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    Biblical Studies

    • Lords Prayer : Matthew 6 And Luke 11 For The Life Of The Church


      Since the beginning of Christianity, the Lord’s Prayer has occupied an important place in the lives of Jesus’s disciples, for it is the prayer Jesus himself taught them. Like other biblical prayers, the Lord’s Prayer contains words people offer to God. But since this prayer is from Jesus and is part of Scripture, it is also God’s Word to people. When we say this prayer, not only are we speaking to God, but God is also speaking to us.

      Highly regarded New Testament scholar William Wright shows how this classic text can speak afresh to the life of the church today. He integrates critical exegesis, theological exposition, and Christian spirituality to explicate the theological substance of the Lord’s Prayer. His goal is to help readers come to know God and love God and others more deeply through a focused study of this important Christian prayer.

      The Touchstone Texts series addresses key Bible passages, making high-quality biblical scholarship accessible for the church. The series editor is Stephen B. Chapman, Duke Divinity School.

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    • Pauls Thorn In The Flesh


      Paul’s enigmatic “thorn in the flesh” in 2 Corinthians has baffled interpreters for centuries. Many offer suggestions as to the identity of Satan’s messenger; others despair that the puzzle is unsolvable. In Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh: New Clues for an Old Problem, Kenneth Berding reopens the case. He follows a trail of clues that includes ancient beliefs about curses, hints in Paul’s letters, similarities with Jesus’s suffering, and the attempts of the earliest Christian interpreters. Berding offers twenty criteria-some familiar, others neglected-that any proposals must explain. While the usual suspects fall short, Berding suggests a new solution-one that satisfies all the evidence and gives us a fuller view of Paul. Far from an abstract puzzle, Paul’s own suffering is relevant to Christians today, including Berding’s own health struggles.

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    • Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha


      A modern translation with introductions by David A. deSilva.

      The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha includes:

      *Tobit (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus)


      *Greek Esther (Greek)

      *Wisdom of Solomon

      *Wisdom of Sirach


      *Letter of Jeremiah

      *the additions to Daniel (Old Greek and Theodotion), including the Prayer of Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon

      *1-4 Maccabees

      *1-2 Esdras

      *the Prayer of Manasseh

      *Psalm 151

      *Psalms of Solomon

      *Greek 1 Enoch

      Beautifully typeset in a single-column format, the Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha provides a literal and contemporary translation for modern readers. David A. deSilva briefly introduces each book, providing context and insight. This volume includes works typically omitted from other editions of the Apocrypha, such as the Psalms of Solomon, the Greek text of Enoch, and multiple versions of Tobit and the additions to Daniel.

      The Apocrypha has been highly esteemed throughout history. While its canonical status is disputed, it has been embraced by Christians over centuries for personal study, devotion, and worship. The diverse writings in the Apocrypha contain biblical and post-biblical history, historical fiction, wisdom, and liturgy. These books shed light on Second Temple (intertestamental) Judaism and the New Testament, and they continue to inspire readers today.

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    • Ransom For Many


      Not to be served, but to serve

      Unlike the Gospels of Luke and John, Mark’s Gospel never explicitly reveals any authorial intent. In A Ransom for Many, John J. R. Lee and Daniel Brueske identify Mark 10:45 as the heart of Mark’s Gospel. This single verse is the pivot point of Mark’s structure, themes, and message. Mark 10:45 is the key that unlocks the Gospel’s unique focus on true discipleship. Learn how Jesus’s faithfulness is both a summons and pattern for all who carry their cross and follow him.

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    • Asking Better Questions Of The Bible


      Too often when we come to the Bible, we settle for easy answers. We move quickly toward the allure of resolution. But when we ask the questions the Bible is asking, we will do these things instead:

      *understand the Eastern perspective of words, numbers, and core principles like eternal life, truth, sin, and faith

      recognize the literary devices and the reclamation of stories used in the Torah

      read the historical books both as inspiration and as cautionary tales

      interpret the distinct genres in Wisdom Literature, such as psalms and proverbs

      *decipher the unique elements of prophetic literature

      *perceive the often tongue-in-cheek nature of the Gospel accounts

      *view the New Testament letters as inspired, authoritative interpretation of the story of God

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    • Flood And Fury


      What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

      Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

      In Flood and Fury, Old Testament scholar Matthew Lynch approaches two of the most violent passages in the Old Testament – the Flood and the Canaanite conquest – and offers a way forward that doesn’t require softening or ignoring the most troubling aspects of these stories. While acknowledging the persistent challenge of violence in Scripture, Flood and Fury contends that reading with the grain of the text yields surprising insights into the goodness and the mercy of God. Through his exploration of themes related to violence including misogyny, racism, and nationalism, Lynch shows that these violent stories illuminate significant theological insights that we might miss with a surface reading.

      Flood and Fury challenges us to let go of the need to rescue the Old Testament from itself and listen afresh to its own critiques on violence.

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    • Father And His Family (Audio CD)


      There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

      *Why were we born?
      *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

      Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

      Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

      “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

      God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

      “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

      Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

      Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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    • Father And His Family


      There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

      *Why were we born?
      *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

      Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

      Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

      “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

      God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

      “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

      Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

      Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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    • Reading The Book Of The 12 Minor Prophets


      The promise and peril in reading the Minor Prophets.

      Reading the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets confronts the unique challenges presented by this daunting section of the Old Testament.

      *On Reading the Twelve Minor Prophets (David G. Firth and Brittany N. Melton)

      *Hosea: Marriage, Violence, and Yahweh’s Lament (Isabelle M. Hamley)

      *Reading Joel within and without the Book of the Twelve (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)

      *The Use and Abuse of Technology: Habakkuk’s Ancient Critique in a Modern World (Heath A. Thomas)

      *Luther’s Lectures on Habakkuk as an Example of Participatory Exegesis (Thomas Renz)

      *Perspectives on Theodicy in Habakkuk and Malachi vis-a-vis Job (S. D. Snyman)

      *The New Covenant in the Book of the Twelve (Anthony R. Petterson)

      *Filled, Empowered, Dwelling, Trembling, and Fleeing: Mapping God’s Spirit and Presence in the Book of the Twelve (Beth M. Stovell)

      *Furry, Feathery, and Fishy Friends?and Insects?in the Book of the Twelve (Julie Woods)

      *Twelve Books, One Theology? (John Goldingay)

      Authors from a variety of perspectives consider questions about hermeneutics and composition, reception history, theodicy, metaphors and characterization, and theology. These essays provide insights from the history of interpretation and the latest in scholarship.

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    • Impact Of Ordinary Women In The Bible


      Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God

      In book two of Don Wilkerson’s series The Impact of Ordinary People, the names listed in each chapter are not well-known women of the Bible. But that’s the theme of this unique devotional.

      Adah, Bilhah, Jehosheba, and Huldah are just some of the ordinary women who accomplished extraordinary things for the glory of God. Scripture contains a supporting cast of men and women often overlooked in Bible study. This devotional brings thirty lesser-known women to life with short but thought-provoking lessons. Each woman deserves attention for her significant impact, but it’s God’s redemption story that is highlighted and woven through the lives of these ordinary women.

      For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, this book will aid individual and small group Bible study.

      This devotional is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop biblical lessons or one-of a-kind sermons.

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    • Faith In The New Testament


      A classic study now available in English

      First appearing in 1885, Schlatter’s Der Glaube im Neuen Testament ( Faith in the New Testament) is a thorough analysis of the concept of faith. Taking into account Old Testament, rabbinic, and key first-century writings, Schlatter provides an exhaustive study on the meaning and implications of faith in the New Testament. It is a philological masterpiece, making its translation into English a great contribution to New Testament theological studies. This fresh translation retains the substance and style of his original work, giving a new audience direct access to Schlatter’s work. Schlatter’s rigorous thought remains invaluable today.

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    • Word From The Beginning


      And the Word became flesh

      John’s Gospel famously opens with a poetic prologue about the Word. However, after these initial verses, the theme of God’s Word incarnate seems to fade.

      The silence is only apparent. In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard reunites John’s prologue with the rest of his Gospel. What Jesus does in the Gospel embodies who Jesus is in the prologue. Jesus’s words and actions reveal and unfold his unique identity as the Word. Jesus is indeed God’s Word enfleshed.

      This theological reading of John’s Gospel unifies Jesus’s identity, words, and work, opening up implications for Johannine Christology.

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