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Tag: Health and Diet

Showing 25–36 of 49 results

  • Vida Libre De Estres – (Spanish)


    Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses se sienten estresados. Una de cada tres personas a nivel global siente mucho estres y preocupacion. -Encuesta Gallup
    – El estres esta socavando el bienestar general de los estadounidenses. -Asociacion Americana de Psicologia

    Nuestro mundo esta lleno de estres. Nuestras vidas estan llenas de estres. Estos son los tiempos en que vivimos.

    Un poco de estres es una parte natural de la vida. Todos lo experimentamos al cumplir con fechas limites de entrega, o luchar por alcanzar la excelencia. Pero el estres se convierte en un problema serio cuando se establece en nuestras vidas como un ciclo del que no podemos escapar. Los trabajos de mucha presion, las relaciones dificiles, los problemas financieros y el temor al futuro pueden meternos a un ciclo de estres. Esto interfiere con una vida feliz y productiva, puede conducir a problemas emocionales y enfermedades, e incluso puede llegar a ser mortal. El estres continuo podria catalogarse como el asesino silencioso del siglo XXI.

    Cual es la mejor manera de manejar el estres normal y liberarse del dominio de un ciclo de estres que no es saludable? Como podemos vivir vidas alegres y efectivas? El autor de libros con record en ventas, Guillermo Maldonado, lo guiara a traves de pasos especificos hacia una vida sin estres:

    Primero, aprenda que es realmente el estres–el bueno y el malo.

    En segundo lugar, reconozca la causa de su ciclo de estres. Identifique lo que provoca sus sentimientos de miedo, ansiedad o agobio.

    En tercer lugar, descubra el camino para liberarse del estres que es daino para la salud y como manejar diariamente tanto el estres externo como el interno.

    Este libro lo equipara con herramientas espirituales y naturales esenciales para una vida libre de estres. !Sea empoderado para romper ciclos de estres y encontrar paz verdadera y sanidad!

    Nearly half of Americans are feeling stressed. One in three worldwide are feeling a lot of stress and worry. –Gallup poll
    Stress is eating away at Americans’ overall well-being. –American Psychological Association

    Our world is full of stress. Our lives are full of stress. These are the times we’re living in.

    Some stress is a natural part of life. We all experience it as we meet deadlines or reach for excellence. But stress develops into a serious problem when it becomes entrenched in our lives as a cycle that we can’t shake. High-pressure jobs, difficult relationships, ongoing financia

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  • Stress Free Living


    *Nearly half of Americans are feeling stressed. One in three worldwide are feeling a lot of stress and worry. –Gallup poll
    *Stress is eating away at Americans’ overall well-being. –American Psychological Association

    Our world is full of stress. Our lives are full of stress. These are the times we’re living in.

    Some stress is a natural part of life. We all experience it as we meet deadlines or reach for excellence. But stress develops into a serious problem when it becomes entrenched in our lives as a cycle that we can’t shake. High-pressure jobs, difficult relationships, ongoing financial problems, and fear about the future can lead to a stress cycle. This interferes with a happy, productive life, can lead to emotional issues and illness–and can even become life-threatening. Sustained stress may be the silent killer of the twenty-first century.

    What is the best way to manage normal stress and release the grip of an unhealthy stress cycle? How can we live joyful and effective lives? Best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado leads you in specific steps to stress-free living:

    First, learn what stress really is–the good and the bad.

    Second, address the cause of your stress cycle. Identify what provokes your feelings of fear, anxiety, or overwhelm.

    Third, discover the path to freedom from unhealthy stress and how to manage external and internal stress on a daily basis.

    This book will equip you with essential spiritual and natural tools for a stress-free life. Be empowered to break stress cycles and find true peace and healing!

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  • Busy Persons Guide To A Healthier Life


    Live Longer, Feel Better, Stay Healthier

    Keeping fit can feel like a time-consuming task. But what if you could make several simple, small changes that add up to a large improvement in the quality of your life? The daunting challenge of improving your health would suddenly feel more achievable and maintainable, giving you the confidence you need to take more steps toward a better you.

    This book is all about the little ways you can make a big impact on your well-being every day with practical advice and current research in three key areas:

    Diet & Nutrition–read labels, grocery shop smarter, and stay hydrated Exercise & Fitness–overcome excuses, become gym savvy, and exercise your brain Stress & Rest–sleep better, understand depression, and conquer stress
    These and other intriguing topics will help you make better choices and give you dozens of easy things you can do to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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  • For Your Health


    “Why are optimistic people drawn to pray for healing of their own ailments and for illnesses of people they love? Is it just goodwill, or is there evidence that God does, in fact, heal our bodies, and if so, how can healing be accessed?” (Lorna Dueck)

    Every generation must wrestle with the interpretation and practice of the miraculous. Our health fails, accidents happen, and disappointment over mind and bodies that are weak can become a crushing disappointment. Into any health decline, the Christian is challenged to do something through the ancient teaching of Holy Scripture.

    “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord…the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:14-16, NIV).

    Lorna Dueck and Dr. Nell DeBoer have sat at the cross-section of hope and faith in their unique roles as journalist and hospital chaplain. In their combined work of “”For Your Health: A Look into God’s Methods for Healing,”” they document what happens when people take the mystery of God, obedience to pray for healing, and broken health into spiritual practice. Through a well-selected collection of ailments and healings that are true and diverse, this book explores encounters with God that have helped people get better in body and mind.

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  • Memory Rescue : Supercharge Your Brain, Reverse Memory Loss, And Remember W


    A proven program from #1 New York Times bestselling author and brain researcher Dr. Daniel Amen to help you change your brain and improve your memory today!
    Brain imaging research demonstrates that memory loss actually starts in the brain decades before you have any symptoms. Learn the actions you can take to help not just prevent memory loss later in life . . . but to begin restoring the memory you may have already lost.

    Expert physician Dr. Amen reveals how a multipronged strategy–including dietary changes, physical and mental exercises, and spiritual practices–can improve your brain health, enhance your memory, and reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s and other memory loss-related conditions.

    Keeping your brain healthy isn’t just a medical issue; it’s a God-given capacity and an essential building block for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Take action against the fast-increasing memory crisis that threatens this crucial part of who you are–and help your brain, body, and soul stay strong for the rest of your life.

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  • Look Better Feel Better Live Better


    Reveals God-given secrets to vitality and wellness. Will help break the bondage of unhealthy eating and bad food choices. Learn strategies to fight illness, disease and take back the life God wants you to have.

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  • Patient Heal Thyself


    Finally! A solution for those suffering with Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, IBS, and more!

    Today, Jordan Rubin is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and founder of Garden of Life(R), the fastest-growing nutritional company in America. But at the age of 19, Jordan was diagnosed with Chrone’s Disease–an incurable digestive ailment. In one of the most dramatic natural healing stories ever told, Jordan discovered a natural path to complete healing and sustained health.

    In this updated and expanded edition of Patient, Heal Thyself (originally published in 2002), Jordan Rubin shares his monumental discoveries, teaching you how to take control of your own health and unlock your body’s phenomenal healing potential.

    In this book, you’ll discover…
    *How the body can overcome virtually any health challenge by following the Maker’s Diet
    *The key to attaining and maintaining vibrant health lies in your gastrointestinal tract
    *Which specific foods, not found in our modern diet, hold the key to healing a wide range of health conditions
    *Complete protocols for diet and nutritional supplements

    The simple, life-changing strategies and ancient principles found in this book can help you chart a path for wholeness. Get in the driver’s seat and take control of your health journey today!

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  • Makers Diet Revolution Updated And Revised Edition (Revised)


    The Maker’s Diet Revolution is the long awaited sequel to The Maker’s Diet that Jordan Rubin’s fans are ready for. Jordan will share everything he has learned in the years since he wrote The Maker’s Diet, including:

    Health and Diet Tips
    Why our nation’s food supply is compromised
    The importance of organic foods
    Choosing the best water sources
    Raising healthy children, healing chronic illnesses and much more!
    His Popular Health Myths and Truths

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  • Let Food Be Your Medicine Cookbook


    Most of us think God is not concerned with what we eat, but the Bible actually offers great insight and instruction about the effects of food on our bodies. Dr. Colbert introduces an antiinflammatory form of the modified Mediterranean diet that resolves a broad spectrum of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, dementia, cancer, and osteoarthritis. Just imagine-understanding how food alone can produce mental clarity, balanced weight, and longevity.

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  • 40 Days To Wholeness Body Soul And Spirit


    One Day at a Time to a Healthier You-Body, Soul and Spirit!

    What is the secret to revolutionizing your lifestyle and walking in Heaven’s supernatural wholeness? It’s simple: taking your journey one day at a time!

    When Beni Johnson began her journey to health, God gave her grace to customize a user-friendly plan that would help her achieve maximum results. This same grace is available for you!

    Too many people try to make dramatic changes to their health through fad diets, seasons of intense exercise, and other extreme measures. Unfortunately, these methods will never bring about the essential lifestyle changes you are looking to achieve.

    In the 40 Days to Wholeness: Body, Soul and Spirit devotional, Beni shares practi- cal strategies in daily, bite-sized entries that will help you successfully begin your personal journey into renewed health, sustained wholeness, and measurable results!

    The Great Physician desires for you to walk in Heaven’s health.

    Get aligned with God’s divine design today and experience freedom-body, soul and spirit!

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  • Diet Diagnosis Dr Healthnut


    Many diet plans are promoted as “one size fits all.” But each person is unique and has specific needs and preferences. Diet Diagnosis: Navigating the Maze of Diet and Nutrition Plans will show you how to choose the program that is best for you, while providing practical tools and effective principles that you can implement step-by-step.

    No matter what your current health status, David Nico, aka “Dr. Healthnut,” will help you to reach your highest level of wellness possible, including a healthy weight. Dr. Healthnut says, “Healthnuts are not really ‘crazy’ they’re just everyday people who want to make healthier lifestyle choices.”

    Maybe you’ve had your ups and downs as you’ve tried to maintain good eating habits, producing a vicious cycle of lifelong weight problems and risk of disease. Or, perhaps you feel perplexed by the conflicting opinions expressed in the media about the “best” foods to eat, so you wonder just what the right foods to incorporate into your daily meals.

    Achieving wholeness in your life requires multiple dimensions of health. Yet, as you take progressive steps toward healthier eating, you will be on the road to wellness. By changing what, why, and how you eat, you can experience optimum health.

    The healthnut life: “Not Crazy. Just Healthy.

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  • Kick Start The New You


    Fitness icon Ingrid Macher shares both her story and her expertise in this manual for weight loss, with motivational material, day-by-day plans, and dozens of recipes.

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