The Deep Rooted Marriage
What if you could experience a marriage that is not just good, but truly life-giving? Therapists Dan Allender and Steve Call show how deeper intimacy can bring more healing and delight.
Every relationship has its highs and lows, but we often don’t know what to do with our “lows,” or how we ended up there. What is creating friction, exacerbating our pain, and standing in the way of intimacy?
More often than not, it is the stories of our past drifting into the present. But if we are willing to look at them closely, we will be able to write a new story for the future.
With more than seventy years of therapeutic experience combined, Dan Allender and Steve Call demonstrate how God is inviting you and your partner to a wild faith journey with the hope of transformation. With personal stories, key psychological insights, and practical advice, The Deep-Rooted Marriage will help you:
Address past trauma, giving you greater courage and compassion to engage your present struggles.
Disrupt cycles of conflict based on shame, judgment, and resentment.
Create safety when feeling threatened and offer attunement, empathy, and honor toward differences.
Adopt humility, honesty, kindness, curiosity, defiance against what divides, and intention to bless.
Learn practices that cultivate emotional intimacy, generating new goodness between you and beyond you.
Marriage is not about merely getting along or resolving conflict through compromise. It reveals who you are and invites you to who you can become. Marriage offers a space for you to experience what you are made for—honor and delight. And it is the ground from which redemption is meant to grow, where, together, you can reflect God’s image more and experience a taste of heaven.
9781400344468 Dan B. Allender, Steve Call Hardcover
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