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    Derek Prince

    • Gods People Triumphant (Audio CD)


      In this six-CD audio teaching, Bible scholar and teacher Derek Prince explains the victory that awaits every believer. Both God and Satan are preparing for the close of this age, and Christians are challenged to play a decisive and victorious role.

      Topics included are:
      *Five Ways Christ Undoes Satan’s Work
      *God’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Restraining and Casting Down Satan
      *Spiritual Weapons: The Blood, the Word, Our Testimony

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    • Grace Of Yielding


      If God asked you, as He did with Abraham, to sacrifice your “pride and joy,” your “Isaac,” could you do it? From the Scriptures, Derek Prince shows that God will give back to you abundantly when you are willing to yield to Him. Discover how you can please God in all you do, become mature in your faith, and receive your inheritance as a child of God. You can be confident that, as you yield to the Spirit of Christ, you will learn to walk in the abundance of God’s power and blessings.

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    • Pride Versus Humility


      There are universal spiritual laws that govern the success of our lives, and Pride Versus Humility explores one of those vital laws that is often overlooked: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12 NIV).

      With candor and biblical force, Derek Prince confronts central issues concerning pride and humility. As always, what he shares is not only insightful but also immensely practical. Ranging from the vital role of humility as we draw closer to God, to the absolute necessity for humility in any position of leadership, to the indispensable role of humility in our relationships with others, the contents of this book can have a life-changing impact on you as you learn the hazards of pride and discover God’s perfect pattern for humility.

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    • Ultimate Security : Finding A Refuge In Difficult Times


      Where do I find security?

      Discovering the answer to that question is a universal quest. Mankind has addressed the basic human drive for security through such avenues as the police, the military, insurance policies, investments, and governmental social programs. These efforts cost billions of dollars each year.

      Yet, in spite of our best attempts, in most instances, we are ultimately powerless to achieve real security. In fact, our only hope of attaining genuine security is to first come to grips with the fact that any man-made agency is powerless to provide it in the end. Many circumstances remain totally outside our control.

      Thankfully, there is another source of security we can turn to-one that is completely different in nature and in the type of security it offers. This alternative source can provide both total and permanent security. What is it? It is the wisdom of God.

      Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores various ways in which God provides security, highlighting the conditions we must meet in order to qualify for His protection in each area of our lives-spiritual, physical, financial, and so forth-as well as be protected from fear and worry, discouragement and depression, and criticism and lies.

      We must have a solid foundation that can endure the pressures and difficulties we inevitably face. That foundation is the Word of God and the wisdom it provides. God’s wisdom reveals His eternal nature, contains His everlasting counsel, and shows us the way through the shifting sands of time to the Eternal Rock upon which we can all build with absolute confidence.

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    • Living As Salt And Light


      “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
      -Matthew 5:13-14

      From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes a message that was near and dear to his heart: our responsibility as Christians to have an impact on the nations in which we live. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid out three important facts: (1) as believers, we are to be the salt of the earth; (2) we are to be the light of the world; and (3) a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. The world is watching us; we cannot hide. As salt and light, Christians should be a source of both flavor and illumination that influences the world around them.

      Unfortunately, many believers have not even begun to think about this. In this ground-breaking book, Derek Prince provides timely teaching on how to…
      *Take spiritual initiative in your area of influence
      *Utilize the weapon of prayer more effectively
      *Understand the power of praise and testimony
      *Wage spiritual warfare and defeat the schemes of the devil
      *Become history changers for a better world

      As Christians, we have a strategic position in our world. And, we have within our grasp the means to change the course of events in our cities and nations.

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    • Derribando Fortalezas – (Spanish)


      Usted esta en una guerra, lo sepa o no

      La mayoria de cristianos no vacilarian en afirmar el concepto de que Dios tiene un reino, con sus huestes angelicas. Desgraciadamente, muchos cristianos no son conscientes de que Satanas tambien tiene un reino, representado por una hueste de demonios. Con la tierra como el campo de batalla, mientras estos dos reinos se enfrentan en una guerra por nuestras mentes y almas.

      Como cristianos, necesitamos entender la naturaleza de esta guerra y como opera el reino de Satanas. El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequivoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseanza, usted podra…
      *Descubrir por que existe la guerra espiritual
      *Entender como opera el reino de Satanas
      *Aprender cuales son las seis armas de la guerra espiritual
      *Implementar estrategias que ataran las maquinaciones de Satanas
      *Conectar con el triunfante poder del Espiritu Santo

      Satanas ya ha declarado la guerra al reino de Dios. Como ciudadanos del reino de Dios, no tenemos eleccion; ya estamos en guerra. Por lo tanto, es vital que estemos preparados a fin de derrotar los planes del enemigo, hacer retroceder la oscuridad, !y proclamar victoria para nuestro Dios!

      You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

      Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

      As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…
      *Discover why spiritual warfare exists
      *Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
      *Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare
      *Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes
      *Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

      Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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    • Where Wisdom Begins


      The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the “beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10) and the “beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). Proverbs 14:27 even calls it a “fountain of life”! But do people really understand what is meant by “the fear of the Lord”?

      Drastically different from the frightful trembling we feel in response to a threatening person or dangerous situation, the “fear of the Lord” is a deep sense of reverence and awe of the One who created us, loves us, and saved us.

      With comforting words of instruction, renowned Bible scholar Derek Prince explains…
      *How the fear of the Lord differs from other types of fear
      *How to gain wisdom and understanding, which are rooted in the fear of the Lord
      *How to overcome pride in order to submit to Christ and to others
      *How to stand in awe of God’s holiness

      Experience peace and confidence by cultivating the fear of the Lord, the place Where Wisdom Begins!

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    • Pulling Down Strongholds


      You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

      Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

      As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…

      Discover why spiritual warfare exists

      Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates

      Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare

      Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes

      Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

      Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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    • Appointment In Jerusalem (Anniversary)


      This is the riveting true story of a young schoolteacher and her courageous quest to know God’s will for her life. In Lydia Prince’s search for God and her life’s purpose, she is led to Jerusalem where she learns the power of prayer and experiences many miracles of provision and protection. Lydia rescues a dying baby girl and then miraculously survives many dangers, including gunfire, siege, and barricades. She enters into her true appointment from God and, in the process, rescues scores of abandoned sick and orphaned children from disease and death.

      Discover how God can remarkably use those who trust Him!

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    • Set Apart For God


      Holiness is a priceless gift from God that most people never unwrap. What they miss!

      Why does just hearing the word holiness make many of us uncomfortable?
      *We think holiness means restrictive rules and regulations.
      *We believe it is an outdated concept that doesn’t fit in today’s world.
      *We fear we could never live up to what holiness requires.

      The more we think of holiness in terms of what we must not do, the more control these activities seem to have over us. The beautiful secret revealed to us through Christ is that true holiness means peace, freedom, and strength as we live according to the Spirit and shed the weights that hold us back, so that we can receive all the blessings God wants for us.

      In his trademark clear and compassionate approach, best-selling author Derek Prince reveals the beauty and power of holiness. He explains that as we seek holiness, we will understand how deeply our holy God loves us and be continually drawn closer to Him.

      Join Derek for an adventure into holiness as you discover…
      *How God predestined you to be holy.
      *What holiness is and what it is not.
      *God’s provisions to bring you into His holiness.
      *How to apply God’s promises and “participate” in His divine nature.
      *How to become what God created you to be.
      *The practical outworking of holiness in your life.
      *How holiness enables you to fulfill your calling from God.

      “Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”
      -Psalm 29:2

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    • Prayers And Proclamations


      Possess What You Confess! In this newly expanded edition are some of the hidden “treasures” that best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince and his wife discovered in the Bible that bought life-changing results into their lives. These power-filled Scriptures upheld them when under pressure, strengthened them when weak, brought them healing when sick, and guidance when perplexed. Above all, they enabled them to build up their faith and walk in victory. You, too, can proclaim the Word of God and experience dynamic changes in your life!

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    • Gods Word Heals


      From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes his most detailed teaching on God’s miraculous gift of healing. Writing from decades of ministry experience, as well as his own miraculous healing, Prince explains how God heals. Through this incredible resource, you, too, can:
      –Understand the causes of sickness and disease.
      –Learn why healing happens and why it does not.
      –Understand what blocks healing.
      –Overcome depression.
      –Break generational curses.
      –Defeat the schemes of Satan.
      –Gain freedom from oppression.

      Here are powerful truths about being healed and being whole. Prince shows the Bible’s easy-to-follow guidelines so you can apply God’s instructions for your complete healing. You can be healed and see others healed!

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