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Tag: Christian Living

  • 3 Minute Devotions Bold Men Of Faith


    3 Minutes of Encouragement: Scripture, Devotion, and Prayer

    You’ll find powerful lessons in courage from Christian history in 3-Minute Devotions: Bold Men of Faith. Written especially for today’s Christian man, this devotional packs challenge and encouragement into just-right-sized entries for guys of all ages.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    *Minute 2: a short devotional reading
    *Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God

    Each reading highlights a worthy Christian leader, someone who demonstrated courage in his service to God:

    *St. Augustine
    *Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    *Frederick Douglass
    *Billy Graham
    *Jim Elliot
    *John Bunyan
    *Watchman Nee
    *George Mueller
    *and many more

    These 180 entries are a perfect way to begin or end your day!

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  • 180 Devotions To Hush Your Inner Critic


    Devotions and Prayers to Hush Your Inner Critic–180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth for Women

    This lovely devotional, created just for you, is a beautiful reminder of your value and purpose. 180 “glass half full” devotions and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, will reassure your doubting heart.

    In each encouraging reading, you will encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator, while coming to understand His plan–for you and you alone.

    180 Devotions to Hush Your Inner Critic is a wonderful, quiet-time devotional guaranteed to help you see yourself–and your place in the world–in a more positive light!
    Let the positive self-talk begin!

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  • 4 Relationship Styles


    Whether we know it or not, relationship styles cause some people to naturally thrive in relationships and others to struggle. According to attachment theory, we tend to experience love in predictable ways–some of which are healthy and some of which are not–based on our style and that of our partner.

    The good news is, whatever relationship style you have naturally, you’re not stuck with it! Using the strategies found in this book, you can:

    – identify your relationship style (and your partner’s)
    – understand the strengths and challenges of that style
    – overcome feelings of rejection and failed relationships
    – recognize the patterns and behaviors that are affecting your relationships
    – develop better ways to express and receive love

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of unsatisfying relationships, discover how attachment theory can help you take the guesswork out of understanding why people behave the way they do–especially in times of stress–so you can find and sustain a love that lasts.

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  • Timeless Wisdom On Overcoming Fear


    Intellect isn’t enough to overcome the paralyzing effect of fear–and every church’s pews are filled with Christians who live in anxiety. Here masters of preaching share their hard-won wisdom on positive approaches to offer serenity to any congregation.

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  • Timeless Wisdom On Prayer


    Fourteen pulpit giants come together to share classic sermons that will energize any prayer life, permit the day-to-day with prayer to move mountains, and communicate the strengthening power of God from waking to sleeping.

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  • Incomparable : 50 Days With Jesus


    Whatever you think about Jesus, He is more.

    Incomparably more.

    Get to know this Jesus by joining beloved author and Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on a fifty-day journey, inspired by J. Oswald Sanders’ classic volume, The Incomparable Christ, to explore His one-of-a-kind story. From heaven to earth. From birth to death. From resurrection to right this minute. From before time to all time.

    In these meditations, you’ll spend time reflecting on the person of Christ–His humanity, divinity, childhood, adulthood, and more. You’ll consider the work and words of Christ. And you’ll contemplate His preexistence, prayer life, majestic silence, anguish, atoning work, post-resurrection ministry, and promised second coming.

    Find in Jesus–fully God and fully Man–everything you will ever need. He alone is able to save you to the end and understands you to the core. Able to forgive and befriend you, challenge and change you.

    This book can be used at any time of the year but serves as an ideal devotional companion for the season leading up to and immediately following Easter.
    As you walk through these days, you will be reminded that there is no one else like Jesus. He is quite simply . . . Incomparable.

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  • Found : Discover The Power Of Your True Identity


    Discover how to live loved, and live free, because that is who you really are!

    “Found” will enable you to …

    – Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.
    – Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.
    – Take hold of all that God wants to give you.
    – Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.
    – Believe that everything available to Jesus is also offered to you!

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  • Experimentando A Dios A Traves – (Spanish)


    En esta alegre y resumida edicion del clasico, Jeanne Guyon explica metodos de oracion cortos, faciles y efectivos. Ella descubrio la gran diferencia entre orar a Dios y experimentar a Dios a traves de la oracion, y comparte los secretos de este plano superior de comunion con Dios. Ademas, muestra como disfrutar de la presencia de Dios, crecer en el conocimiento de la Palabra, experimentar el descanso de las preocupaciones y obtener sabiduria y entendimiento. Usted descubrira el gozo de un corazon y una mente tranquilos, aprendera como sobrevivir a sus periodos “secos” de oracion y se sentira satisfecho de donde Dios lo ha colocado.

    In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains short, easy, and effective methods of prayer. She discovered the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. In this book, she shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you. The sparkling gems of truth in this book were never meant to be read and put back on the bookshelf. They will compel you to share them with the world.

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  • Enciende Tu Cerebro Todos Los – (Spanish)


    Segun los investigadores, la gran mayoria (entre el 75 y el 98 por ciento) de las enfermedades que nos aquejan hoy en dia son el resultado directo de nuestra vida mental. Lo que pensamos realmente nos afecta tanto fisica como emocionalmente. De hecho, el miedo por si solo desencadena mas de 1400 respuestas fisicas y quimicas conocidas en nuestro cuerpo, !activando mas de treinta hormonas diferentes! Hoy nuestra cultura esta atravesando una epidemia de pensamientos toxicos que, si no se controlan, crean las condiciones ideales para las enfermedades.

    En Enciende tu cerebro, la Dra. Caroline Leaf dio a los lectores una receta para una mejor salud y plenitud a traves de patrones de pensamiento correctos. Ahora ayuda a los lectores a vivir vidas mas felices, saludables y placenteras todos los dias con este devocional compaero de su libro mas vendido. Los lectores encontraran aqui aliento y estrategias para cosechar los beneficios de una vida de pensamientos desintoxicada, !todos los dias!

    According to researchers, the vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today (a whopping 75-98 percent) are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for illnesses.

    In Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf gave readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns. Now she helps readers live out their happier, healthier, more enjoyable lives every day with this devotional companion to her bestselling book. Readers will find encouragement and strategies to reap the benefits of a detoxed thought life every day!

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  • Poder De La Vision (Abridged) – (Spanish) (Abridged)


    Ya seas un ejecutivo de negocios, un gerente departamental, un empleado, una ama de casa, un estudiante o el gobernante de un estado, el autor de exitos de ventas Myles Munroe explica como puedes hacer realidad tus esperanzas y sueos.

    Mediante El poder de la vision podras…

    *Descubrir tu proposito en la vida.
    *Entender por que la vision es esencial para tu exito.
    *Comprender las claves necesarias para cumplir el sueo de tu vida.
    *Desarrollar un plan especifico para alcanzar tu vision.
    *Vencer obstaculos para tu vision.

    Tu exito no depende del estado de la economia, de que carreras profesionales estan en demanda en la actualidad, o de como es el mercado de trabajo. No tienes que verte obstaculizado por lo que la gente te cree capaz o por una falta de recursos. Este libro proporciona principios probados por el tiempo, que te capacitaran para llevar a cabo tu vision sin importar quien seas o de donde provengas.

    No fuiste creado para una vida mediocre o rutinaria. No existes solamente para ganarte la vida. Revive tu pasion por vivir. Persigue tu sueo. Descubre tu vision y encuentra tu verdadera vida.

    Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, best-selling author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality.

    *Through Vision Principles, you will…
    *Discover your purpose in life.
    *Understand why vision is essential to your success.
    *Grasp the necessary keys for fulfilling your life’s dream.
    *Develop a specific plan for achieving your vision.
    *Overcome obstacles to your vision.

    Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by what people think you are capable of or a lack of resources. This book provides you with time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from.

    You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision–and find your true life.

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  • Diablo No Prevalecera – (Spanish)


    Vivimos en una era sin precedentes de distraccion y tentacion. No puedes levantar tu telefono, encender tu televisor o salir por la puerta sin ser bombardeado con imagenes y mensajes de placeres y actividades mundanas.

    En esta compilacion de enseanzas nunca antes publicada, A.W. Tozer ofrece una vision penetrante y una aplicacion practica para ayudarte a tomar decisiones que honren a Dios, y den vida en una cultura que valora lo que es malo. Aprenderas a

    – reconocer las tacticas del enemigo,
    – resistir la tentacion,
    – impedir que el diablo se aproveche de ti, y
    – caminar de cerca y confiadamente con Dios.

    La vanidad de este mundo es grande, pero nosotros servimos a un Dios aun mayor. Aqui esta la sabiduria y el conocimiento biblico que necesitas para resistir al diablo y mantenerte firme en tierra santa.

    We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can’t pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits.

    In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A. W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to:

    *recognize the tactics of the enemy
    *resist temptation
    *prevent the devil from taking advantage of you
    *walk closely and confidently with God

    The vanity of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.

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  • Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)


    From the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.

    While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…

    *Discover God’s will for your life
    *Learn the secret of spiritual growth
    *Be led by the Holy Spirit
    *Live in victory over sin
    *Claim your inheritance in Christ
    *Strengthen your spiritual walk
    *Receive and attract God’s favor and blessings

    Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

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