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Tag: Larry Huch

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  • Free At Last


    Does your family history or that of a loved one have a common thread of dysfunction, marital problems, sickness, or abuse that goes from generation to generation? If so, this book is for you. There are countless ways you can be affected by the hurtful patterns that have been knowingly and unknowingly passed down through the generations. But you can break free.

    Here, Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture to show you how to break generational curses and begin to receive God’s blessing in every area of your life. Learn from his powerful testimony as he shares how a family curse plagued him until he turned to Jesus Christ for healing, and find your freedom.

    Does your family always seem to fall into the same sins, the same harmful actions? Do you have a history of sickness or marital problems or abuse? The past does not have to determine the course of your future. Let Larry Huch teach you about generational curses and how they affect you and your family.

    Learn how to…

    *Break generational curses
    *Regain your joy
    *Experience health and prosperity
    *Repair broken relationships
    *Claim dominion over things you touch and places you walk

    Find your freedom!

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  • Liberando Bendiciones Familiar – (Spanish)


    Los pastores Larry y Tiz Huch han tenido que vencer muchos de los retos que las familias afrontan actualmente, desde maldiciones generacionales hasta conflictos de personalidad. Y lo que Dios ha hecho por ellos, lo hara tambien por usted cuando confie en El y modele su matrimonio y su hogar segun su huella divina: la Santa Biblia.

    En Liberando Bendiciones Familiares, sea capacitado por las perspectivas que ellos tienen sobre el plan de Dios para la familia a medida que descubra como…
    *Salvaguardar su matrimonio
    *Hacer cumplir la disciplina piadosa en su hogar
    *Romper maldiciones generacionales y liberar bendiciones generacionales
    *Proteger a sus hijos de las trampas del mundo
    *Convertir su familia en un modelo del amor de Cristo
    *Recibir equipamiento sobrenatural para resolver conflictos
    *Experimentar el gozo sin limite que Dios tiene preparado para quienes son obedientes a El

    La familia debe ser un faro de esperanza, amor y redencion, una luz que atraiga a otros hacia Aquel que diseo la familia desde un principio. Unase a Larry y Tiz en una aventura de confiar en Dios para hacer que su matrimonio y su familia sean abundantemente mejores de lo que usted imagino nunca.

    Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch have had to overcome many of the challenges facing couples and parents today, from generational curses to personality conflicts, to create the wonderful marriage and family they’ve enjoyed for more than three decades. And what God has done for them, He’ll do for you, too, when you trust in Him and model your marriage and household after His divine blueprint: the Holy Bible.

    In Releasing Family Blessings, be empowered by their insights on God’s plan for the family as you discover how to…
    *Safeguard your marriage
    *Enforce godly discipline in your home
    *Break generational curses and release generational blessings
    *Protect your children from the snares of the world
    *Make your family into a model of Christ’s love
    *Receive supernatural equipping to resolve conflicts
    *Experience the boundless joy God has in store for those who are obedient to Him

    The family is meant to be a beacon of hope, love, and redemption-a light that draws others to the One who designed families in the first place. Join Larry and Tiz on an adventure of trusting God to make your marriage and family exceedingly and abundantly better than you ever imagined.

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  • Seis Lugares Donde Jesus Derra – (Spanish)


    !Descubra la plena revelacion de lo que Jesus logro para usted por medio de su muerte y resurreccion!

    Cada pagina de este revolucionario libro del pastor Larry Huch le llevara a un notable viaje por los ultimos dias de la vida y el ministerio de Jesus. Usted recibira una nueva perspectiva sobre como derramo El su sangre no solamente una vez, !sino siete!

    Las frescas perspectivas y las profundas revelaciones del pastor Huch le mostraran el poder para salvar, liberar y sanar mediante cada lugar donde Jesus derramo su sangre.

    Vaya con el paso a paso a medida que le lleva al huerto de Getsemani, donde Jesus sudo gotas de sangre, al poste de los azotes, donde su espalda quedo rasgada por los treinta y nueve latigazos, hasta las heridas de los clavos en sus manos y pies en el Calvario y la lanza que traspaso su costado.

    Cada lugar donde la sangre de Jesus fue derramada se convertira en una conexion transformadora para que usted reciba las bendiciones redentoras de Dios. Experimentelas ahora en Los 7 Lugares Donde Jesus Derramo Su Sangre.

    Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection!

    Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just one time, but seven!

    Pastor Huch’s fresh insights and deep revelations will show you the power to save, deliver, and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood.

    Go with him step-by-step, as he takes you to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post where His back was laid bare by the thirty-nine stripes, to the nail wounds in His hands and feet at Calvary, and finally to the spear thrust into His side.

    Every place Jesus’ blood was shed will become a life-changing connection for you to receive the redemptive blessings of God. Experience them now in The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.

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  • 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood


    Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection!

    Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just one time, but seven!

    Pastor Huch’s fresh insights and deep revelations will show you the power to save, deliver, and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood.

    Go with him step-by-step, as he takes you to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post where His back was laid bare by the thirty-nine stripes, to the nail wounds in His hands and feet at Calvary, and finally to the spear thrust into His side.

    Every place Jesus’ blood was shed will become a life-changing connection for you to receive the redemptive blessings of God. Experience them now in The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.

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  • Antiguos Secretos Biblicos Des – (Spanish)


    Un alarmante numero de cristianos han sido alimentados con la idea de que nuestro Dios es un dios tacao y enojado. Nada podria estar mas lejos de la verdad. De hecho, Larry Huch sugiere que los ojos de Dios estan constantemente recorriendo “toda la tierra” (2 Cronicas 16:9), buscando a alguien a quien sanar, a quien bendecir, a alguien a quien prosperar y a alguien a quien mostrar favor.

    En su nuevo libro, Antiguos Secretos Biblicos Desvelados, Huch revela las antiguas bendiciones de Dios para su vida, como:
    La produccion a ciento por uno en la parabola de la semilla
    El secreto de la oracion revelado en la escalera de Jacob
    El poder protector de la mezuza
    El milagro de Purim para transformar la historia de su vida
    Fe biblica para los ultimos tiempos
    El pacto de Dios para el exito
    El poder de Dios multiplicado en su vida con las cuatro copas de la Comunion

    Al entender y acceder a estas verdades intemporales en la Tora, los cristianos pueden volver a descubrir el destino que Dios quiere para su pueblo. No debiamos vivir vidas de vacio ritual religioso; !debiamos ser brillantes ejemplos del poder, la bendicion y el favor de Dios!

    An alarming number of Christians have been fed the notion that our God is a mean and angry god. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Larry Huch suggests that God’s eyes are constantly searching “to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9), looking for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor.

    In his new book, Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets, Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as:
    The hundredfold breakthrough in the parable of the seed
    The secret of prayer revealed in Jacob’s ladder
    The protective power of the mezuzah
    Purim’s miracle for turning your life story around
    Biblical faith for the last days
    God’s covenant of success

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  • Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets


    An alarming number of Christians have been fed the notion that our God is a mean and angry god. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Larry Huch suggests that God’s eyes are constantly searching “to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9), looking for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor.

    In his new book, Unveiling Biblical Secrets, Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as:
    ” the hundredfold breakthrough in the parable of the seed
    ” the secret of prayer revealed in Jacob’s Ladder
    ” the protective power of the Mazzuzah
    ” Purim’s miracle for turning your life story around
    ” biblical faith for the last days
    ” God’s covenant of success
    ” God’s power multiplied in your life with the four cups of Communion

    By understanding and tapping into these timeless truths in the Torah, Christians can rediscover the destiny that God intends for His people. We were not meant to live lives of empty religious ritual. We were meant to be shining examples of God’s power, blessing, and favor!

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  • Torah Blessing : Revealing The Mystery Releasing The Miracle


    God’s Power in Your Life! For centuries, believers have served and worshipped the Lord, but without the full knowledge and understanding of their rich spiritual heritage. Author Larry Huch was one of them-until he received an incredible revelation that allowed him to read the Word of God through Hebrew eyes. What followed was an incredibly powerful revelation that released new miracles and blessings into his life and ministry. By understanding The Torah Blessing, you will: ” Receive the gift of “healing in His wings.” ” Get more out of reading God’s Word ” Enrich the spiritual lives of your family and friends ” Receive the benefit of God’s covenant promises now ” Win souls for God by becoming a “light to the world” ” Experience the power of the Holy Spirit ” Fill your life with joy overflowing ” Experience more fruitful ministry ” Discover God’s will for your life ” Find peace in God’s promises ” Build deeper relationships Now you can join Pastor Huch as he uncovers the Jewish roots of Christianity to reveal the mysteries and release the miracles of God’s Word into every area of your life.

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  • Libre Al Fin – (Spanish)


    !Usted puede escaparse de su pasado! Larry Huch revela las verdades poderosas de la Biblia que lo permitio a el y muchos otros romper rapidamente las cadenas destructivas en sus vidas y recibir las bendiciones de Dios.

    You Can Break Free from Your Past! Don’t let what has happened to you and your family hold you back in life! You can find freedom from depression, anger, abuse, insecurity, and addiction in Jesus Christ. Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture that enabled him and many others to quickly break the destructive chains in their lives and receive God’s blessings. Learn the secret to true freedom and you, too, can: Regain your joy and hope Experience divine health Mend broken relationships Walk in true prosperity – body, soul, and spirit.

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  • 10 Maldiciones Que Bloquean La – (Spanish)


    Bendicion o Maldicion !La decision es suya!

    Sufre usted de depresion, disfuncion familiar, infelicidad conyugal u otros problemas y no puede superarlos?
    En las paginas de este innovador libro, 10 Maldiciones que Bloquean la Bendicion, Larry Huch comparte su experiencia personal con una vida de enojo, drogadiccion, crimen y violencia. El muestra como rompio esas maldiciones, y, revela como usted puede:

    “Restaurar su salud y fortuna
    “Recibir dominio-lo que es y como usarlo
    “Reconocer las seales de una maldicion
    “Poner fin a los ciclos de abuso y violencia
    “Ser libertado de las maldiciones generacionales
    “Llevar a sus hijos a Cristo

    Usted no tiene que batallar mas. Decidase a revolucionar su vida. !Usted puede darle marcha atras a las maldiciones que bloquean sus bendiciones!

    !Sea libre hoy!

    Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Larry Huch reveals how you can recognize the signs of a curse, be set free from generational curses, and restore your health and wealth. You don’t have to struggle any longer. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings!

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  • 10 Curses That Block The Blessing


    Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and violence. He shows how he broke these curses and reveals how you can recognize the signs of a curse, be set free from generational curses, and restore your health and wealth. You don’t have to struggle any longer. Choose to revolutionize your life. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings!

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