Category: Missions
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
Before You Go
$17.99Add to cartAre you preparing to take the gospel to the nations?
You’ve said “yes” to God’s call to go, and now you will pack up your things and step into the unknown of a new location, people, and culture. The following years will likely include great joy, frustration, homesickness, difficulty, and excitement. In this book, ten men who have served in missions in various ways share what they wish they had known before they began.
This book is a handbook for entering the mission field, including essays on:
*Discerning Your Calling
*Leaving What You Love
*Identity and Task
*Integrity and Accountability
*Serving Well as a Team
*Prayer and Evangelism
*Going Single
*Family & Mission
*The Fellowship of the Suffering
*Spiritual Patterns of a Missionary -
Bread And Bibles
$17.99Add to cartWhen I was at work in the City Relief Society, before the fire, I used to go to a poor sinner with the Bible in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. -D. L. Moody
Dwight Lyman Moody was a preacher, pastor, and visionary whose impact is still felt around the world. He was a servant to poor and immigrant communities, an evangelist who traveled the globe, and a champion of Christian education–Moody founded Moody Publishers and he started three schools, including Moody Bible Institute, which has trained more missionaries than any other single institution in the United States. Dr. Gregg Quiggle explores the life and legacy of a man who helped shape American evangelicalism. Taking a focused and in-depth look at the social vision and missionary work–triumphs and failures–of D. L. Moody, Quiggle tells the story of a man whose impact continues to this day.
Fulfilling Our Mission
$16.99Add to cartFulfilling our Mission by noted international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke explores truths, stories, and principles from the Bible that show how to effectively reach out to others with the love of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ. This book builds upon Bonnke’s previous book, Hell Empty, Heaven Full, demonstrating God’s great compassion for the world.
Tens of millions of people came to know Christ through Bonnke’s ministry. As he explains, in evangelism, there is no “right” way of doing things but only right principles, principles that can be drawn from the New Testament.
In Scripture, God equipped the least likely individuals for His providential purposes. He wants each one of us to participate in reaching the world because He deeply loves all people. Where the Holy Spirit provides the tiniest spark, a start can be made. You cannot learn to play the piano better by hearing more lectures about piano-playing techniques. You have to put your fingers on the keys. Evangelism is not a sit-down-and-learn topic alone. It is a hands-on activity, a demand, a challenge, a commission, and a consuming passion!
From biblical times to today, believers have claimed God’s promises and moved forward in faith. The Word, not some subjective impulse, is our authority for action and will bring about success in outreach that causes men, women, and children to know Christ and be brought into the eternal kingdom of God.
Today, Jesus calls us to go into all the world and make disciples. How will we respond? God not only accompanies those who are go-getters, but He also makes and equips them. With the Word as our guide, let us begin a serious and determined effort to fulfill the commission Jesus us gave to reach everyone in the world with the message of His salvation and usher in His return!
Get Set : A Spiritual Preparation For Short-Term Missions
$4.99Add to cartGet Set is a 31-day devotional that will help equip and prepare short-term missions teams for their upcoming trip.
Going on a short-term mission trip can be thrilling, stretching, and scary. To help you and your church mission team be prepared spiritually, Melissa Heiland of Beautiful Feet International and International Mission Board have partnered to create a 31-day devotional for short-term missions partners. You will be able to relate to personal stories of others who have traveled overseas with teams to share the gospel with a lost world.
Each devotion begins with a suggested Scripture passage to review, a devotional story, and a prayer. Melissa brings her own personal experience as a former missionary and current short-term mission team leader within each daily reflection. A helpful timeline of things your team needs to do before departure is included in the index. This booklet is the perfect tool for your short-term team to read the month preceding your mission trip!
Sample quote from Get Set: “Let us never forget that we serve a God of miracles. As you prepare to go on your missions journey, go expectantly. Expect God to display his power among the peoples. Look for God in your life, in the lives of your team members, and in the lives of the people you are going to serve. Does raising support seem impossible? Is getting a visa difficult? Do the hearts of the people seem hard? Are you facing health problems? Look to God who parted the Red Sea!”
Around The World With Matt And Lizzy China
$16.99Add to cartAll Aboard! We’re on Our Way to China!
Little travelers can pack their imaginary bags and explore China with Matt, Lizzy, and Bentley the dog. They will learn all about the children of China – their culture, language, food, weather, and landmarks – all the while growing in boldness to use their faith and share the love of God near and far.
In Around the World with Matt & Lizzy, author and traveling missionary Julie Beemer captures children’s imaginations and encourages curiosity about other cultures, while providing Bible application to real life challenges. Children ages 4-9 will love learning how children around the globe are different, yet very much the same.
reGeneration : Stories Of Resilient Faith In Communist Romania
$17.99Add to cartStory is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. This is a book of stories about ministry in the underground church of communist Romania (1980s). It introduces a never-ending story about the regenerative process of true discipleship, which reaches today to the second, third, and fourth generations. These stories will inspire deeper reflection on challenging missional issues that will certainly be encountered by the next generation of international workers.
Holy Ambition : To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named – Second Revised (Revi
$12.99Add to cartThis vision of, and invitation to, the work of global missions challenges Christians everywhere to cultivate a holy ambition to preach Christ where he has not yet been named.
The apostle Paul had a holy ambition: to preach the gospel to peoples who had never heard. He ached to proclaim Jesus where he had not yet been named. So today, missionaries cross cultures, learn languages, and pour out their lives in word and deed to break through thousands of years of darkness and the reign of Satan over a people who do not know the King of kings and the Savior of the world. Missionaries go to, and minister among, peoples who otherwise have little to no access to the saving news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
And since Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is still in effect–and since there are thousands of peoples today who have never heard of him–every church should pray that God would not only make all of us evangelists among our own people, but also that he would raise up from among us missionaries to take the gospel where it has never gone before.
Note to the Second Revised Edition: This book was first released in 2011. Since then, John Piper has continued to preach and write about missions. So, to prepare this Second Revised Edition, Desiring God added four chapters of new material, removed about a third of the original, and freshly edited and organized the remainder.
World Mission : Theology, Strategy, And Current Issues
$24.99Add to cartWorld missions needs a fully biblical ethos.
This is the contention of the editors of and contributors to World Mission, a series of essays aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions.
In the first set of essays, contributors develop a biblical theology of world missions from both the Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology of each must stand in the foreground of missions, not recede into the background. In the second, they unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues in world missions from the perspective of the sufficiency of Scripture.
Altogether, this book aims to reform missions to be thoroughly – not just foundationally – biblical, a needed correction even among the sincerest missionaries.
Not Dressed For The Occasion
$17.99Add to cart“Not Dressed for the Occasion” has no specific beginning or end but is a string of observations birthed out of my walk with God. It delves into the deeply personal failures of life and honest confession of sins, as well as explores the wonderful experiences and potential we have in God. Though the book exposes the present world view that contradicts the traditional six thousand years of proven moral lessons, it also deals with the daily experiences that challenge our faith and intimacy with God, the most common thread being God Himself and the incredible revelation we enjoy because of the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. In this sense, this book is a unique view of the world from a realist Christian perspective. I have endeavoured to throw light on situations that are sometimes personal, sometimes humorous, sometimes political, and sometimes church-centred, but all from a biblical world view. The question remains: Is there hope for a world gone crazy?
“The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out” (John 1:5, MSG).
Gospel Comes With A House Key
$24.99Add to cartThe word hospitality often invokes a scene of a gracious, impeccably fashioned host welcoming guests into a beautifully appointed home prepared with perfectly-presented meals. However, when the Bible calls Christians to be hospitable, it’s calling them to much more. In this book, Rosaria Butterfield invites readers into her home and shows from her own life and experience how “radically ordinary hospitality” can be a bridge for bringing the gospel to lost friends and neighbors-something that she experienced herself on her journey to Christ. Such hospitality welcomes those who look, think, believe, and act differently than us into our own everyday, sometimes messy lives. Christians will be inspired and equipped to use their homes and tables as a way of showing a skeptical, unbelieving world what love and authentic faith really look like.
Ying And Grace Kais Training For Trainers
$17.99Add to cartYing and Grace Kai’s Training for Trainers provides the most reliable resource available today for catalyzing Church Planting Movements. With personal insights and stories from around the world, this book pulls back the curtain and shows you the lives and life lessons behind the movements that have changed the world. Dr. David Garrison, Missionary Author, Church Planting Movements.
2nd Chance
$9.95Add to cartIn THE SECOND CHANCE, Missionary Mira Sousa shares her life journey which begins as a poor young girl in Brazil. Her life was full of poverty and heartaches where she felt no one in the world cared about her until she came to a saving grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mira found out she was not alone and through her faith in God, she would overcome in this life. Prayer-her connection with God-has been her mainstay. Learn about the love of God and the power of prayer through this inspirational story. This book tells her life trajectory and how God gave her a second chance. From these pages, you are invited to not only read Mira’s story, but also experience the love of God in your life and discover the God of the second chance.