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Tag: Prayer

Showing 133–144 of 341 results

  • Releasing Resurrection And Revival From The Courts Of Heaven


    Do you need to experience Resurrection or Revival in any area of your life?

    Many Jesus followers are sleepwalking through their Christian lives. They wear a smile, attend church gatherings, and try their best to make it through, but they don’t really expect answered prayers, breakthroughs, or a miraculous change in their situations. Why? Disappointment and disillusionment. The Bible calls this hope deferred. What we hoped for did not happen, and we are left with hopes and dreams that are dead.

    But remember: we serve the God of resurrection life and revival!

    Robert Henderson is the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series, and in this latest book he challenges you to pray for miracle reversals in every situation that seems hopeless. Resurrection thunders as a verdict from the Courts of Heaven, for it is God alone who gives life to the dead.

    This powerful new book will show you how to:

    *Discover the Seven Secrets to seeing dead things revived in your life.

    *Identify the spirit of sabotage in your life – and cancel its influence.

    *Make Lazarus Decrees over those situations that Jesus wants to resurrect and revive.

    *Dismantle the spirit of death and stop it from impacting every area of your life.

    *Receive stirring biblical examples of resurrection power released into impossible situations.

    *Break off the pain of disappointment and position yourself for answered prayer.

    Resurrection is not a one-time event; it should be the default setting of the Christian life. We are filled with Jesus’ resurrection life and power! We have been commissioned by the resurrected Jesus to see His supernatural miracle power reverse any plan of the enemy that has sought to steal, kill, and destroy.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes To Celebrate Friendships


    Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Celebrate Friendships gives you 100 opportunities to let your friends know that you are truly in their corner, cheering them on, and lifting them up to an almighty God who loves and cares for them (even more than you do).

    These tear-out, shareable notes include a quick prayer, encouraging Scripture, and an inspirational quote, along with space on the back to write a personal message. What an amazing way to remind the people you love that they matter!

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  • God Calls You Courageous


    Devotions and Prayers for a Woman’s Soul–180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth

    In a culture that fills your head and heart with lies about your value in the world. . .there is One who calls you courageous.
    And He can be trusted. His Word is truth.

    This delightful devotional–created just for you–will encourage and inspire your soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each devotional reading and heartfelt prayer will assure you that you are truly courageous–because God says so. . .and His Word is unchanging! Each of the 180 readings in God Calls You Courageous will help you to grow in your faith and increase your self-confidence as you become the beautiful, faith-filled woman the heavenly Creator intended you to be! This attractive package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design. . .a great gift for women of all ages!

    Stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
    1 Corinthians 16:13

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  • 1st Freedoms : Drawing Near To God By Cultivating A Wholehearted Prayer Lif


    A Guide to Discovering Your First Freedoms in Christ

    Christians begin their ?rst steps in Christ at the moment of conversion. From that moment on, they have access to freedoms that weren’t possible prior. But every disciple must understand those freedoms and learn how to walk in them, which requires practice.

    In First Freedoms, Jennifer Barnett unpacks many “?rst freedoms” that Christians own but often don’t fully integrate into their relationship with God. First freedoms are fundamental tools in prayer that encourage a close, sincere, and ongoing relationship with God. Jennifer explains how to foster freedoms such as cultivating a powerful prayer life, abiding fully in God’s presence, healing emotional scars, battling the schemes of the enemy, and many others.

    The goal? Drawing near to God through prayer to enable you to guard your heart with all diligence and grow in intimacy with him. Such wonderful freedoms were never available before putting your faith in Christ. But in Christ you can experience them. Cultivate a wholehearted prayer life and experience the joy and peace that come from walking freely in a meaningful relationship with God. Take your next steps toward God with First Freedoms.

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  • Fasted Life : Living A Lifestyle Of Intimacy And Power With God


    Fasting Sets Off a Chain Reaction of God’s Goodness in Your Life

    For many Christians, the topic of fasting is often surrounded by apprehension and misunderstanding.

    But Philip Renner, missionary, worship leader, revivalist, and award-winning worship recording artist, is on a mission to help you unlock all of the spiritual power and breakthrough that fasting can release into your life.

    From years of fasting practice, Philip imparts a revelation of the intimacy this ancient spiritual practice creates with God, and the new realm of Divine favor it releases.

    A Fasted Life offers …

    *15 Spiritual Precepts that outline fasting from beginning to end
    *Clarity on common misconceptions surrounding this Biblical practice
    *Inspiring examples of Bible heroes who were blessed through fasting
    *Increased sensitivity to God and His voice
    *Liberation from the opinions of others and alignment with God’s perfect will
    *The Bible science of fasting for healing and health

    Start your journey into a lifestyle of fasting, and ignite a spiritual chain-reaction of God’s goodness over your life!

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  • Reclaiming Revival : Calling A Generation To Contend For Historic Awakening


    Every great revival begins with a groan.

    Today, many Christians desperately cry out to God, pleading for Him to send spiritual awakening. But there is a realm of effective prayer that can tip the heavenly prayer bowls to release the historic revival we all desire.

    Throughout church history, the great saints and revivalists knew that true revival begins with a groan of awakening from the heart of hungry believers!

    Corey Russell, bestselling author and key ministry leader at Upper Room Dallas, joins with Billy Humphrey, director of International House of Prayer Atlanta to offer a timely book on spiritual preparation that releases revival.

    These veteran prayer leaders, with a combined 40 years of intercession experience, offer powerful and practical strategies to:
    *Receive a vision for revival that will dramatically shift your prayer life

    *Discover the end-times connection between revival and Jesus’ return

    *Live a Holy Spirit-saturated revival lifestyle that is not dependent on gatherings or events

    *Be ruined for dead religion and ignite your heart with fresh zeal

    *Discover historic and Biblical “revival zones” where demons, disease and principalities are confronted and destroyed by the presence of God

    It’s time for a landscape-changing revival to erupt and prepare the way for Jesus’ return! Take your place as a forerunner revivalists! It all starts with a groan.

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  • Read And Pray Through The Bible In A Year For Teen Girls


    Morning and Evening = Read and Pray Your Way through Scripture!

    This delightful devotional, created especially for you, includes a simple plan for reading and praying through the Bible in one year alongside a 3-minute devotional reading for the morning and a 3-minute prayer for evening.

    Each day of the year, you’ll be invited to read a passage from the. . .
    *Old Testament
    *New Testament
    *and Psalms or Proverbs

    With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter practical truth for everyday living.

    It’s a beautiful way to spend a year in God’s Word!

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  • Derriba Las Barreras Emocional – (Spanish)


    Demasiados cristianos estan orando y esperando por su sanidad, pero o no dura o no llega en absoluto. Los medicos se encogen de hombros y dicen que no pueden hacer nada. Los pastores dicen que es su pecado o los ataques del diablo lo que bloquea su curacion. Esto solo deja a la gente mas desamparada, desesperada, asustada, avergonzada y aun enferma o con dolor. Craig Miller experimento su propia sanidad fisica milagrosa, y ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a otros a recibir la restauracion fisica y emocional permanente que esta disponible a traves del poder curativo de Dios. Craig ministra el espiritu y el alma para identificar las causas fundamentales que bloquean su sanidad. Presta especial atencion a los casos en los que no se puede identificar la causa de una enfermedad y que hacer cuando no se produce la sanidad. Proporciona metodos practicos paso a paso faciles de usar que son viables, disponibles, asequibles y efectivos para brindar soluciones reales al dolor y sufrimiento a largo plazo. E incluye ejemplos de la vida real de testimonios de sanacion.

    Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last, or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or an attack of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people feeling more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. In Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, Craig provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. He also includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.

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  • 52 Weekly Devotions For Family Prayer


    Packed with stories of contemporary families, hands-on activities that help children understand basic principles of prayer, and discussions that encourage you to dig into what happens when we pray.

    Imagine what would happen if Christian families really took time to pray together and did it with knowledge of how to pray. Yours can be one of those families! Develop your family’s prayer life the easy way. These 52 weekly devotions will equip your family to pray together as you explore various aspects of prayer. The ideas are practical and easy for busy families to use, choosing what best fits their schedule. Contemporary stories based on true stories show how families respond to tragedy, rejoice with God, and persist in prayer during hard times.

    Use 52 Week Devotions for Family Prayer before bedtime. Around the dinner table. Wherever and whenever you choose to have your family devotional time, 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer fits perfectly into your on-the-go schedule and lifestyle. Throughout the book you’ll read what happens when Bible characters pray, praise, and live their faith:

    *Nehemiah leaned on God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem while helping the people trust God against enemy threats

    *Hannah wept before God and her prayer was heard

    *Jesus shared what’s most important in prayer

    *Elijah heard God whisper

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  • Praying Your Way To A Fearless Life


    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by fearful thoughts. . .

    This lovely book will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, courage-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul discover true trust and faith in Almighty God, the Courage-Giver Himself. Every heartfelt prayer begins with a thought-provoking scripture selection and is meant to be a fear-free beginning to your very own personal prayer time.

    A courageous life. . .is just a prayer away!

    Light, space, zest- that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1 MSG

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  • Pray Confidently And Consistently


    A vibrant, unstuck prayer life can begin right now.

    As believers, we often struggle to let go of the things that keep us from reaching out to God. We ask ourselves, Why don’t I have this figured out by now? Why do I struggle to take my prayer life seriously? Why do I feel so weighed down by prayer? Why is it so difficult to pray without getting distracted?

    But there’s good news! In Pray Confidently and Consistently, Valerie Woerner, popular author and creator of purposeful journals designed to transform your prayer life, teaches that we don’t have to limp through our prayer lives carrying the weights of every distraction. We can learn to pray boldly to the God of the universe who is beckoning us to come sit with him, share our needs and our hearts, and simply know him.

    Prayer invites action into our lives by the God who is more powerful than we are on our own. What weights do we need to take off so they don’t hold us back from a deeper conversation with God? What distractions are holding us back from running freely with our Father?

    Let’s get rid of the burdens that are suffocating our prayer lives and leaving us gasping for Jesus so we can experience true joy in prayer that we never thought possible. Because, ultimately, prayer changes everything.

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  • Jesus Listens : Daily Devotional Prayers Of Peace, Joy, And Hope


    Many of us want to pray more, but we feel unsure of what to say. In this inspiring 365-day devotional prayer book, Jesus Listens, Sarah Young, author of the New York Times bestselling Jesus Calling, helps you come to God in all circumstances through a year of daily prayers based on the words of Scripture.

    Over many years, Sarah has nurtured a deep prayer life that has strengthened her relationship with Jesus and led to the writing of Jesus Calling. She draws on that closeness with God to offer honest prayers for readers who . . .

    *have been praying for years but long for renewed biblical insights
    *want to pray God’s promises straight from Scripture
    *are going through difficult timesare new to faith and not sure how to begin in prayer
    *have found spiritual rest in Jesus Calling and Jesus Always
    *are eager to start a meaningful new spiritual discipline

    The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God’s promises in Scripture. Jesus Listens includes:

    *a beautiful two-color interior
    *365 days of Bible-based prayers
    *Scripture references with emphasis on words quoted directly from the Bible
    *a ribbon marker to hold your place

    Whether you gift Jesus Listens or pick it up yourself to establish a more consistent prayer practice, Sarah Young’s words and her constant return to the Word of God will enrich your prayer life like never before. By praying Scripture through this daily devotional prayer book, you’ll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains.

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