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    Jane Vogel

    • Case For A Creator Student Edition


      Has Science Discovered God? When Lee Strobel was a high school freshman, science convinced him that God didn’t exist. Since then, however, incredible scientific discoveries have not only helped restore Lee’s faith, but have strengthened it. Lee is not alone. More and more scientists, confronted with startling, cutting-edge evidence from many areas of research, no longer believe the universe just ‘happened’ or that life arose by mere chance. Behind a universe of staggering complexity, they are seeing signs of a Master Designer. Are your science textbooks still telling you the same ‘facts’ that Lee’s did years ago? Prepare to be astonished by what some of today’s most respected experts have to say about:
      The birth of the universe
      Darwinism and the origin of life
      The astounding fine-tuning of the cosmos
      Amazing molecular machines and DNA research

      Weigh the evidence for yourself. Then consider this question: Could it be that the universe looks designed … because it is?

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    • Case For Christ Student Edition


      There’s little question that he actually lived. But miracles? Rising from the dead? Some of the stories you hear about him sound like just that—stories. A reasonable person would never believe them, let alone the claim that he’s the only way to God! But a reasonable person would also make sure that he or she understood the facts before jumping to conclusions. That’s why Lee Strobel—an award-winning legal journalist with a knack for asking tough questions—decided to investigate Jesus for himself. An atheist, Strobel felt certain his findings would bring Christianity’s claims about Jesus tumbling down like a house of cards. He was in for the surprise of his life. Join him as he retraces his journey from skepticism to faith. You’ll consult expert testimony as you sift through the truths that history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel, you’ll be amazed at the evidence—how much there is, how strong it is, and what it says. The facts are in. What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?

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