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    Christian Living

    • Lenguaje Del Perdon – (Spanish)


      Love does not grow by itself. It must be nourished daily with gentle words, trust, and good communication. When we allow hate, resentment and lack of forgiveness to take over, we start killing love. Distance takes its place, along with indifference, yelling, demeaning silences, and reproaches.

      Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the joy of sharing our lives with others.

      *When arguing, humility brings out the best solution.
      *Do not hold grudges without forgiving or asking for forgiveness.
      *Complaining, insults, and mockery turns love away.
      *Approach your partner with gentleness.
      *Hold yourself accountable for your mistakes.
      *To experience a flourishing relationship, you must give your best every day.

      When there is true love, it’s never too late to appreciate it. Today is the best day to ask for forgiveness and start all over again!

      El amor no crece solo. Debe alimentarse cada dia con palabras de afirmacion, afecto, confianza y dialogo. Cuando dejamos que el rencor, la amargura y la falta de perdon se apoderen de nosotros, vamos matando el amor lentamente hasta producir un distanciamiento que se manifiesta con indiferencia, gritos, silencios que castigan y recriminaciones.

      El perdon es el puente que facilita el dialogo para recuperar la confianza, y fortalecer la relacion. Si no pedimos perdon y no perdonamos, podriamos matar la ilusion y la alegria de vivir juntos.

      *En una discusion, la mejor solucion la alcanza la humildad.
      *No acumules situaciones sin perdonar o pedir perdon.
      *La queja, el reclamo, los insultos y la burla alejan el amor.
      *Comunicate con amabilidad.
      *Admite los errores.
      *Decide cada dia que daras lo mejor de ti para hacer crecer la relacion.

      Cuando hay amor de verdad jamas es tarde para apreciarlo. !Hoy es un buen dia para pedir perdon, y volverlo a intentar!

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    • Diet Diagnosis Dr Healthnut


      Many diet plans are promoted as “one size fits all.” But each person is unique and has specific needs and preferences. Diet Diagnosis: Navigating the Maze of Diet and Nutrition Plans will show you how to choose the program that is best for you, while providing practical tools and effective principles that you can implement step-by-step.

      No matter what your current health status, David Nico, aka “Dr. Healthnut,” will help you to reach your highest level of wellness possible, including a healthy weight. Dr. Healthnut says, “Healthnuts are not really ‘crazy’ they’re just everyday people who want to make healthier lifestyle choices.”

      Maybe you’ve had your ups and downs as you’ve tried to maintain good eating habits, producing a vicious cycle of lifelong weight problems and risk of disease. Or, perhaps you feel perplexed by the conflicting opinions expressed in the media about the “best” foods to eat, so you wonder just what the right foods to incorporate into your daily meals.

      Achieving wholeness in your life requires multiple dimensions of health. Yet, as you take progressive steps toward healthier eating, you will be on the road to wellness. By changing what, why, and how you eat, you can experience optimum health.

      The healthnut life: “Not Crazy. Just Healthy.

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    • Army Of The Dawn


      God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is a call to be part of the greatest adventure and the most important cause there will ever be.

      Army of the Dawn is both a prophecy and a training manual. It is written to inform, inspire, and provide practical instruction for those who are called to follow the King and turn an upside down world right side up.

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    • Jesus Calling Deluxe Edition


      Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.

      This #1 bestselling 365-day devotional is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you-words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of His unending love.

      Sarah Young shares her personal prayer journal and her reflections based on Jesus’ words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture. Penned by one who loves Jesus and reveres His Word, these writings will help your love for Jesus grow as you spend time with Him each day.

      Experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as you savor the presence of the One who will never leave you.

      Updated leathersoft cover allows for imprinting.

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    • Secret Of Spiritual Joy


      At one time or another, most Christians struggle with depression, discouragement, or despondency. When this happens, spiritual joy is the great need. William Farley has written a practical book to help flawed human beings discover and implement the secret to spiritual joy. The author contends that the gospel is the key to a life overflowing with joy. That is because a right understanding of the gospel produces the humility that motivates a life of continual thanksgiving. A heart humbled by the gospel is the well from which stressed believer can draw the gratitude that generates spiritual joy. This book also examines common joy-killers like grumbling, complaining, boasting, and self-pity, and provides practical suggestions for conquering them. Such attitudes cannot co-exist in a heart saturated with gospel-gratitude. Ultimately, a clear grasp of the cross is the secret to spiritual joy.

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    • Unanswered Lasting Truth For Trending Questions


      “Dr. Jeremiah Johnson addresses six categories of recurring, trending questions that plague the minds of believers but are rarely addressed in church”–

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    • 7 Dias Para Crear El Exito Emp – (Spanish)


      Desde la creacion del mundo, Dios establecio 7 principios infalibles para lograr el exito en todo lo que emprendamos. Vivimos en tiempos de gran competitividad, rapido desarrollo y avance tecnologico. Si no haces mas que los demas y de una mejor manera, no tendras posibilidades de una prosperidad solida y constante. Este libro es para cualquier persona que quiera crear o mejorar su propia empresa. Muchos empresarios han cometido errores que los han frustrado o los han llevado al fracaso. A menudo han comenzado sin la orientacion o informacion necesaria, y no siguen el orden que necesitan para alcanzar el exito. En estas paginas aprenderas principios poderosos para crear la empresa que siempre has deseado tener. A traves de este libro descubriras…Como aceptar el reto empresarialCual es el tiempo correcto para empezar tu empresaLas bases para una empresa exitosaLa ventaja competitivaLa importancia de la presentacion y el mercadeoComo desarrollar un plan estrategicoMetodos para buscar y generar nuevas oportunidadesQue una empresa exitosa necesita un equipo exitosoEl valor de observar y evaluar resultadosY muchas cosas mas…Este es un recurso importante que te ayudara a conseguir resultados extraordinarios. 7 dias para crear el exito empresarial es tu guia hacia la cima del mundo empresarial.

      Since the creation of the world, God established seven infallible principles for success in everything we do. We live in times of great competition, rapid development, and technological advancement. If you do not do more than others and in a better way, you have no chance of strong and constant prosperity. This book is for anyone who wants to create or improve their own businesses. Many entrepreneurs have made mistakes that have led to frustration and failure. They begin without the necessary guidance or information they need to succeed. In these pages, you will learn powerful principles for creating the company you have always wanted.Through this book you will discover…How to accept the business challenge.The right time to start your business.The basis for a successful business.Competitive advantage.The importance of presentation and marketing.How to develop a strategic plan.Methods to find and create new opportunities.How to build a successful team.The value of observing and evaluating results.And much more… This is an important resource that will help you achieve extraordinary results.Seven Days to Create Entrepreneurial Success is your guide to the top in t

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    • Transformaccion – (Spanish)


      Volver al metodo elegido por Jesus del trabajo en equipo es una grandeza digna de alguien que esta aprendiendo la leccion de como llegar lejos. Este libro encierra una propuesta de liderazgo innovadora, cuyo exito se ha traducido en cientos de miles de jovenes alcanzados para Cristo, transformados por su amor, y miles de ellos convertidos en discipulos para llegar aun a mas jovenes. La meta del equipo es clara: una transformacion en el estilo de vida de los jovenes, inspirado en Jesus… !No una religion! Y una vision de liderazgo y equipo, analoga al comportamiento de los gansos: juntos, no para llegar antes, sino para llegar mas lejos; para apoyarse en los momentos dificiles; y para alentarse el uno al otro hasta llegar a ver el sueo de Dios hecho realidad. La lectura singular y amena de TransformAccion te enseara a… Cambiar tu manera de ver a los demas Derrotar los gigantes de tu mente Entender el llamado de Dios para ti Activar tu alma de guerrero Reconocer tus miedos y vencerlos Invertir en otros Compartir tu liderazgo Llevar las palabras a la !Accion! Los lideres del futuro son los que se hacen; ellos cambian el mundo que los rodea. Todo lo que tocan lo convierten y lo transforman.

      Return to the method chosen by Jesus. Working as a team is a worthwhile goal for someone learning how to achieve success. This book contains a proposal for innovative leadership, a proposal that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of young people reached for Christ and transformed by His love, with thousands more turned into disciples who are reach even more youths. The proposal’s goal is clear: a change in the lifestyle of young people inspired by Jesus. It has a vision of leadership and teamwork that’s similar to the behavior of geese: staying together in order to go farther, to support each other in difficult times, and to encourage each other to see God’s dream come true. The unique and entertaining reading of TransformAction teaches you to… Change the way you see others. Defeat the giants of your mind. Understand God’s call for you. Activate your warrior soul. Acknowledge your fears and overcome them. Invest in others. Share your leadership. Bring words to action! The key to success is having a heart to support your neighbor.

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    • Que Mueve Tu Escalera – (Spanish)


      What obstacles are blocking you?What is your biggest leadership challenge?If overcome successfully, what challenge is ready to springboard you toward your destiny?In What’s Shakin’ Your Ladder? Dr. Samuel Chand discusses fifteen challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them. Regardless of whether you are leading a new and developing organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, you will be confronted by the challenges of: FOCUS: Finding and maintaining what is importantCOMMUNICATION: Saying it in a way that everyone gets itDECISION MAKING: Understanding how we make decisions, so we can make them betterCHOOSING THE TEAM: Making critical decisions about who is on our teamCHANGE VS. TRANSITION: Intentionally planning transitions for smoother changeCONFLICT: Understanding the importance of health during conflictCONTROL VS. DELEGATION: Learning when to hang on and when to let goEXECUTION: Getting the job doneDr. Chand takes an in-depth look at each of these challenges (plus eight more) and provides practical advice on how to face and overcome the things that are blocking you from achieving your personal best.If you want to grow as a leader, this book is your guide

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    • Power Of God Given Imagination


      God has already given you the power to create your own future]]you just need to learn how to use it. The Power of God-Given Imagination is about awakening the dreamer within you. It demystifies the power of imagination and shows how we all instinctively use this power without realizing it. It shows how faith and prayer cannot operate without imagination. Author Ray McCollum also debunks the false notion that the power of the mind, the imagination, and dreaming takes one into New Age mysticism or the secular realm of “positive thinking.” The power of the human mind belongs to the church, and God expects us to use it.

      Within the pages of this book, you will discover exactly what this power is, how it works, and how you can use it to both transform your personal life and transform the culture around you by releasing the kingdom of God.

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    • Jesus In 3D


      Do you want to expose the life of God in every aspect of your life? In your ministry? For us to walk in the totality of Jesus, we must first cherish the fullness of His ministry. Every dimension of the ministry of Jesus is critical for us to have ultimate effectiveness for the kingdom of God. Today, if you want to reflect the life of God, you must receive and activate all that He did, everything He said, and everything He demonstrated. Pastor Robert Gay uncovers how God’s grace actually empowers your prayers to be answered, your joy to be unleashed, and your life to be blessed as you shine as a reflection of Jesus in the earth.

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    • Imagine Heaven : Near Death Experiences Gods Promises And The Exhilarating (Repr


      It’s obvious from the bookshelves and the big screen that heaven is on everyone’s mind. All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. For decades, he has been studying accounts of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). While not every detail of individual NDEs correlate with Scripture, Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of survivors clearly point to the God of the Bible and the exhilarating picture of heaven he promises.

      Imagine Heaven is an inspirational journey through the Bible’s picture of heaven, colored in with the real-life stories of heaven’s wonders. Burke compares gripping stories of NDEs to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will it look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets? This book will propel readers into an experience that will forever change their view of the life to come and the way they live life today. It also tackles the tough questions of heavenly reward and hellish NDEs. Anyone interested in NDEs or longing to imagine heaven more clearly will enjoy this fascinating and hope-filled book.

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