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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1381–1392 of 2417 results

  • Creados Para Un Proposito – (Spanish)


    Usted no es un accidente. Su presencia en esta tierra no es un error. Tampoco es insignificante. Por el contrario, usted es querido aqui–!y necesitado!

    Usted es una creacion de Dios con un proposito unico. Muchas personas “hacen” cosas para tratar de ganar aceptacion por parte de otros, para poder “ser” alguien. Se convierten en esclavos de la opinion publica y nunca saben realmente quienes estaban supuestos a ser.

    Cuando sabemos que somos hijos amados de Dios, elegidos desde la fundacion del mundo, y descubrimos quien El nos diseo para ser, pensaremos y actuaremos desde esa perspectiva. Todo lo demas se desarrollara a partir de nuestra identidad y existencia en El. Esa identidad va aun mas alla de nuestro proposito personal hasta el punto de alcanzar los planes eternos de Dios para el mundo y el emocionante rol que desempeamos en ellos.

    Dios creo a todos los seres humanos para tener dominio sobre la tierra. Y El nos ha asignado a cada uno de nosotros una porcion del “territorio” donde podemos ejercer la medida de nuestro dominio en la tierra. Este dominio se basa en la fe, la uncion y los dones que El nos ha dado. Nuestras palabras y acciones son mas efectivas cuando estamos en el territorio que Dios nos ha asignado y cuando estamos buscando primero Su Reino. Este poder “territorial” no es meramente simbolico. Es una realidad en la que debemos vivir. El territorio en el que vamos a ser fructiferos no es fortuito o general, sino especifico.

    En Creados para un proposito, usted descubrira el plan de Dios para su vida como un miembro amado y valioso de Su creacion, que significa ser llamado por Dios y como conocer y vivir en su proposito a lo largo de su vida.

    Usted no es un accidente. Usted esta presente en esta tierra por una razon importante. !Descubra quien esta usted supuesto a ser!

    You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

    You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

    When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our

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  • Created For Purpose


    You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

    You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

    When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our personal purpose to God’s eternal plans for the world and our exciting role in them.

    God created all human beings to have dominion over the earth. And He has assigned each of us a portion of “territory” where we can exercise the measure of our dominion on earth. This dominion is based on the faith, anointing, and gifts He has given us. Our words and actions are most effective when we are in the territory God has assigned to us and are seeking first His kingdom. This “territorial” power is not merely symbolic. It is a reality in which we must live. The territory in which we are to be fruitful is not random or general but specific.

    In Created for Purpose, you will discover God’s plan for your life as a loved and valuable member of His creation, what it means to be called by God, and how to know and live in your purpose throughout your life.

    You are not an accident. You are present on this earth for a significant reason. Find out who you were meant to be!

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  • Crutch Of Success


    Born in Korea in 1956 soon after the end of the Korean War, Steve Stirling was stricken with polio at age one when his father unknowingly brought the virus home after consoling a friend whose child had contracted the disease. Steve survived; the son of his father’s friend did not. Marital and financial struggles caused Steve’s father to leave him at an orphanage when he was five. Three weeks later, his three-year-old sister was left there as well.

    After four years, they were adopted by an American couple, Jim and Lynn Stirling, who settled in Anchorage, Alaska. The Stirlings now had seven children, all but one of whom was adopted.

    Steve’s legs were paralyzed but his mind was sharp. He excelled in school, earned degrees at Cornell and Northwestern universities, and married. He and his wife, Sook Hee, moved from city to city as Steve moved up the corporate ladder with several Fortune 500 companies. They had two children and plenty of money, but their marriage was not happy.

    Then they came to a saving faith in Jesus and their lives changed forever. They traveled to Korea and miraculously located Steve’s birth family. On a subsequent trip to visit the orphanage where he had grown up, Steve encountered a fellow handicapped orphan who had also become a Christian and his words caused Steve to rethink his life direction. He decided to shift his executive career away from the corporate world in order to devote his energies to nonprofit charities, working for World Vision and several others. Now he is the executive director for MAP (Medical Assistance Programs) International, based in Georgia, and spends as much time as possible spreading the gospel message as well as distributing medical assistance to developing countries. “For me, joining the MAP family feels like ‘coming home,'” he says. “It’s a culmination of my personal and professional life experiences.”

    A vial of polio vaccine costing sixty cents could have prevented Steve from contracting the disease.

    Steve’s favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (nas). He sees God’s hand bringing all the elements of his life together perfectly for His purpose.

    “I believe God has called me to be the voice of millions of children who desperately need life-changing medicines,” Steve says. “He has given me these experiences, even polio, to prepare me to be used by Him. I’m not bit

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  • Best Of Smith Wigglesworth


    A collection of excerpted chapters from ten of Smith Wigglesworth’s most cherished and best-selling books, including:
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Heaven
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Anointing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
    *Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe
    *Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on God’s Power

    Together, these books have sold more than 900,000 copies. Wigglesworth was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement. His life led him from simple plumber to one of the world’s premier healing evangelists. Now, in one volume, readers can savor his inspirational teaching on an array of subjects, including prayer, spiritual healing, miracles, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the realities of heaven, and how to develop the faith to ask for miracles. This is the perfect introduction to Wigglesworth’s teachings for the new Christian or a cherished addition to the library of a seasoned believer.

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  • Seeing Angels : How To Recognize And Interact With Your Heavenly Messengers


    A recent study found that 57 percent of Catholics, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews have reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.

    Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua Mills goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, and what they do.

    *Part I, Understanding Your Angels, is all about understanding who angels are, exploring why they are necessary and how different angels minister comfort, healing, love, prosperity. It reveals who they carry out specific geographic assignments for cities and nations, as well as the more unique and extraordinary assignments they receive.
    *Part II, Discerning Your Angels, explains how to become more aware of the unseen heavenly realm, as well as how to recognize divine intervention when it does reveal itself to human sight. Such manifestations include random strangers, visions, or signs and messengers that believers receive. Joshua also explains the way he has interacted with visions of radiant light, swirling colors, and what he describes as atmospheric shifts. All of this is intended to make believers become more aware of both invisible and revealed spiritual realities.
    *Part III, Working with Your Angels, deals specifically with how to minister alongside these heavenly messengers as they stand watch, provide protection, and administer strength and comfort. This includes recognizing their movements and how to effectively pray for angelic encounters to take place.

    With a foreword by Patricia King, Seeing Angels is among the most comprehensive teachings on recognizing angelic beings and understanding how to partner with them in ministry.

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  • Relentless Pursuit


    From the CEO and co-founder of Hope for Justice, author of Impossible Is a Dare, and creator of the Dear 26 Year Old Me podcast comes an honest, compelling, and inspiring collection of wisdom and experience to empower those in business and ministry to see their world-changing vision become a reality. In Relentless Pursuit, Ben Cooley speaks with self-made billionaires, Grammy-award winning musicians, megachurch pastors, and network marketers, who give unprecedented access to the challenges, struggles, and doubts they have faced on their journey and share what helped them maintain momentum and achieve success.

    Featuring members of the band Rend Collective, Natalie Grant, John Siebling, Young Living Royal Crown Diamond members, Sir Brian Souter, and others, this book provides strikingly honest stories of how they built their careers and what they learned in the moments they felt like giving up.

    This book is for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. It will not only provide the tools you need to make your dream a reality but will allow you to apply the lessons these leaders have learned to your life.

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  • Prophet : Creating And Sustaining A Life-Giving Prophetic Culture


    Every believer is prophetic!

    The Bible calls prophets a gift to the body of Christ. This is not because prophets hear God in our place; rather, prophets carry an impartation to connect all believers to the frequencies of Heaven with fresh clarity so they can receive and release the word of the Lord with new confidence.

    James Goll is an internationally bestselling author and prophet to the nations. In this groundbreaking book, James connects you to the speaking voice of the Spirit at a greater dimension than ever before.

    This comprehensive and revelatory work is broken up into four sections, focusing on Prophetic Beginnings, Development, Diversity and Commissionings.

    James teaches you how to:
    *Live in a realm of prophetic sensitivity
    *Recognize the four levels of prophetic ministry and how they operate
    *Understand the anatomy of a prophetic word
    *Receive and release the gift of prophecy
    *Avoid common pitfalls of prophetic ministry
    *Seize your prophetic destiny
    *Operate prophetically in you the sphere of influence

    These words from a respected general of the prophetic movement are saturated with divine empowerment, calling forth a generation to declare words from Heaven with power, integrity and accuracy!

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  • Remaking A Broken World


    Our world is fractured on every level?”???”from the family to international relations. The news constantly reports broken relationships, strife-ridden communities and warring nations.
    So what hope is there for a world of fractured relationships? Discover the Bible’s surprising answer: the local church.

    This revised and updated edition of Christopher Ash’s Bible overview takes readers through the big sweep of Scripture, following the theme of scattering and gathering God’s people. It shows how the local church is at the heart of the Bible story and at the centre of God’s plan for remaking a broken world.

    This book will refresh your love for the local church, and give you new hope for the hurting world around you.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence


    Textured Gray Leathersoft

    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

    With scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace-for today and every day.

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture-penned by one who loves him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The on-trend cover is elegant and will appeal to men and those looking for a more neutral design.

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  • Living With No Regrets


    Say Goodbye to Regrets!

    No matter what you’ve been through, God has made it possible for you to be free from your past and excited about your future!

    God is not mad at you!

    He knew we weren’t going to be perfect. He knew we would need forgiveness from our sins and healing for our broken hearts. That’s why Jesus came! In fact, Jesus paid a high price for our failures, and the last thing He wants is for us to spend the rest of our lives looking back with regrets.

    In Living with No Regrets, Greg Fritz shares simple yet profound truths from God’s Word that will set you free and give you a new lease on life.

    It’s time to move on! Wave goodbye to sadness, guilt, and shame. Get ready for your future by getting over your past.

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  • Reinicia Tu Corazon – (Spanish)


    Has pasado por circunstancias y eventos tan dolorosos, que te has sentido morir? Estas buscando una oportunidad para cambiar? Si sabes que necesitas hacer algo, entonces escucha a Dios decirte: “Es hora de reiniciar tu corazon”. Dale permiso para comenzar en ti una obra de sanacion.

    En este inspirador devocional de 21 dias, el autor y pastor Jentezen Franklin ofrece esperanza y aliento a las personas que buscan reconciliarse, sanarse y seguir adelante. Jentezen te muestra como dejar atras el dolor y la amargura, y escoger el amor y el perdon que conducen a la inmensurable libertad y al gozo en Cristo.

    Es tu tiempo para sanar. El Espiritu Santo te ayudara en cada area de tu vida. !Vive a la expectativa!

    Does it sometimes feel as though painful events and circumstances have caused your heart to flatline? Have you been looking for a chance to change? If you know that something needs to be done, then hear God saying to you, “It’s time.” Give him permission to begin a work of healing within you. It’s time to restart your heart.

    In this inspiring 21-day devotional, author and pastor Jentezen Franklin offers hope and encouragement to individuals seeking reconciliation, healing, and breakthrough. Pastor Jentezen shows you how to leave behind hurt and bitterness, and instead choose love and forgiveness, to release unfathomable freedom and joy in Christ.

    It is your season for healing. The Holy Spirit will help you in every single area of your life. Live in expectation!

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  • Secreto De La Bendicion Multig – (Spanish)


    El sueo de los padres es que a sus hijos les vaya bien, que crezcan sintiendose parte importante de un grupo familiar, y que vivan en fe bajo la bendicion de Dios. Sin embargo, muchos fallan en lograrlo porque ignoran como crear en su hogar una cultura familiar de la fe.

    En este libro, Carla Stromberg Hornung, quien proviene de trece generaciones de servicio ininterrumpido al Seor, cuenta el secreto que encontro su familia para recibir la bendicion multigeneracional de la fe cristiana. Te va enseando, de acuerdo con cada etapa de tus hijos, como edificar la cultura familiar de la fe.

    La autora alude a un beneficio adicional de la lealtad familiar a Dios: “Al tener a Dios como centro de nuestra cultura familiar, tenemos algo en comun entre la generacion de hoy y las generaciones mas antiguas. Eso fortalece nuestras relaciones, y a cada miembro de nuestras familias”.

    Comienza contandoles tu historia a tus hijos. Decide crear en tu hogar la cultura familiar de la fe. Aprende con Carla Hornung como criar y educar a tus hijos para que la fe sea su estandarte hoy, maana y por generaciones.

    Every parent dreams on a nice, fulfilled life for his children. He wants them to be raised with values, happy to belong in a loving family, blessed by God, and embracing faith in Him. However, many of them fail at it because they don’t know how to create a faith family culture.

    In this book, Carla Stromberg Hornung, a family member from thirteen generations of uninterrupted devotion to the Lord, shares the secret that her family found to receive the multigenerational blessing of Christian faith. She shows you, in every detail, how to build the faith family culture through every stage in your children’s lives.

    There is an additional benefit from family faithfulness to God: “Since we all have God as the center of our family culture, we have something strong and unifying in common between the present generation and the old ones.That strengthens our relationships, and every member of the family.”

    Start telling your story to your kids. Determine to create the faith family culture at home. Learn with Carla Honung how to raise your kids to make sure that faith is their foundation today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

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