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Category: Bible Studies

  • Blessed Are The Chosen


    Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way.

    This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
    *A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
    *Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
    *Scripture to provide lesson context
    *Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
    *Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
    *Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

    Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re ushered into a new reality–one that is sure, powerful, and life changing.

    And so–
    *We have hope no matter our circumstances.
    *We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.
    *We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

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  • 2 Peter And Jude


    Make every effort to confirm your calling and election, 2 Peter 1:10 tells us. For if you do these things, you will never stumble However well we are running now, we all need to be aware of the danger of falling away–especially in today’s culture, where we are constantly bombarded by ideas contrary to the word of God. We are each responsible to hold on to the truth. The original readers of 2 Peter and Jude had come under the influence of false and immoral teachings, and these letters were written precisely to help us to stand firm in our faith.

    These letters include serious warnings but also deep hope. It is through pursuing God, the one who keeps us from stumbling, and throwing ourselves on his mercy that we will make it to the end of the race. We can look forward to being presented before his glorious throne without fault and with great joy (Jude v 24).

    These six studies take you step by step through 2 Peter and Jude, with questions that open up discussion, a focus on real-life application and ideas for prayer. The book also includes a leader’s guide.

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  • 2 Peter And Jude For You


    When friends, family members, and even respected church leaders fall away from the faith, it is deeply sad and painful. But the reality is that we are all tempted to compromise our faith in one way or another. We all need to be careful not to fall.

    Peter and Jude knew that first-hand. They wrote with a sense of urgency, showing a deep concern for the believers they were addressing. Their aim? To help their readers stand firm.

    Verse by verse, pastor Miguel Nuez unpacks these two short letters, showing how they are still utterly relevant to us today–warning us where we may be in danger of stumbling and equipping us to stand firm in our faith.

    This expository guide is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, or referred to as a resource for leading small groups or preparing sermons.

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  • Isaiah : Here Is Your God: 8 Studies


    Isaiah can seem intimidating. It’s a big book covering an extended timescale, full of unfamiliar names and places, and large sections can feel like alien territory.

    But this book is full of good news. Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens our understanding of salvation and illuminates our Bible reading. It comforts our fears and sorrows, and fuels our vision for the church and its mission. All the time, it points forward to Jesus. This is good news worth shouting about!

    This Bible-study guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you through the book of Isaiah in a digestible and accessible way. Each study focuses on a key text, helping you to understand the shape of the book and see how its main themes work together. Includes application questions, ideas for prayer and a full leader’s guide. It can be used alongside the more detailed expository guide Isaiah For You.

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  • Isaiah For You


    Isaiah can seem intimidating. It’s a big book covering an extended timescale, full of unfamiliar names and places. You may be familiar with Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness in chapter 6 or his description of the cross in chapter 53. But large sections can feel like alien territory.

    But the book of Isaiah is full of good news. Forming a kind of bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens our understanding of salvation and illuminates our Bible reading. It points forward to Jesus and fuels our vision for the church and our mission. This is good news worth shouting about!

    This expository guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you verse by verse through the text in a digestible and applied way. Each chapter focuses on a key text and shows how its themes play out in the surrounding passages, helping you to drill down into the details while also seeing the big picture. You’ll find ideas and challenges for application throughout, plus a helpful glossary at the back.

    It is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation.

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  • 1 Corinthians : The Grace-Changed Church – 8 Studies


    Andrew Wilson guides groups through the book of 1 Corinthians, showing how Paul’s encouragements and challenges to that church are to shape us as Christians today, both individually and as members of a local church.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion, plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • 1 Corinthians For You


    The scope of 1 Corinthians is breathtaking. Paul tackles a huge variety of subjects, and as he does so, he gives us a precious insight into what a local church is (or at least can be).

    As Andrew Wilson walks through this compelling, challenging epistle, you’ll see how grace looks in every Christian and how it can shape every church–even a church as flawed as the Corinthian one.

    This expository guide is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation.

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  • Church : Enjoying Gods Masterpiece: 8 Studies


    This Bible-study guide explores the different images that the New Testament uses to describe the church, exciting every church member about what it means to be part of God’s people–his masterpiece to show his glory to the world and beyond.

    Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. It contains ideas for starter discussions and activities, optional Explore more sections that draw links with the Old Testament, and a focus on practical application. A substantial leader’s guide is included in the back.

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  • Living In Gods True Story


    We all need a reminder of the true story at the heart of the gospel.

    In the face of false teachers and skeptics, Peter wrote his second epistle to remind his readers of God’s true story. They needed to be reoriented to the truth of their identity and status in Christ. Christians continue to experience similar challenges to our spiritual foundations today.

    In Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter, Donald L. Morcom shows that remembering the truth is the core theme of Peter’s second letter. In the midst of false alternatives, he encourages believers to live faithful lives that demonstrate love and wisdom. Though it may be short, 2 Peter is an impactful letter that explains how we can order our lives in accordance with God’s true story.

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  • Transformed In Christ


    Is your faith countercultural?

    When he wrote his first epistle to the church in Corinth, Paul wanted to address two cultural issues that the Christians in the city were wrestling with: prosperity and entertainment. He urged the young believers struggling in the midst of Graeco–Roman society to live lives shaped by Christ. Believers today are not immune to these same worldly temptations the Corinthian church was facing.

    In Transformed in Christ: 1 Corinthians, Ron Elsdon and William Olhausen show us how Paul uses the cross to define the distinctive patterns of life and behavior which Christians are called. The transformation that comes from cross–shaped wisdom is not a singular moment in a believer’s life, but a continual process of refinement. The result is a living, countercultural faith marked by discernment, wisdom, and love.

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  • Walking In Gods Wisdom


    Get wisdom, get insight (Prov 4:5)

    The book of Proverbs is an invitation to get wisdom. But wisdom isn’t so easily defined or found. Without discernment, we can be swayed by teachers or sayings that sound wise, but true biblical wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord.

    In Walking with God’s Wisdom, Benjamin T. Quinn calls us to hear and obey God’s wisdom found in Proverbs. These ancient words reveal a way of life exemplified in Jesus Christ. Quinn shows how even the most ordinary aspects of life are packed with importance for wise living before God.

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  • Hebrews For You


    Applied expository guide to Hebrews-a book that shows us how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

    We are all tempted to drift away from Jesus, but in the book of Hebrews God gives us an anchor: a detailed understanding of how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

    Seminary professor Michael J. Kruger unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the Old Testament background, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth. He encourages us to live by faith in Jesus-the only anchor for our souls.

    This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized in teaching and preaching.

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