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    Derek Prince

    • Curso De Auto Aprendizaje Bibl – (Spanish)


      Si tiene preguntas sobre Dios y la Biblia, esta asequible guia preparada por el muy respetado maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, le ayudara a desarrollar un entendimiento fundamental de la Escritura. Al completar estas catorce lecciones exhaustivas, encontrara respuestas a preguntas como:
      *Como puedo saber si ire al cielo cuando muera?
      *Como puedo obtener la victoria sobre el pecado?
      *Que dice la Biblia sobre la sanidad fisica?
      *Cual es el plan de Dios para la prosperidad?
      *Como puedo recibir respuestas a mis oraciones?

      Aun aquellos que nunca han leido la Biblia encontraran esta guia sistematica de estudio, facil de usar y beneficiosa. Los creyentes de mucho tiempo descubriran un nuevo alivio conversando con Dios, confraternizando con cristianos, recibiendo direccion, dando testimonio, y ganando almas. El Curso de auto-aprendizaje biblico le dirigira hacia la semejanza a Cristo, y le capacitara para desarrollar una intimidad con Dios que tal vez no haya conocido nunca antes.

      If you have questions about God and the Bible, this accessible guide from highly respected Bible teacher Derek Prince will help you develop a fundamental understanding of Scripture. By completing the fourteen in-depth lessons, you will find answers to questions such as:
      *How can I know I will go to heaven when I die?
      *How can I have victory over sin?
      *What does the Bible say about physical healing?
      *What is God’s plan for prosperity?
      *How can I receive answers to my prayers?

      Even those who have never read the Bible will find this systematic study guide easy to use and beneficial. Long-time believers will discover a new ease in conversing with God, fellowshipping with Christians, receiving guidance, witnessing, and winning souls. Self-Study Bible Course will lead you to Christlikeness and enable you to develop an intimacy with God you may never have known before.

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    • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Audio CD)


      Become a World-Shaper.

      The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer-prayer that will change the world!

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    • Entering The Presence Of God


      Deeper Dimensions of Worship and Intimacy

      The presence of God is a place of peace, blessing, and provision. Many believers long to find that place and remain there, but they’re not sure how to enter into it. They yearn to come into direct contact with the living God. Others don’t think they need to make a special effort to enter God’s presence. After all, isn’t He with us all the time?

      It is true that God is omnipresent, but He is also holy. We must enter His presence according to the biblical pattern He has given us, revealed in the prophetic design of the Old Testament tabernacle and made fully available to us by Christ in the New Testament.

      In this book, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince reveals profound truths to help you effectively enter into God’s holy presence, where you will receive strength, power, and impartation. He explains the spiritual progression that will lead you step-by-step to the throne of grace, where you may hear the voice of God and find rest in His arms.

      Entering the Presence of God explores deeper dimensions of worship, as well as deeper intimacy with the heavenly Father, which will transform your relationship with Him. As Derek says, “Most of us come to God for things. We want blessings, we want power, or we want healing. God wants us to come simply for Him.”

      God is calling to you to enter into His presence. Will you take the first step toward Him?

      “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

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    • Gods Challenge To A New Generation (Audio CD)


      In this stirring message, Derek Prince inspires young men and women to embrace the important roles God has ordained for them in these end times, face their unique challenges, and overcome the satanic pressures upon them.

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    • Gods Remedy For Rejection (Expanded)


      Rejection is an all-too-common human experience, but it can cause lasting emotional and spiritual wounds. It often leads to the horrible feeling that you don’t quite match up, that you’re forever falling short, or that you’ll never live up to others’ expectations.

      We’ve all faced rejection in one form or another–whether it was being picked last for a game at school, overlooked for a promotion at work, excluded from a group of friends, or snubbed by a family member. Sometimes the rejection runs even deeper. In our society, millions of people have experienced rejection as a result of divorce, poverty, parental neglect or lack of parental affection, child abuse, abandonment, public humiliation, being the child of an unwanted pregnancy, and failure at school or work.

      Feelings of loneliness and inadequacy are hard to handle. The experience of rejection can be the root of many problems, such as difficulty with relationships, depression, rebellion, and substance abuse. In God’s Remedy for Rejection, internationally renowned author Derek Prince explains how God has made a way to heal your wounds and bring you into acceptance with Himself and the whole family of God.

      Our remedy for rejection is in Jesus Christ, who faced the ultimate rejection. In bearing our sins, He was scorned by human beings–His own creation–and was temporarily separated from the Father in heaven. He knows how much rejection hurts. But because He faced that pain, we no longer need to. Jesus has planned for us a life of acceptance in His family and freedom from rejection. Discover how to apply God’s Remedy for Rejection to your heart, and leave the effects of rejection behind permanently. Let go of the shame so you can rest in Your heavenly Father’s embrace today.

      “[Jesus] Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV).

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    • Coming Revival : Shaping History For A New Heavenly Reality


      7 Steps to Revival. Years ago, the Lord spoke these words to international Bible teacher Derek Prince, author of the acclaimed book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting “There shall be a great revival in the United States and Great Britain.” Derek believed God was going to send a tremendous revival, but He wasn’t going to send it to the nations. He was going to send revival to the church in the nations. Then, that revival would impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ before His return.

      This prophetic word about revival has yet to be fulfilled, which means the years to come hold great excitement for the church. The restoration and renewal God wants to bring to the United States and Great Britain–indeed, to the whole earth–lies just ahead of us.

      Each of us has a pivotal role in this upcoming revival. How should we prepare ourselves to be used by the Lord in the revolutionary times to come? The fact is, how soon we see this revival will depend on how soon we are ready. Derek Prince knew there would be many contributing factors to the worldwide revival God intends to bring, and in this riveting book, he focuses on seven elements that are essential to the process. Learn these vital components and how you can prepare yourself to bring about The Coming Revival, ushering in the fullness of the kingdom and the culmination of the age.

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    • Holy Spirit In You (Expanded)


      Derek Prince clearly explains the nature and ways of the Holy Spirit and how He works in the lives of Christians. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the believer can experience the continual presence of Jesus, become a bold witness for Christ, acquire revelation of the Word of God, pray according to God’s will, and understand the plans of God. As you understand and receive the active presence of the Spirit in your life, you will gain new power and grace for living.

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    • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Expanded)


      The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer–prayer that will change the world!

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    • Power Of Faith


      Enter into the fullness of God’s possibilities and provision for your life-through the dynamics, the promises, the power of faith. Renowned international Bible teacher Derek Prince answers your questions about faith, such as: What is faith? Why is faith necessary? How, in practical terms, can I live my life by faith? How can my faith grow stronger? He also explains how you can…
      *Immediately receive what you pray for.
      *See your spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial needs met.
      *Obtain spiritual gifts.
      *Hear what God is saying to you.
      *Enjoy abundant life in close relationship with the Lord.

      Discover principles that will strengthen your walk of faith and empower you to do what would otherwise be impossible. Easy to read, practical, and with a strong scriptural foundation, The Power of Faith is a potent resource for receiving the promises of a faith-filled life.

      “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NIV)

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    • Self Study Bible Course


      If you have questions about God and the Bible, this accessible guide from highly respected Bible teacher Derek Prince will help you develop a fundamental understanding of Scripture. By completing the fourteen in-depth lessons, you will find answers to questions such as:
      How can I know I will go to heaven when I die?
      How can I have victory over sin?
      What does the Bible say about physical healing?
      What is God’s plan for prosperity?
      How can I receive answers to my prayers?
      Even those who have never read the Bible will find this systematic study guide easy to use and beneficial. Long-time believers will discover a new ease in conversing with God, fellowshipping with Christians, receiving guidance, and witnessing and winning souls. Self-Study Bible Course will lead you to Christlikeness and enable you to develop an intimacy with God you may never have known before.

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    • Whats So Important About The Cross


      We know that Jesus’ death on the cross is a historic fact, but does it have any true meaning and value to us today?

      Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that the cross not only provides forgiveness from sin-it also makes everything else work in our lives. The cross continues to be the ultimate demonstration of God’s love and the source of ongoing supernatural grace for us. It is also the basis of healings and miracles today and the foundation of Satan’s total defeat. It is even the door to God’s secret wisdom as it allows us access the mind and heart of our heavenly Father.

      By recognizing to the centrality of the cross, personally applying it our lives, we enter into the totality of God’s power and provision for us.

      The cross: not just a historical event but forgiveness, victory, abundance. Today.

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    • Destiny Of Israel And The Church


      The church had its origin within Israel, but over the centuries the destinies of the two groups have diverged widely. An exciting feature of our time is that the destinies of Israel and the church are once again beginning to converge. This God-ordained convergence will produce the most dramatic and significant developments of all human history.

      Israel is at the center of a powerful clash of forces, but God has established firm covenants with both Israel and the church. The only reliable source of light upon the situation in the Middle East is provided by God’s prophetic Word. If we do not seek the light that comes from this source, we will inevitably find ourselves in the dark, subject to confusion and deception.

      In The Destiny of Israel and the Church, legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores the answers to these questions, and more:
      *Has the church replaced Israel in God’s plan?
      *Why is the tiny nation of Israel the focus of world attention?
      *What is the restoration of Israel?
      *What is the responsibility of Christians toward Israel?

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