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    • How To Hear Gods Voice For Healing


      Align with God’s Voice & Unleash Your Miracle

      Facing unanswered prayers for healing? Sought miracles with no change in sight? You’re not alone in this journey of faith and healing. Dr. Mark Virkler, a seasoned minister and best-selling author, addresses these deep-seated concerns with powerful insights and divine truths in his groundbreaking book.

      Through his extensive ministry witnessing countless healings, Dr. Virkler confronts the common belief that healing follows a set formula and instead guides you to see it as a deep, personal encounter with the Healer Himself.

      In this transformative work, Dr. Virkler unveils the secret to recognizing and responding to the Holy Spirit’s communication, guiding you toward miraculous healing. Healing is not just a possibility but a promise, deeply rooted in the very nature and will of God.

      With decades of experience guiding believers worldwide into the profound experience of hearing God’s voice, he’ll teach you how to:

      *Respond to God’s voice and follow His lead to healing.
      *Differentiate the dynamics of instantaneous miracles versus progressive healing journeys.
      *Harness words of knowledge to bolster your faith.
      *Access God’s dunamis power for healing and wholeness.
      *Apply the 28 Therapeutic Healing Protocols for healing breakthrough.
      *Embrace the Holy Spirit’s promises and power for complete restoration.

      Your path to healing is not a distant dream but a present reality. Your healing breakthrough is already yours. Align your heart with the Holy Spirit’s voice and walk into the miraculous healing destined for you.

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    • Healed At Last


      Even when we have great faith, it’s possible to question whether we can be healed. Maybe we have prayed for healing for months or years and it hasn’t come, so we just give up, thinking we are stuck with our physical ailments.

      But that’s exactly what the enemy of our souls wants us to think! He wants us to believe that we deserve to have that ulcer, that cancer, that migraine that won’t go away. Prophetic deliverance minister and author Kathy DeGraw knows what that’s like–because she has been there too.

      Healed at Last: Overcome Sickness and Receive Your Physical Healing includes Kathy’s stories of her triumphs over health ailments as well as prophetic words, prayers, and healing declarations to help you:

      *Realize the power of God’s healing Word is for you
      *Understand the root causes of health issues
      *Discover healing principles to use all your life
      *Experience relief from fear and torment
      *Speak directly to your body and command it to function as God intended
      *Learn how to trust God even when you can’t see healing
      *Turn worry about your ailment into a weapon of praise

      Don’t wait another day! God is the great Physician, and He wants you to be Healed at Last!

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    • Oral Roberts On Healing


      Should we believe in miracles?

      After his miraculous healing of deadly tuberculosis at age seventeen, as well as years of ministering to the sick, noted evangelist Oral Roberts never stopped believing that God is a good God and that we can receive supernatural healing, health, and peace of mind. He encourages us, “Expect a miracle!”

      Can I receive healing?

      Based on his experiences in ministry and his study of the Bible, Oral wrote down the principles and steps that have helped countless people to enter into their healing. Oral Roberts on Healing compiles into one book Oral’s most complete and sought-after teachings on the subject, with biblical and practical advice for those seeking healing.

      What do I need to know about healing?

      This valuable resource features Oral’s personal testimony of healing and the testimonies of others who were made well, which will help to build your faith in God’s love and goodness toward you. It covers a full range of topics related to healing, such as prayer, faith, forgiveness, making peace with your past, trusting God as your Source, recognizing false mindsets, addressing negative emotions, understanding where medicine and prayer converge, what to do if you’re not yet healed, and applying godly hope.

      As you read this book, you, too, will come to believe that God is a good God who wants you to look to Him for salvation, healing, and wholeness. Like Oral, you will come to expect a miracle.

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    • Healing Prayer : God s Idea For Restoring Body, Mind, And Spirit


      Surprised by Healing

      What if you never expected miraculous healing was possible but were surprised when it actually happened, or by the way in which it happened? And what if you found out that, all along, the Bible had principles for healing prayer that we could apply to our lives for restoring spirit, mind, and body?

      Join authors Maxie Dunnam and David Chotka in their unexpected journeys of discovery that healing prayer is God’s idea, not a human concept, and that He invites us to intercede for healing in our own lives and on behalf of others. Prayer, including healing prayer, is one of the greatest activities in which Christians can participate with God to fulfill His purposes. God wants us to pray as an integral part of our relationship with Him and as a vital aspect of our life of faith.

      This intriguing book covers such topics as:

      *Healing prayer: what does the Bible say?
      *Medicine, miracle, and mystery: how they interrelate
      *Why and how we pray for healing
      *The role of compassion in healing
      *Christ’s forgiving and healing presence within us
      *How to prepare yourself for prayer
      *Eight ways healing prayer is misunderstood

      Healing Prayer includes accounts of God’s power to heal today, and it provides guidance for how to organize a prayer team in your small group, church, or denomination.

      Above all, this book shows that it is God who initiates healing prayer. Our part is to respond to His instructions and leading as we pray. All He asks is our openness to Him. Read this book and you, too, may be surprised by the power of Healing Prayer.

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    • Unshackled : Finding God’s Freedom From Trauma


      Break through Barriers to Healing from Trauma and Discover Paths to Healing
      Trauma can either be used as a catalyst for growth, sparking empathy and a closer relationship with God, or as fuel for shame, avoidance, and isolation. Many veterans and first responders know firsthand the toll that trauma can take but lack the knowledge of how to grow from it and move forward.

      In Unshackled, Elizabeth Stevens uses her unique perspective as both a trauma survivor and a professional psychiatrist to help veterans and first responders, as well as other trauma victims, learn how to grow and heal from their traumatic experiences so that they can experience the abundant life God has for them.

      Specifically, you will come to understand and learn:

      *the effects of trauma from Elizabeth’s story of brain injury, multiple sexual assaults, an eating disorder, post-traumatic stress, suicidal thoughts, depression, and loss of independence;

      *how to get past barriers to healing;

      *which paths will move you forward;

      *the importance of holistic healing–physical, psychological, and spiritual; and

      *that Jesus Christ delivers the ultimate healing.

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    • Healing The Sick


      God Wants You Healed!

      This is a powerful book–so powerful that tens of thousands have been healed just by reading and acting upon the scriptural truths it contains.

      A living classic that continues to be one of the body of Christ’s foremost teachings on healing, Healing the Sick is written in clear, simple language that blesses all who read it.

      Authored by T.L. Osborn, legendary evangelist and Christian statesman who proclaimed the resurrection power of Jesus to millions around the world, this book will radically transform your understanding of supernatural healing.

      T.L. uncovers Biblical truths regarding…

      *Who God heals
      *Where sickness comes from
      *The language of faith
      *Why some don’t receive healing
      *The foundation of steadfast faith

      Take hold of the supernatural principles revealed in this modern-day classic, and start walking in divine healing power today!

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    • Derriba Las Barreras Emocional – (Spanish)


      Demasiados cristianos estan orando y esperando por su sanidad, pero o no dura o no llega en absoluto. Los medicos se encogen de hombros y dicen que no pueden hacer nada. Los pastores dicen que es su pecado o los ataques del diablo lo que bloquea su curacion. Esto solo deja a la gente mas desamparada, desesperada, asustada, avergonzada y aun enferma o con dolor. Craig Miller experimento su propia sanidad fisica milagrosa, y ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a otros a recibir la restauracion fisica y emocional permanente que esta disponible a traves del poder curativo de Dios. Craig ministra el espiritu y el alma para identificar las causas fundamentales que bloquean su sanidad. Presta especial atencion a los casos en los que no se puede identificar la causa de una enfermedad y que hacer cuando no se produce la sanidad. Proporciona metodos practicos paso a paso faciles de usar que son viables, disponibles, asequibles y efectivos para brindar soluciones reales al dolor y sufrimiento a largo plazo. E incluye ejemplos de la vida real de testimonios de sanacion.

      Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last, or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or an attack of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people feeling more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. In Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, Craig provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. He also includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.

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    • Jesus The Healer


      For years, this book has challenged and inspired readers to step out in faith and receive the healing that Christ purchased for us. Many people have been healed while reading these pages! Legendary Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon has a rare gift for presenting the deep and profound truths of God’s Word in a simple and easily understood way. His teachings on expressing “positive confessions of faith” formed much of the foundation for Word of Faith Pentecostalism. In Jesus the Healer, Dr. Kenyon fully explores the powerful gift of healing that Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry. Sickness and disease are not God’s will for believers. So Kenyon unpacks God’s methods of healing and how to live the abundant life that Jesus promised. God’s healing promises are no good unless you act on them. Believing is acting on God’s Word. Faith is the result of acting on God’s Word. Healing miracles are available today for those who believe and step out in faith!

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    • Miracles For Veterans


      Military veterans experience stress and trauma that civilians cannot even begin to imagine. No matter what branch they were in, whether they saw combat or not, their service left an indelible mark on their bodies, hearts, and minds, souls and spirits. Even those who have not suffered external injuries can be affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, anger, and other issues. They need healing on multiple levels. Joan Hunter tackles all of the problems that veterans face in her new book, Miracles for Veterans. She covers some of the root causes; the positive aspects of service, such as growth and maturity, as well as the negative effects, including physical, emotional, and spiritual injury; and the consequences of service on general and cellular memory. Joan offers guidance to those ministering to veterans, healing prayers, and insights on prevention. Among the testimonials included in Joan’s book is that of Auston O’Neill, 71, who travels throughout the United States to play “Taps” on his bugle for any deceased veteran whose family requests it as a member of Bugles Across America. Auston is battling terminal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes, but his faith is strong. “You know, I believe in God for my healing,” he says. “I’m getting stronger as the days go by. I’m not getting weaker.” Joan notes God is limitless and His Word is true. He is ever ready to heal us if we only will believe.

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    • Breaking Emotional Barriers To Healing


      Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or attacks of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. He provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. Includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.

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    • Removing The Roadblocks To Health And Healing


      In order to receive healing and live in health, you must prayerfully evaluate your life as a whole and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into wellness. In this book, Annette Capps gives a insightful, practical look at the emotional and spiritual hinderances that believers face daily.

      Recognizing and removing these roadblocks can enable you to receive healing and walk in health and wholeness.

      *Claiming Sickness as Belonging to You
      *Belief in Tribal DNA
      *Using Infirmity as a Tool
      *Holding on to Negative Emotions
      *Refusing to Forgive
      *Feeding the Spirit of Infirmity
      *Ignoring the Leadings of the Holy Spirit and Your Spirit
      *Staying in an Unhealthy Environment
      *Trying to Act Beyond Your Faith
      *Believing You Will Be Healed in the Future.

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    • Prescription For Healing


      The Prescription for Healing explores some of the common troubles that plague mankind and offers biblical solutions as to how to overcome them. The author has examined the scriptures and provides reference to many scriptures for each particular malady. Created in a glossary format for easy reference, The Prescription for Healing is the perfect companion book to your daily devotion and prayer time.

      Meditate over these scriptures as you pray for yourself and others, and experience the joy that God brings as you rely on His word for healing.

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