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    • 9798887692647 Dejalo Ir - (Spanish)

      Dejalo Ir – (Spanish)


      Una coleccion de cartas espirituales escritas por Francois Fenelon, un obispo catolico, a varias personas de quienes fue consejero espiritual. Mas de 300 aos despues, sus ideas espirituales contenidas en estas cartas continuan inspirando, desafiando y bendiciendo a los cristianos: catolicos, protestantes y evangelicos por igual.

      A collection of spiritual letters written by Francois Fenelon, a Catholic bishop, to various persons to whom he was a spiritual advisor. Over 300 years later, his spiritual insights in these letters continue to inspire, challenge and bless Christians: Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical alike.

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    • 9781430088585 Before You Go

      Before You Go


      Are you preparing to take the gospel to the nations?

      You’ve said “yes” to God’s call to go, and now you will pack up your things and step into the unknown of a new location, people, and culture. The following years will likely include great joy, frustration, homesickness, difficulty, and excitement. In this book, ten men who have served in missions in various ways share what they wish they had known before they began.

      This book is a handbook for entering the mission field, including essays on:

      *Discerning Your Calling
      *Leaving What You Love
      *Identity and Task
      *Integrity and Accountability
      *Serving Well as a Team
      *Prayer and Evangelism
      *Going Single
      *Family & Mission
      *The Fellowship of the Suffering
      *Spiritual Patterns of a Missionary

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    • 9780825448225 Coming To Faith Through Dawkins

      Coming To Faith Through Dawkins


      Richard Dawkins = Christian evangelist?

      Editors Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath gather other intelligent minds from around the world to share their startling commonality: Richard Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists were instrumental in their conversions to Christianity.

      Despite a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, all are united in the fact that they were first enthusiasts for the claims and writings of the New Atheists. But each became disillusioned by the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins, causing them to look deeper and with more objectivity at religious faith. The fallacies of Christianity Dawkins warns of simply don’t exist.

      Spending time in this fascinating and powerful book is like being invited to the most interesting dinner party you’ve ever attended. Listen as twelve men and women from five different countries across a variety of professions–philosophers, artists, historians, engineers, scientists, and more–explain their journeys from atheism to faith. In the end, you may come away having reached the same conclusion: authentic Christian faith is in fact more intellectually convincing and rational than New Atheism.

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    • 9798887690049 Theos Starter Pack

      Theos Starter Pack


      Recovering…Timeless Truths

      Like an online starter pack meme, Theos Starter Pack: Toward a Recovery of Essential Christianity is designed to provoke a response.

      The book includes twenty essays by a motley crew of Bible geeks who are all active in church ministry and teach at TheosU, an online, nondenominational Bible college.

      The focus is on recovering the roots of Christianity–recovering the way we teach, recovering the Bible’s grand narrative, recovering Christian liberty, recovering apocalyptic, and much more.

      Each writer “takes into consideration the ageless tradition of Christianity that has been handed down through the centuries, resisting the cultural soup and integrating timeless thinking into an approach that works for the present day,” explains Chris Palmer, TheosU dean. This book is a lifeline “to pull yourself out of the soup.”

      You may laugh. You may run to your Bible. You may reach out to one of the writers to share a few choice words. But no matter what, these essayists hope you will be inspired and come away with rich theological insights.

      Theos Starter Pack recovers beautiful elements of ancient Christianity that have been lost or shoved aside in modern society. It’s food for the souls of those who long for a return to the roots of our faith.

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    • 9781683595533 All Thy Lights Combine

      All Thy Lights Combine


      We do not simply interpret God’s word. His word interprets us.

      Figural interpretation has been a trademark of Anglican devotions from the beginning. Anglican readers–including Tyndale, Cranmer, Hooker, and Lewis–have been figural readers of the Bible. By paying attention to how words, images, and narratives become figures of others in Scripture, these readers sought to uncover how God’s word interprets all of reality. Every verse shines the constellation of God’s story.

      Edited by David Ney and Ephraim Radner, the essays in All Thy Lights Combine explore how the Anglican tradition has employed figural interpretation to theological, Christological, and pastoral ends. The prayer book is central; it immerses Christians in the words of Scripture and orders them by the word. With guided prayers for morning and evening, this book invites readers to be re–formed by God’s word. Become immersed in the riches of the Anglican interpretive tradition.

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    • 9781683594321 Raised On The Third Day

      Raised On The Third Day


      Did Jesus rise from the dead? Is resurrection even possible? There are numerous historical and philosophical challenges to belief in Jesus’ resurrection. For many, these questions are insurmountable.Raised on the Third Day approaches these questions with critical and believing eyes. Edited by W. David Beck and Michael R. Licona, Raised on the Third Day collects essays from prominent contributors in the fields of philosophy, history, and apologetics. Contributors–including J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Craig A. Evans, Beth M. Sheppard, and Sean McDowell–evaluate scriptural, historical, moral, and apologetic issues related to Christ’s death and resurrection. Essays on the Shroud of Turin and near-death experiences round out the volume. Inspired by the foundational work of Gary Habermas–arguably the greatest contemporary Christian thinker on the resurrection–these essays build upon his work and move the discussion forward.Readers will better appreciate how Habermas has shaped scholarship on Christ’s resurrection and further areas for exploration and discussion.

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    • 9781683593409 Christ The Cornerstone

      Christ The Cornerstone


      What does it mean to say Jesus is Lord?

      The late Anglican pastor John Stott–named as one of the 100 most influential people in 2005 by Time magazine-was committed to the notion that Jesus’ lordship has ramifications for all of life. Out of this conviction grew his contention that the whole mission of God includes both evangelism and social action. Christ the Cornerstone recovers several decades of his writings exploring the consequences of Jesus’ lordship from the pages of Christianity Today, including the regular “Cornerstone” column he wrote from 1977-1981. In them, he treats such diverse topics as Scripture, discipleship, the worldwide mission of the church, and social concerns such as the value of human life, care for animals, racial diversity, and economic inequality. Gain insight for today from the writings of a guiding light of evangelicalism.

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    • 9781683593362 Architect Of Evangelicalism

      Architect Of Evangelicalism


      Discover the ongoing relevance of the essential evangelical.

      In recent years, the label “evangelical” has been distorted and its usefulness questioned. No one is better equipped to provide a clear understanding of evangelicalism than the late Carl F. H. Henry, the founding editor of Christianity Today and the most influential theologian of American evangelicalism in the twentieth century. While Billy Graham was preaching the gospel to stadiums full of people, Henry was working tirelessly to help Christians adopt a worldview that encompasses all of life. Architect of Evangelicalism helps us gain a better sense of the roots of American evangelicalism by giving us the best of Henry’s Christianity Today essays on subjects such as what defines evangelicalism, what separates it from theological liberalism, what evangelical Christian education should look like, and how evangelicals should engage with society.

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    • 9781683593034 World Mission : Theology

      World Mission : Theology, Strategy, And Current Issues


      World missions needs a fully biblical ethos.

      This is the contention of the editors of and contributors to World Mission, a series of essays aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions.

      In the first set of essays, contributors develop a biblical theology of world missions from both the Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology of each must stand in the foreground of missions, not recede into the background. In the second, they unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues in world missions from the perspective of the sufficiency of Scripture.

      Altogether, this book aims to reform missions to be thoroughly – not just foundationally – biblical, a needed correction even among the sincerest missionaries.

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    • 9781683592877 Christianity And Pluralism

      Christianity And Pluralism


      Are the world’s great religions ultimately all the same?

      Christianity and Pluralism is a collection of concise yet thoughtful essays by J. I. Packer and Ron Dart, interacting with and responding to the four traditional models used to answer the existence of multiple faiths (exclusive, inclusive, pluralist, and syncretist), but focusing particularly that form of syncretism which claims that all faiths find commonality through their mystical traditions. Written in response to key events in the history of the Anglican church, Packer and Dart’s analysis gives us a perennially relevant model for how the church ought to respond to our own pluralistic culture with integrity and kindness – and how to uphold the distinctiveness of the gospel. Christians directly or indirectly engaging our pluralist world will find their ideas enriched by this short yet powerful book.

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    • 9781577996750 On The Church

      On The Church


      Dutch politician and Christian activist Abraham Kuyper was deeply invested in debates over the influence Christianity should have on his nation. As a pastor and theologian, he was just as concerned about the ailing Dutch church. In On the Church, the Acton Institute and the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society have partnered with Lexham Press to publish seven brand-new translations of Kuyper’s most influential essays and speeches on the relationship between Christianity and the world.

      Kuyper believed that Christians must neither hide from the world behind the walls of physical church buildings nor engage the world solely through earthly institutions. The closing essay by Ad de Bruijne discusses how Kuyper’s incisive view of the church still can–and must–apply today, just as it did at the turn of the 20th century.

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    • 9781603749695 Spiritual Progress : Five Inspiring Essays By Mystical Thinkers Of The 17th

      Spiritual Progress : Five Inspiring Essays By Mystical Thinkers Of The 17th


      A collection of five inspiring essays by three closely linked mystical thinkers of the seventeenth century-Franois Fenelon, Madame Guyon, and Pere Lacombe-whose focus on the availability of intimacy with God made them scandalous in their day.

      “Christian Counsel” and “Spiritual Letters,” by Archbishop Fenelon, offer wise advice on how to find the keys to true devotion and peace.

      “Method of Prayer” and “On the Way to God”, by Fenelon’s close friend, Madame Guyon, demonstrate the critical importance of constant prayer.

      “Spiritual Maxims”, by Pere Lacombe, the spiritual mentor of Madame Guyon, emphasizes the importance of expressing a passionate love for God.

      Each stirring work is divided into short chapters, making Spiritual Progress ideal for morning or evening devotions, or for Bible study. This treasured collection of classic Christian wisdom is certain to lead readers closer to the heart of God.

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