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Tag: Marilyn Hickey

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  • Unraveling Revelation : Stepping Into Seven Rooms Of Insight


    The book of Revelation is confusing to most Christians, but it is God’s great desire to reveal its meaning to every believer. The Bible even promises blessing to all who read this book. To guide you through the dense symbolism and evocative visions of Revelation, acclaimed and beloved Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey goes chapter by chapter through this fascinating book of the Bible in her new workbook. You will be blessed by…
    *A step-by-step tour of the seven “rooms” in Revelation-the seven main events and places.
    *Hickey’s easy-to-understand teaching on the rapture, the tribulation, and the millennium.
    *Biblical answers for end-times questions on Armageddon and the Antichrist.
    *Explanation of the seven blessings for believers found in Revelation.
    *Note-taking space to answer questions and interact with Hickey’s teachings.

    This powerful book will open your eyes to future events and prepare you for what lies ahead.

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  • 30 Meditations On Jesus


    “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”
    -Joshua 1:8 (RSV)

    Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling present a series of books featuring 30 biblical meditations on important topics in life. Each book teaches the benefits of meditating on God’s Word, and includes convenient tear-away Scripture cards to help the reader maintain focus amid the busyness of life.

    Marilyn Hickey knows firsthand how meditating on God’s Word can change lives. In this volume, she presents 30 biblical meditations on the person of Jesus Christ. By focusing on who Jesus was and the words He spoke, we will better be able to proclaim our Savior to a watching world.

    “When Christians hear the word meditate, they frequently associate it with being a difficult and time-consuming task. But it does not need to be drudgery. Rather, I have discovered that it adds a refreshing quality to my study of God’s Word. It is my desire for you to experience the life transformation that will take place as you apply these principles to your own life.” -Marilyn Hickey

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  • Su Camino Hacia Milagros – (Spanish)


    Do miracles just “happen”? Or, is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God’s Word promises them. In Your Pathway to Miracles, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her many years in ministry and those she has experienced in her own life. With her signature down-to-earth, humorous style and solid biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you. You will discover…

    *That miracles come in different sizes: small, great, and giant
    *The way in which miracles are birthed and grow
    *How God prepares us to receive miracles
    *How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
    *The way to receive miracles of healing, financial prosperity, restored relationships, and more
    *How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities

    God wants you to live a supernatural life. Step onto Your Pathway to Miracles and start walking in the miraculous!

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  • Your Pathway To Miracles


    Do miracles just “happen”? Or, is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God’s Word promises them. In Your Pathway to Miracles, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her many years in ministry and those she has experienced in her own life. With her signature down-to-earth, humorous style and solid biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you. You will discover…

    * That miracles come in different sizes: small, great, and giant
    * The way in which miracles are birthed and grow
    * How God prepares us to receive miracles
    * How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
    * The way to receive miracles of healing, financial prosperity, restored relationships, and more
    * How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities

    God wants you to live a supernatural life. Step onto Your Pathway to Miracles and start walking in the miraculous!

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  • Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Comenzando hoy, su familia puede estar a salvo de la devastacion de ataques por parte de fortalezas de oscuridad espirituales: peleas, division, vacio, amargura, desesperacion y mucho mas.

    En este contundente libro, Marilyn Hickey muestra, por medio de sus propias experiencias y las de otros, como contraatacar con exito utilizando las poderosas armas espirituales que ios le ha dado. Entonces, usted puede:
    *Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales.
    *Conquistar pecados y habitos arraigados.
    *Recibir poderosas respuestas a la oracion.
    *Bloquear los ataques de Satanas.
    *Liberar a otros de la atadura espiritual.
    *Vencer las tentaciones.
    *Recibir proteccion divina.

    Guerra Espiritual revela las estrategias del enemigo y le equipa a usted para participar en batallas espirituales… !Y GANAR!

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  • Total Healing : You Can Walk In Perfect Health


    Whether you are dealing with a disease, trusting God to heal your loved one, wanting to learn how to stay healthy, or simply questioning whether God wants you well, you will find this book a refreshing and encouraging resource.

    Renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey brings scriptural truths and principles to life. Explore the love of God, which prompts His desire to heal us, and the power of God,
    through which healing occurs. Find out how healing ties into your overall relationship with your heavenly Father. As you do, you will discover the answers to these questions:
    * Why is there sickness in the world?
    * Is faith necessary for healing?
    * Will God heal me?
    * Can sickness return?
    * How can I live in divine health?
    * What are the four components to miraculous living?

    Your faith will increase as you read the compelling personal, ministry, and biblical accounts of others who have been healed so that you, too, can receive healing. You will also be encouraged to reach out to those around you and allow God’s healing power to flow through your life to the sick and hurting.

    Our loving Creator is also our Healer. He desires that all of His children live in divine health and wholeness in their spirits, bodies, emotions, and minds. Like all good things, health and healing come from God, and He still heals today.

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  • Spiritual Warfare : Protect Your Home From Spiritual Darkness


    Satan’s War against the Family

    Satan has a plan… to destroy God’s kingdom, the church, and especially our homes and families! Beginning today, your family can be safe from the devastation of attacks by unseen spiritual forces of darkness-strife, division, emptiness, bitterness, despair, and much more. In this hard-hitting book, Marilyn Hickey shows, through her own experiences and those of others, how to successfully fight back using the powerful spiritual weapons that God has given you. Then, you can:
    *Break free from generational curses.
    *Conquer entrenched sins and habits.
    *Receive powerful answers to prayer.
    *Block Satan’s attacks.
    *Release others from spiritual bondage.
    *Overcome temptations.
    *Receive divine protection.

    Spiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles AND WIN!

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  • Names Of God


    Each of God’s names reveals a wonderful aspect of His nature to meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of personal tragedy, and release you to new heights of joy.

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