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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 589–600 of 2417 results

  • Vaping : Hope Through The Gospel


    Dealing with addictive temptations and triggers is ongoing and not a one-time event. There are solutions for the problem of addiction, and an eternal life free from pain and suffering awaits those who know and trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Mira Lo Bueno – (Spanish)


    Crees que el mundo esta mejorando o empeorando?

    Se esta volviendo mas facil o mas dificil ser cristiano?

    Muchos de nosotros tememos hacia donde se dirigen las cosas en la cultura, la iglesia y nuestras propias vidas. Pero, sabias que el mundo esta mejorando de innumerables formas? (!No, eso no es un error tipografico!) Que podria cambiar si nos enfocaramos en lo bueno?

    Despues de casi perder a su madre a causa del cancer y de luchar con su propia fe, Zach Windahl aprendio a aceptar cualquier cosa que la vida le deparara y eligio ser feliz. Con una narracion vibrante e inspiradora, Mira lo bueno le mostrara no solo como, sino tambien por que debe centrarse en lo positivo y ver lo extraordinario en todo lo que le rodea.

    La vida es dura, no se puede negar eso. Pero elegir enfocarnos en lo bueno conduce a los profundos beneficios que provienen de ver la vida como un regalo asombroso de Aquel que mas nos ama.

    Do you think the world is getting better or worse?

    Is it becoming easier or harder to be a Christian?

    So many of us fear where things are headed in the culture, the church, and our own lives. But did you know the world is getting better in countless ways? (No, that is not a typo!) What could change if we focused on the good?

    After almost losing his mother to cancer and wrestling with his own faith, Zach Windahl learned to take whatever life threw at him and chose to be joyful. With vibrant and inspiring storytelling, See the Good will show you not only how but why you should focus on the positive and see the extraordinary in everything around you.

    There’s no denying that life is hard. But choosing to put our focus on the good leads to the profound benefits that come from seeing life as an amazing gift from the One who loves us best.

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  • Como Ayudar A Tus Hijos A Limp – (Spanish)


    Esta es una guia para que los padres puedan apoyar la salud mental de sus hijos.

    Cada vez mas, los nios de 3 a 10 aos luchan contra la ansiedad, la depresion y los problemas de salud mental. Estos pueden ser provocados por muchos factores (estres en el hogar, cambios en la sociedad, interrupciones en la rutina, aislamiento de los amigos, intimidacion o presion social) y, si no se abordan, siguen a los nios hasta la adolescencia y la edad adulta, lo que les provoca trastornos mentales y emocionales, y problemas relacionales que les robaran la paz y la alegria.

    Pero hay esperanza. La autora de exitos de ventas, la Dra. Caroline Leaf, le ayuda a ensearles a sus hijos a:

    *reconocer los sentimientos negativos y responder de manera saludable

    *navegar por un mundo que puede resultar aterrador y abrumador

    *manejar situaciones incomodas o desafiantes

    *reemplazar los pensamientos toxicos con practicas de desarrollo cerebral que producen mejores resultados

    *desarrollar resiliencia y fortaleza emocional

    Basado en investigaciones actualizadas, claramente ilustrado con estudios de casos y aplicado de manera practica a los problemas que enfrentan los nios hoy en dia, Como ayudar a su hijo a limpiar su desorden mental es lo que los padres, cuidadores, maestros y consejeros han estado esperando. La Dra. Leaf comparte un plan claro y efectivo de cinco pasos para ensearle a su hijo como manejar su mente, para que pueda vivir una vida con mayor resiliencia, salud y felicidad.

    Every Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Child’s Mental Health

    Increasingly, children ages three to ten are struggling with anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges. These can be brought on by many factors, such as stress at home, upheavals in society, breaks in routine, isolation from friends, bullying, or social pressure. If left unaddressed, they follow kids into their teens and adulthood, causing mental, emotional, and relational problems that will steal their peace and joy.

    But there is hope. Bestselling author Dr. Caroline Leaf helps you teach your kids how to:

    *Recognize negative feelings and respond in a healthy way
    *Navigate a world that can feel scary and overwhelming
    *Manage uncomfortable or challenging situations
    *Replace toxic thoughts with brain-building practices that produce better outcomes
    *Develop resilience and emotional strength

    Based on up-to-date research, clearly illustrated with case studies, and practically applied to the probl

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  • Llegar Mas Alto Con Dios En Or – (Spanish)


    Aprender a orar es uno de los mayores desafios en la vida de un cristiano. A. W. Tozer sealo que la mayor maldicion de la Iglesia es la oracion sin respuesta, y que a mucha gente no parece importarle eso. Tal vez no entiendan de que se trata la oracion contestada. Tozer describe esto como solo el puede hacerlo, describiendo el tipo de oracion que Dios responde y el tipo de oracion que lo deja en silencio. En ultima instancia, debe preguntarse: Mis oraciones de hoy son mas poderosas y efectivas que hace un ao? !Nuestro buen Padre quiere que lo sean!

    El libro comienza con la escalera de Jacob y su tema de ascender a la misma presencia de Dios. Que mejor lugar para comenzar a dialogar con Dios? Solo El puede ensearnos lo que esta en Su corazon, cual es Su voluntad y cual podria ser nuestra parte en ella.

    Learning how to pray is one of the greatest challenges in a Christian’s life. A. W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer and that many people do not seem bothered by that. Maybe they don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the kind of prayer God answers and the kind of prayer that leaves Him silent. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself: are my prayers today more powerful and effective than they were a year ago? Our good Father wants them to be!

    The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder and its theme of ascending into God’s very presence. What better place to begin dialoguing with God? Only He can teach us what is on His heart, what His will is, and what our part in it could be.

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  • Only Believe For Healing


    Whatever God promised in His Word, Smith Wigglesworth believed – and of all God’s promises, one of the greatest is the healing we are called to receive in His name.

    Through the miracles that transpired when Wigglesworth “took God at His Word,” we learn to believe for our own divine restoration. In this 90-day devotional, we’re called to look deeper at what healing can mean in our lives and the lives of others.

    Find the assurance to stand on God’s promises in all areas of wholeness and healing as you:

    *Learn to pray for deliverance
    *Deepen your trust of God’s care and provision
    *Receive the peace of a divine perspective
    *Experience a broad sense of healing that’s both physical and spiritual
    *Encourage others as you grow in hope and confidence in God’s healing touch

    This cultivated collection of classic devotions from the “Apostle of Faith” will connect you to God’s fullness of healing far beyond earthly measures as He calls us to receive “the forgiveness of sin, healing of diseases, and the fullness of the Spirit.”

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  • Love Is Never Lost


    Grief is an intimate, personal pain that is often hard to discuss, even years after loss. For some of us, grief begins before a loved one passes as we watch their health deteriorate before our eyes.

    For Tori Parris, grief grew in waves that hit suddenly and hard. It began with a little nagging feeling that something was wrong one evening when her daddy didn’t finish his spaghetti, his favorite meal. His strawberry cheesecake sat untouched. He reassured Tori that he was fine, that he just didn’t have much of an appetite, but over the next few weeks, he hardly ate a thing. Her momma finally demanded that they go to the doctor’s office.

    After some tests, they heard the dreaded “c” word. Pancreatic cancer. And it had spread to other organs.

    In Love Is Never Lost: Standing Strong in Faith While Grieving, Tori shares her profound journey of holding on to faith while dealing with loss. “My faith was challenged, deconstructed, and rebuilt stronger,” she says.

    Tori offers words of comfort to those who are preparing for a loss, experiencing loss, or seeking to better understand the pain a loved one is going through. She provides suggestions for coping with grief as well as prayers that guide one spiritually through the grieving process.

    “One day, we will all come face to face with the certainty of our mortality,” Tori writes. “It is my sincerest hope that by reading the pages of this book, you receive hope for the journey.”

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  • Valuable : Why Your Worth Is Not Defined By How Useful You Feel


    We all want to be useful to God, but often we feel that we’re not, or, because of illness or other difficulties, that we can’t be as active as we’d like to be. Liz Carter wants to rescue us from the spiral of feeling useless that we get caught in, and to show us that being useful isn’t what Christianity is about. In fact, the Bible barely talks about God using people at all.

    Weaving together insightful scriptural analysis and beautifully told stories, Liz takes us on a journey to see what the Bible really says about weakness, identity and God’s purposes for us: helping us to see ourselves and our relationship with God in an entirely different and much more glorious way. Readers will discover that our purpose as Christians is not about being useful but about being known by God and enjoying him.

    This book is particularly helpful for those struggling with long-term physical or mental illness, but it’s also a great encouragement to Christians who feel that they are not good enough or useful enough to God for other reasons.

    Questions at the end of each chapter make this a helpful resource to read with a friend or in groups.

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  • Reclaiming Masculinity : Seven Biblical Principles For Being The Man God Wa


    In a world where masculinity is often associated with toxicity, what does it mean to “be a man”?

    In a straightforward and empathetic way, Matt Fuller gets beyond cultural confusion and stereotypes as he examines what the Bible says is distinctive about being a man. He outlines a positive vision of biblical masculinity and shows what that might look like in real life today. Men will be encouraged to be sacrificial when leading, to work hard and to protect and invest in others.

    Whatever your personality and interests–whether you would rather skin a rabbit, read a book or remodel your house–this book will give you confidence and direction to be the man God wants you to be.

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  • Deconstruct Faith Discover Jesus


    What If Deconstructing Your Faith Isn’t a Phase but a Holy Process?

    There’s probably a really good reason you picked up this book. Are you desperate to be in relationship with family or friends who are questioning their faith? Are you experiencing your own deconstruction of faith?

    Here is your invitation to rethink everything you thought you knew.

    In this process, you’ll . . .

    *learn why it’s important to deconstruct (and how we are wired to do it);
    *define deconstruction and deconversion what they really mean;
    *consider WWJD (What Would Jesus Deconstruct?); and
    *apply the FUSE method to deconstruct for yourself.

    Deconstruct Faith, Discover Jesus will help you to enter the mindset of a deconstructionist. A worldview with a high capacity for paradoxes. A mental space that outweighs your self-interest in being right. A tendency to see Christian beliefs as inseparable from Christian ethics.In doing so, you will find the original deconstructionist, Jesus, right beside you.

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  • On The Road With The Holy Spirit


    You are only one story away from seeing the miraculous unfold in your life.

    After reading this book, you will understand how to slow down and savor the moments that you have seen the Holy Spirit working and moving in miraculous ways, and you will live expectantly to see even greater things come to pass.

    More than a hundred years ago, healing minister Maria Woodworth-Etter chronicled the work of the Holy Spirit through her ministry in a book she titled A Diary of Signs and Wonders. That book ushered in a healing revival before anyone had ever heard of such a thing, and it has become a reference standard among many modern Christians. In On the Road With the Holy Spirit, author Ken Fish takes a page from Woodworth-Etter and chronicles how he has seen the Holy Spirit move in modern times through his own ministry.

    In addition to sharing the miraculous signs and wonders he has witnessed, Fish creates a theological lens through which to view the events recorded. This not only empowers readers to understand why miraculous signs take place but also will help them experience the miraculous in their own lives. Focusing on the importance of God’s presence, prophecy, power, purity, and prayer in seeing the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, this book will inspire readers to live the life of the miraculous and help usher in an unprecedented move of God in our day.

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  • Dear Future Husband


    Love letters spark within our hearts a sense of nostalgia, tender affection, and the blooming potential of the future to come. Imagine writing love letters to the man in the future whom you will one day marry but have yet to meet.

    Dear Future Husband embarks on a journey beginning in the transitional late teen years through the roaring twenties of life. Each letter encapsulates lessons learned along the way, as well as a deep sentiment of adoration for a man who would one day be called “husband.”

    Through the span of over a decade these letters mark milestones in the journey of a single woman who is still waiting for her future husband, but who finds the greatest love of all is that of knowing her Creator deeply and truly.

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  • All That Jesus Commanded


    Longtime Pastor and Author John Piper Walks through Jesus’s Commands and Their Meaning for the Christian Life

    The four Gospels are filled with commands straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ. They are not the harsh demands of a taskmaster, but Jesus’s way of showing his followers who he is and how to be more like him.

    In All That Jesus Commanded, John Piper walks through Jesus’s commands, in 50 short chapters, explaining their context and meaning to help readers understand Christ’s vision of the Christian life and what he still requires today. The result is a helpful guide for thoughtful inquirers and new Christians, as well as veteran believers, whether for their own study or as a resource in disciple-making. Replaces ISBN 978-1-58134-845-3.

    *Biblical and Theological: Piper examines Jesus’s commands and explains their context, meaning, and application today

    *Comprehensive: Features Scripture, person, and subject indexes

    *Accessible: Written in a clear, engaging tone, this book is an excellent resource for new and seasoned believers alike, and for use in discipling younger believers

    *Written by Bestselling Author John Piper: Other books include Providence; Desiring God; and Don’t Waste Your Life

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