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    Spiritual Warfare

    • Demon Hit List


      Identifying the enemy is the key to casting him out!

      John Eckhardt has created the ultimate deliverance thesaurus to help believers know the specific names and attributes of demons so they can become more successful in casting them out.

      We fear the unknown, but there is power in identification. The demons unmasked in this thesaurus are well aware that they are subject to the name of Jesus, the name above every name! By identifying demons, the believer strips them of their power and exhibits Christ’s authority over every demon name.

      Don’t run from the devil; begin casting out the enemy and stand victorious with Jesus Christ!

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    • Gods People Triumphant (Audio CD)


      In this six-CD audio teaching, Bible scholar and teacher Derek Prince explains the victory that awaits every believer. Both God and Satan are preparing for the close of this age, and Christians are challenged to play a decisive and victorious role.

      Topics included are:
      *Five Ways Christ Undoes Satan’s Work
      *God’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Restraining and Casting Down Satan
      *Spiritual Weapons: The Blood, the Word, Our Testimony

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    • Army Of The Dawn


      God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is a call to be part of the greatest adventure and the most important cause there will ever be.

      Army of the Dawn is both a prophecy and a training manual. It is written to inform, inspire, and provide practical instruction for those who are called to follow the King and turn an upside down world right side up.

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    • Revelacion Divina De Los Engan – (Spanish)


      Una Revelacion Divina de los Engaos de Satanas expone las tacticas de Satanas para minar al pueblo de Dios y destruir a quienes aun no han recibido a Cristo. La autora Mary K. Baxter revela como el enemigo mantiene cautivas en el infierno las bendiciones que Dios ha dado a los creyentes para llevar a cabo la obra de El en el mundo: bendiciones de uncion, dones, recursos, y otras.

      Para reclamar esas bendiciones, debemos usar “llaves del reino” especificas para derrotar a Satanas y ministrar de manera eficaz salvacion, liberacion y sanidad a un mundo que sufre. Nuestra decision esta entre permitir a Satanas engaarnos y robarnos, o pelear contra el y reclamar nuestra herencia espiritual en el poder de Dios.

      A Divine Revelation of Satan’s Deceptions exposes Satan’s tactics to undermine God’s people and to destroy those who have yet to receive Christ. Author Mary K. Baxter reveals how the enemy is holding captive in hell the blessings God has given to believers to accomplish His work in the world-blessings of anointing, gifts, resources, and more.

      To reclaim these blessings, we must use specific “keys of the kingdom” to defeat Satan and to effectively minister salvation, deliverance, and healing to a hurting world. Our choice is between allowing Satan to deceive and rob us-or fighting against him and reclaiming our spiritual heritage in the power of God.

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    • Warfare For Your Marriage


      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • Kingdom Authority


      Ever since Kynan Bridges was a young boy, he understood that he was not alone in this world. He sensed the presence of God, but when he rededicated his life to Jesus in 1996, he encountered the dark side of the spiritual realm firsthand. For several months, he was tormented by nightmares, demonic attacks, and the spirit of fear. Little did he know that such demonic attacks on the mind and body were not unique to him. Many people in the church battle with the realm of darkness, yet they remain silent and therefore stuck in its throes, with no knowledge of how to achieve victory.

      One night, feeling suffocated in his sleep, Kynan called on the only name he knew to call upon, the name of Jesus. Instantly, he was set free from the tyrannical grip of the devil. In that moment, he realized that he had authority over the enemy because the name of Jesus is more than a word used casually in Sunday school-it is the embodiment of the sovereign power of the kingdom of God.

      Kingdom Authority provides deep biblical insight into the authority that you posses as a child of God. You will discover how to invoke God’s Word and the name of Jesus to gain victory over the enemy and take dominion over the powers of darkness and their torments, finding freedom from fear, depression, lust, sickness, poverty, and bondage of all types.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Satans Deceptions


      A Divine Revelation of Satan’s Deceptions exposes Satan’s tactics to undermine God’s people and to destroy those who have yet to receive Christ. Author Mary K. Baxter reveals how the enemy is holding captive in hell the blessings God has given to believers to accomplish His work in the world-blessings of anointing, gifts, resources, and more.

      To reclaim these blessings, we must use specific “keys of the kingdom” to defeat Satan and to effectively minister salvation, deliverance, and healing to a hurting world. Our choice is between allowing Satan to deceive and rob us-or fighting against him and reclaiming our spiritual heritage in the power of God.

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    • Dones Espirituales Para La Gue – (Spanish)


      Que son los dones espirituales, y por que son importantes? Quiza nunca haya oido de los dones espirituales fuera de las pocas veces en que aparecen en el Nuevo Testamento, o quiza se pregunte como un concepto aparentemente tan antiguo sigue siendo aplicable a usted hoy dia.

      Los dones espirituales son importantes herramientas para batallar y vencer a Satanas, y Dios los da gratuitamente a sus seguidores. La iglesia no tiene que ser ignorante por mas tiempo. En Dones Espirituales para la Guerra Espiritual, Tom Brown presenta los dones espirituales y describe sus usos en la guerra espiritual, equipandole para…
      *Reconocer los diversos dones espirituales
      *Recibir el bautismo del Espiritu Santo
      *Activar los dones espirituales en su vida
      *Apropiarse de los dones de revelacion, poder y expresion
      *Ser sabio discerniendo la voluntad de Dios
      *Impartir sabiduria y dones espirituales a otros

      No esta usted solo. Tiene un Ayudador, el Espiritu Santo, que quiere ayudarle a vencer la tentacion y derrotar al enemigo en su vida. No se alarme por la obra de Satanas. El Espiritu que esta en usted es mayor que el que esta en el mundo. Por lo tanto, !levantese y use las herramientas que le han sido dadas para caminar valientemente en el camino de la verdad!

      What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

      Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
      *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
      *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
      *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
      *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
      *Become wise by discerning God’s will
      *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

      You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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    • Spiritual Gifts For Spiritual Warfare


      What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

      Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
      *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
      *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
      *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
      *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
      *Become wise by discerning God’s will
      *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

      You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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    • Haunted Houses Ghosts And Demons


      Supernatural phenomena are everywhere these days-television, movies, video games, books, the Internet. What is the truth about angels, spirit beings, and aliens? Are there supernatural forces that are in control of the minds and souls of people?

      As a boy, Roberts Liardon had a vision in which he went to heaven and talked with Jesus face-to-face. Drawing from his experience with the spirit realm, his many years of ministry, and his wealth of Bible knowledge, Liardon answers questions about the supernatural. He also provides historical perspective on this realm and encourages a new awareness of the spiritual activity in our everyday lives.

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    • Dominion Over Demons


      You Have Authority over the Devil!

      What are demons, and what is their connection with drugs, lust, pornography, crime, and mental illness?

      H. A. Maxwell Whyte vividly describes his experiences with the demon oppressed and the demon possessed. He provides fascinating information on how to recognize the power of the devil. While curiosity about the occult and the supernatural pervades our society, the devil’s best defense has been successfully deluding mankind into thinking that he does not exist. Whyte addresses such subjects as…
      *The strange world of spirits
      *The personification of demons
      *The snare of deceptions
      *Understanding your authority
      *The force of the bloodline

      Most important, he shows how faith in the power of Christ inundates the devil’s influence. Your faith will rise as never before as you behold your God-given authority over Satan that comes from the mighty name of Jesus.

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    • Como Probar Un Espiritu – (Spanish)


      A fin de caminar en la verdad y evitar ser engaados por filosofias mundanas y ataques satanicos, debemos probar los espiritus para ver si son de Dios, segun el mandato de 1 Juan 4:1. Muchos creyentes son conscientes de este mandamiento pero no saben como probar los espiritus. Por donde comienzan?

      Si es usted una de esas personas, no se preocupe. !Este libro puede ayudar! Mary Garrison ha compilado una guia de los principales espiritus malos que estan obrando en nuestro mundo actualmente, para que usted pueda identificarlos y eliminarlos de su vida y de las vidas de otros. En este libro aprendera…

      *Los nombres biblicos de los principales espiritus malos
      *Los frutos de esos espiritus
      *Las tacticas que utilizan en las vidas de los creyentes
      *Metodos biblicos para vencerlos
      *Como vivir en victoria sobre el maligno

      No continue siendo engaado. Aprenda a probar los espiritus y camine en la victoria que Cristo ha comprado para usted en la cruz. Usted fue creado para caminar en la verdad, !y la verdad le hara libre!

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