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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1081–1092 of 2417 results

  • Brief Theology Of Periods Yes Really


    The average woman has 500 periods in her lifetime. And whether yours are mildly annoying, utterly debilitating or emotionally complicated, most of us have at one time or another asked: Why?!

    This warm, light-hearted, real, honest and at times surprising book gives a biblical perspective on menstruation, as well as a whole lot more. Beginning with periods, Rachel Jones takes readers on an adventure in theology, weaving together wide-ranging reflections on the nature of our bodies, the passing of time, the purpose of pain, and the meaning of life.

    One thing is for sure: you’ve never read a Christian book quite like this one.

    Whether you’re in need of hope and help, or are just downright curious, you’ll be refreshed and encouraged by this book. As Rachel puts it, “Whoever you are, my aim is that you reach the end of this book celebrating who God has made you, how God has saved you, and the fact that he speaks liberating and positive truth into all of life’s experiences (even periods)”.

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  • What Happens When We Die


    Looks at what the Bible says about what happens when we die, to help 9-13s grow in confident and considered faith.

    Sooner or later, kids have big questions about God, life, faith, and the Bible, especially when their friends start asking them about what they believe. A common one is: What happens when we die?

    Big questions deserve good answers. This warm, empathetic book looks at what the Bible says to help 9-13s think through this big question for themselves. It tackles common fears and stereotypes about the afterlife, and will excite readers about the promise of the new creation. Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for this age group to engage with.

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  • How Do We Know Christianity Is Really True


    Looks at how we know Christianity is really true, to help 9-13s grow in confident and considered faith.

    Sooner or later, kids have big questions about God, life, faith, and the Bible, especially when their friends start asking them about what they believe. A common one is: How do we know Christianity is really true?

    Big questions deserve good answers. This pithy, fun, and fast-paced book looks at what the Bible says to help 9-13s think through this big question for themselves. It explains why we can trust the Gospels as real historical documents and walks through the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for this age group to engage with.

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  • Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen


    Looks at what the Bible says about why God lets bad things happen, to help 9-13s grow in confident and considered faith.

    Sooner or later, kids have big questions about God, life, faith, and the Bible, especially when their friends start asking them about what they believe. A common one is: Why does God let bad things happen?

    Big questions deserve good answers. This warm, reassuring, and fast-paced book looks at what the Bible says to help 9-13s think through this big question for themselves. It puts the problem of suffering in the context of the Bible’s big story, and encourages readers to see that whatever they’re facing, Jesus is with them. Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for this age group to engage with.

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  • Christ And Calamity


    Lord, do you not care if we perish?

    That’s what the frightened disciples shouted to Jesus as he slept in the stern of a storm-tossed boat. In the midst of suffering and uncertainty, we’re all prone to think that God has forgotten us, he doesn’t care, or he’s powerless to do anything.

    And that’s true of us in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In Christ and Calamity, Harold L. Senkbeil speaks pastorally to our suffering and uncertainty. Senkbeil shows God’s constant and faithful grace to us. With Paul he encourages us: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess 5:16-18).

    Calamities come in many different sizes, and God addresses them all in his word and by his Spirit. Even when we don’t see or feel it, God is always faithful.

    “If I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me” (Ps 139:9-10).

    The disciples’ faith in the midst of the storm may have been weak, but Jesus was mighty to save. And he will save you, too. No matter how small your faith, you can count on him to hear your anguished cry and to answer.

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  • Place Of His Presence


    When was the last time you felt God’s presence?

    Does a sense of the Lord’s presence seem to elude you, despite your earnest seeking? Does Heaven seem silent, despite your patient listening?

    Many Christians have been on a similar journey, but Scripture makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is within you–not just with you. The secret to experiencing the Lord is simply to live from the reality of His already-intimate presence within your own heart.

    Author, teacher, songwriter, and worship leader, Daniel Amstutz wants to revolutionize how you think about God’s presence. In The Place of His Presence, Amstutz makes the bold, biblical claim that, while you’ve been looking for God, He already dwells within you!

    In this important work, Daniel Amstutz helps you…

    *Understand the important distinction between God with us and Christ in us

    *Recognize that you are God’s dwelling place, the temple for His presence

    *Discover that a lifestyle of true worship has nothing to do with music

    *Enrich your ability to operate in the supernatural

    If you’ve been frustrated by the fruitless results of your fervent search for God, this book is for you. Discover the power of this life-changing truth: you are The Place of His Presence!

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  • Strength For The Challenge


    Guys, you know life can be tough.
    But never forget that God is strong.

    This brand-new daily devotional builds off the inspired message of 2 Corinthians 12:10:

    For Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    Featuring hundreds of contemporary entries plus “classics” from figures such as D. L. Moody, Andrew Murray, Charles Spurgeon, and John Wesley, Strength for the Challenge promises insight and inspiration for men of all ages. Whatever life is throwing at you, you’ll be encouraged to seek your daily strength from God through Jesus Christ. Sure, life can be tough. But with the all-powerful God on your side, how can you lose?

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  • Daily Prayers And Promises For Women


    Daily Devotional Prayers and Bible Promises-Just for Women

    Experience a deeper and more meaningful connection to your heavenly Father with Daily Prayers and Promises for Women. Featuring 365 devotional “prayer starters” that touch on topics important to your heart-including true beauty, children, forgiveness, patience, self-worth, trust, and wisdom-Daily Prayers and Promises for Women provides just the hope and encouragement you need for any area of life.

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  • God Calling For Morning And Evening


    Find out why millions have read and loved God Calling for more than 85 years. . .

    . . .with this beautiful edition that includes a devotional sequel, God at Eventide! This powerful volume combines two beloved books-God Calling, the classic 365-day devotional that inspired the bestseller Jesus Calling, and God at Eventide, a companion book designed to be read before bedtime. Begin and end your day with the encouragement and challenge of God Calling for Morning and Evening, written as if God Himself is speaking directly to you. You’ll soon learn why so many people love these books!

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  • When God Says No


    No is not a four-letter word, but it certainly feels like one.

    It’s one thing to feel God’s love when life goes your way, but what happens to your faith when life doesn’t go as you had planned?

    When prayers go unanswered and dreams unfulfilled?

    When the sick stay sick and the dead do not rise?

    When you’re lost in the desert and the Promised Land seems like empty promise?

    When God says, “No,” how do you grapple with disappointment?

    Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson walks alongside readers as she tackles the difficulties that stymie our faith, stifle our prayers, and stunt our relationship with God. When God Says, “No” will help you to discover hope when life feels hopeless, good in what feels bad, and new dreams when old ones have died. This book is a fantastic reminder of Who is in charge-Who He is and how He works. How He loves us and why He limits us. The better we know Him, the more we understand that He says “No” to a few things, so He might say “Yes” to many more.

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  • Witchcraft In The Pews And Spiritual Warfare


    Guilt. Shame. Fear. They steal your joy and cripple you with doubt. Just when you think you’re gaining new revelation from God and developing fresh intimacy with Him, the devil comes to take away all of your progress.

    Shamefully, the schemes of the evil one have infiltrated the Christian church, with pastors who abuse their authority and allow deception, witchcraft, and occult practices to be used to manipulate their flocks. These toxic would-be shepherds twist and manipulate God’s design for authority, leaving innocent people as victims and prisoners of controlling, abusive situations.

    Free yourself from the devil’s assaults! Bishop George Bloomer teaches you how to recognize:

    Ministers who use intimidation and fear

    Controlling power in families

    Spiritual discernment and its many uses

    Manipulative media techniques

    Distractions coming from Satan

    Take a stand and engage in spiritual warfare! Claim the joyful life that God has planned for you!

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  • Piensa Mejor Sin Pensar Demasi – (Spanish)


    Pensar demasiado no es un rasgo de la personalidad. Es la forma mas disimulada de miedo. Roba tiempo, creatividad y metas. Es la cosa mas cara y menos productiva en la que invierten las empresas sin siquiera saberlo. Y es una epidemia. Cuando el autor mas vendido del New York Times, Jon Acuff, cambio su vida al transformar su habito de pensar demasiado, se pregunto si otras personas podrian beneficiarse de lo que descubrio. Encargo un estudio de investigacion para preguntar a 10.000 personas si tambien tienen problemas con el pensamiento excesivo, y el 99,5 por ciento dijo: “!Si!”

    La buena noticia es que en Piensa mejor sin pensar demasiado, Acuff ofrece un plan probado para convertir en super poder el super problema de pensar demasiado.

    Cuando no controlamos nuestros pensamientos, nuestros pensamientos nos controlan a nosotros. Si nuestros dias estan llenos de pensamientos repetidos sin vigencia, los pensamientos son nuestro peor enemigo, impidiendonos las cosas que realmente queremos. Pero la solucion para pensar demasiado no es dejar de pensar. La solucion es hacer funcionar nuestro cerebro con mejores pensamientos. Una vez que aprendemos a elegir nuestros pensamientos, estos se convierten en nuestros mejores amigos, impulsandonos hacia nuestras metas.

    Si quieres aprovechar el sorprendente poder de pensar demasiado y dar a tus sueos mas tiempo y creatividad, aprende a interpretar los pensamientos repetidos que te definen. Si puedes preocuparte, puedes preguntarte. Si puedes dudar, puedes dominar. Si puedes girar, puedes volar.

    Overthinking isn’t a personality trait. It’s the sneakiest form of fear.
    It steals time, creativity, and goals. It’s the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. And it’s an epidemic. When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff changed his life by transforming his overthinking, he wondered if other people might benefit from what he discovered. He commissioned a research study to ask 10,000 people if they struggle with overthinking too, and 99.5 percent said, “Yes!”

    The good news is that in Piensa mejor sin pensar demasiado, Acuff offers a proven plan to change overthinking from a super problem into a superpower.

    When we don’t control our thoughts, our thoughts control us. If our days are full of broken soundtracks, thoughts are our worst enemy, holding us back from the things we really want. But the solution to overthinking isn’t to stop thinking. The solution is

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