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Tag: Church Life

Showing 25–36 of 46 results

  • Fruit Of The Spirit Assessment 10 Pack


    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV).
    Scripture reveals nine fruits of the Spirit that are the inevitable result of God’s presence and control in our lives. This resource reveals characteristics of the fruits of the Spirit to help you determine if your fruit is abundant and sweet or sparse and dry. Use this evaluation to discover the qualities the Holy Spirit is producing in you and identify areas of spiritual growth to which you might give greater study, prayer, and discipline. Are you yielding to or quenching the Holy Spirit?

    Includes: 10 questionnaire and self-scoring answer sheet with a description of characteristics of the fruit.

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  • Any 3 Anyone Anywhere Any Time


    Mike Shipman, a Southern Baptist missionary in Asia, took a bold and biblical approach to reaching the millions of Muslims in his country. Drawn from the patterns established by Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 10, Mike Shipman demonstrates how these same principles are relevant and applicable today. The result is, Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, a highly effective and deeply biblical five-step process that has seen thousands of Muslims say “Yes” to Jesus and enter into new communities of faithful discipleship.
    Any-3 provides biblical principles and practical steps that have equipped hundreds of Christians to witness confidently and effectively. Over the past decade, thousands of Muslims have been engaged with the gospel. Within the first few years, Any-3 resulted in seven generations of Muslim-background churches planting churches, with more than a thousand baptized believers.
    Any-3 introduces Christians to a five-step process that helps them to 1) get connected with Muslims, 2) get to a God conversation, 3) get to lostness, 4) get to the gospel, and 5) get to a decision. Hundreds of Christians have learned to walk this path with Muslims, leading thousands of them to say “Yes” to Jesus and pray to receive him into their lives as Savior and Lord.
    Any-3 is truly revolutionizing Christian ministry to Muslims. Through this highly readable new resource, you too will learn how to share the gospel with Muslims and bring them into new discipleship communities.

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  • Underground Church


    The Chinese house church is one of the most misunderstood and controversial subjects in Christian world missions today. Many questions about it abound, such as…

    *How did it start?
    *How does it work?
    *How is it led?
    *Why does it continue to experience revival?
    *Is it necessary, now that China has extended religious freedoms?

    Much of the confusion is caused by the Chinese government, which deceives journalists and foreign missionaries with promises of religious freedom that are never kept.

    The truth is, the house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a short time left one belief system for another without a hostile revolution. Lives in China are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the display of His miraculous power.

    The Underground Church demystifies the Chinese house church movement, with real-life examples and personal testimonies from Chinese Christians. The movement’s unique characteristics-both good and bad-are addressed, as well as how they have led to the church’s astonishing growth.

    Be amazed at what God is doing in China!

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  • Church Shouldnt Suck The Life Out Of You


    Using humor and frank honesty, Pastor Jim Minor describes how his own street outreach organization transformed from a vibrant, God-infused ministry into a conventional, safe church that almost sucked all the passion for ministry right out of him. Then, Jim explains how he got his passion back again.

    Who is this book for?

    *Pastors and ministry leaders who have lost their focus and have grown to resent the ministries to which they have been called

    *Those in the pews who have lost the spark of their passion for God and find themselves merely going through the motions and “playing church”

    *Non-churchgoers who stay away because they don’t want any part of a dry, lifeless religion that doesn’t make any difference in the world

    If you identify with any of those categories, this book is for you!

    Let Jim Minor cast a vision for what church can be. Discover that it’s possible to venture beyond the church walls, to interact with the lost and hurting, and to watch God do miracles in people’s lives. And in the process, church might even become fun and fulfilling once again.

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  • Evangelize Or Fosselize


    Truly, there is nothing so tragic, so hard, and so icy as a fossilized church or Christian. Nothing can keep the Christian warm, fresh, and alive like evangelism. Soulwinning is a safeguard against a dead, barren orthodoxy. That the church’s expansion depends upon her evangelism is the testimony of the ages. Failing to save, she cannot survive. A lack of evangelism, ultimately, will lead to extinction.

    Renowned Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the call, the methods, the obstacles, and the challenge of bringing the gospel to a lost and hurting world. When the Holy Spirit enables men and women of God to offer their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus and to turn the world upside down, it is the greatest adventure of all time!

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  • 1 Corinthians 1-9 Challenging Church (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study 1 Corinthians?
    1. Count Your Blessings – 1 Corinthians 1 V 1-9
    2. Unite In “foolishness” – 1 Corinthians 1 V 10 – 2 V 16
    3. Unite As God’s Community – 1 Corinthians 3
    4. Recognise Real Ministers – 1 Corinthians 4
    5. Don’t Go Soft On Sin – 1 Corinthians 5 – 6
    6. Let Your Calling Count – 1 Corinthians 7
    7. Use Your Rights – 1 Corinthians 8 – 9
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then there’s His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many.

    And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are God’s embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse.

    And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn?

    Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.

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  • Listen Up : A Practical Guide To Listening To Sermons


    Seven Ingredients For Healthy Sermon Listening:
    1. Expect God To Speak
    2. Admit God Knows Better Than You
    3. Check The Preacher Says What The Passage Says
    4. Hear The Sermon In Church
    5. Be There Week By Week
    6. Do What The Bible Says
    7. Do What The Bible Says Today – And Rejoice!
    How To Listen To Bad Sermons
    7 Suggestions For Encouraging Good Preaching

    Additional Info
    Why on earth does anyone need a guide on how to listen to sermons? Don’t we simply need to ‘be there’ and stay awake? Yet Jesus said: ‘Consider carefully how you listen.’ The fact is, much more is involved in truly listening to Bible teaching than just sitting and staring at the preacher.

    Christopher Ash outlines seven ingredients for healthy listening. He then deals with how to respond to bad sermons – ones that are dull, or inadequate, or heretical. And finally, he challenges us with ideas for helping and encouraging our Bible teachers to give sermons that will really help us to grow as Christians.

    * Where does the authority of a Bible teacher come from?
    * Why is Bible teaching offensive?
    * Why is it important to hear Bible teaching in church?
    * How can we actually enjoy Bible teaching more?

    These (and more) are the questions answered by this practical guide, which includes effective, hands-on suggestions for implementing each idea. All with the aim of helping us learn how to listen properly, so that through His word, God will make us more and more Christ like.

    ‘We give Listen Up to all our new members’ – Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

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  • Church Membership : How The World Knows Who Represents Jesus


    Jonathan Leeman addresses the commonly asked (and often unanswered) question of, “Why should I join a church?” in a time when many are shunning the practice of organized religion. By offering a brief, straightforward explanation of what church membership is and why it’s important, Leeman gives the local church its proper due and builds a case for committing to the local body. Church Membership is a useful tool for churches to distribute en masse to new and potential members of their congregation.

    This volume is part of the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series. Look for upcoming, quick-read formats of the following marks of a healthy church: expositional preaching, biblical theology, the gospel, conversion, evangelism, church discipline, discipleship and growth, and church leadership.

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  • To Life : Rediscovering Biblical Church


    Are you satisfied with your Christian life or do you get the feeling that something is missing, but you’re not sure what it is? Have you ever asked the question, where does the World end and the Church begin? Is the 21st Century Church truly the best it could possibly be? Are there forgotten places that we should be revisiting?

    Dare we believe that we could return to the Biblical Church of the first apostles?

    Some say we can’t, others have tried and failed. This author believes it’s worth trying again because it’s all a question of mindsets and this book will explain why, with the wit, wisdom and wonder that is the trademark of Steve Maltz’s writing.

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  • How The Church Lost The Truth


    It should have been so simple. There was the Bible, God’s authoritative and complete word for mankind. His gift to us. One volume of sixty six books in all, from “In the beginning” to “amen”. One basic message. Choose Life, He said. So what did we do? We chose … denominations, 38,000 of them. One book, thousands of interpretations.

    Snake handlers in Kansas, Prosperity teachers in Washington, Liberationists in El Salvador, Gay Bishops in New Hampshire, New Age rectors in London. They all claim the Bible as their inspiration and rulebook. Once this book is opened, why is it that folk seem to see different things? One book, one message, one Babel. How come? Where can the Truth be found or has the Church lost The Truth?

    This explosive book tells the whole sad story of what actually happened to the Church over the last two thousand years and how it managed to lose its focus and take on so many ideas from Greek philosophy that Christianity has just become a melting point of truth mixed up with very strange ideas.

    If Jesus were to return today, which Church – if any – could He call his own?

    In this challenging, provocative but entertaining book the author examines what has happened to some key battlegrounds for Truth and asks, where did those ideas come from?

    *How did God kick things off?
    *How does He deal with His covenant people?
    *Who does He let into heaven?
    *What is Hell really like?
    *How is He really going to wrap things up?

    Some of the answers will astound you and you may also be prompted to ask the question, how has the Church managed to lose so much Truth?

    Prepare to be challenged to the very core of your faith.

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  • How The Church Lost The Way


    Tackling the ‘uncomfortable truth’ for the Church, this book packs a heavyweight punch in a lightweight package. With great clarity and style the author explains how the Church has been strangled by its past and how the faith in Jesus Christ was infiltrated by pagan ideas from Greek philosophy that have remained to this day. This book exposes and explains how this affects our understanding of the Bible, God, Church and everything in-between. In this provocative, entertaining and encouraging book, we will explore our true roots and discover practical keys to move forwards.

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  • Servanthood As Worship


    Browse a Christian book website or bookstore and notice all there is for leaders and would-be leaders. There are studies of leaders, keys to leadership, and tips on becoming a leader. Books that promote servanthood tend to be about leadership. But how many books inspire us simply to serve one another? The appeal of leadership has hijacked the biblical call to servanthood. As a result, we major on a role that will only ever be held by a few, and we largely ignore a role that ought to be held by every Christian. Whatever happened to servanthood? Servanthood as Worship offers Christians a biblical understanding of their calling to serve in the church, motivated by the grace that is ours in the gospel. It has the potential to revitalize service teams in churches across the world, from church plants to established congregations.

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