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Showing 5401–5412 of 8095 resultsSorted by latest
Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$19.99El varon esta en crisis. Los roles tradicionales le daban al hombre estabilidad y continuidad de generacion en generacion. Hoy dia, el mundo esta enviando seales conflictivas sobre lo que significa ser un hombre. Muchos hombres se estan preguntando quienes son y cuales roles deben desempear en la vida, como varon, como esposo, y como padre. Eso los deja frustrados, y provoca que vivan muy por debajo de su potencial. El autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina las actitudes culturales hacia los hombres, y discute asuntos criticos como:
*Como pueden los hombres ganar su posicion en el ambiente de expectativas culturales que cambia constantemente?
*Que significa ser varon?
*Que definicion de masculinidad deben los hombres adoptar?
*Cuales roles deben los hombres desempear en su lugar de trabajo y en el hogar?
*Que tienen que ver los roles de genero con el proposito del varon?
*Cuales son las diferencias entre varones y hembras?
*Como estan destinados a relacionarse entre si los hombres y las mujeres?
*Como puede un hombre construir una vida mejor para si mismo, su familia, y el mundo?Cuando los hombres entiendan el proposito que Dios les ha dado, y el verdadero diseo de su relacion con las mujeres, seran libres para cumplir su destino y realizar su potencial. Edicion ampliada con material de guia de estudio incluido.
The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
*How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
*What does it mean to be male?
*What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
*What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
*What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
*What are the differences between males and females?
*How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
*How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and
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Floodgates : Recognize The End Time Signs To Survive The Coming Wrath
$16.99While many people think the world is progressing and on the brink of transforming our mortal human bodies through science and technology, humanity is actually regressing and in serious peril of God’s last-days wrath. Floodgates raises our understanding of the prophetic Scriptures about the last days, offering a clear analogy for determining where we are on the prophetic timetable. This analogy from biblical history rolls back the curtain on our own times in remarkable ways. By exploring how the pre-flood world parallels our contemporary world, and examining the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, Floodgates answers the critical question of whether the timetable for final judgment has already begun. This book also widens the lens of prophecy to explore what will actually transpire before the Great Tribulation, revealing the ways in which we are edging closer to that day. Reflecting careful research and keen biblical insights, Floodgates uncovers God’s dealings with human beings and the fate that soon awaits those who do not acknowledge Him. God has an “endgame” for the world and a strategy for how He wants to bring this age to a close. As we draw nearer to the culmination of human history, Jesus calls every believer to be salt and light in the world, warning people of the coming judgment and showing the way to eternal life in Him. After reading this book, you will be reminded that everyone has a choice to make concerning their ultimate destiny-and time is growing short.
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Equipped The Weapon Of Prayer Journal Edition
$16.99What is the one thing that “puts God to work”? Prayer! In response to His children’s prayers and petitions, God has promised to answer, to do, and to give us “all things whatsoever.” E. M. Bounds expounds on God’s need of people who pray. He explains why prayer moves God to act, how busyness in church activities can hinder prayer, why Jesus could not dispense with prayer, how the early apostles gave themselves to prayer, and why prayer is essential in God’s kingdom. Includes inspiring sketches of the prayer lives of dedicated Christians, such as David Brainerd, George Muller, and Jonathan Edwards. This journal edition includes room for readers to reflect and add their own prayers.
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Blood Covenant Expanded Edition (Expanded)
$24.99Mob boss Michael Franzese had it all–money, power, prestige. From the time he took a blood oath that bound him body and soul to New York’s Colombo crime family, Franzese became a force to be reckoned with in organized crime. Named one of the biggest moneymakers in the mob since Al Capone by Vanity Fair, he quickly crept into the upper echelon of Mafia authority in this country. By the age of thirty-five, he was the youngest mobster listed on Fortune magazine’s survey of the fifty most wealthy and powerful Mafia bosses in America. Then, he did the unthinkable: he quit the mob. Today, Michael is a Christian, finding his own Damascus Road that began with his wife Camille. The story of his conversion is a testament of God’s willingness to reach into the heart of any man regardless of their past or the present condition of their lives. In one of the most fascinating books ever written about today’s Mafia, Michael reveals the answers to the many mysteries surrounding his incredible life. Find out how and why he did what no one else managed to do–and live. Journey with Michael through a life defined by two blood covenants. The first bound him to the mob. The second set him free.
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Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$16.99Las mujeres de todas las culturas y sociedades se enfrentan al dilema de la identidad. Los puntos de vista tradicionales de lo que significa ser una mujer, y los cambiantes roles culturales y matrimoniales estan causando conflictos a las mujeres en sus relaciones con los hombres. Las mujeres estan bajo un estres tremendo en su lucha por descubrir quienes son y que rol deben desempear hoy dia, en la familia, la comunidad, y el mundo. En esta edicion ampliada de Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Mujer, que incluye utiles preguntas de estudio al final de cada capitulo, el autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina la actitudes de las sociedades hacia las mujeres, y discute asuntos vitales como :
*Son iguales las mujeres y los hombres?
*Que hace unica a una mujer, en comparacion al hombre?
*Que realmente ensea la Biblia sobre la mujer?
*Es culpable la mujer por la caida de la humanidad?
*Cual es el proposito y el diseo de la mujer?
*Cual es el estilo basico de comunicacion de la mujer?
*Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de la mujer?
*Estan destinadas las mujeres a ser lideres?
*Cual es el potencial de una mujer?Para vivir con exito en el mundo, las mujeres necesitan una nueva consciencia de quienes son, y nuevas destrezas para enfrentar los desafios de hoy. Ya sea usted un hombre o una mujer, casado o soltero, este libro le ayudara a entender a la mujer como fue destinada a ser.
Women of every culture and society are facing the dilemma of identity. Traditional views of what it means to be a woman and changing cultural and marital roles are causing women conflict in their relationships with men. Women are under tremendous stress as they struggle to discover who they are and what role they are to play today-in the family, the community, and the world. In this expanded edition of Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, which includes helpful study questions following each chapter, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and addresses vital issues such as:
*Are women and men equal?
*How is a woman unique from a man?
*What does the Bible really teach about women?
*Is the woman to blame for the fall of mankind?
*What are the purpose and design of the woman?
*What is a woman’s basic communication style?
*What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs?
*Are women meant to be leaders?
*What is a woman’s potential??To live successfully in the world, women need
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Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Women Expanded Edition (Expanded)
$16.99To live successfully in the world, women need to know who they are and what role they play today. They need a new awareness of who they are, and new skills to meet today’s challenges. Best-selling author Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and helps women to discover who they are. He addresses vital issues such as: Are women and men equal? What are the purpose and design of the woman? Are women meant to be leaders? Whether you are a woman or a man, married or single, this book will help you to understand the woman as she was meant to be.
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Ama Como Si Nunca Te Hubieran – (Spanish)
$15.99El corazon humano fue creado con una gran capacidad para amar. Pero con eso viene una gran capacidad para sentir dolor. No hay que negar que aquellos que nos aman, los que estan mas cerca de nosotros, son quienes pueden herirnos mas profundamente. Esa clase de dolor puede ser dificil, si no imposible de superar. Y puede sentirse aun mas imposible seguir amando frente a el. Y eso es exactamente lo que estamos llamados a hacer.
Compartiendo su propia historia de dolor personal, el Pastor Jentezen Franklin nos muestra como encontrar la fuerza, el valor y la motivacion para poner a un lado la herida, ver a otros como Dios los ve, y acercarnos en amor. A traves de historias biblicas y actuales, el discute diferentes tipos de decepciones y angustias en las relaciones, y responde a preguntas como: Por que debo confiar otra vez? Como podre alguna vez perdonar realmente?
Las paredes que edificamos alrededor de nuestros corazones para cerrarnos al dolor son las mismas paredes que nos impiden ver la esperanza, recibir sanidad, y sentir amor. Aqui estan las herramientas que necesitas para derribar esas paredes, trabajar en tus heridas, reparar relaciones maltrechas, y aprender a amar como si nunca te hubieran herido.
The human heart was created with a great capacity to love. But along with that comes a great capacity to feel pain. There is no denying that those who love us, who are closest to us, can wound us the most profoundly. That kind of pain can be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome. And it can feel even more impossible to continue loving in the face of it. Yet that is exactly what we are called to do.
Sharing his own story of personal pain, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin shows us how to find the strength, courage, and motivation to set aside the hurt, see others as God sees them, and reach out in love. Through biblical and modern-day stories, he discusses different types of relational disappointment and heartache, and answers questions such as Why should I trust again? and How can I ever really forgive?
The walls we build around our hearts to cut us off from pain are the very walls that block us from seeing hope, receiving healing, and feeling love. Here are the tools and inspiration you need to tear down those walls, work through your wounds, repair damaged relationships, and learn to love like you’ve never been hurt.
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Contador De Historias – (Spanish)
$19.00Todos buscamos la grandeza. Y el exito que alcanzamos depende de la narrativa que escuchamos.
Luis Garcia ejerce como ejecutivo de una importante multinacional. Su vida es, para cualquiera que la contemple desde afuera, un exito absoluto. Reconocido, laureado, con una altisima remuneracion economica, Luis Garcia toca la gloria con ambas manos. Sin embargo, poco despues de alcanzar uno de sus maximos logros empresariales, su existencia se quiebra, y conoce el amargo sabor de la bancarrota fisica, emocional y familiar.
Esa crisis lo hace recalar en un tranquilo pueblito de la costa. Alli llega abatido y absolutamente desanimado, pero tendra un encuentro que cambiara su vida para siempre. La experiencia que vive lo conducira a la verdadera cumbre, y le hara conocer que es y como es la autentica grandeza.
El Contador de Historias es un libro realista que aborda las claves fundamentales del verdadero liderazgo. A traves de una narrativa agil, dinamica y llena de giros inesperados, Jose Luis Navajo lleva al lector en un viaje cargado de suspenso, donde reira, reflexionara y, sobre todo, encontrara las claves y diferencias entre ser activo y ser efectivo. De asombrar a transformar, y del liderazgo de imposicion al liderazgo de influencia.
We all strive for greatness. And the success we accomplish breaks forth from the narrative we hear.
Luis Garcia is a top executive at a multinational company. For anybody who sees him from the outside, he is an absolute success. Awarded, recognized, highly paid, Luis Garcia reaches the sky. However, right after one of his biggest business achievements, his life goes into burnout, and he goes financially, emotionally, and relationally bankrupt. The crisis takes him to a peaceful coastal town. When he arrives, he is depressed and downhearted, but one encounter soon changes his life. He soon learns what authentic greatness is all about.
The Storyteller is a realistic book about the core foundations of true leadership. Through an agile, witty, and dynamic storytelling technique, full of unexpected twists, Jose Luis Navajo takes the reader on a ride charged with suspense, humor, and thought-provoking ideas. Most importantly, during the ride the reader, too, will find the difference between being active and being effective and move from amazement to transformation; from impositional leadership to influential leadership.
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Personas Inesperadas – (Spanish)
$14.99Este libro te llevara a un nuevo nivel de confianza en ti mismo, y te movera a re-escribir tu historia. Con demasiada frecuencia encogemos nuestros sueos al tamao de nuestros recursos. Sin embargo, cuando te enfocas en tus sueos intencionalmente, muchas cosas van a ocurrir. Esta es una historia de grandes victorias contra obstaculos que parecian insalvables. Puede ser tu historia; esa que te cuentas a ti mismo, de ti mismo.
Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo responde las siguientes preguntas:
*Estoy viviendo mi vida a mi maxima capacidad?
*Cual es el proposito mayor de mi vida?
*Como escapo paras perseguir mis sueos?
*Como construyo una vida que impacte mi mundo?Piensa profundamente. Ora fuertemente. Actua agresivamente. Nunca te rindas.
Exito es el resultado de la constancia de proposito. Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo, porque estan dispuestas a pagar el precio.A captivating story of endurance and victory against overwhelming obstacles. The discovery of a man’s identity against the backdrop of slavery, negative forces, and a world in turmoil. Stories that every man will identify with-to discover a new source of strength for himself.
Here is a book that will release a new level of confidence in men, that will stir the hearts of those who desire to live full out. Here is your new narrative! Just a Bartender answers the age-old questions:
*Am I living life at my full capacity?
*What is the larger purpose of my life?
*How do I break out and go after my dreams?
*How do I build a life that counts?A man’s definition becomes the center of his decisions. What a man does with his hands starts in his heart. Here’s how to achieve your deepest desires. Here’s how to make your story the one you’ve always wanted.
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Envision : A Simple Guide To Living A Fanatically Abundant Life
$15.99Shane Perry knows what it’s like to step out on faith, to dream beyond your means and your abilities. He knows what it’s like to feel as if it will never happen. He also knows what it feels like to see the dream actually manifest in real life. That’s what this book is all about. You are only limited in life by what you think. You have to see yourself going beyond what you are currently doing. Shane wants to call you to a higher place. He want to summon from within you that great power of purpose that will ignite the vision God has for your life. There are no special people who magically start living their life on purpose. You have to set you mind and your actions on a target and follow that path all the way through to the end. Shane can help you reach your ultimate goals and live a life of fulfillment.
God’s design for your life is to experience a prosperous and fanatically abundant life. He wants to cause you to live in a place of more than enough, of overflow. As we learn to construct our vision according to God’s plan, we will learn how to write a vision that covers every area of our life. You’ll learn how to write a vision for your ideal weight and optimal health. You’ll discover how to heal from the pain of your past and experience true freedom. Finally, you’ll set financial goals, anything from being debt-free to achieving a life of financial independence and security. The great thing about writing out your vision is that you are free to deal with any aspect of your life that you want to change. Follow the pattern Shane lays out and prepare yourself for an amazing shift in your life. Get ready to experience God’s best for your life by follow these biblical principles that are guaranteed to yield positive results in your life.
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Provided : The God Who Walks In The Middle Of Your Need
$16.99Jehovah Jireh. “God provides.” But how? For whom? And, most urgently, when?
“Trusting in God” is an easy catchphrase for believers, but Dr. Cornelius Quek claims that many Christians haven’t actually experienced what it means to actively, wholeheartedly, uncomplainingly give their financial security and daily needs to God. For anyone in need who cognitively knows that God provides financially but lacks experiential proof, this book presents the opportunity to understand God’s care in a whole new light while being inspired by Quek’s own testimonies of God’s miraculous provision.
Dr. Quek goes beyond superficial speculation about God and money to prove that the key to our provision is in the past: God doesn’t just provide-He has already provided. From heaven’s perspective, provision is a done deal. It’s the Christian’s current reality, not just a good idea for the future.The biblical keys, prayers, and declarations in each chapter will enable believers to experience God’s provision for themselves, right here, right now.
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I Saw The Glories Of Heaven
$15.00On December 23, 1966, eighteen-year-old Gary Wood was driving with his younger sister Sue along a dark street in their hometown. They were heading home singing Christmas songs when Sue spotted an illegally-parked tow truck sticking out into their lane of traffic. Her scream pierced the night only a moment before the car crashed headlong into the obstruction. In the accident, Gary suffered a mid-face injury with laryngeal fractures-his vocal cords and voice box were completely shattered. Doctors offered no hope that Gary would ever talk again. What the doctors didn’t realize, however, was that in the aftermath of the accident, Gary was given the miraculous experience of spending twenty minutes in A Place Called Heaven. While there, Gary witnessed sights such as the city of heaven; the grand auditorium; the spare parts room; and the Throne Room, as well as his very own personal mansion. He was also given ten amazing signs regarding Christ’s ultimate return. At the end of his time in heaven, Gary was commissioned to spend the rest of his time on earth telling his story and making Jesus real for people. God miraculously healed Gary and promised him that wherever he told his story, people would be saved, healed, and delivered. In the years that followed, Gary became a world-renowned evangelist, overcoming obstacles such as medical mysteries and the threats of unfriendly motorcycle gangs along the way, all while thanking God for his inspired life.
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