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    Charismatic Interests

    • Creados Para Un Proposito – (Spanish)


      Usted no es un accidente. Su presencia en esta tierra no es un error. Tampoco es insignificante. Por el contrario, usted es querido aqui–!y necesitado!

      Usted es una creacion de Dios con un proposito unico. Muchas personas “hacen” cosas para tratar de ganar aceptacion por parte de otros, para poder “ser” alguien. Se convierten en esclavos de la opinion publica y nunca saben realmente quienes estaban supuestos a ser.

      Cuando sabemos que somos hijos amados de Dios, elegidos desde la fundacion del mundo, y descubrimos quien El nos diseo para ser, pensaremos y actuaremos desde esa perspectiva. Todo lo demas se desarrollara a partir de nuestra identidad y existencia en El. Esa identidad va aun mas alla de nuestro proposito personal hasta el punto de alcanzar los planes eternos de Dios para el mundo y el emocionante rol que desempeamos en ellos.

      Dios creo a todos los seres humanos para tener dominio sobre la tierra. Y El nos ha asignado a cada uno de nosotros una porcion del “territorio” donde podemos ejercer la medida de nuestro dominio en la tierra. Este dominio se basa en la fe, la uncion y los dones que El nos ha dado. Nuestras palabras y acciones son mas efectivas cuando estamos en el territorio que Dios nos ha asignado y cuando estamos buscando primero Su Reino. Este poder “territorial” no es meramente simbolico. Es una realidad en la que debemos vivir. El territorio en el que vamos a ser fructiferos no es fortuito o general, sino especifico.

      En Creados para un proposito, usted descubrira el plan de Dios para su vida como un miembro amado y valioso de Su creacion, que significa ser llamado por Dios y como conocer y vivir en su proposito a lo largo de su vida.

      Usted no es un accidente. Usted esta presente en esta tierra por una razon importante. !Descubra quien esta usted supuesto a ser!

      You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

      You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

      When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our

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    • Created For Purpose


      You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

      You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

      When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our personal purpose to God’s eternal plans for the world and our exciting role in them.

      God created all human beings to have dominion over the earth. And He has assigned each of us a portion of “territory” where we can exercise the measure of our dominion on earth. This dominion is based on the faith, anointing, and gifts He has given us. Our words and actions are most effective when we are in the territory God has assigned to us and are seeking first His kingdom. This “territorial” power is not merely symbolic. It is a reality in which we must live. The territory in which we are to be fruitful is not random or general but specific.

      In Created for Purpose, you will discover God’s plan for your life as a loved and valuable member of His creation, what it means to be called by God, and how to know and live in your purpose throughout your life.

      You are not an accident. You are present on this earth for a significant reason. Find out who you were meant to be!

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    • Best Of Smith Wigglesworth


      A collection of excerpted chapters from ten of Smith Wigglesworth’s most cherished and best-selling books, including:
      *Smith Wigglesworth on Faith
      *Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
      *Smith Wigglesworth on Heaven
      *Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
      *Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts
      *Smith Wigglesworth on the Anointing
      *Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
      *Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe
      *Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith
      *Smith Wigglesworth on God’s Power

      Together, these books have sold more than 900,000 copies. Wigglesworth was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement. His life led him from simple plumber to one of the world’s premier healing evangelists. Now, in one volume, readers can savor his inspirational teaching on an array of subjects, including prayer, spiritual healing, miracles, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the realities of heaven, and how to develop the faith to ask for miracles. This is the perfect introduction to Wigglesworth’s teachings for the new Christian or a cherished addition to the library of a seasoned believer.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell


      In A Divine Revelation of Heaven, after thirty nights in which God gave her visions of the depths of hell and the punishments of the lost, Mary K. Baxter was shown for ten nights the glories of heaven–the home of redeemed souls. Included in this book are her depictions of heaven’s gates, angels, music, worship, storehouses of blessings, joyful heavenly citizens, four living creatures, and brilliant throne of God. Mary also describes heaven’s perfect order and purpose, what happens to children, and much more. These breathtaking glimpses of heaven, interspersed with applicable Bible verses, will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.

      In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late–and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.

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    • Prophet : Creating And Sustaining A Life-Giving Prophetic Culture


      Every believer is prophetic!

      The Bible calls prophets a gift to the body of Christ. This is not because prophets hear God in our place; rather, prophets carry an impartation to connect all believers to the frequencies of Heaven with fresh clarity so they can receive and release the word of the Lord with new confidence.

      James Goll is an internationally bestselling author and prophet to the nations. In this groundbreaking book, James connects you to the speaking voice of the Spirit at a greater dimension than ever before.

      This comprehensive and revelatory work is broken up into four sections, focusing on Prophetic Beginnings, Development, Diversity and Commissionings.

      James teaches you how to:
      *Live in a realm of prophetic sensitivity
      *Recognize the four levels of prophetic ministry and how they operate
      *Understand the anatomy of a prophetic word
      *Receive and release the gift of prophecy
      *Avoid common pitfalls of prophetic ministry
      *Seize your prophetic destiny
      *Operate prophetically in you the sphere of influence

      These words from a respected general of the prophetic movement are saturated with divine empowerment, calling forth a generation to declare words from Heaven with power, integrity and accuracy!

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    • Increase Kids Volume 1


      INCREASE Kids Volume One is a collection of real-life stories from children around the world who are living a supernatural life empowered by God. As king Solomon prophesied in Psalm 127:4, “like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth,” God is raising up a new breed of families across the world who are teaching their children that they don’t have a junior Holy Spirit, and that God wants to partner with them to bring Heaven to Earth. Jesus has created kids to be weapons who destroy the works of the enemy and disciple nations. As you read this book, we hope you are inspired to empower a generation of children to walk in intimate connection with their Father in Heaven, do the works that Jesus did, and even greater!

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    • Power Of Prophetic Vision


      Translate dreams into destiny!

      All of us have been called to something bigger than ourselves–a dream or a vision that only God can help us fulfill. But often, the gap between promise and reality seems insurmountable.

      Healing minister and bestselling author, Joan Hunter, is fulfilling a prophetic vision of seeing nations transformed by the power of God. This was the result of practicing simple, but revelatory principles–even in the midst of crisis. Through it all, the Lord taught Joan how to redeem pain, embrace process, and advance forward!

      In The Power of Prophetic Vision, Joan mentors you through these same simple steps.

      Discover how to:
      *Speak resurrection life back into your dreams
      *Identify and remove blockages to your dream
      *Break agreement with lies that war against your destiny
      *Overcome failures, setbacks and mistakes
      *Confidently stand in the calling of God for your life
      *Partner with the Holy Spirit to walk out the process step by step

      Now is your time! Wake up to your Dreams!

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    • Encuentro Divino Con El Espiri – (Spanish) (Audio CD)


      Cuando fue la ultima vez que tuvo un encuentro sobrenatural con el Espiritu Santo?

      Todos los creyentes pueden tener poderosos encuentros divinos con el Espiritu, no como eventos aislados sino como un estilo de vida en el que:
      – El reino sobrenatural es su mayor realidad.
      – Jesus se vuelva real en usted.
      – Es comisionado para demostrar el poder milagroso de Dios.
      – Usted tiene un profundo deseo por mas de la presencia de Dios.

      Para experimentar encuentros divinos, es necesario tener una clara comprension de quien es el Espiritu Santo. El Apostol Guillermo Maldonado aclara dudas y falsos conceptos sobre el Espiritu, al tiempo que muestra testimonios extraordinarios de personas transformadas por encuentros sobrenaturales. Dios desea manifestarse como nuestro Padre, Proveedor, Hacedor de Milagros, Sanador, Liberador y Defensor. Desea que impactemos familias, comunidades y naciones para Cristo. Una relacion intima con el Espiritu Santo, le llenara con el amor de Dios y le dara un corazon compasivo para un mundo herido. Usted no tiene que ser un lider espiritual, ni ser perfecto para experimentar la presencia de Dios y continuar la obra de Jesus en la tierra. Lo que necesita es un poderoso encuentro divino con el Espiritu Santo.

      When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit?

      The church was birthed in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, where the supernatural, including miracles, signs, and wonders, was established as the norm. This means that all believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit, not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which:
      -The supernatural realm is your greatest reality.
      -Jesus becomes real in you.
      -You are commissioned to demonstrate God’s miraculous power.
      -You have a profound desire for more of God’s presence.

      To regularly experience divine encounters, we must have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Holy Spirit, describing His nature and role in the world and providing striking testimonies of people who have been transformed by their encounters with the Spirit. God desires to manifest Himself to each of us–as Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, and Deliverer. He wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God’s love–and give you a compassionate

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    • Divine Encounter With The Holy Spirit (Audio CD)


      When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit?

      All believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit–not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which…
      *The supernatural realm is your greatest reality.
      *Jesus becomes real in you.
      *You are commissioned to demonstrate God’s miraculous power.
      *You have a profound desire for more of God’s presence.

      To experience divine encounters, you need to have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. In this 8-CD teaching, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Spirit while providing striking testimonies of people transformed by their supernatural encounters. God desires to manifest Himself as our Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, Deliverer, and Defender. He also wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God’s love and give you a compassionate heart for a hurting world.

      You don’t have to be a spiritual leader, and you don’t have to be perfect, to experience the presence of God and continue the works of Jesus on earth. All you need is a powerful divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

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    • Working Of Miracles And Other Writings 3 Books In 1


      This collection of three prophetic books by beloved author H. A. Maxwell Whyte all deal with the spiritual gift the apostle Paul calls “the working of miracles” (1 Corinthians 12:10).
      The Working of Miracles looks at the powerful and prophetic outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. It unpacks the principals involved in the working of miracles and the explanation of what a miracle really is.

      The Prophetic Word reveals the amazing power of the Word of God when spoken through His anointed vessels.

      Pulling Down Strongholds calls the church to take its rightful place in God’s plan to throw off every form of bondage to Satan and to destroy his dominion on earth in these last days.
      Together, these three classic charismatic teachings will inspire readers to boldly pursue the prophetic spiritual gifts and to stand in the spiritual victory God has promised.

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    • Rivers Of Revival


      Since the Day of Pentecost, seasons of revival and awakening have brought refreshing to the spiritually dry, life to the spiritually dead, and miraculous encounters with the Holy Spirit.

      In this timely and prophetic volume, two bestselling generals of the faith, Dr. Elmer Towns and Dr. Neil T. Anderson, offer collective wisdom, insight, and strategy on how you can experience and release a river of Holy Spirit outpouring into your world!

      Additionally, Drs. Towns and Anderson have compiled contributions from other key authorities on revival who have encountered the move of God firsthand. Each contributor provides practical wisdom on how you can experience the Spirit’s touch in your own life, church and even geographical region.

      Featuring powerful teaching from a diverse range of revival leaders, including:
      *Jack Hayford: How worship releases the reviving touch of the Spirit.
      *Ed Silvoso: How to bless the unsaved and prepare them for God encounters.
      *R.A. Torrey: How to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
      *John Dawson: How to break agreement with generational sin.
      *C. Peter Wagner & George Otis Jr.: How to win battles in the heavenly realm over regions and cities.
      *Billy Graham: How proclamation of the Gospel releases the revival power of God.
      *Henry Blackaby: How cultivating a lifestyle of daily encounters with God brings revival.

      A fresh move of God is on the way. Prepare yourself to experience Holy Spirit outpouring like never before!

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    • Strike The Mark


      Prayers that strike the mark are specific prayers authorized by the Holy Spirit and endowed with divine power to accomplish the will of God in your life and for the needs of the world. On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the ultimate answer to all of our prayers, but He awaits our invitation to come into our situations and circumstances. When people of prayer intercede, they create a meeting place between the heavenly Father and His children. God comes upon the person who is praying and moves them from the natural to the supernatural. Empowered by God, the intercessor has the authority to cut down enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory, bringing victory and breakthrough.

      Intercession could be called “extreme prayer” because it links extreme needs with the extraordinary power of God. Inserting ourselves into the gap between God and a need, we call upon the Holy Spirit, our Helper, who is ready to move us from finite ability to infinite ability, take hold of difficult situations, and help accomplish the will of God. We have the great honor of being called to “paint targets” on cities, churches, ministries, family members, contemporary “Sauls” (those who persecute or cause difficulty), and even ourselves. Our believing, persistent prayers will Strike the Mark!

      ” He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark” (Job 36:32 NASB).

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