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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 157–168 of 2386 results

  • Enduring Wealth : Being Rich In This World And The Next


    Find the secrets of success in God’s kingdom.

    Wealth in a steward’s hands is powerful. With spiritual guidance and discernment, you can use your giftedness for God’s glory and yield incredible returns of eternal impact.

    After years of investing in both successful and failed ventures, Raymond H. Harris shares how he has seen God multiply human efforts when people faithfully steward all God has given them. Based on biblical principles of stewardship and investing, Enduring Wealth will encourage you to:

    *build economic engines to cultivate assets for God’s kingdom,
    *understand how to convert earthly assets into kingdom capital,
    *give with wisdom and a joyful heart,
    *foster partnerships and friendships with others to serve,
    *listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, and
    *live with an eternal mindset.

    Watch God transform the world as you place your earthly treasures in His hands.

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  • Why We Pray


    If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and entirely good, why do we need to ask God to do good things? Won’t God act for the best regardless? Do our prayers even make a difference? Why do some go unanswered? This brief, accessible book provides a fresh angle on our questions to help us think differently about why we pray and what happens when we pray.

    John Peckham applies the insights from his successful book Theodicy of Love to the perennial problem of petitionary prayer, offering practical implications for how we might pray and live in ways that advance God’s kingdom of unselfish love. Since our understanding of petitionary prayer is inseparable from our understanding of God, Peckham sheds significant light on the nature and character of God and the often-mysterious workings of divine providence. He does so by bringing theological and philosophical nuance to readings of key biblical texts on prayer, weaving in other scriptural clues to articulate an understanding of prayer that highlights not only its necessity but also its urgency. This book will appeal to students, pastors, church leaders, and thoughtful laypeople.

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  • When Demons Surface


    Are demons real? Do ghosts exist? Do some unresolved medical and mental health issues have a spiritual connection?

    In When Demons Surface, former senior military chaplain Steve Dabbs answers those questions and more. Exploring more than 50 true stories of supernatural encounters from pastoral and personal experiences as well as historical research, this book is scholarly yet simple, hair-raising and enlightening.

    When Demons Surface will fascinate those curious about supernatural experiences, equip pastors with a resource for those seeking answers, and enlighten advanced Bible readers with insights from Hebrew, Greek, and ancient literature. It will enable readers of all levels to identify supernatural encounters with angels and demons, exercise biblical authority over evil spirits, and help discern whether some unresolved mental or medical health issues are the result of spiritual warfare.

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  • Secrets Of A Prayer Warrior


    Internationally respected Bible teacher Derek Prince offers the definitive guide to effective, life-changing prayer. Through examining the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament prophets, Prince hands you the keys to biblical prayer while unlocking the answers to these essential questions and more:

    – How can I be certain my prayers will be answered?
    – How can I discover God’s will for my life?
    – How can I pray confidently?
    – What is my authority in Christ through prayer?
    – How can I be sure my prayers are biblical?
    – What is the nature and purpose of prayer?
    – What is the purpose of fasting and how does it relate to prayer?
    – What is intercessory prayer?

    In addition to the answers to these questions, you will discover insight and understanding that will help you cultivate a new life as one of God’s prayer warriors. With help from this seasoned veteran, you can begin praying more confidently and effectively, starting today.

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  • Dark Traffic : The Dangerous Intersection Of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex,


    Dark Traffic is the book that ushers the public into the next phase of anti-trafficking efforts to stop what has evolved into a $150 billion industry involving a complex network of organized crime trafficking sex, labor, and human organs. As co-founder and CEO of Dark Watch, author Noel Thomas has led United States law enforcement and the judicial system into the new battleground, where high-tech data analysis is changing how criminals are caught and prosecuted. Dark Traffic arrives on a new wave of media attention and actions at the federal, state, and local government levels, and informs readers how they can play a role in identifying and helping stop trafficking that occurs in their own neighborhood. Noel’s story of how he became aware of the issue is proof. The trafficking game has changed drastically, and Dark Traffic will change all our perceptions of trafficking.

    “Dark Traffic was written first, to provide information. The public desperately needs to have a clear and accurate understanding of the problem we’re facing, since it threatens people, we love. Second, Noel hopes this book makes people angry, because anger focused in the right direction is a powerful tool for change(?). We ought to be angry when young people are being destroyed. And third, he wants to dispel the myth that one person can’t do very much. Mass movements are made up of lots of “one persons” who come together to become one massive force for good.”

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  • Grief Redeemed


    “I used to say that my marriage was the anvil on which the Lord was forging the new man in Christ which He was fashioning for His purposes on this side of heaven. I now believe that my grief is His new anvil for me, and the lessons I learn in grief will have redemptive value well beyond this di?cult period-however long that lasts.”

    Grief is a journey no one truly understands until they walk it. This short book captures lessons learned along that grief journey over the first eighteen months following author Stephen Silver’s wife Sandy’s unexpected death. These lessons serve as helpful, practical signposts for other grief sojourners navigating the “new country” after loss.

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  • Empowered To Love


    Discover how to build a fulfilling, God-honoring marriage that you both love.

    When life throws us non-stop challenges and curveballs, how can we have any hope of building a fulfilling and intimate marriage? How do we move from stressed and stretched to energized and inspired, finding the strength to transform both our lives and relationship?

    Robert Paul and Tara Lalonde equip husbands and wives with practical, biblically-based tools to transform their personal lives and grow their marriage into something they’ll both love. Instead of just passively hoping and praying for something better, couples will actively embark on a journey of caring for themselves and their most important relationship. In Empowered to Love, you will discover:

    *Practical strategies for better self-care, enabling you to bring the best, healthiest, and most-whole version of you to your marriage.

    *Thought-provoking exercises designed to empower you as an individual while fostering deeper connections with your spouse.

    *Ways to pursue and significantly increase the romance in your marriage.

    *Stories about marriage that will help you identify what relationship strategies work best

    *Insights on forgiveness, your responsibility as a spouse, and caring for your emotions

    Invest in your future, both as an individual and as a spouse. Embark on a transformative journey that will help both you and your marriage thrive.

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  • I Want Him To Want Me


    Do you want sexual intimacy with your husband more than he does?

    In a society that often paints men as the sole pursuers of sexual desire, countless wives silently struggle with unmet needs and unanswered questions. Many women have carried the weight of shame and confusion, longing for connection while feeling rejected by their husbands.

    Licensed clinical professional counselor Sheri Mueller shares valuable insights into the underlying dynamics at play in such situations. She delves into the complex emotional and psychological factors that contribute to husbands turning away from their wives, dispelling misconceptions and offering a fresh perspective on these delicate issues.


    *the truth about intimacy struggles and why a husband might turn away;
    *communication strategies about a woman’s sexual needs and desires;
    *practical steps to foster an atmosphere of trust, vulnerability, and mutual understanding;
    *self-care techniques to boost self-esteem and cultivate a positive body image; and
    *exercises and activities to revive sexual passion.

    I Want Him to Want Me challenges traditional assumptions and provides women with tools to reclaim their sexual agency, rebuild intimacy, and find healing within their marriages.

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  • Dejalo Ir – (Spanish)


    Una coleccion de cartas espirituales escritas por Francois Fenelon, un obispo catolico, a varias personas de quienes fue consejero espiritual. Mas de 300 aos despues, sus ideas espirituales contenidas en estas cartas continuan inspirando, desafiando y bendiciendo a los cristianos: catolicos, protestantes y evangelicos por igual.

    A collection of spiritual letters written by Francois Fenelon, a Catholic bishop, to various persons to whom he was a spiritual advisor. Over 300 years later, his spiritual insights in these letters continue to inspire, challenge and bless Christians: Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical alike.

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  • Mejor Lider Del Mundo – (Spanish)


    El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, disipa el mito de que solo algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Puedes convertirte en el lider que Dios quiso que fueras. Descubre como:

    *Activar tu potencial de liderazgo.
    *Desarrollar un legado positivo.
    *Encontrar recursos para cumplir tu vision.
    *Empoderar a otros para el liderazgo.
    *Aceptar tu papel unico en la vida.

    !Reconoce tus habilidades de liderazgo innatas y conviertete en el mejor lider del mundo!

    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to:

    *Activate your leadership potential.
    *Develop a positive legacy.
    *Find resources to fulfill your vision.
    *Empower others for leadership.
    *Embrace your unique role in life.

    Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be!

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  • Renueva Tu Mente – (Spanish)


    Nuestra mente no se renueva por si misma. Se renueva desde el espiritu, dia a dia, cuando Cristo vive en ti. Renueva tu mente, inspirado en el libro de Galatas, te lleva a entender el proceso de la verdadera transformacion permanente de tu mente. Comienzas recibiendo de Dios su capacidad divina, la valentia de Cristo, y una provision extraordinaria en todo, lo espiritual y lo fisico. El se convierte en tu guia interior y te da sus fuerzas y sus recursos; te renueva con su luz para que seas la luz de los demas. Cual es su proposito? Que administres y compartas todo lo que Dios te da, y lo “gastes” en los seres humanos, para que se multiplique lo que recibes de El y puedas seguirlo dando. Vives con Cristo en tu memoria y andas en el espiritu mientras ves dia a dia tu renovacion mental a traves de la vida de Cristo en ti. El objetivo final es que seas luz para todos.

    Our mind does not renew itself. It is renewed from the Spirit, day by day, when Christ lives in you. Renew Your Mind, inspired by the book of Galatians, leads you to understand the process of the true permanent transformation of your mind. You begin by receiving from God His divine capacity, the courage of Christ, and an extraordinary provision in everything, spiritual and physical. He becomes your inner guide and gives you His strength and resources; He renews you with His light so that you may be the light of others. What is the purpose of it? May you manage and share everything that God gives you, and “spend” it on human beings, so what you receive from Him is multiplied and you can continue giving it away. You live with Christ in your memory and walk in the Spirit as you see, day by day, your mental renewal through the life of Christ in you. The final goal is that you be a light for everyone.

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  • Out By Fire


    Is Your Life Demon-Proof?

    Are you plagued by the same sins? Have you repeatedly repented, yet still feel caught in cycles of captivity? Have you followed the programs and tried the medications but still struggle against tormenting thoughts or addiction?

    When our sin looms large, we forget who is ultimately in charge. We overcomplicate the process of deliverance, forgetting one simple yet key truth that Jesus demonstrated over and over again: it’s in the simple power of His presence that our demons have to flee.

    By following the Gospel examples of Jesus’s deliverance ministry, internationally respected pastor and revivalist Chazdon Strickland prepares you to partner with the manifest presence of God so that you can live saturated by His holy fire and glory, expel demons once and for all, and walk in lasting liberty.

    Through Holy Spirit-inspired teaching and practical application, Chazdon equips you with supernatural strategies and hands-on tools to:

    Host God’s manifest presence every day.Recognize signs when demons are present.Cast out demons the way Jesus did.Make your life a spiritual fortress no demon can enter.Bring freedom to those in demonic captivity around you.

    Don’t remain in bondage one moment longer! Saturate yourself in God’s holy fire and let His presence burn away your chains and deliver you into blazing freedom.

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