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    Personal Finance

    • Gods Plan For Your Money (Revised)


      How do we put God first when managing money? Have you considered that giving money to God is an act of worshipping Him? What is the importance of giving as we consider sowing, cultivating, and reaping blessings in the future? These and many more questions about money’s role in the life of the Christian can be daunting.

      Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Derek Prince helps you bring your finances in line with God’s perfect plan by taking you through specific steps that lead to abundance. Do not underestimate your money, belittle it, or think of it as unspiritual or unimportant. Your attitude toward money actually reveals your attitude toward God Himself.

      God wants you to succeed in the area of your soul, in the area of your physical body, and in the area of your finances. Allow God’s Plan for Your Money to constructively challenge, and provide thoughtful insight on how you can achieve God’s best by trusting Him with your money.

      You may have given God control of many areas of your life, yet you won’t discover His real blessings and intervention until you bring your money into line with His will as revealed in His Word.

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    • Enduring Wealth : Being Rich In This World And The Next


      Find the secrets of success in God’s kingdom.

      Wealth in a steward’s hands is powerful. With spiritual guidance and discernment, you can use your giftedness for God’s glory and yield incredible returns of eternal impact.

      After years of investing in both successful and failed ventures, Raymond H. Harris shares how he has seen God multiply human efforts when people faithfully steward all God has given them. Based on biblical principles of stewardship and investing, Enduring Wealth will encourage you to:

      *build economic engines to cultivate assets for God’s kingdom,
      *understand how to convert earthly assets into kingdom capital,
      *give with wisdom and a joyful heart,
      *foster partnerships and friendships with others to serve,
      *listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, and
      *live with an eternal mindset.

      Watch God transform the world as you place your earthly treasures in His hands.

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    • Gods Road To Financial Freedom


      Power Tools to Help You Destroy Debt and Build Wealth

      Have you heard that God want to bless you, but wonder where the blessing is? You’re not alone. The average American household earns $50,000 but spends $54,500 with crushing credit card debt on top. These two factors threaten to sink too many hard-working Americans.

      M.B.A and serial entrepreneur Billy Epperhart offers the practical tools that put the “how to” in financial freedom. Billy lays out easy-to-implement, God-given power tools to help you make your money work for you.

      God’s Road to Financial Freedom is jam-packed with game plans and strategies, including…

      *7 steps to financial freedom
      *3 actions to invest in yourself
      *How to live on 80 percent and make 20 percent work for you

      You can do this! You can escape debt, build wealth, and live in the blessings of God!

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    • Supernatural Provision : Living In Financial Freedom


      Unlock the Windows of Heaven God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to: *See miraculous breakthroughs *Overcome poverty and loss *Become debt-free *Prosper in the midst of adversity *Have all your needs met *Apply wealth-building secrets *Thrive in uncertain timesYou can walk in God’s abundant blessings.

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    • Gods Creative Power For Finances – (Spanish)


      Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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    • 5 Simple Steps To Financial Freedom


      As a young and naive pastor, Dan Willis maxed out twenty-three credit cards and ruined his credit to support his ministry. It wasn’t until massive debt caused the cards to stop working that he realized that God never asked him to do this. Through his candor and honesty, Dan reveals the five steps God showed him to get out of debt: stop spending, create a budget, develop a debt payoff plan, begin saving, and repair bad credit. This led him to becoming a thriving and financially-free ministry. Now, Dan is on a mission to teach this to the world. Using biblical principles, but not relying on miracles or “name-it-and-claim-it” theology, Dan provides easy-to-follow, practical steps that can be used by anyone to escape financial bondage. Finally, he encourages readers to use their financial freedom to help others and advance God’s kingdom, and to use their newfound fiscal wisdom to store up wealth. Without shaming those who struggle financially, 5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom is the perfect combination of spiritual wisdom and practical advice for those who desperately need it.

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    • Faith For Finances


      “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

      God is not poverty-stricken, and He does not produce poverty-stricken children. The Bible abounds with promises that God will open the windows of heaven, satisfy us, shower down blessing on us, provide for us, replenish us, and prosper us. Yet, despite all these powerful promises, Christians don’t always know how to receive His provision. Now, from the inspirational writings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett comes a book to help you excellently receive all that God has for you by daring to stand on the promises for financial blessing and success found in God’s Word. You will understand…
      *How to stop worrying about finances
      *How to get a better job
      *How to become a joyful giver
      *How to pray and get results
      *How confession leads to possession
      *How God can work miracles in your life

      When you were born again, you were not born to be defeated. You were born to be a conqueror. Declare the truth of Romans 8:37: “I am more than a conqueror through Christ!” Think victory, not defeat. Speak triumphant words, not words of failure. Act like a conqueror, for in Christ, you are!

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    • Millionaire Mentality : Gods Principles For Generating Wealth


      “You need this. It’s going to take you to the next level!”
      T. D. Jakes

      “All who sit under this anointed teaching]]will be thoroughly equipped to gather in the end-time harvest!”
      Rod Parsley

      “I wholeheartedly recommend Gary Whetstone!”
      Morris Cerullo

      God Has Decreed Wealth for Those Who Love Him!

      Do you believe it is God’s will to bless you? Imagine your life if you experienced the reality of God’s promise in Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”

      God’s Word contains all-powerful, never-changing principles designed to rule your circumstances. When you align yourself with His Word, these principles bless you perpetually and provide freedom in every area of life.

      Let Millionaire Mentality help you to…

      *Understand your gifting and talents
      *Discover and pursue your God-given vision
      *Step up from “not enough” to the land of “God’s promises”
      *See beyond your limitations
      *Create a cash pump of perpetual wealth
      *Spark creative ideas for prosperous business endeavors
      *Find a career that excites you
      *Learn the secrets of Abraham and his descendants, so that you can deposit and withdraw unlimited resources from your heavenly account in order to fulfill God’s dream in your heart.

      Discover the secrets of how to release God’s blessings for your family, and how to generate wealth for the kingdom of God through your own prosperity!

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    • Mentalidad De Millonario – (Spanish)


      “Usted necesita esto. Va a llevarle al siguiente nivel!”
      T. D. Jakes

      “Todo el que est bajo esta enseanza ungida]] ser plenamente equipado para recoger en la cosecha de los ltimos tiempos!”
      Rod Parsley

      “Recomiendo sinceramente a Gary Whetstone!”
      Morris Cerullo

      Dios ha decretado riqueza para los que le aman!

      Cree que es la voluntad de Dios bendecirle? Imagine su vida si experimentara la realidad de la promesa de Dios en Proverbios 10:22: “La bendicin de Jehov es la que enriquece, y no aade tristeza con ella.”

      La Palabra de Dios contiene principios todopoderosos e inmutables diseados para gobernar sus circunstancias. Cuando usted se pone en consonancia con su Palabra, esos principios le bendicen perpetuamente y proporcionan libertad en cada rea de la vida.

      Permita que Mentalidad de Millonario le ayude a…

      Entender sus dones y talentos

      Descubrir y perseguir la visin que Dios le ha dado

      Pasar del “no es suficiente” a la tierra de “las promesas de Dios”

      Ver ms all de sus limitaciones

      Crear un bombeo de efectivo de riqueza perpetua

      Desencadenar ideas creativas para prsperas aventuras de negocio

      Encontrar una carrera que le emocione

      Aprender los secretos de Abraham y sus descendientes, para poder depositar y retirar recursos ilimitados de su cuenta celestial a fin de cumplir el sueo que Dios puso en su corazn

      Descubra los secretos sobre cmo desatar las bendiciones de Dios para su familia, y cmo generar riqueza para el reino de Dios mediante su propia prosperidad!

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    • How To Gain Control Of Your Finances


      Contains 6 weeks of daily devotional studies including a devotional reading, questions for reflection, a prayer and action steps for moving closer to a Total Quality Life. Financial security has nothing to do with the size of your bank account. With these biblical principles and practical guidance, you can learn to live well, give well, and realize true satisfaction.

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    • Provision Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


      Dios sana a los creyentes no solo fisicamente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente, sino tambien financieramente. Hablando por experiencia personal en vencer las dificultades financieras, la autora de exitos de ventas Joan Hunter comparte sabiduria biblica y le muestra como:
      *Ver victorias milagrosas
      *Vencer la pobreza y la perdida
      *Llegar a estar libre de deudas
      *Prosperar en medio de la adversidad
      *Tener todas sus necesidades satisfechas
      *Aplicar secretos para formar riqueza
      *Prosperar en tiempos de incertidumbre
      *Abrir las ventanas de los cielos

      Usted puede caminar en las abundantes bendiciones de Dios.

      God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to:
      *See miraculous breakthroughs
      *Overcome poverty and loss
      *Become debt-free
      *Prosper in the midst of adversity
      *Have all your needs met
      *Apply wealth-building secrets
      *Thrive in uncertain times
      *Unlock the windows of heaven

      You can walk in God’s abundant blessings.

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    • Faith Family And Finances


      America faces high unemployment, huge debt, and a collapsing housing market. Author Henry Fernandez believes that we are facing the consequences of our abandonment of godly standards. You can free yourself from debt and overcome fear by returning to God’s plan for your success. Your faith, finances, and family can have abundance in all areas of your life.

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