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    • Empowered : Equipping Everyone For Relational Evangelism (DVD)


      1. Inadequacy is Compulsory
      2. The Cross: The Mess and the Miracle
      3. Facing our Fears
      4. It’s All About Relationships
      5. Cultivating Curiosity
      6. The Gospel: The Content and the Response
      7. Introducing the Irresistible Jesus

      Additional Info
      So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.

      Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them.

      In the introduction Becky writes:
      “Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”

      Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.

      Empowered would make a great basis for a church weekend away or day conference, or can be used in home groups and small groups week by week.

      All you need to assess the course and get started is the DVD Leader’s kit, which includes:
      – Member’s handbook
      – Leader’s guide
      – DVD
      – Uncovering the Life of Jesus

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    • Empowered Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      How To Run The Course
      1. Inadequacy Is Compulsory
      2. The Cross: The Mess And The Miracle
      3. Facing Our Fears
      4. It’s All About Relationships
      5. Cultivating Curiosity
      6. The Gospel: Content And Response
      7. Introducing The Irresistible Jesus
      Extra Resources

      Additional Info
      So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.

      Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them. Easy to run and combining Bible-study, talks and discussions, this course is flexible enough to be over seven weeks or on a day or weekend away.

      In the introduction Becky writes:
      “Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”

      Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.

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    • Empowered Handbook : Equipping Everyone For Relational Evangelism


      1. Inadequacy Is Compulsory
      2. The Cross: The Mess And The Miracle
      3. Facing Our Fears
      4. It’s All About Relationships
      5. Cultivating Curiosity
      6. The Gospel: Content And Response
      7. Introducing The Irresistible Jesus

      Additional Info
      So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.

      Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them. Easy to run and combining Bible-study, talks and discussions, this course is flexible enough to be over seven weeks or on a day or weekend away.

      In the introduction Becky writes:
      “Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”

      Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.

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    • Surprise The World


      Christianity is a surprising religion. It has changed the world in remarkable ways throughout history simply through Christians living out their faith. More recently, we’ve become afraid of a habituated Christianity, thinking that routines will rob our faith of its vitality. The net effect is that we’ve replaced the habits that surprise the world with habits that mimic the world-and both we and the world suffer for it.

      Integrating the five habits in the BELLS model-Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives-will help you spread the gospel organically, graciously, and surprisingly.

      Michael Frost, a world-renowned expert on evangelism and discipleship, makes evangelism a lifestyle that is fulfilling, exciting, effective, and easy to live out!

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    • Skinny On Outreach


      Does the idea of outreach excite you? Does it intimidate you? Does it frustrate you? In the context of youth ministry, outreach is simply looking beyond yourself and equipping teenagers to do the same. It’s about a commitment to encouraging and equipping teenagers to engage in a lifestyle of sharing the world-altering message of Jesus. Jesus commands us to reach out, compassion compels us to reach out, and true discipleship calls us to reach out. The Skinny on Outreach delivers specific, tangible ideas for building a youth ministry where teenagers discover how every area of life offers ongoing opportunities for relational evangelism. This book will fuel your passion for reaching out and sharing the message of Jesus-and for inviting teenagers into this exciting adventure, too. When your teenagers are on a mission with Jesus and telling people about him, they’ll also grow deeply in him. Help your students become life-changing ambassadors for Jesus’ message of grace and hope. And join Jesus in the quest for the unreached teenagers in your community!

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    • Engaging With Muslims


      1. Who Are These Muslims We Meet Every Day?
      2. Prayer
      3. Presence
      4. Proclamation
      5. Persuasion
      6. Love Your Muslim Neighbor

      Additional Info
      Many Christians in the west are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Muslims-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and discussions about the Bible.

      This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the the importance of forming loving relationships-something that all Christians are able to do.

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    • Honest Evangelism : How To Talk About Jesus Even When Its Tough


      1. What They Don’t Tell You
      2. So Why Talk About Jesus?
      3. The Other Half Of The Story
      4. Why You (still) Won’t Evangelize
      5. I Must Remember…
      6. What Do I Say?
      7. Be Yourself
      8. Getting Going
      9. Workers Wanted

      Additional Info
      Hostility and hunger that’s the response to the message of Jesus. The first is painful, the second is wonderful, and Rico Tice is honest about both.

      Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.

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    • Por Que Creer En Jesus – (Spanish)


      Una vida que vale la pena investigar

      Jesucristo es la persona mas famosa que ha existido. La mayoria de la gente conoce Su nombre, aunque realmente no sabe quien o como era El. Si en verdad El fue un Salvador, como algunos dicen, de que forma realmente eso nos afecta hoy? Y por que nosotros deberiamos creer en El?

      Mientras Jesus vivio y ministro en la tierra, El enseo acerca de temas como:
      *Que es la verdad?
      *Cual es el significado de la vida?
      *Que es el amor?
      *Cual es mi proposito?
      *Cual es mi futuro?

      Muchos de nosotros buscamos algo real para nuestras vidas. Nos preguntamos si es posible tener paz, proposito y empoderamiento en un mundo que parece estar cayendose a pedazos cada dia. Las circunstancias en nuestra vida nos llevan a lidiar con preguntas basicas acerca de nuestra propia existencia, tales como “Por que estoy aqui?” Tambien hacen que nos preguntemos acerca de la existencia de un Ser Superior a quien podamos acudir en busca de ayuda.

      En este libro, a medida que usted explora la vida y las extraordinarias enseanzas de Jesus, tambien sera introducido con gente contemporanea, de diversos origenes, que nos indican como y por que llegaron a creer en Jesus, y la diferencia que El esta haciendo hoy en sus vidas.

      A Life Worth Investigating

      Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

      As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:
      *What is truth?
      *What is the meaning of life?
      *What is love?
      *What is my purpose?
      *What is my future?

      In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus-and the difference He is making in their lives today.

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    • Why Believe In Jesus


      A Life Worth Investigating

      Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

      As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:
      *What is truth?
      *What is the meaning of life?
      *What is love?
      *What is my purpose?
      *What is my future?

      In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus-and the difference He is making in their lives today.

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    • Engaging With Hindus


      A. Understanding Hindus
      1. A Global Faith
      2. What Do Hindus Think Of Christians And Christianity?
      3. Our Approach
      4. Who Is A Hindu?
      5. What Do Hindus Believe And Practise?
      B. Engaging With Hindus
      6. Love
      7. Listen And Learn
      8. Present Christ Positively
      9. Pray
      10. Preparing For Discussion
      11. Understanding Hindu Questions
      12. How Should A Church Engage With Hindus?

      Additional Info
      Hindus represent the third largest faith in the world, and yet many Christians know very little about their beliefs and lifestyle.

      This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about Hindus, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Both practical and warm, this book shows that every Christian is able to share their faith with Hindu friends and neighbors.

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    • Engaging With Atheists


      1. Who Are The Atheists?
      2. Beliefs And Practices
      3. Engaging Personally
      4. Engaging With The Gospel
      5. Engaging With The Bible
      6. How Can A Church Engage?
      7. Conclusion And Resources

      Additional Info
      Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with atheists-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible. How can we share God’s love with people who don’t even believe he’s there?!

      This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the questions and issues that atheists of various kinds have about Christian faith, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

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    • Evangelize Or Fosselize


      Truly, there is nothing so tragic, so hard, and so icy as a fossilized church or Christian. Nothing can keep the Christian warm, fresh, and alive like evangelism. Soulwinning is a safeguard against a dead, barren orthodoxy. That the church’s expansion depends upon her evangelism is the testimony of the ages. Failing to save, she cannot survive. A lack of evangelism, ultimately, will lead to extinction.

      Renowned Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the call, the methods, the obstacles, and the challenge of bringing the gospel to a lost and hurting world. When the Holy Spirit enables men and women of God to offer their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus and to turn the world upside down, it is the greatest adventure of all time!

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