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Classic Books

Showing 1–12 of 102 results

  • Practica De La Presencia De Di – (Spanish)


    Este libro es un clasico sobre desarrollar la consciencia de la presencia de Dios. Su autor, el Hermano Lawrence (nacido como Nicolas Herman), fraile catolico de la orden de los Carmelitas en el Siglo 17, fue un hombre de origen humilde que descubrio el mayor secreto de vivir en el reino de Dios aqui en la tierra. Es el arte de “practicar la presencia de Dios en un solo acto que no acaba”. A menudo afirmaba que es Dios quien se pinta a si mismo en lo mas profundo de nuestras almas. Simplemente debemos abrir nuestros corazones para recibirlo a El y a su presencia amorosa.

    Como humilde cocinero, el Hermano Lawrence aprendio una leccion importante a traves de cada tarea diaria: el tiempo que pasas en comunion con el Seor debe ser el mismo, ya sea que estes ocupado en la cocina, con varias personas haciendo preguntas al mismo tiempo, o de rodillas en oracion. Aprendio a cultivar la profunda presencia de Dios tan a fondo en su propio corazon que pudo exclamar con alegria: “Estoy haciendo ahora lo que hare por toda la eternidad. Estoy bendiciendo a Dios, alabandolo, adorandolo y amandolo con todo mi corazon”.

    Este clasico sin igual ha brindado bendicion e instruccion a aquellos que pueden contentarse con nada menos que conocer a Dios en toda su majestad y sentir su amorosa presencia a lo largo de cada dia sencillo.

    This book is a classic on developing awareness of God’s presence. Its author, Brother Lawrence (born Nicolas Herman), a 17th-century Catholic friar of the Carmelite order, was a man of humble origins who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in a single act that does not end”. He often claimed that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our souls. We simply must open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence.

    As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily task: the time you spend in communion with the Lord should be the same whether you are busy in the kitchen, with several people asking questions at the same time, or kneeling in prayer. He learned to cultivate the profound presence of God so deeply in his own heart that he was able to exclaim with joy: “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, worshiping Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”

    This peerless classic has provided blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than to kno

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  • What Did The Cross Achieve


    A Classic Essay on Penal Substitutionary Atonement from Theologian J. I. Packer

    Penal substitutionary atonement-the belief that Jesus’s death on the cross satisfied God’s wrath against sin-is central to the Christian faith, but frequently debated. Is it just to punish an innocent person in place of the guilty? How can the temporary death of one substitute for the eternal death of many? Why doesn’t the cross grant Christians unlimited permission to sin?

    In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel. Considered one of the most significant short works on penal substitutionary atonement from the 20th century, this careful, concise essay has influenced prominent theologians and is essential reading for students, pastors, and laypeople.

    *From Renowned Theologian J. I. Packer: This work was originally delivered as a Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture

    *Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way and No Little People; The Life of God in the Soul of Man; and Fighting for Holiness

    *Includes a Foreword by Mark Dever

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  • Come Away My Beloved


    Author Frances J. Roberts started a quiet phenomenon with her book Come Away My Beloved-and now her encouraging words are available in a fresh, new paperback. This powerful, lyrical, million-selling devotional includes lightly-updated text and scripture from Barbour’s Simplified KJV Bible.

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  • My Utmost For His Highest:


    The beloved devotional My Utmost for His Highest has encouraged and moved people to think more deeply about their relationship with the Lord for nearly 100 years. The golden book of Oswald Chambers has sold more than 13 million copies, and has helped ignite countless individuals’ faith. You’ll find 365 thought-provoking meditations in this updated-language inexpensive paperback edition that will challenge you to be the person God designed you to be.

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  • Gods Joy In Your Heart


    The Joy of the Lord Is Strength for All Christians!

    In God’s Joy in Your Heart, legendary preacher Charles Spurgeon shows how to receive joy that will remain despite the struggles, trials, and temptations of daily living. He reveals the secrets of how believers can obtain it, maintain it, and share it with others.

    Enjoy a refreshing break for twenty-one days with these heartwarming devotional readings as the “Prince of Preachers” shows you how to:

    *Take refuge in the safety of God’s arms
    *Build a strong faith
    *Know the loving comfort of the Holy Spirit
    *Receive all that God has for you
    *Find deliverance from heartaches and troubles
    *Experience God’s ever-present help

    Through these encouraging words, you will come to know the peace that passes all understanding and find the confidence to minister God’s love to others.

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  • Evergreen Christmas : Treasured Classics For The Yuletide Season


    From Dickens to Yeats, An Evergreen Christmas brings together twenty-nine stories and songs from some of the world’s most beloved writers in a beautiful and timeless new collection.

    Whether you’re circled around the fire with family, searching for the perfect gift for a friend, or simply in pursuit of the best holiday reading, An Evergreen Christmas perfectly captures the essence of the yuletide season. This treasury is sure to warm your heart and light up your holiday season with stories from beloved authors including world-renowned literary greats:

    *Louisa May Alcott
    *Charles Dickens
    *L. M. Montgomery
    *Hans Christian Andersen
    *W. B. Yeats

    A thoughtfully curated collection of treasured stories, An Evergreen Christmas captures the spirit of the holiday season through classic works celebrated by generations past and generations to come.

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  • Christians Secret Of A Happy Life


    Is your life all you want it to be? Or do you find yourself wishing for more? More peace. More presence. More happiness.

    Hannah Whitall Smith–believer, rebel, and realist–faced life as she found it, and she found it good. Despite the trials of life, she took God’s promises literally, tested them, and found them true. She stepped out of conjecture into certainty, and the shadows of life disappeared in the light of God’s power and peace.

    You, too, can have that kind of confidence–confidence that leads to true happiness no matter what is going on around you.

    In this classic book with more than 10 million copies sold, Smith reveals the secret to replacing unhappiness and uncertainty with serenity and confidence in every day of your life.

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  • History Of The Devil Ancient And Modern


    The History of the Devil is a classic historical and religious book universally considered one of Daniel Defoe’s greatest works of non-fiction. The book was first published in 1726 and made an immediate impact on English literature, society and the ecclesiastical community in the early 18th century and continues to enrich humanity as a faithful source of historical and biblical truth and wisdom.

    The History of the Devil cleverly unfolds the actions, devices, and evil nature of Satan and his host of devils against God and mankind throughout the history of the world. Defoe divides the book into two parts: Ancient, or the time from before the creation of the universe to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; and Modern, or from the time of Christ and establishment of the Christian Church to the present day. His style is one that uniquely blends serious biblical principles and history with lighter satirical narrative, especially when dealing with mankind’s many false presuppositions about the Devil, and clearly delineates when each, or both, is applicable to the subject of discussion.

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  • Christmas Carol An Engaging Visual Journey


    For the first time, Charles Dickens’s classic work is a heartwarming, mixed-media special edition complete with charming Victorian English-inspired watercolor paintings, decorative hand-lettering, vintage imagery, and space for journaling and reflection. As you read and connect with this unique, artfully-designed Visual Journey, its pages become a reminder that Christmas should be a time of goodwill to everybody-both the Cratchits and the Scrooges of the world! The high-spirited, generous-hearted Dickens reminds readers that wealth does not make Christmas happy, and that poverty and isolation need not make if miserable. Since its publication in 1843, A Christmas Carol has inspired millions of people to have compassion and love for the poor, the lonely, and the marginalized.

    This special Visual Journey edition is accented by 80 full-color paintings, engravings, and hand-lettered quotes. Additional stories in this collection include “The Gift of the Magi” (O. Henry), “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle” (Arthur Conan Doyle), “The Louis d’Or” (Francois Coppee), and “The Torn Cloak” (Maxime du Camp).

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  • Progreso Del Peregrino – (Spanish)


    “Cristiano” es un hombre que hace un viaje aventurero por terreno agreste, recorriendo colinas baadas por el sol y oscuros valles. Su caminata es una intrigante alegoria para la actualidad, mezclada con la caballeresca aventura del ayer, a medida que el peregrinaje nos lleva desde la Ciudad de Destruccion hasta la Ciudad Celestial cuyo constructor y hacedor es Dios. Aclamada como una las mas grandes obras maestras de la literatura del mundo, la hermosa alegoria de John Bunyan cautiva la atencion del lector a la vez que proporciona perspectiva sobre la vida cristiana.

    “Christian” is a man on an adventurous journey across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark valleys. His trek is an intriguing allegory for today–mixed with the chivalric adventure of yesterday–as the pilgrimage takes us from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God. Acclaimed as “one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world,” John Bunyan’s beloved allegory captivates the reader’s attention while providing insight into the Christian life.

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  • Pilgrims Progress Illustrated Edition


    Acclaimed as “one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world,” John Bunyan’s beloved allegory captivates the reader’s attention while providing insight into the Christian life. Join Bunyan in this illustrated edition as he tells the story of “Christian,” a man on an adventurous journey across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark valleys. His trek is an intriguing allegory for today–mixed with the chivalric adventure of yesterday–as the pilgrimage takes us from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God.

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  • Greatest Thing In The World


    A Timeless Classic

    One Sunday evening, D. L. Moody and friends were gathered around a fire. Some guests urged Moody to expound on some portion of Scripture. Being tired after the services of the day, he gruffly told them to ask Henry Drummond, who was also present. After some urging, Drummond finally produced a small New Testament from his hip pocket, opened it to the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians and, without any notes, began to speak on the subject of love. Moody said, “It seemed to me that I had never heard anything so beautiful, and I determined not to rest until I brought Henry Drummond to Northfield to deliver that address. Since then I have requested the principles of my schools to have it read before the students every year.

    “Over the decades, this teaching has become one of the best-loved and most inspiring messages on love ever written. Other writings of Drummond in this unique collection include:
    The Program of Christianity
    The City Without a Church
    The Changed Life
    Pax Vobiscum (Peace with You)
    Eternal Life

    Through this dynamic message, we can experience the beauty of lasting love in all its fullness and learn how to bring God’s peace and joy to those around us

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