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    E. W. Kenyon

    • 2 Kinds Of Life


      Scientists study all forms of earthly life-from the tiniest microbe to the great creatures of the deep. But there is a different life that science knows nothing about: the abundant, eternal life that belongs to us thanks to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

      In The Two Kinds of Life: Discover the Lost Truth that Jesus Came to Give Us, E. W. Kenyon explains:

      *What God the Father has always wanted for us
      *Why we must become a new creation to receive eternal life
      *How to receive the power of God to face every challenge in this world
      *Why church teaching on behavior, sin, and repentance misses the mark

      Jesus came into the world so that we “may have life” and “have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). The spiritual truths shared by Kenyon are all based on God’s Word. Learn how to receive the benefits of eternal life right now!

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    • Power Of Your Words Devotional


      Our words carry weight, and we must be careful of what we confess. The salvation, healing, and deliverance of the Christian rests upon the confession that we make of Jesus’s lordship and our affirmation of the truths in His Word.

      The Power of Your Words Devotional is a sixty-day journey into the insightful teachings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett. A corresponding confession is part of each day’s entry along with an opportunity for prayer, personal reflection, application, and daily readings from Scripture.

      If you have lacked anything in your life experience, are constantly your own worst enemy, or fail to accomplish what you say you will do then this book is for you. The pages of this text will show you how to strengthen your faith, live your life in the positive, and learn to possess what you confess. The devotional’s main themes focus on the infallibility of God’s Word, confessing God’s Word, aligning your words with God’s Word, and living with bold faith.
      Rely on the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word of God as you engage with this book. Begin today living a life powered by words of truth.

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    • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge


      Mankind’s great body of knowledge has come to us through the five senses. Sense knowledge can see the handiwork of God and can see the design in creation, but it cannot find the Designer. In fact, it’s often unwilling to admit that there is a Designer because it cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch Him.

      Sense knowledge says that faith cannot produce miracles. It does not know why we were created, nor can it tell us the source of life, light, motion, gravity, or hundreds of other things.

      But revelation knowledge holds all of these answers and more.

      In The Two Kinds of Knowledge: God’s Wisdom Is Greater Than Our Senses, E. W. Kenyon explains how we can discover the wisdom of God in His Word.

      This new kind of knowledge, which the secular world cannot grasp, brings us to a new kind of life, taking us out of our failures and weaknesses to fill our hungry hearts with love, faith, and grace.

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    • Signposts On The Road To Success


      “You have within you all of the qualities and elements that are necessary to make you a success. Your chief work is the development of the thing that nature has already given you.” — E. W. Kenyon

      Signposts on the Road to Success will stir your spirit and challenge your heart, no matter who you are or what you do. The simple yet profound truths in this little gem of a book have changed countless lives. They are based on a series of radio messages from legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon’s show, Kenyon’s Church of the Air.

      The book guides you on a path to identify your latent talents and gifts so that you can bring out the best in yourself. Kenyon’s wisdom will help you to achieve whatever plans God has put on your heart.

      This book will teach you:

      *How to discover the gifts you possess from God
      *Why you need to be responsible in all aspects of life, not just your calling
      *How to develop your gifts and be a leader in your field
      *Why you need love in your life
      *The power of your words
      *Why worry can hinder your success
      *How to follow God’s leading

      When God is the strength of your life and you know Christ as your Savior, you will know that God is in you and His ability is your ability. Doors of opportunity open. All you have to do is access what God has placed inside you and get to work!

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    • Words That Move Mountains


      He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (John 14:12)

      Through the words and ministry of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett, you will discover what happened in their lives–and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…

      – Walk in divine health and wholeness
      – Overcome the power of evil
      – Experience God’s power in your life
      – Perform the miracles that Christ did
      – See the “incurable” healed
      – Lead the lost to Christ
      – Minister in God’s anointing

      Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others. You will learn to use the Words That Move Mountains.

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    • New Kind Of Love


      The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

      Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

      This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

      To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

      This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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    • Father And His Family (Audio CD)


      There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

      *Why were we born?
      *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

      Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

      Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

      “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

      God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

      “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

      Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

      Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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    • Father And His Family


      There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

      *Why were we born?
      *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

      Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

      Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

      “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

      God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

      “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

      Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

      Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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    • What We Are In Christ



      The expression “in Christ” is one of the key phrases in the Epistles. However, many of us find that who we were before we found Christ so dominates our minds that we forget we are now in Him. We belittle our redemption and magnify our failures. Our weakness is ever with us. We have the “cross” religion, rather than the resurrected life of the Son of God. With love, patience, and grace, legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon explains What We Are in Christ and what this means from heaven’s point of view. God is our ally no matter what our circumstances. “We are in Him now, seated in the highest place in the universe, and all it requires is simple faith on our part to bring the power of God to bear upon our needs, whether for spirit, soul, body, finances or deliverance,” Kenyon says. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you will find reassurance and joy when you realize What We Are in Christ!

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    • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge (Audio CD)


      Few of us have realized that the great body of knowledge that has been accumulated through the ages has come to us through the five senses. Every step in the fields of chemistry, mechanics, surgery, science, and the arts has come from this one common source.

      Our five senses are the five servants that have been conveying knowledge of every sort and kind to the brain for it to classify, number, and file away for future use.

      But our senses are not always reliable. They know nothing of the reason for creation, mankind, motion, matter, or force. Our senses cannot tell us the origin of our universe or our very existence.

      In this audio book, E. W. Kenyon takes a close look at the difference between sense knowledge and God’s revelation knowledge. He explains what happens when we rely too heavily on the former and the peril of ignoring the latter.

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    • Personal Evangelism : 22 Lessons To Effectively Share The Gospel


      SOUL WINNING IS OUR BUSINESS! Jesus made it clear that we are to bring others to His Father. He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” But many Christians don’t know how to win souls for their Savior. They are too timid to speak out, don’t know what to say, or don’t want to offend anyone. Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon offers a solution in Personal Evangelism: 22 Lessons to Effectively Share the Gospel. He takes readers through all possible scenarios of reaching the lost, from those who have false hopes to the indifferent, from the skeptical to those who have broken fellowship with the church. “Until soul winning becomes the business of our life, we will not lead many from darkness to light,” Kenyon says. “Soul winning is the art of arts. We are selling the greatest thing in the world. The joy that it gives to the one who finds Christ, the blessings that go into the home, can never be estimated. The man you lead to Christ may become a key man in some community, turning a whole section of men to Christ.” Our time is not our own, but belongs to the Lord. When we evangelize to snatch souls from the hands of the enemy, we give them strength, joy, and success, and obtain more stars in our own heavenly crown.

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    • Identification : A Romance In Redemption


      What does Identification mean? It means our complete union with Jesus in His substitutionary sacrifice. The teaching of Identification is the “legal” side of redemption. It unveils to us what God did for us in Christ from the time He went to the cross until He sat down at the right hand of the Father. Christ became one with us in sin so that we might become one with Him in righteousness. He became as we were so that we might be as He is now.

      In identification, we have one of the richest phases of redemption. There is a twofold oneness: first, His oneness with our sin and humanity on the cross; second, our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne.

      These teachings unveil who we are in Christ and how the Father sees us in the Son. The vital aspect of redemption is what the Holy Spirit, through the Word, is doing in us now. When these truths really gain the ascendancy in our lives, they will make us spiritual “supermen.” It will be the end of our spiritual weakness and failure. We will no longer struggle for faith, for all things are already ours. We will no longer pray for power, for Christ is in us. We will no longer feel the awful bondage of sin-consciousness, for we are the righteousness of God in Christ.

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