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Showing 13–24 of 723 results

  • Beautiful Freedom : How The Bible Shapes Your View Of Appearance, Food, And


    Every day we are exposed to messages about health, food, exercise, and looking good. It’s hard not to get swept along with it all; in fact, it’s easy to end up caring too much about these things and even to feel trapped trying to live up to the ideals that we see in the media.

    Author Stacy Reaoch points you to the Bible to find freedom! The Bible tells us that our physical selves do matter. But it also invites us to think about our bodies in a God-centered way-helping us to reset and find a balanced approach that is grounded in our faith.

    Beautiful Freedom is an invitation to love the body God gave you and to explore his priorities for the ways in which you live, eat, and exercise.

    This book will help you find freedom from damaging narratives about weight, fitness, appearance, and aging. Even better, it will turn your gaze toward Jesus and help you love him more and more.

    Reflection questions at the end of each chapter are useful both for personal reflection and group study.

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  • Beauty From Ashes (Revised)


    Introducing the updated Beauty from Ashes by Donna Sparks, a captivating and inspiring memoir that takes readers on a transformative journey.

    In this revised edition, we are thrilled to present gripping new chapters that further delves into the author’s life, revealing additional layers of healing, redemption, and victory. Donna Sparks fearlessly opens up about her past, which was once plagued by shattered relationships and self-destructive tendencies. However, amidst the ruins, she discovers a glimmer of hope as the Lord extends His hand, tenderly lifting her from the ashes and into His loving embrace.

    With transparency and vulnerability, Donna recounts how her life underwent a remarkable transformation, leading to a profound and powerful relationship with God. But the story doesn’t end there. This revised edition includes captivating new chapters that explore the author’s continued growth and journey with the Lord.

    As Donna Sparks shares how her faith has strengthened, readers are invited to witness the unfolding of her spiritual transformation. Through her heartfelt words, she presents God’s unwavering capacity to restore even the most broken souls, showing that He turns our ashes into something truly beautiful.

    Furthermore, Beauty from Ashes emphasizes a fundamental truth – that God’s desire is to use those who struggle, empowering them to become vessels worthy of His divine purpose. By sharing her testimony and offering uplifting encouragement, Donna Sparks dismantles any excuses readers may have for doubting their own worth or the power of the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

    Prepare to be moved, inspired, and challenged as you journey with Donna Sparks through the pages of Beauty from Ashes. Discover the profound truth that no matter what your past holds or the apprehensions you may carry, the Holy Spirit stands ready to empower and use you in ways you never deemed possible.

    We are also delighted to announce that the foreword for this edition is written by Joanna Weaver. Joanna is the best-selling author of “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.” Her words of praise and endorsement add an additional layer of credibility to this empowering testimony.

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  • Wallflower That Bloomed


    Introducing The Wallflower that Bloomed by Cally Logan, an empowering and thought-provoking exploration of the hidden potential within each of us.

    In this profound and introspective book, author Cally Logan, renowned for her impactful works Hang In There, Girl! and Dear Future Husband, unveils the untapped brilliance often overlooked in those who adorn the walls of life like forgotten decorations. As children, many of us are burdened with labels such as “shy,” “quiet,” “awkward,” or simply “different.” These descriptors, casually assigned by others or even self-imposed, confine us to the sidelines, rendering our voices faint and our presence unnoticed. But within the depths of our being lies a multitude of stories to be shared, perspectives to be offered, and reflections to be pondered.

    The Wallflower that Bloomed challenges societal norms that pigeonhole individuals into these predetermined roles of invisibility. With heartfelt sincerity, Cally Logan urges us to strip away the stigma associated with being an outsider, to cease judging those who prefer solitude, and, most importantly, to learn to truly see others for who they authentically are. Moreover, this captivating exploration compels us to reflect upon our own journey towards self-acceptance and self-love.

    Instead of resigning ourselves to a life of isolation and judgment, we are invited to embrace the notion that we can stand proudly in our uniqueness, fully blooming into the remarkable beings we were always meant to be.

    What if we shattered the preconceived notions and misconceptions that surround individuals labeled as “wallflowers”?

    What if we focused on truly knowing, accepting, and appreciating one another for the awe-inspiring qualities that set us apart?

    And what if, in the process, we also learned to extend this grace and understanding to ourselves?

    The Wallflower that Bloomed sparks an introspective journey, inviting readers to break free from the confines of societal expectations and embrace their inherent worth. With Cally Logan as our compassionate guide, we are encouraged to unleash the dormant potential within us, stepping into the fullness of our being and embracing the brilliance that lies within. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and transformed as you immerse yourself in The Wallflower that Bloomed.

    Cally Logan’s powerful words will remind you that, just like a wallflower that blossoms, you too can break free from the shadows and bloom beautifully, embra

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  • Now And Not Yet


    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

    Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

    *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

    *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

    *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

    *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

    Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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  • Disobedient God : Trusting A God Who Goes Off-Script


    In this powerful guidebook, the lead pastor of Fellowship Church demonstrates how the moments that test our faith are the moments God uses to direct our hearts to the one thing we truly desire most: a relationship with Christ.

    When the people of Israel, those who had witnessed the most abundant and inexplicable acts of God, grew tired of waiting for Moses to come off the mountain, they made a calf of gold. It was easier for them to make a new god than to continue serving a God that didn’t conform to their schedule and expectations.

    Just like the Israelites in the desert, we are all fundamentally longing for God… but who and what are we actually reaching for and serving? Disobedient God addresses the things we do when we feel ignored, inconvenienced and frustrated by God. What things are we reaching for in our life? Are we reaching for porn when we long for intimacy? Reaching for success when we long for security? We would never say that we have replaced God, but our actions tell a different story. Whether we are trying to replace God, trying to run away or trying to perform for Him, we have no mindset to deal with a disobedient God. Disobedient God is a book for people dealing with this disappointment and interested in properly understanding and loving the God they’ve misunderstood.

    This is not a step-by-step instruction manual for how to react when things are difficult; rather, it is a way of understanding God that leads people to discover the relationship with God that they were always meant for.

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  • Joy Of The Trinity

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $12.59.

    It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

    But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!

    Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!

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  • Peace Over Perfection


    Many Christians, often without even realizing it, struggle with a type of Christian perfectionism. We strive to please God but are plagued with anxiety about making mistakes. We want to do God’s will but live with a self-berating inner voice even as we seek to serve him. We sincerely believe the gospel and love Jesus but struggle with never feeling good enough before God.

    How can Christians wholeheartedly pursue God without an undercurrent of guilt, fear, or anxiety? How can imperfect people experience God’s peace while seeking to obey his perfect standards?

    Author Faith Chang addresses the struggles of her fellow “Christian perfectionists” through
    meditations on God’s character. With nuance and care, she writes for those who seek to grow in Christ and live for God’s glory yet live in fear of failure. She explores the Bible to show that as God deals with us as in-process people, he is far more merciful, righteous, and patient than we may have imagined. As we consider how he interacts bountifully with us, the weary and scrupulous Christian perfectionist will be freed to pursue God while experiencing his love and peace.

    There are prayers between each chapter for specific situations Christian perfectionists face, such as “A Prayer for When You Feel You’re a Fake.” Reflection questions are included for those reading the book in small groups or one on one.

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  • You Are Not Forgotten


    Have you ever felt forgotten, disregarded, wounded, invisible, or invalidated by others? Do you ever experience the pain and anger of feeling unseen? Has this left you wondering if you’re truly worthy of being acknowledged, listened to, and loved?

    Oftentimes, when we are in this place, we turn toward God with soul-wrenching questions: Where are you, God? Have you forgotten me? Are you paying attention to what is happening to me? Can I trust that you will act on my behalf?

    If you’ve asked these questions, you are not alone. Author and Bible teacher Christine Hoover has asked these questions too, and she’s found that none of us are the first to feel overlooked or forgotten-and yet God has always been a “God Who Sees.” In fact, it was a woman named Hagar in the Bible, alone in her desperate wilderness, who first spoke this particular name for God. Her story along with others in Scripture reveal that God not only looks upon us when others disregard us, He looks after us.

    If you feel disregarded or forgotten, take heart, for your God is One who always remembers His people and acts on behalf of them-and that includes you! He hears your cries, gently shepherds and heals your wounds of disregard, grants you refuge to ask questions, emboldens you with courage to forgive, calls you out of hiding for fear of disapproval, and even gives you eyes to see others in the compassionate way He sees you.

    No matter who in this world may look right past you, know this: You are not forgotten. Your God is the God Who Sees, and He not only looks upon you but looks after you-always.

    He is the God who sees….you.

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  • Practica De La Presencia De Di – (Spanish)


    Este libro es un clasico sobre desarrollar la consciencia de la presencia de Dios. Su autor, el Hermano Lawrence (nacido como Nicolas Herman), fraile catolico de la orden de los Carmelitas en el Siglo 17, fue un hombre de origen humilde que descubrio el mayor secreto de vivir en el reino de Dios aqui en la tierra. Es el arte de “practicar la presencia de Dios en un solo acto que no acaba”. A menudo afirmaba que es Dios quien se pinta a si mismo en lo mas profundo de nuestras almas. Simplemente debemos abrir nuestros corazones para recibirlo a El y a su presencia amorosa.

    Como humilde cocinero, el Hermano Lawrence aprendio una leccion importante a traves de cada tarea diaria: el tiempo que pasas en comunion con el Seor debe ser el mismo, ya sea que estes ocupado en la cocina, con varias personas haciendo preguntas al mismo tiempo, o de rodillas en oracion. Aprendio a cultivar la profunda presencia de Dios tan a fondo en su propio corazon que pudo exclamar con alegria: “Estoy haciendo ahora lo que hare por toda la eternidad. Estoy bendiciendo a Dios, alabandolo, adorandolo y amandolo con todo mi corazon”.

    Este clasico sin igual ha brindado bendicion e instruccion a aquellos que pueden contentarse con nada menos que conocer a Dios en toda su majestad y sentir su amorosa presencia a lo largo de cada dia sencillo.

    This book is a classic on developing awareness of God’s presence. Its author, Brother Lawrence (born Nicolas Herman), a 17th-century Catholic friar of the Carmelite order, was a man of humble origins who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in a single act that does not end”. He often claimed that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our souls. We simply must open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence.

    As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily task: the time you spend in communion with the Lord should be the same whether you are busy in the kitchen, with several people asking questions at the same time, or kneeling in prayer. He learned to cultivate the profound presence of God so deeply in his own heart that he was able to exclaim with joy: “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, worshiping Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”

    This peerless classic has provided blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than to kno

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  • Signposts On The Road To Success


    “You have within you all of the qualities and elements that are necessary to make you a success. Your chief work is the development of the thing that nature has already given you.” — E. W. Kenyon

    Signposts on the Road to Success will stir your spirit and challenge your heart, no matter who you are or what you do. The simple yet profound truths in this little gem of a book have changed countless lives. They are based on a series of radio messages from legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon’s show, Kenyon’s Church of the Air.

    The book guides you on a path to identify your latent talents and gifts so that you can bring out the best in yourself. Kenyon’s wisdom will help you to achieve whatever plans God has put on your heart.

    This book will teach you:

    *How to discover the gifts you possess from God
    *Why you need to be responsible in all aspects of life, not just your calling
    *How to develop your gifts and be a leader in your field
    *Why you need love in your life
    *The power of your words
    *Why worry can hinder your success
    *How to follow God’s leading

    When God is the strength of your life and you know Christ as your Savior, you will know that God is in you and His ability is your ability. Doors of opportunity open. All you have to do is access what God has placed inside you and get to work!

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  • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Change


    Thriving in a Constantly Changing World

    Changes and disruptions come to us all–whether we are prepared for them or not. We also face sweeping societal changes in our day as pivotal arenas of life converge to transform our globe. How we deal with those inevitable changes, no matter what their source, determines whether they will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives.

    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to experience confidence and move forward with your life’s vision, even in the uncertainty of our changing world. From his extensive experience and creative know-how, he reveals how to transform any change for your good, enabling you to fulfill your God-given purpose. Through this book, you can discover how to:

    *Become an active part of change–not its victim
    *Make preparations for times of change
    *Initiate a much-needed course correction in life
    *Safeguard against disappointment and frustration
    *Rely on your one constant during periods of transition
    *Become creative and innovative
    *Overcome your fears during troubling times
    *Tap into the positive power of change

    No matter what interruptions or upheavals you face, you can be proactive by pursuing your purpose. Let that purpose be your guide so you can exercise your full potential, even in unsettled times.

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  • Lessons From Joseph


    Pursue God’s Dreams for Your Life

    Have you ever dreamed of your future but wonder how to make those dreams a reality? Are you seeking God’s plan for your life but unsure how it could happen? Do you feel there’s more for you, but you aren’t experiencing it?

    Find the answers you need by drawing inspiration from the life of Joseph, who is one of the greatest examples of character, perseverance, and destiny found in the Bible.

    Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack highlights faith-filled lessons from Joseph’s life to guide you toward your own divine destiny. After years of hardship and setbacks, Joseph’s journey ultimately took him from the pit to the palace. And just as God transformed his life, He will do the same for you!

    As Andrew walks you through Joseph’s journey, you will learn:

    The power of resilient faith to turn trials into triumph Practical steps to discern, embrace, and fulfill your destinyThe faith that never retreats from big dreamsHow to rise above every obstacle with God on your sideThe keys to unlocking divine favor

    Hold on to your God-given dreams, place your trust in God, and you will soon discover yourself fulfilling the remarkable destiny He has prepared for you, just as Joseph did.

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