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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1225–1236 of 2417 results

  • Spirit Of Holiness


    What does Biblical spirituality look like?

    What does it mean to be “spiritual”? What priorities and practices inspire one to live the Christian life well? While there are a multitude of answers to these questions, very rarely are they both clear and profound. As a result, Christians can be left feeling lost and confused.

    In The Spirit of Holiness, Terry Delaney and Roger Duke have collected a variety of reflections on spirituality that are shaped by the Bible, theology, and the voices and examples of those who have come before us.

    With authors like Al Mohler, Michael Haykin, and Steve Lawson covering topics such as perseverance, depression, friendship, choice, and faith, The Spirit of Holiness encourages and directs Christians to a healthy biblical spirituality informed by their forebears of the faith.

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  • More Grace And More Favor


    God’s path to success is upside-down.

    All of the Bible’s greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God’s eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace.

    In More Grace and Favor, bestselling author and teacher Andrew Wommack offers life-changing insights on the biblical connection between humility and blessing, shedding new light on God’s upside-down path to success and offering hands-on teaching for practicing humility in your everyday life.

    In this vital message, Andrew shares how this unsung virtue will…
    *Position you to get your prayers answered
    *Increase grace, goodness, and anointing in your life
    *Improve your relationships with God and man

    Witness the amazing transformation that humility will have on your life and reap the incredible results of the Lord’s favor!

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  • Nasty Gets Us Nowhere (Audio CD)


    In today’s culture war of feminism, sexual fluidity, and confused gender roles, Nasty Gets Us Nowhere offers insight and answers that are rarely heard, especially in the media.

    Exposed to the feminist message while in high school, author Drenda Keesee became a strong supporter of the movement, abandoning the idea of marriage and children… until life became unbearable. “Fortunately, when I came to the end of me, God was there,” she says.
    In Nasty Gets Us Nowhere, Drenda provides statistics and solutions to confront the lies that she sees invading our culture at an accelerated pace and tells the true story that no one wants to talk about.

    *What happened to the family?
    *Men and women–whose fault is it?
    *The true science behind our differences
    *What men really want from women and vice versa
    *The cheat sheet everyone needs to resolve conflict
    *The new “S” word that’s critical to relationship success

    Drenda reveals why men and women have conflict, what God’s plan for unity is, and how men and women can unite to create an unstoppable force.

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  • Manifesto : Christian America’s Contract With Minorities (Audio CD)


    More than in any time in our nation’s history, there’s a greater opportunity now for minority populations to let their voices be heard, influence society, and reshape the role of government in their lives.

    This is not the time for violence, nor is it the time to demand more handouts from governments that have failed to give minorities what they truly need and deserve: a better life so they can achieve their own destiny.

    A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.

    Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

    Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!

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  • Break Free : A 45-Day Encounter With God That Changes Everything


    This 45-day devotional is based on Don’t Quit in the Pit, Danette Crawford’s personal story of never quitting despite adverse circumstances of poverty, rejection, and betrayal. With each inspiring daily encounter with God, women who find themselves in any kind of dire circumstance will find the faith, courage, and positive outlook to turn their circumstances around. Danette Crawford has been there and knows exactly how painful these situations can be-and how God help us to move over and beyond any adversity. With a television audience of more than 165 million homes, Danette’s inspiring daily messages of hope and triumph are sure to resonate for women of all ages.

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  • Dont Quit In The Pit


    A televangelist to an audience of 165 million homes and president of Joy Ministries Evangelistic Association, Danette Crawford tells her personal story of never quitting despite adverse circumstances of poverty, rejection, and betrayal. She recalls her feeble first steps as a Christian believer who trusted God to overcome any and all odds in her life. After a brief marriage to a man addicted to pornography, Danette was pressed into single motherhood with no financial resources. Convinced that God had called her into full-time evangelistic ministry, she details account after account of how God met her every need in the years that followed. With each rousing and inspiring chapter, women who find themselves in any kind of dire circumstance can rest assured that Danette Crawford has been there and knows exactly how painful these situations can be-and how God can turn any situation around. This revised version contains new and updated material not included in the original version.

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  • Peacemaker Growing As An Enneagram 9


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Peacemaker, number 9 of the Enneagram personality types. This devotional will help Peacemakers, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 9, including their deadly sin, sloth, and their greatest strength, their gut feelings. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, their deadly sin, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Peacemakers react in times of stress and growth.

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  • Individualist Growing As An Enneagram 4


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Individualist, number 4 on the Enneagram personality chart. This devotional will help Individualists, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 4, including their deadly sin, envy, and their greatest strength, including others. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and where Individualists go in times of stress and growth.

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  • Helper Growing As An Enneagram 2


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Helper, number 2 on the Enneagram personality chart. This devotional will assist Helpers, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 2, including their deadly sin of pride and their greatest strength, boldness. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and where Helpers go in times of stress and growth.

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  • Nasty Gets Us Nowhere


    Two women who forever changed the world followed a plan to better their lives. One chose God’s design for her. The other listened to a different voice that questioned God and rebelled against Him.

    Women and men today face the same decisions that confronted Mary and Eve. We can either seek the Tree of Life with God…or keep biting into the bitter fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    Statistically, women today are less happy than at any time in measured history. This extolled knowledge of good and evil has had consequences. It’s not about equality in work, pay, or choices. It’s about women wanting to become “like men” instead of being women. It’s about women who aspire to be “nasty” and men who are confused about what it means to be a real man.

    Nasty Gets Us Nowhere reveals the powerful truth behind learning to do relationships like Christ, particularly relationships between men and women. Our culture often incites rebellion, but God calls us to work together. As Galatians 5:15 says, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (niv).

    In an age saturated with feminism and gender wars, ex-feminist Drenda Keesee combines her wit, humor, and life experience to unpack a powerful, timely message that sets the record straight. She reveals why men and women have conflict, what God’s plan for unity is, and how men and women can unite to create an unstoppable force. Drenda believes the pendulum is swinging and there are many conservative women and men who want to make amends and discover how to have relationships that work. There’s also a younger generation searching for keys to live a different life than what they’ve seen modeled.

    Drenda says we can see eye to eye when we first see heart to heart and spirit to spirit, coming from a place of cooperation instead of conflict. God’s Spirit coupled with His plan is the only answer to the separation and relationally destructive forces at work in the gender wars. It’s time for restoration and healing, to bring men and women side by side, hand in hand. There’s much at stake. We must understand our uniqueness, our vulnerabilities, and Christ’s unalterable principles for successful working and loving relationships to experience fulfillment and lasting peace.

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  • Jesus Regresa Pronto – (Spanish)


    Sacudimientos, seales y el regreso de Cristo

    Usted es mencionado en la profecia biblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted esta incluido ahi. Las profecias de los ultimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesus -conocidos como el “remanente”-, quienes estan listos para los ultimos dias y Su retorno, pero tambien hablan de quienes no estan preparados o abandonan antes que El regrese.

    Que profecia usted cumplira?

    Jesus regresa pronto le ayudara a estar seguro de que usted forma parte del remanente de Dios. Las seales del fin de esta era y la aparicion de Jesus son evidentes en el mundo fisico y espiritual. Pero la mayoria de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. Que seales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminacion de Sus propositos para el mundo? Como podemos discernirlas? Como podemos prepararnos? Este libro le revelara:

    *La razon de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo

    *Lo que nos dicen las seales, incluyendo aquellas seales inusuales como las lunas de sangre

    *Como trabaja Dios segun las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos

    *Como las fiestas judias apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrandonos con precision el reloj del tiempo de Dios

    *Que las inminentes seales y promesas biblicas aun no se han cumplido

    *Los juicios que Dios esta trayendo a la tierra

    Dios ha dado profecias sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espiritu esta revelando en este momento Sus propositos para los ultimos dias. Necesitamos saber como recibir la revelacion vital y el conocimiento profetico que El quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra.

    Dios quiere que la iglesia sea una comunidad de esperanza, avivamiento y poder sobrenatural en medio de los tiempos tenebrosos. Hay un espiritu de confusion en el mundo de hoy. La gente debe acudir a Dios por las respuestas que solo El nos puede dar, y la iglesia debe estar preparada para proporcionar esas respuestas.

    En estos tiempos finales, no necesita tener miedo, desanimarse o distraerse. Al contrario, usted puede conocer su verdadera posicion en Dios antes del regreso de Cristo. Puede estar gozosamente preparado, vigilando y esperando con expectativa, con sus ojos espirituales abiertos. Viva en la perfecta voluntad de Dios para su vida y participe en sus propositos sobrenaturales de los ultimos dias!

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  • Jesus Is Coming Soon


    Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ

    You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus-called the “remnant”-who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing. Which prophecy will you fulfill?

    On the Verge of Jesus’s Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:

    *The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world

    *What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons

    *How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time

    *How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock

    *Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled

    *The judgments God is bringing to the earth

    God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

    God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.

    In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!

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