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, God the Beginning and the End, God the Source of all that is, God the Creator of man–the same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. God has given mankind earthly license for heavenly influence.
Whether you know it or not, you have the authority to change the world through prayer. When God said, “Let man rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that the partnership of man was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Through his unique perspective on this ofAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Prayer Expanded Edition
$16.99You’re in Our Prayers” has become a cliche. Just a nice thing to say when we see someone struggling.
But do we really understand the power of prayer?
God, God Almighty, God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, God the Beginning and the End, God the Source of all that is, God the Creator of man–the same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. God has given mankind earthly license for heavenly influence.
Whether you know it or not, you have the authority to change the world through prayer. When God said, “Let man rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that the partnership of man was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Through his unique perspective on this often-misunderstood subject, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe takes the mystery out of prayer, providing practical answers for difficult questions about communicating with God.
All that God is–and all that God has–may be received through prayer. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer. The biblically based, time-tested principles in this book will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God’s love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God.
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Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$19.99El varon esta en crisis. Los roles tradicionales le daban al hombre estabilidad y continuidad de generacion en generacion. Hoy dia, el mundo esta enviando seales conflictivas sobre lo que significa ser un hombre. Muchos hombres se estan preguntando quienes son y cuales roles deben desempear en la vida, como varon, como esposo, y como padre. Eso los deja frustrados, y provoca que vivan muy por debajo de su potencial. El autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina las actitudes culturales hacia los hombres, y discute asuntos criticos como:
*Como pueden los hombres ganar su posicion en el ambiente de expectativas culturales que cambia constantemente?
*Que significa ser varon?
*Que definicion de masculinidad deben los hombres adoptar?
*Cuales roles deben los hombres desempear en su lugar de trabajo y en el hogar?
*Que tienen que ver los roles de genero con el proposito del varon?
*Cuales son las diferencias entre varones y hembras?
*Como estan destinados a relacionarse entre si los hombres y las mujeres?
*Como puede un hombre construir una vida mejor para si mismo, su familia, y el mundo?Cuando los hombres entiendan el proposito que Dios les ha dado, y el verdadero diseo de su relacion con las mujeres, seran libres para cumplir su destino y realizar su potencial. Edicion ampliada con material de guia de estudio incluido.
The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
*How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
*What does it mean to be male?
*What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
*What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
*What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
*What are the differences between males and females?
*How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
*How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and
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Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$16.99Las mujeres de todas las culturas y sociedades se enfrentan al dilema de la identidad. Los puntos de vista tradicionales de lo que significa ser una mujer, y los cambiantes roles culturales y matrimoniales estan causando conflictos a las mujeres en sus relaciones con los hombres. Las mujeres estan bajo un estres tremendo en su lucha por descubrir quienes son y que rol deben desempear hoy dia, en la familia, la comunidad, y el mundo. En esta edicion ampliada de Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Mujer, que incluye utiles preguntas de estudio al final de cada capitulo, el autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina la actitudes de las sociedades hacia las mujeres, y discute asuntos vitales como :
*Son iguales las mujeres y los hombres?
*Que hace unica a una mujer, en comparacion al hombre?
*Que realmente ensea la Biblia sobre la mujer?
*Es culpable la mujer por la caida de la humanidad?
*Cual es el proposito y el diseo de la mujer?
*Cual es el estilo basico de comunicacion de la mujer?
*Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de la mujer?
*Estan destinadas las mujeres a ser lideres?
*Cual es el potencial de una mujer?Para vivir con exito en el mundo, las mujeres necesitan una nueva consciencia de quienes son, y nuevas destrezas para enfrentar los desafios de hoy. Ya sea usted un hombre o una mujer, casado o soltero, este libro le ayudara a entender a la mujer como fue destinada a ser.
Women of every culture and society are facing the dilemma of identity. Traditional views of what it means to be a woman and changing cultural and marital roles are causing women conflict in their relationships with men. Women are under tremendous stress as they struggle to discover who they are and what role they are to play today-in the family, the community, and the world. In this expanded edition of Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, which includes helpful study questions following each chapter, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and addresses vital issues such as:
*Are women and men equal?
*How is a woman unique from a man?
*What does the Bible really teach about women?
*Is the woman to blame for the fall of mankind?
*What are the purpose and design of the woman?
*What is a woman’s basic communication style?
*What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs?
*Are women meant to be leaders?
*What is a woman’s potential??To live successfully in the world, women need
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Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Women Expanded Edition (Expanded)
$16.99To live successfully in the world, women need to know who they are and what role they play today. They need a new awareness of who they are, and new skills to meet today’s challenges. Best-selling author Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and helps women to discover who they are. He addresses vital issues such as: Are women and men equal? What are the purpose and design of the woman? Are women meant to be leaders? Whether you are a woman or a man, married or single, this book will help you to understand the woman as she was meant to be.
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