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    Pastoral Helps

    • Make My Church Safe


      A concise guide to the best practices in making your church safe for members and attendees of all ages.

      Every church should be a safe space for everyone who comes in. Every church should also be equipping people to confront the powers of darkness and help those in trouble. Unfortunately, far too many churches are unsafe internally, which leaves them unprepared to confront external dangers. An unsafe church creates a toxic environment that works against the gospel. A safe church is battle-ready to combat the worst of the world’s problems. Make My Church Safe by respected pastor, Sam Rainer, is designed to be a brief and general overview of the best practices regarding church safety for a broad audience.

      In the book, you’ll learn:

      *how to recognize the telltale signs of abuse
      *how to set up a system for training volunteers
      *how to provide true accountability for leaders and pastors
      *how to move forward after a moral failure occurs
      *the ten nonnegotiable rules of safety around children and students

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    • Growing Women In Ministry


      While many aspects of leadership development are similar for women and men, women face different cultural expectations and have different experiences than their male counterparts. Anna Morgan’s own experiences in pastoral ministry leadership launched her search for a holistic way to grow the skills, influence, and authority of women who are gifted and called as leaders.

      This book provides a positive, comprehensive, research-based model for developing women in church and ministry leadership. Morgan identifies seven aspects of leadership development that form a woman over her lifetime. Three work inwardly as a woman grows in leadership: spiritual calling, giftedness, and emotional intelligence. Four work externally to shape her authority and influence: home life supports, ministry leadership contexts, leadership relationships, and communication.

      Growing Women in Ministry offers a new way to understand how women leaders are formed and how they rise to become influential leaders in positions of authority in churches and ministries. It is written in a clear, accessible style for both female ministry leaders and men seeking to promote female leaders. It includes policy suggestions, strategies, values for ideal growing conditions, and discussion questions, making it an ideal resource for ministry, practical theology, and leadership courses, church and parachurch leaders, and pastors.

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    • Made Worthy Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      You Are Worthy

      To truly know our worth, we must first understand that Jesus is the only One who can make us worthy. Nothing we can do on our own will ever measure up. We don’t have to earn Jesus’s love to know that He loves us. In fact, because He is the One who has made us worthy, we can live boldly as an example of what true worth looks like. We can quit trying to check every box and rest in the One who made us and sees us.

      In this five-session Bible study, Mary Margaret West teaches teen girls what it means to be made worthy of Christ as she examines the lives of people in the Bible whom God called worthy because of their faith.


      *Five small group sessions?

      *Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions and discussion with small groups?

      *Biblically rooted and gospel-centered?

      *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth?

      *Free leader resources, including promotional video and social media assets available for download at lifeway.com/madeworthy.?

      This book will lead girls to…?

      *identify who God is and how He made them??
      *understanding they cannot earn love from God??
      *know what it means to find their worth in God alone??
      *live boldly because of where their worth is found??

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    • One Body One Spirit


      There is a massive deficit in our churches, parishes, and fellowships; an entire category of people is missing

      According to the CDC, one in four people in the United States lives with a disability, yet many of our churches don’t resemble this reality. Attempts to welcome those with a disability are often implemented by well-meaning but ill-informed people. The results can lead to those with disabilities feeling excluded and isolated from the family of God.

      One Body, One Spirit gives eyes to the able-bodied to see the challenges experienced by those with disabilities:
      Physical barriers to places of worship, classrooms, and small group settings leave people outside the gathered family of God.

      Emotional barriers, like fear and prejudice, preclude them from using their spiritual gifts.

      How can church communities, both on the congregational and individual level, address these issues? Paul Pettit and Jason Epps provide a roadmap by looking at a biblically informed solution. They survey disability in the Old and New Testaments, provide a vision for full integration, outline how to conduct a disability audit, and offer a five-step plan for how to change the culture of your church.

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    • Christmas Letters : Celebrating Advent With Those Who Told The Story First


      Hear from “those who told the story first.”

      You may or may not know the story of your birth. If you do, there is something special about hearing your origin story again and remembering how it all began for you. That’s why we observe Advent: to celebrate how it all began for us. In The Christmas Letters, Magrey deVega invites you to hear about the miracle of Christ’s birth from those who first told the story. The letters in the New Testament, known as the Epistles, contain the first attempts by the church to understand and celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation. They point us to the origins of what we believe about Jesus, fully human and fully divine. By spending time with these holy, ancient words this Advent, you’ll come to know the meaning of Christ’s coming like never before.

      Read the New Testament letters, Romans, 1 John, Philippians, and Colossians as your first Christmas letters of the season and find within them an invitation from God to deepen your understanding of the Incarnation and embrace a fuller commitment to Jesus Christ.

      Components available to use this book in a small group study include a leader guide and video available on DVD.

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    • House That Jesus Built


      At a time when churches seem far from God’s design, bestselling author Natalie Runion challenges us as Christians to follow the Bible’s blueprint for building holy, healthy churches that disciple holy, healthy followers of Christ.

      In recent years, we’ve seen the “great resignation” in Church leadership and attendance, the devastation of spiritual abuse, and the breakdown of faith within our culture. In The House That Jesus Built, Natalie encourages all of us to recognize our role as Jesus’ disciples in rebuilding our churches, brick by brick. With personal stories and practical ideas, she guides us to:

      *Be honest about past disappointments while still engaging with our church communities

      *Ask how we as Christ followers have contributed to pain in our churches and how we can help heal one another

      *Use the book of Acts as the blueprint for empowering the family of God to be the family of God

      *Understand how even the apostles wrestled with their places in the early Church but remained committed to love God, love people, and make disciples

      *Be unified on the foundation of Jesus Christ

      The House That Jesus Built will stir your heart to see God’s churches realigned with the Great Commission and the Great Command. As Natalie reminds us, we are the Church. We are the ones who can partner with Jesus to build something beautiful out of the rubble–and back on the Rock.

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    • Luke In The Land Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


      In our Bibles, we have four Gospels describing Jesus’s time on earth: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The land of Israel-the place Jesus walked and taught during His earthly ministry-is often referred to as the “fifth Gospel.”

      Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over 7 sessions, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you’ll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.

      *7 video teaching sessions shot in Israel with Kristi McLelland, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book

      *Beautiful color photography that helps you visualize places where Jesus ministered

      *6 weeks of personal study

      Video Sessions:

      *Session 1: Introduction (25:45)-From the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Kristi McLelland invites women to join her in a journey through the very places Jesus walked. In this introductory session, Kristi demonstrates the snapshot-like structure of the Gospel of Luke and tells of one day in the life of Jesus in the wilderness area along the road to Jericho.

      *Session 2: Incarnation (28:42)-In this session, filmed in Bethlehem, Kristi dispels common myths as she teaches the Christmas story from Luke 2.

      *Session 3: Inauguration (20:03)-At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River and then went into the desert for forty days and nights. From those locations, Kristi shows us how this inaugurated Jesus’s ministry on earth.

      *Session 4: Invitation (29:39)-Jesus spent most of His time on earth in the region of Galilee. Join Kristi in that region as she describes Jesus calling His disciples and challenges us to follow Him still today.

      *Session 5: Partnership (25:51)-In this session, Kristi walks us through snapshots of Jesus’s ministry and teaching in locations around and on the Sea of Galilee.

      *Session 6: Crucifixion (30:52)-Beginning in the Garden of Gethsemane, Kristi walks us through Jesus’s last moments before His death in locations like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Southern Steps of the temple.

      *Session 7: Resurrection (31:04)-After Jesus’s resurrection, He spent time teaching, eating, and walking with His disciples. From the road to Emmaus, Kristi sends forth the same challenge Jesus doe

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    • Precepts For Living 2024-2025 KJV NLT Parallel Pastors Edition Sermon Outli


      Precepts for Living(R) Pastor’s Edition is the companion guide to UMI’s bestselling Precepts for Living(R) annual Bible commentary. Written for the pastors and created with the minister in mind, this special resource provides a full year of teachings from God’s Word. It is an indispensable resource for ministry leaders. Each weekly study analyzes key thoughts and brings biblical teachings to life with 52 thought-provoking Sermon Titles and Sermon Illustrations to help illuminate Scripture passages. Sermon Outlines reinforce key truths studied in Sunday School, Bible Studies, and small groups. Also included are Maps and Illustrations, Homiletical essays, and a Preaching evaluation form for training beginning preachers. Use Precepts for Living(R) Pastor’s Edition to help guide your congregation toward a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

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    • Soul Winning Church


      Your church’s sermons often include a call to evangelize. You’ve held evangelism training events. You give out invites to your Christmas and Easter services. So… where are all the new Christians? Is your church actually reaching the lost with the gospel?

      For many of us, despite having the best intentions, our churches struggle to reach out with the gospel effectively. J.A. Medders and Dr. Doug Logan, Jr. have decades of experience in leading churches and mentoring pastors, and here they outline six principles for cultivating a genuine evangelistic culture throughout your church.

      Includes case studies from a variety of different cultures and contexts to give you practical ideas for implementing these six principles.

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    • Saved Personal Bible Study (Student/Study Guide)


      Dive into the Book of Acts with This Companion Bible Study to Nancy Guthrie’s Book Saved

      Over 17 lessons, the Saved Personal Bible Study will take you deep into the book of Acts so that you’ll be able to see clearly its connections to the Old Testament, the life and ministry of Jesus, and what is to come in the new creation. Designed to be used by those studying the book of Acts on their own or with a group, these carefully crafted questions on the text will prepare readers to get the most out of reading the corresponding chapter in the Saved book or viewing the corresponding session in the video series.

      Each study takes about 30-60 minutes per week and includes 9-12 questions on the text. The questions can be answered as briefly or thoroughly as the reader prefers. After completing the personal Bible study, readers will have a firm grip on the events of the initial spread of the gospel from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

      *Thoughtful and Accessible Bible Study: Companion to the book and video series, Saved, which walks through the 28 chapters of the book of Acts in 17 lessons

      *Written by Nancy Guthrie: Experienced Bible study curriculum writer, author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series and the award-winning book Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation

      *Part of the Saved Suite of Products: Also includes the book, an extensive leader’s guide, and video series (sold separately)

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    • Joyful Perseverance : Staying Fresh Through The Ups And Downs Of Ministry


      How to Remain Joyful about Ministry Despite Inevitable Challenges

      Life in ministry is not detached from disappointment. Threats to one’s integrity, harmful expectations from celebrity culture, and the tendency toward loneliness, insecurity, and pain can put a strain on ministry leaders. How can they remain faithful to their work for Christ’s kingdom without letting bitterness seep in?

      Joyful Perseverance encourages ministry leaders to rely on God’s grace to find joy, energy, and the freshness to serve well, despite inevitable disappointments. It offers practical ways to combat the negative effects of ministry such as embracing God’s joy-giving presence, guarding one’s integrity, leaning into one’s God-given identity, groaning with God, settling sin issues through repentance and forgiveness, cultivating friends, and more. By adopting a life of thanksgiving, readers will experience abundant joy, resulting in an ongoing passion for ministry.

      *Written to Pastors, Elders, and Ministry Leaders: Intended to help people joyfully stay in their ministry role despite discouragement and struggle

      *Empathetic: Written by veteran ministry leader Ajith Fernando, this book addresses the inevitable difficulties presented to ministry leaders

      *Concise: This short format makes this book practical and accessible for busy leaders

      *Foreword by Thomas R. Schreiner

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    • Tracing Gods Story


      An Accessible Guide to Biblical Theology by Pastor Jon Nielson

      The Bible is comprised of 66 distinct books by 40 different authors-yet it tells one story. How do the events from the beginning of creation to the foundation of the church weave into one cohesive narrative? Through the study of biblical theology, we can gain a better understanding of how the Bible presents a clear and consistent storyline of the creator God and his redemptive work in the world.

      Part of the Theology Basics series, Tracing God’s Story makes biblical theology clear, meaningful, and practical for those looking for a highly accessible guide to studying God’s word. Author and pastor Jon Nielson covers a wide range of stories from Genesis to Revelation, offering a big-picture application, verse-by-verse analysis, and a suggested memory verse for each Scripture passage. Ultimately readers will be encouraged to passionately study God’s great story until the day they join in the final chapter.

      *Clear Language and Easy-to-Follow Methods: Ideal for new Christians, students, or anyone wanting a highly accessible guide to biblical theology; perfect for individual or group study

      *Applicable: Each Scripture passage is accompanied by a big-picture application, verse-by-verse analysis, and a suggested memory verse

      *Part of the Theology Basics Series: A collection of books and study guides to introduce students to systematic theology, biblical theology, and biblical interpretation

      *Companion Workbook and Video Series Sold Separately: Invites further interaction with the text to integrate study with application

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