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Tag: Pastoral Helps

  • Learning Biblical Hebrew Workbook


    The Learning Biblical Hebrew Workbook is an essential companion for students using Learning Biblical Hebrew: Reading for Comprehension.The workbook includes guided readings tailored to the growing knowledge of the student using the introductory grammar. After the opening chapters containing grammar exercises to reinforce basic concepts, students begin reading actual Hebrew text based on the Joseph story from Genesis 37a “50. The text has been abridged and modified to present students with a text that they can read with minimal help. The readings are accompanied with three types of annotations: the Hebrew root or lexical form, an English gloss, or grammatical and textual explanations. The notes are provided to facilitate reading comprehension by identifying unfamiliar words and concepts. As familiarity with vocabulary and grammar increases, the readings are modified less and less until students are essentially reading the standard Hebrew text used in most Hebrew Bibles today. After completing the beginning Biblical Hebrew reader based on the Joseph story, students move on to the intermediate Biblical Hebrew reader that includes the books of Ruth, Jonah, and Esther. The continuous practice of reading Biblical Hebrew text is an essential part of truly understanding and experiencing what you read. The Learning Biblical Hebrew Workbook provides that essential reading practice that will make your study of Biblical Hebrew come alive.

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  • Liderazgo Practico – (Spanish)


    Muchos pastores y lideres tienen problemas porque les preocupa como ejercer un liderazgo lleno de incertidumbres, impreciso, donde no saben a donde se dirigen ni a donde deberian dirigirse. Sea usted lider de iglesia o de una empresa, con frecuencia se siente inseguro ante tantos retos; todo parece complicado, y se siente tentado a rendirse. Necesita soluciones claras y efectivas que le traigan resultados.

    El Dr. Samuel Chand ha propiciado el exito de miles de lideres eclesiales y empresariales alrededor del mundo, con sus tecnicas sencillas y directas, pero practicas y efectivas. Mentor de resultados, ha visto a muchos de los lideres poderosos de hoy donde usted esta ahora. Y tambien ha visto y aun ve a muchos lideres reconocidos pasar por crisis, retroceder, y ansiosos ante los retos que crecen, segun crece su organizacion. Su vasta experiencia y su pasion por ayudar han creado respuestas francas y correctas para cada una de las preguntas de pastores y lideres; respuestas que usted puede poner en marcha enseguida y con seguridad. Ahora todas las soluciones para el liderazgo estan reunidas en un solo volumen. Este es su libro de consulta para alcanzar a paso firme, el nivel de liderazgo que usted busca. Recoge Liderazgo Practico: Los mejores principios de liderazgo para pastores y lideres.

    Many pastors and leaders are concerned about exercising leadership surrounded by uncertainties, in which they don’t know where they are nor where to go. Whether you are a church leader or a business leader, you frequently feel insecure about so many challenges. Everything looks so complicated that you feel tempted to quit. You need sound, effective solutions that bring out results for your issues.

    Dr. Samuel Chand has assisted thousands of church leaders and business success through their path of success with direct techniques that are unique and simple, yet also practical and effective. A results-oriented mentor, Chand has seen many of the most powerful pastors and leaders standing where you stand right now. He has also seen powerful leaders going through growth crises, and navigating great challenges. His unparalleled experience and passion for helping leaders and pastors have provided the right answers for each and every question pastors and leaders ask themselves; answers that you can confidently put into practice right now in any situation. Now every leadership answer is available within one volume. This is the consultation book to achieve, firmly and s

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  • Struggle Is Real Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide is a six-session workbook designed for use with The Struggle Is Real DVD Experience (sold separately), based on the new book by popular speaker and Bible teacher Nicole Unice. A great resource for church groups, Bible studies, and anyone who’s ever felt life just shouldn’t be this hard!

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a day where everything that could go wrong does go wrong-you lock your keys in the car while it’s running, lose control with your kids, make a mistake at the office that results in hours’ more work. And just when you think not one more thing could possibly happen . . . well, fill in the blank.

    The struggle is real, friends. It may not be major stuff. Lives are not on the line here. But it makes us feel awful . . . and then we feel guilty for stressing when other people have “real” problems that are so much more serious.

    Yet the fact remains: We live in a world that often feels harder than we think it should be. And so it can be easy to believe the stories we tell ourselves-that we’re doing it wrong, that we’ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn’t love us. We struggle practice gratitude, to make godly choices, and to live our daily lives with confidence and contentment. So what can we do?

    Join Nicole Unice to discover why the struggle is real . . . and what to do about it. In The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide Nicole offers practical tools to help you navigate the daily ups and downs, and ways to rewrite your struggle into a new, God-centered life story.

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  • Stay The Course



    Pastors and church leaders desperately want to make disciples, but they often find themselves veering off the road of discipleship-or even heading toward a cliff. The many challenges of ministry cause churches to stray from effectively making disciples.

    Stay the Course keeps leaders on the path, so they can help people follow Jesus until the end.

    Church consultant and lead pastor Brandon Guindon uses seven essential practices-or “guardrails”-to guide you along the road of disciple making in your local context. These core practices come from his experience in various church contexts-from church plants to churches in transition-and guard you from danger on your journey.

    Embrace these seven practices as Stay the Course challenges and inspires you. This resource helps you apply them to your personal life and implement them in your church, resulting in churches that faithfully make disciples and disciples who stay on track.

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  • From The Study To The Pulpit


    Many pastors struggle with preaching the Old Testament. As a professor and pastor, Allan Moseley’s vast experience and knowledge go a long way in helping expositors enrich their pulpit ministry. The purpose of his book is to offer both exegetical and preaching help by means of a workable 8-step method. The author’s preaching model starts with the initial step of determining the genre and meaning of the text to doing word studies and discovering the main ideas of the text to applying the sermon in a life-changing and Christ-honoring manner. Some books on preaching from the Old Testament are written by authors who do not actually preach, or preach only occasionally. Pastors and budding preachers need a book written by someone who has knows what it is like to be a pastor and has prepared sermons every week for years. His book reflects his classroom teaching on the subjects of exposition and hermeneutics, and it provides helpful illustrations of expositional principles that rise from his own preaching ministry.

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  • Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon


    This comprehensive and engaging manual aids preachers in keeping the transformative meaning and impact of the biblical text intact through all hermeneutical and homiletical processes. While this approach applies to all sermon structures, the book focuses on the less familiar one-point expository message rather than the more common three-point sermon, or verse-by-verse approach.

    Drawing upon the strengths of their backgrounds as homiletic and biblical studies professors, the authors help the reader identify which biblical texts fit the one-point expository sermon structure, explain how to develop the sermons, and provide sermon samples that illustrate the approach.

    The authors explore the features of each major literary genre and how it helps to shape the sermon. With their shared expertise in biblical studies and homiletics, they offer a book brimming with insights and usefulness.

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  • New City Catechism For Kids


    The New City Catechism: Children’s Edition is a modern-day resource aimed at teaching the core doctrines of the Christian faith to children ages 2-11. This 64-page booklet contains each of the 52 easy-to-understand questions and short answers found in The New City Catechism designed to help children understand who God is and what he has done. With answers that are short enough for children to read, understand, and memorize, this low-cost booklet is designed for bulk distribution and is ideally suited for Sunday school classes, Christian schools, and homeschooling families. This resource is sold individually and as part of the curriculum kit.

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  • Armor Of God


    This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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  • Learning Biblical Hebrew


    What’s the best way to learn a new language? By approaching it not as a series of facts to memorize but as something alive, with a personality you can get to know and tendencies you can sometimes predict.

    Designed for long-term retention, Learning Biblical Hebrew focuses on helping students understand how the Hebrew language works and providing a solid grounding in Hebrew through extensive reading in the biblical text.

    Introduces advanced concepts in a form accessible to beginning students. Focuses on historic patterns and changes that minimize memorization. Focuses on how the language works for long-term retention. Encourages mastery of paradigms from a handful of representative forms. Includes extensive translation from the third week of class. Prepares students for translation of unedited biblical texts by the end of first semester. Emphasizes reading comprehension rather than decoding. Promotes a strong oral component to enhance language competence.Written for first-year and second-year Hebrew students, grammar is laid out to present comprehensive concepts to first-year students and then to aid in review and deeper understanding for second-year students.

    Though written for Hebrew competency, Learning Biblical Hebrew is also well-suited for students with different learning styles and objectives.

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  • Discipleship Gospel Workbook (Workbook)



    Solid disciple-making curriculum is hard to find. That’s why Ben Sobels and Bill Hull-pastors, practitioners, and authors of The Discipleship Gospel-created this workbook, which guides your discipleship group through the Gospel of Mark chapter by chapter to multiply disciples. Disciple makers use this sixteen-week group discipleship study to train people to understand the Bible and put into practice what they’re learning while learning the gospel Jesus preached.

    Using the essential elements of The Discipleship Gospel, this interactive study encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, vulnerably share your journey, and embrace gospel-motivated action. Help your discipleship groups clarify their understanding of Jesus’ kingdom gospel, practice obedience to Jesus, and multiply disciples. Make this your church’s disciple-making curriculum for new disciples, yet-to-be disciples, and disciple-making experts alike. Use this tool to multiply disciples with Mark’s Gospel.

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  • Discipleship Gospel : What Jesus Preached We Must Follow



    Many today preach a gospel that makes converts, but not disciples. This is the result of “non-discipleship gospels,” which exclude the necessity to follow Jesus from their message. The Discipleship Gospel challenges the church today with a fresh reading of Jesus’ gospel-one that we must learn to preach again.

    “The gospel you preach determines the disciples you make,” the authors write. Bill Hull and Ben Sobels use key biblical texts to describe why discipleship is not just an add-on to the gospel, but an essential part of it. The authors define seven essential elements of Jesus’ gospel and why you must include each one in your gospel if you want to make disciples, not just converts. In this book, they help you clarify your understanding of the gospel, learn how to contextualize your message, and create a plan to make disciples who embrace the full gospel-in your church and beyond.

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  • 7 Dangers Facing Your Church


    Our culture is changing, and the church seems to be under increasing pressure. But these dangers are not new, and God’s word shows us how to meet them head on. Discover how Jesus’ messages to seven first-century churches in Revelation 2 3 is his message to your church today too. Together, you can live as Christ’s faithful, hope-filled people in a changing culture.

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