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Tag: Health and Diet

Showing 1–12 of 49 results

  • When The Hurt Wont Heal


    In a society that emphasizes the importance of good health, those living with constant pain, unending fatigue, depression, or a host of other never-ending physical and mental symptoms struggle to accept the providence of God in their illness and the limitations that illness brings. It’s easy to become so consumed with the physical nature of your illness that you fail to see the most important impact is spiritual.

    Svensson knows from personal experience how hard it is to navigate the spiritual, emotional, and relational challenges that arise when living with an ongoing ailment. He shares what he’s learned about God’s comfort and care through his struggles. If you are navigating life with chronic illness, When the Hurt Won’t Heal will help you find the path to growing in faith despite the pain, fear, or darkness you may be experiencing.

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  • Camino Mas Excelente – (Spanish)


    Las raices de muchas enfermedades psicologicas y biologicas son espirituales. El autor Henry W. Wright no solamente le ensea a la iglesia a derrotar las enfermedades, sino que tambien las desmitifica mostrando –desde la perspectiva de Dios– el por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades.

    Un Camino Mas Excelente es un recurso valioso para ayudar a los lideres espirituales, profesionales del cuidado de la salud y a todo individuo a entender las dinamicas espirituales detras de las enfermedades del cuerpo, del espiritu y del alma. Este libro le ayudara a descubrir por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades, las raices espirituales de las enfermedades, obstrucciones para la sanidad, una eficaz prevencion contra las enfermedades y senderos espirituales hacia la salud integral.

    A More Excellent Way supplies profound knowledge about the secrets of healing and the prevention of disease. Using sound scriptural and scientific observation, Dr. Henry W. Wright leads the reader on a journey of personal responsibility, identifying root causes to specific diseases and offering pathways of healing and wholeness that were never meant to remain dormant in the body of Christ. Here, you will understand why mankind has disease, identify specific blocks to healing, and discover spiritual pathways to health.

    Tens of thousands have experienced healing through the discernment found in A More Excellent Way when nothing else was working. An invaluable resource in understanding the spiritual dynamics behind diseases of the spirit, soul, and body, this book is a must-read for spiritual leaders, health-care professionals, and individuals everywhere!

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  • How To Be A Kingdom Ninja


    Young fans of American Ninja Warrior and Daniel Gil, the Kingdom Ninja, will love this fully illustrated look into Daniel’s awesome world. Learn what it takes to become a ninja warrior!
    American Ninja Warrior legend Daniel Gil has thrilled viewers of all ages with his incredible feats of strength, speed, and agility on the hit TV show. Now Daniel gives kids a glimpse of his everyday life in this fun and imaginative book.

    In a kid-friendly comic style, aspiring ninja warriors will learn more about Daniel’s incredible rise from young upstart to 2020 American Ninja Warrior champion. Relive some of his most exciting moments on the show, and discover the disciplines that have helped Daniel stay mentally, physically, and spiritually fit.

    How to Be a Kingdom Ninja will inspire young readers to pursue their dreams and live healthy and happy lives.

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  • Dr Colberts Health Zone Essentials


    Effective protocols for restored health and longevity!

    After reading this book, I will have the knowledge and the understanding to create clean, healthy habits to guide my lifestyle so I can prevent and reverse a life of illness.

    Don Colbert, MD, the acclaimed author of multiple New York Times best-selling books, curates the most effective protocols from his popular Zone series-Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone, Dr. Colbert’s Fasting Zone, Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone, and Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Gut Zone-to present his most comprehensive guide for lasting health and wellness.

    Dr. Colbert’s Health Zone Essentials leads readers into a treasure trove of wisdom and practical advice to restore their body’s health at its foundation and then rebuild a healthy life upon it, showing them:

    *How to optimize their hormone levels

    *Use the power of fasting to reset their digestive system and set the stage for a healthy gut

    *Enjoy great-tasting foods from the best of the Mediterranean and keto diets to maintain good health

    *Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are protecting their body and brain health both now and in the future

    *Dr. Colbert’s balanced, preventive, and natural healing solutions will give readers the tools to protect and optimize their well-being now and in the future.

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  • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Disease (Revised)


    In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright presents a thoroughly biblical and compelling case for healing. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look. In this updated edition with expanded material, Dr. Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their place in dealing with illness but can only offer disease management. What if the answers to true healing and freedom have been in the Bible all along?

    Dr. Wright spent decades learning the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing. In his journey, he discovered that there is a spiritual root issue in about 80 percent of all diseases, which is a direct result of a breakdown in our relationship with God, ourselves, or others. Through his groundbreaking teachings, he helped hundreds of thousands to experience wholeness in their lives. If you have recently received a diagnosis or have been struggling with your health for years, there is hope and healing ahead.

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  • Enciende Tu Cerebro Todos Los – (Spanish)


    Segun los investigadores, la gran mayoria (entre el 75 y el 98 por ciento) de las enfermedades que nos aquejan hoy en dia son el resultado directo de nuestra vida mental. Lo que pensamos realmente nos afecta tanto fisica como emocionalmente. De hecho, el miedo por si solo desencadena mas de 1400 respuestas fisicas y quimicas conocidas en nuestro cuerpo, !activando mas de treinta hormonas diferentes! Hoy nuestra cultura esta atravesando una epidemia de pensamientos toxicos que, si no se controlan, crean las condiciones ideales para las enfermedades.

    En Enciende tu cerebro, la Dra. Caroline Leaf dio a los lectores una receta para una mejor salud y plenitud a traves de patrones de pensamiento correctos. Ahora ayuda a los lectores a vivir vidas mas felices, saludables y placenteras todos los dias con este devocional compaero de su libro mas vendido. Los lectores encontraran aqui aliento y estrategias para cosechar los beneficios de una vida de pensamientos desintoxicada, !todos los dias!

    According to researchers, the vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today (a whopping 75-98 percent) are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for illnesses.

    In Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf gave readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns. Now she helps readers live out their happier, healthier, more enjoyable lives every day with this devotional companion to her bestselling book. Readers will find encouragement and strategies to reap the benefits of a detoxed thought life every day!

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  • Well To The Core


    You deserve to feel good–not just in your body, but in your whole being.

    Robin Long, certified Pilates instructor and founder of Lindywell, is on a mission to help you reclaim your health, your fitness, and your body. In Well to the Core, join Robin on a journey toward holistic health and discover:

    *ten core components of an effective and realistic approach to healthy and balanced living;

    *a grace-over-guilt mindset to release shame and develop helpful habits in every season of life;

    *how breath, nature, rest, and play can improve your quality of life; and

    *exclusive Pilates workouts, mindfulness exercises, and deliciously crafted recipes to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

    It is possible to break free from constant stress about what you’re eating, how you’re exercising, or how much weight you need to lose in order to really start living. This is where true wellness begins. Let Robin Long show you the way in Well to the Core.

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  • Probiotic Diet : Improve Digestion, Boost Your Brain Health, And Supercharg


    Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut Health

    Are you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?

    From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don’t despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn gut ailments by experiencing the true power of probiotics.

    In The Probiotic Diet, leading natural health experts and bestselling authors Jordan Rubin, Dr. Josh Axe, and Dr. Joseph Brasco give you practical, natural and effective strategies on how to overcome any gut issue and experience a vibrant, healthy life.

    In these pages you’ll discover how to:

    Prepare easy, delicious “gut friendly” probiotic meals.Reduce common digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea.Fight serious gut issues such as Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS and Celiac Disease.

    Don’t be one of the millions who suffer in silence. Become more-than-a conqueror and experience true healing by following this revolutionary diet! It’s time to take control of your gut and unlock your health potential.

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  • Fit Gods Way


    An ESPN Fitness America Champion provides a step-by-step, God’s Word-based guide to equip Christian women with solutions to gain control of over food, find lasting motivation to workout, confidently seem themselves through God’s eyes, and live their best life.

    If you’re tired of starting your diet over every Monday, if getting dressed stresses you out, if scrolling through your social media feed makes you feel insecure, this is not of God!

    The way the world portrays health, fitness, and body confidence causes us to live in a thought cycle of “not good enough” and defeat, but in Christ we are free to live boldly as the best version of ourselves.

    If you’re a Christian woman who loves Jesus and fitness, but you haven’t been able to get fit or find confidence, this Word-based solution is your answer.

    An empowering Christ-centered system that exchanges the lies of the world for the truth of God is the answer you will find in this book.

    It’s time to trade relying on weak willpower for the Holy Spirit gift of self-control, lasting motivation found in your purpose, and confidence found seeing yourself through His eyes!

    Yes, you can cross the finish line of your goals. You just need your secret recipe!

    Fit God’s Way provides the necessary tools you need to create your personalized daily system of success through the 7 Habits of Christ-Centered Fitness.

    If you know in your heart that you were made for more than failed diets and feeling less than… and you are ready to dare to believe with boldness you can become God’s best version of yourself, it’s time to live Strong. Confident. His.

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  • 101 Maneras Sencillas De Reduc – (Spanish)


    Aunque muchos de nosotros priorizamos nuestra salud fisica a traves del ejercicio y una alimentacion saludable, a menudo nos olvidamos de dedicar tiempo a estimular nuestra mente, estado de animo y salud mental. Sin embargo, la mente es la fuente de todos nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones; cuando nuestro pensamiento no es saludable, nuestras vidas no seran saludables, incluso si vamos al gimnasio siete veces a la semana y comemos col rizada todos los dias.

    Es muy importante que nos concentremos en el autocuidado mental y en reducir el estres diario, ya que la fortaleza mental y la resiliencia nos ayudaran a superar los momentos dificiles y nos ayudaran a lograr el exito en todas las areas de nuestras vidas. Usando el increible poder de nuestra mente, podemos persistir y crecer en respuesta a los desafios de la vida.

    Deje que la autora y neurocientifica de gran exito, la Dra. Caroline Leaf, le ayude a cambiar su vida cambiando su forma de pensar con 101 formas sencillas de reducir el estres. Con estrategias simples para el autocuidado mental, podemos cambiar la forma en que pensamos y vivimos nuestras vidas.

    Although many of us prioritize our physical health through exercise and healthy eating, we often forget to spend time boosting our mind, mood, and mental health. Yet the mind is the source of all our thoughts, words, and actions; when our thinking is unhealthy, our lives will be unhealthy-even if we go to the gym seven times a week and eat kale every day.

    It is so important that we focus on mental self-care and reducing daily stress, since mental toughness and resilience will get us through difficult times and help us achieve success in every area of our lives. Using the incredible power of our minds, we can persist and grow in response to life’s challenges.

    Let bestselling author and neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf help you change your life by changing your mind with 101 simple ways to reduce stress. With simple strategies for mental self-care, we can change the way we think and how we live our lives.

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  • Be Resilient : 12 Keys To A Happy And Healthy Life


    In Be Resilient, America’s leading stress expert, Dr. Pete Sulak reveals a simple 12-step process that will uncomplicate your health journey and empower you to achieve the happy, healthy life you’ve always wanted.

    One of the world’s leading stress experts, Dr. Pete Sulack sees thousands of patients each week in his Knoxville, TN chiropractic clinic and is known around the world for his practical and effective approach to health.

    In Be Resilient, Dr. Pete reveals a simple 12-step process that will empower you to achieve the happy, healthy life you’ve always wanted! He dispels common myths, offering best practices for changing those habits that you’ve had a hard time breaking.

    Dr. Pete will teach you:

    *The importance of eating real food
    *How to make health changes that last
    *How to build strength, one cell at a time
    *Why you need healthy connection with others
    *The dynamics of making choices
    *The importance of rest
    *How to have fun and be joyful
    *Specific steps for detoxing your kitchen

    You don’t have to remain trapped in an unhealthy routine! Dr. Pete’s simple, 12-step program will help you build and maintain natural rhythms for a healthy, fruitful life–from the inside, out!

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  • Beyond Keto : Burn Fat, Heal Your Gut, And Reverse Disease With A Mediterra


    Diets like Keto and Mediterranean are great, but now there’s something better!

    This book will empower you to lose weight, heal your gut, and reverse disease with information and recipes for a healthy, low-carb, anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

    New York Times best-selling author Don Colbert, MD, has created a new dietary lifestyle, the Beyond Keto lifestyle. Beyond Keto blends the best of both worlds, the Ketogenic and Mediterranean diets, and combines them with cutting-edge research on gut health. The key is eliminating foods that cause inflammation.

    If you’ve tried a conventional Ketogenic or Mediterranean diet and still feel bloated, sluggish, or your weight loss has plateaued, Beyond Keto gives you the guidelines to go deeper in a low carb/anti-inflammatory lifestyle that empowers your body. In Beyond Keto, Dr. Colbert teaches you how to:
    *Balance Your Hormones and Heal Your Gut
    *Eliminate Inflammation and Related Diseases
    *Boost Your Energy and Increase Longevity
    *Shift Your Body Into Fat-Burning Mode

    Give your body what it needs to conquer disease and lose weight for good. Start living the Beyond Keto lifestyle today.

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