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    • Jesus Calling For Easter


      Take a few moments to focus on the hope we have because of Easter in Jesus Calling(R) for Easter, a beautiful compilation that includes 50 Jesus Calling devotions and Scripture, alongside breathtaking imagery and design.

      Jesus Calling(R) for Easter is a meaningful and beautiful compilation of devotions from Sarah Young’s bestselling brand. With 50 themed selections for the Lent and Easter season, as well as high design and exquisite imagery, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter makes a stunning addition for those who love Jesus Calling(R) and would like a new way to observe the Easter season. You’ll enjoy devotions with select Scriptures about the story of Easter and the hope it brings alongside lovely images with overlaid script.

      Whether a self-purchase to enhance your observation of Easter and the death and resurrection of Christ or a gift for friends and loved ones, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter will be a central part of your Easter experience for years to come.

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    • Happily Ever After


      We all long for “happily ever afters”. But let’s face it, life’s just not like that! Or is it?

      This evangelistic book takes readers through the Easter story. Good Friday looked like a bad ending to Jesus’ story. But Easter Sunday changed everything…for everyone…for ever after!

      Readers will discover how Jesus’ happy ending can be theirs too as they explore how his life, death and resurrection solve the big issues that plague humankind–sin and death.

      Easter really can change your life, for good, for ever after!

      This book is great to give away to non-believers at Easter.

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    • Help My Unbelief (Expanded)


      Barnabas Piper unpacks what faith really means. He shows how embracing doubts and questions can help us to get to know God, and encourages us to risk trusting God in our everyday lives, even when we don’t understand everything about him.

      This book will encourage Christians seeking to ask questions in a godly way and will give them confidence to trust God, even when some questions remain.

      Includes testimonies from John Piper and Afshin Ziafat.

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    • Teach Me To Feel


      Many of us suppress our feelings because we’re worried they are ungodly. Others of us are so led by our emotions that we let them dominate everything, including our faith.

      In these honest, personal and uplifting meditations on 24 selected psalms, Courtney Reissig looks at emotions we all experience, ranging from shame, anxiety, and anger through to gratitude, hope, and joy. For each, she shows how the psalms give us permission to acknowledge how we feel before God, and how they can help us to use those feelings productively and faithfully.

      This inspiring book will give women a language to cry out to God to help them process their feelings, as well as help them to grow in their faith. Can be used as a daily devotion.

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    • Divine Intentions : The Life You’re Supposed To Live, The Person God Meant


      Divine Intentions takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through four key concepts: rescued, restored, relabeled, and redirected. Most people, even Christ-followers, are wounded at their core, with soul-level injuries that affect their identity. They may be hurting from past circumstances or feel trapped in their current ones. Basic discipleship sends believers on a journey…but it’s tough to take those steps while you’re hurting. Doug Reed offers healing for those who are searching for answers to both their identities in Christ and struggling with wounds from the past or present. He shares his own personal story of restoration from pornography, pride, and other issues, helping to lead readers into the light of God’s love.

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    • Jesus Is King


      Jesus is KING! This little book is designed to inspire and encourage the reader to live in the fullness of life that Jesus Christ provided for us. Every chapter brings understanding and clarity of who Jesus was, what Jesus did and what He is still doing for us today! It provides a unique perspective by blending short narratives, scriptures, and inspired insights by Christian leaders. Jesus is King is an extraordinary look at Jesus that will leave a powerful imprint on every reader. Chapters include: He is our Savior; He is risen; He is our Advocate; He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is for you, with you and in you. He is the Prince of Peace, our neighbor and Jesus is King.

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    • 100 Bible Verses That Will Change Your Life


      God is madly in love with you!

      You’ve heard the phrase “God loves you.” But what does it really mean? And do you even believe it?

      The 100 Bible verses compiled in this book are a profound glimpse into the heart of Father God. They tell a story of the God who made you, knows everything about you, and who loves you so much that He bankrupted Heaven to win you back.

      If your daily life hasn’t been radically changed by the power of this love, then this book is for you.

      Author and compiler, Mark Stibbe, is passionate about awakening people to the reality of the Father’s incredible love. These carefully selected Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments will gently guide you to experience the depth of God’s love in amazing new ways.

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    • Journaling Through Anchors For The Soul


      John Mark Hicks Has Mapped Out a Guided Journaling Experience for Those Who Want to Process Loss and Grief Through Writing . . .

      For each chapter in Anchors for the Soul, the Journal Provides . . .

      *Scripture Readings
      *Personal Reflection Questions * Journaling Prompts
      *Space to Process
      *And more . . .

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    • Anchors For The Soul



      Drawing on his own experience with losses and tragedies through the death of his young wife and, more recently, the death of his sixteen-year-old son, John Mark Hicks tells the story of God through his own experiences of suffering.

      He does not explain suffering because, as he describes, that cannot be done; rather, he walks with sufferers through the valley of loss. He grounds them deeply in the story of God’s love, listening, empathy, sovereignty, and victory. This path is not only for those who seek to persevere in the midst of their suffering but also for those who want to prepare for the suffering that comes to all.

      In addition to helping sufferers, John Mark provides guidance for those who want to sit with people who are suffering. He offers advice to help comforters provide comfort. There are no easy answers. Our questions, in fact, are never fully answered. Despite this, however, there is a path of assurance, comfort, and trust that yields perseverance, peace, and hope.

      The “anchors” are found in God, who:

      *loves us
      *listens to us
      *empathizes with us
      *gives meaning to our suffering
      *ultimately triumphs over all suffering

      These anchors ground us in God’s redemptive story.

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    • Our Fathers House


      Most people visit a church for the first time either by invitation or reputation. Many books have been written on the subject of personal evangelism and the importance of being a bringer. This book however, explores the power of reputation specifically, God’s reputation as upheld and reflected in a church’s culture. Based on the story of the Queen of Sheba’s visit to King Solomon and how her initial encounter with his kingdom left her breathless and astounded, this book explores the profound effect a church’s culture can have on the heart of a seeker as they pursue rumors of King Jesus and His Kingdom. It warns that Kingdom-culture doesn’t happen by chance, but only as every member of the King’s household lays down their own comfortable and familiar culture to surrender instead to the common culture of Heaven. This book has been written to inspire every Christian to vigilantly uphold Heaven’s culture when living, loving and serving in the Father’s House their local church. It implores us all not to waste another minute in engaging our God-given gifts and talents to create Heaven on Earth so that the Kingdom of God might be revealed in all of its glory to a world that is in desperate need of its wisdom, power and atmosphere. Only then, having tasted Heaven, will lost people truly desire to seek out this Kingdom s magnificent King!

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    • Traveling Light (DVD)


      Life’s a journey, and it’s easy to pick up extra baggage along the way. Bitterness, guilt, self-reliance, pride… How can we enjoy the road ahead, if we’re lugging around all this stuff? What if we could travel through life with no bags at all?

      Max Lucado’s bestselling book comes to life in Traveling Light – A Journey through Psalm 23. In this 18 Part series, Max Lucado unpacks the 23rd Psalm to help viewers get rid of excess baggage. This multi-format program features poignant teaching, real life stories, and laugh-out-loud funny interviews with life’s tiniest travelers – children! It’s time to start Traveling Light.

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    • Atrevete A Ser Barbara – (Spanish)


      An Agustin Agency Title

      Barbara Palacios, autora inspiracional y conferencista internacional, Miss Universo 1986 y Miss Venezuela 1986 , galardonada por People en Espaol como una de las 25 mujeres mas poderosas e influyentes de l 2014, abre su corazon para compartir experiencias y testimonios personales a traves de su trayectoria como figura publica por todo el mundo.

      Las mujeres siempre quieren saber como pueden ser una buena madre, buena amiga, buena esposa, excelente profesional y mujer de fe. Estas preguntas se las hacen constantemente a la autora. Barbara utiliza cada historia como ilustracion para impartir una clara enseanza sobre estos temas. La autora tambien les habla a las mujeres acerca de tabus como:
      *La violencia domestica
      *La actitud ante el fracaso
      *El aborto
      *La defensa de los nios
      *La proteccion animal
      *El emprendimiento y el liderazgo de la mujer
      *La fe en Dios.

      La autora escogio el titulo de este libro para transmitir a las mujeres como pueden y deben atreverse a ser barbaras, valientes, atrevidas y defender los valores, principios, virtudes y la etica necesaria para potenciar sus talentos.

      Asi mismo selecciono este titulo para inspirarlas y decirles: “Atrevanse a descubrirse y a ser ustedes mismas, de acuerdo con el diseo original de Dios”. Ella empodera a la mujer diciendole: “Tu eres u nica y lo descubriras en la medida que te propongas ser mejor que ayer “.

      Barbara Palacios comparte lo que ha aprendido en su recorrido y lo que esto ha hecho para que sea la mujer que es hoy en dia, esperando que su aporte ayude a otras mujeres. Ella nos ensea sobre la salud, la belleza interior, el emprendimiento y especialmente acerca de su fe inquebrantable. Cierra el libro con la historia de una de las propias creaciones en su organizacion, la cual lleva el nombre de “Ser Mujer Lider y Emprendedora Esta de Moda “, y describe la serie de eventos y conferencias que imparte en innumerables paises. En este libro, la autora se plantea ayudar a muchas otras mujeres a soltar el pasado, a sanar, a superarse y a concentrarse para dejar su propia huella.

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