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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Theological Institutes Two Volume Set


      Theological Institutes was a critical landmark in the development of Methodist doctrine.Originally published in 1823 in four volumes, Watson’s work was the first attempt to systematize John Wesley’s theology. Influencing and guiding the later systematic theological work for Methodist theology, Watson’s Institutes was the main Methodist textbook for systematic theological studies and remained a primary text for over 50 years after his death.

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    • On Education


      Kuyper on the Divine Purpose for Education

      Among Abraham Kuyper’s many accomplishments was his founding of the Free University of Amsterdam, where he also served as president and professor of theology. This collection of essays and speeches presents Kuyper’s theology and philosophy of education, and his understanding of the divine purpose of scholarship for human culture. Included are convocation addresses given at the Free University, parliamentary speeches, newspaper articles, and other talks and essays on the topic of education. Much of the material deals with issues still being debated today including the roles of the family and state in education, moral instruction, Christian education, and vouchers.

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    • Biblical Theology Volume 2


      The second of three volumes, this study explores the Old Testament special grace covenants: the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic. The third volume examines the final and culminating special grace covenant: the New covenant. The three volumes taken together present the covenant as an expression of God’s nature, and show a paradigm of activity by which God works in covenantal relations, first to create the world and then, through a redemptive program after the fall, to redeem what was lost. The proposed paradigm, by which all the divine-human covenants are expressed and understood, is a new and, it is hoped, helpful way of portraying God’s covenant making dynamic, and it also thereby illustrates the divine consistency. The work also develops further the idea that all divine-human covenants are both unconditional and conditional, in contradistinction to prevailing terminology and understanding of the covenants as either conditional or unconditional, or unilateral or bilateral. Ancillary to the discussion of the covenants is a fresh exploration and demonstration of covenant making and covenant sustaining terminology.

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    • Revelation And Reason In Christian Theology


      Do revelation and reason contradict?

      Throughout the church’s history Christians have been tempted to make revelation and reason mutually exclusive. But both are essential to a true understanding of the faith.

      The inaugural Theology Connect conference–held in Sydney in July 2016–was dedicated to surveying the intersection of revelation and reason. In Revelation and Reason in Christian Theology Christopher C. Green and David I. Starling draw together the fruit of this conference to provoke sustained, deep reflection on this relationship. The essays–filtered through epistemological, biblical, historical, and dogmatic lenses–critically and constructively contribute to this important and developing aspect of theology.

      Each essayist approaches revelation and reason according to the psalmist’s words: “In your light we see light” (Ps 36:9). The light of faith does not obscure truth; rather, it enables us to see truth.

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    • Joy Project : An Introduction To Calvinism With Study Guide (Expanded)


      True happiness is not found. It finds you.

      We think of our chase for joy as a fundamental right-and it’s no surprise. By nature we are pleasure-seekers, though chronically unsuccessful at finding the type of joy that will endure for more than a passing moment.

      But what if long-lasting joy isn’t found at all? What if the deepest and most durable happiness breaks into our lives, overcomes our boredom, and ultimately finds us? What if true joy is out of our reach, but reaches for us?

      (This updated edition now includes a Study Guide for each chapter.)

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    • Apostles Creed : A Guide To The Ancient Catechism


      Do you believe?

      Today, we’re flooded with opinions and ideas. And they all might be interesting, but are they true? Would you die for them?

      Benjamin Myers re-introduces the Apostles’ Creed, helping us to see how difficult and counter-cultural the Creed really is. It doesn’t give us sweet, empty words. It’s a faith that demands we die so that we might live.

      In the early church, many converts died for their faith so they needed to have a good idea what they might die for. Early church pastors and theologians used the Apostles’ Creed as the essential guide to the basics of the Christian life.

      The Apostles’ Creed has united Christians from different times, different places, and different traditions. The truths proclaimed in the Creed are eternal.

      Will you trust them?

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    • On Islam


      At the beginning of the twentieth century, famed theologian Abraham Kuyper toured the Mediterranean world and encountered Islam for the first time.

      Part travelogue, part cultural critique, On Islam presents a European imperialist seeing firsthand the damage colonialism had caused and the value of a religion he had never truly understood. Here, Kuyper’s doctrine of common grace shines as he displays a nuanced and respectful understanding of the Muslim world. Though an ardent Calvinist, Kuyper still knew that God’s grace is expressed to unbelievers. Kuyper saw Islam as a culture and religion with much to offer the West, but also as a threat to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here he expresses a balanced view of early twentieth-century Islam that demands attention from the majority world today as well. Essays by prominent scholars bookend the volume, showing the relevance of these teachings in our time.

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    • Plain Theology For Plain People


      In Plain Theology for Plain People, first published in 1890, Charles Octavius Boothe simply and beautifully lays out the basics of theology for common people. Walter R. Strickland II reintroduces this forgotten masterpiece for today.

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    • Divine Dance Large Print Edition (Large Type)


      Invitation to a Dance
      The Trinity is supposed to be the central, foundational doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, yet we’re often told that we shouldn’t attempt to understand it because it is a “mystery.” Should we presume to try to breach this mystery? If we could, how would it transform our relationship with God and renew our lives?

      The word Trinity is not found in the New Testament–it wasn’t until the third century that early Christian father Tertullian coined it–but the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was present in Jesus’ life and teachings and from the very beginning of the Christian experience.

      In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God–circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we’re trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers” applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd-sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow–it’s like a dance.

      But God is not a dancer–He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

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    • No Quick Fix


      Every Christian struggles with sin and wants to be victorious in the fight.

      Higher life theology–also known as Keswick theology–offers a quick fix for this struggle. It teaches that there are two categories of Christians: those who are merely saved, and those who have really surrendered to Christ. Those who have Jesus as their Savior alone, and those who have him as their Master as well. If Christians can simply “let go and let God” they can be free of struggling with sin and brought to that higher level of spiritual life. What could be wrong with that?

      A lot, it turns out. In No Quick Fix, a shorter and more accessible version of his book Let Go and Let God?, Andy Naselli critiques higher life theology from a biblical perspective. He shows that it leads not to freedom, but to frustration, because it promises something it has no power to deliver. Along the way, he tells the story of where higher life theology came from, describes its characteristics, and compares it to what the Bible really says about how we overcome sin and become more like Christ.

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    • 95 The Ideas That Birthed The Reformation


      In 1517, an unknown Augustinian monk, informed by his growing belief that salvation is by faith alone, published and distributed a stark criticism of papal abuses in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Martin Luther lit the spark for what would become the Protestant Reformation.

      What became known as the “95 Theses” was a series of statements expressing concern with corruption within the Church, primarily the selling of “indulgences” to the people as a means covering them from their sins.

      For the 500th anniversary of Luther’s revolutionary writing, Whitaker House is combining each thesis with an excerpt from one of his later works to provide a convenient way to understand the ideas and concepts that became the seeds of the Protestant Reformation.

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    • End Time Prophecies Revealed Part 1


      In this book, Dr. Poon uses thoughtful exegesis to unlock the end-time prophecies that have been sealed until now.

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