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    • Joy To The World


      Inspirational Regency romance with a Christmas twist from three best-selling authors

      In Joy to the World, three popular romance authors come together to offer a heartwarming collection of holiday Regency romance. Based on lines from a beloved Christmas carol, these three novellas have depth, faith, and satisfying stories all packed into the perfect length for readers to curl up and take a brief break from their holiday busyness.

      “Heaven and Nature Sing” by Carolyn Miller
      Two music lovers, deeply devoted to each other, were on the brink of engagement when family circumstances drove them apart. How can they ever overcome both their obligations and their fears to find their way back into each other’s arms?

      “Far as the Curse Is Found” by Amanda Barratt
      One winter night, a woman struggling to provide for her illegitimate child encounters a scarred veteran of the Napoleonic Wars on the streets of London. Can love conquer the darkness of two broken pasts?

      “The Wonders of His Love” by Erica Vetsch
      A Scots portrait painter finds work at a noble manor house over the holidays. He never imagined he’d fall in love with the emotionally frozen widow there. Now he wants nothing more than to thaw her heart.

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    • 25 Days Of The Christmas Story


      This December, spend a few moments of each day leading up to Christmas helping your family focus on the true joys and meaning of Advent with 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience. This is a devotional perfect for families of all shapes, sizes, and schedules. Each of the 25 days highlights a different person, place, or object from the Christmas story-from the prophet Isaiah to Baby Jesus, from the Christmas star to the gift of frankincense. All devotions include an easy-to-read story, character trait, activity, and more-each designed to reinforce the main theme of the day.

      Your family can choose simply to read each day’s story or to go deeper and engage with each day’s features. Either way, parents and children are sure to learn and celebrate the season of Advent together while having fun in the process!

      A true heirloom in the making, the book includes pages in the back where parents and kids can record memories of each day’s activities and write journal entries to look back on year after year, Christmas after Christmas.

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    • New Baby Survival Guide


      A new baby is a wonderful gift from the Lord, bringing great joy–but also sleepless nights, constant laundry and, sometimes, total exhaustion. It can be hard to read your Bible and pray.

      These bite-sized Bible readings from the book of Psalms are designed for you to dip into and be refreshed by the Lord.

      Also includes real-life stories, practical help and an A-Z of mothering.

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    • Theres A Lion In My Nativity


      Fun rhyming story of a school nativity play, that will teach children ages 4-7 that Jesus is the true star of the show.

      In this story of a school nativity play, Mary thinks she is the star of the show. However, as the play goes on, she finds that every scene has been stolen by an unlikely character or object!

      With the help of the narrator, Mary realizes that each one actually teaches us about the true meaning of Christmas. Along with Mary, readers will see that Jesus is the star of the show.

      This rhyming book with warm, quirky illustrations makes a beautiful gift for children who are 4-7 years old.

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    • Better Than Anything Christmas


      Advent devotional helping your family get more excited about Jesus at Christmas than anything else.

      A Better Than Anything Christmas is the second Advent devotional for families from Barbara Reaoch, author of the best-selling A Jesus Christmas.

      These daily devotions in the Gospels give a thorough investigation of why Jesus came. In the lead-up to Christmas, families will explore 25 reasons why Jesus came, and they will see that what Jesus gives us is better than anything else we could wish for.

      Each day there is a passage to read together, questions to think about, an explanation and a prayer. There are also age-appropriate application questions, some for younger children and some for older children, as well as journalling space so that each family member can write or draw their own response to what God has shown them.

      So get each family member a copy of A Better Than Anything Christmas and a Bible, and find ten minutes a day in December to look at God’s word together so that kids get more excited about Jesus than anything else that Christmas offers.

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    • Hoping For Happiness


      A biblical framework for living a grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy life.

      Everyone wants to be happy, and we all pursue happiness in different ways. Some people are thrill-seekers; others are homebodies. Some people are loners; others love big families or communities. Some people express things creatively; others consume what is created. Some sing; others listen to music. Whatever we find happiness in, we are united by our desire for work that matters and relationships that fulfil.

      As Christians, we often fall into the trap of basing our hopes on earthly things, even when we know they only make us happy for a short time. But how are we to experience happiness in this life? How do we avoid expecting too much of earthly things and being disappointed, or expecting too little and becoming cynics?

      In this book, recovering cynic Barnabas Piper helps us to throw off both the unrealistic expectations that end in disappointment and the guilty sense that Christians are not meant to have fun. He shows how having a clear view of the reality of the fall and the promise of redemption frees us to live a life that’s grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy.

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    • Light Has Dawned


      Reflections on the wonder of Christmas by Christianity’s most beloved writers.

      A Light Has Dawned recovers the best Advent and Christmas articles from half a century of Christianity Today. Guiding the reader through Advent, Christmas, and the climax of Epiphany and including contributions by Billy Graham, Tim Keller, Elisabeth Elliot, Ruth Bell Graham, Eugene Peterson, and more. A Light Has Dawned will inspire readers with the wonder of Advent and Christmas.

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    • New Testament Commentary Guide


      An indispensable map to the often intimidating world of biblical commentaries. For many beginning students of the New Testament, looking for a commentary seems like a simple process: identify the book you’re studying, search for a commentary, and pick one. However, the reality is far from simple. With new commentaries being published every year on every book of the Bible, the student of Scripture can quickly become overwhelmed with an inexhaustible amount of resources. What is the student to do?In this short, accessible resource, Nijay Gupta helps beginning Bible students understand the various available commentaries–their strengths, unique contributions, and ultimately, how to use them. Through The New Testament Commentary Guide, readers will understand how to incorporate commentaries into their learning and be enriched in their study of the Bible.

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    • Letters From Jesus (Audio CD)


      “In Revelation 2:2, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus something intimate-Google Street View intimate. He says, ‘I know your works’ (Oida ta erga sou). Four words don’t seem like much, but in the Greek, it packs a punch…. Jesus chooses the Greek word oida, which expresses total, comprehensive knowledge. It is intimate knowledge that comes from being up close and personal. This knowledge isn’t hazy on the details. It doesn’t struggle to remember. It preserves the particulars. In the mind’s eye, everything is sharp and clear, like a well-taken photograph.” -Chris Palmer

      Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation explores Christ’s warnings to the seven most prominent churches in Asia Minor in the book of Revelation. These letters date back to 95 A.D., but they help us make a fascinating discovery about civilization: life hasn’t changed that much over the last two millennia.

      Author Chris Palmer illustrates the truths contained in the Letters from Jesus using modern, everyday examples. The host of the popular podcast Greek for the Week, he unpacks Greek words and phrases in these verses from Revelation with humor, joy, and biblical scholarship.

      Why study Greek, even just a little bit? As Chris explains, looking at the New Testament in the original language in which it was written can offer us some beautiful insights into God’s Word. “It’s like reading the Bible in high definition,” he says. Also, “studying God’s Word in the original language forces us to approach it with reverence and awe, humbling ourselves to obey what it says, whether it’s something we want to hear or not.”

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    • New Thinking New Future (Audio CD)


      “The way leaders think matters-it matters a lot. The problem is that we almost universally make a colossal subconscious assumption that the way we think is the only possible way to consider our situations…. It’s like our minds are running antiquated software that’s slow, glitchy, and unproductive-but it’s all we’ve ever known. We need to upgrade the software in our heads!”-Sam Chand

      With candor, humor, and personal stories, Sam peels back the layers of our assumptions to challenge us to think more deeply, more clearly, and more productively than ever before. He addresses fundamental topics all leaders instinctively address, including security, location, ownership, team, growth, and benchmarks of success. And he provides questions that leaders can ask themselves to develop New Thinking for a New Future.

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    • Curso De Auto Aprendizaje Bibl – (Spanish)


      Si tiene preguntas sobre Dios y la Biblia, esta asequible guia preparada por el muy respetado maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, le ayudara a desarrollar un entendimiento fundamental de la Escritura. Al completar estas catorce lecciones exhaustivas, encontrara respuestas a preguntas como:
      *Como puedo saber si ire al cielo cuando muera?
      *Como puedo obtener la victoria sobre el pecado?
      *Que dice la Biblia sobre la sanidad fisica?
      *Cual es el plan de Dios para la prosperidad?
      *Como puedo recibir respuestas a mis oraciones?

      Aun aquellos que nunca han leido la Biblia encontraran esta guia sistematica de estudio, facil de usar y beneficiosa. Los creyentes de mucho tiempo descubriran un nuevo alivio conversando con Dios, confraternizando con cristianos, recibiendo direccion, dando testimonio, y ganando almas. El Curso de auto-aprendizaje biblico le dirigira hacia la semejanza a Cristo, y le capacitara para desarrollar una intimidad con Dios que tal vez no haya conocido nunca antes.

      If you have questions about God and the Bible, this accessible guide from highly respected Bible teacher Derek Prince will help you develop a fundamental understanding of Scripture. By completing the fourteen in-depth lessons, you will find answers to questions such as:
      *How can I know I will go to heaven when I die?
      *How can I have victory over sin?
      *What does the Bible say about physical healing?
      *What is God’s plan for prosperity?
      *How can I receive answers to my prayers?

      Even those who have never read the Bible will find this systematic study guide easy to use and beneficial. Long-time believers will discover a new ease in conversing with God, fellowshipping with Christians, receiving guidance, witnessing, and winning souls. Self-Study Bible Course will lead you to Christlikeness and enable you to develop an intimacy with God you may never have known before.

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    • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Audio CD)


      Become a World-Shaper.

      The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer-prayer that will change the world!

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