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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 409–420 of 2417 results

  • Gods Daily Wisdom For Men


    The God’s Daily Wisdom For Men Brown Faux Leather Devotional is filled with 365, 3-minute devotions to help men dig deeper into God’s Word. The author, Boyd Bailey, aims to help the reader seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world.

    The brown faux leather cover of the daily devotional for men has s simple gold-foiled border that frames the gold-foiled title.

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  • Greatest Hymns Devotional


    Traditional hymns are compelling expositions that proclaim biblical truths in profound ways. Poetic verse and evocative music beautifully intertwine, connecting our emotions with the heart of our glorious Creator. Hope soars in moments of doubt, fear, and tragedy; gratitude and joy erupt in a chorus of praise. Hymns connect us to the saints of old who struggled with and celebrated their faith, encouraging unity among the body of Christ in a way that crosses into eternity.

    The Greatest Hymns Devotional reflects on one hymn each day, providing an interesting fact, thoughtful meditation, relevant Scripture, and inspiring prayer provoked by the hymn. As you spend time contemplating each entry, be reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and grace. His very character is apparent in the powerful rhetoric that has stood the test of time.


    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *Sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • Meditations On Manhood


    The world needs real men.

    Here is deep yet accessible encouragement from one of history’s greatest preachers.

    Charles Spurgeon, “the Prince of Preachers,” is well remembered and remarkably readable some 130 years after his death. This brand-new devotional on the topic of biblical manhood is compiled from his decades of weekly sermons.

    You’ll find spiritually deep but personally accessible teaching on this vital topic as Spurgeon distills godly principles for men of all ages. With entry titles such as

    *”Manly Sympathy”
    *”The Imitation of Christ” and
    *”Sanctified Manhood”

    These 100 entries are each accompanied by a brief description of the source of the reading. Meditations on Manhood is a powerful, needful book for our times.

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  • Experimentando A Dios A Traves – (Spanish)


    En esta alegre y resumida edicion del clasico, Jeanne Guyon explica metodos de oracion cortos, faciles y efectivos. Ella descubrio la gran diferencia entre orar a Dios y experimentar a Dios a traves de la oracion, y comparte los secretos de este plano superior de comunion con Dios. Ademas, muestra como disfrutar de la presencia de Dios, crecer en el conocimiento de la Palabra, experimentar el descanso de las preocupaciones y obtener sabiduria y entendimiento. Usted descubrira el gozo de un corazon y una mente tranquilos, aprendera como sobrevivir a sus periodos “secos” de oracion y se sentira satisfecho de donde Dios lo ha colocado.

    In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains short, easy, and effective methods of prayer. She discovered the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. In this book, she shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you. The sparkling gems of truth in this book were never meant to be read and put back on the bookshelf. They will compel you to share them with the world.

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  • Enciende Tu Cerebro Todos Los – (Spanish)


    Segun los investigadores, la gran mayoria (entre el 75 y el 98 por ciento) de las enfermedades que nos aquejan hoy en dia son el resultado directo de nuestra vida mental. Lo que pensamos realmente nos afecta tanto fisica como emocionalmente. De hecho, el miedo por si solo desencadena mas de 1400 respuestas fisicas y quimicas conocidas en nuestro cuerpo, !activando mas de treinta hormonas diferentes! Hoy nuestra cultura esta atravesando una epidemia de pensamientos toxicos que, si no se controlan, crean las condiciones ideales para las enfermedades.

    En Enciende tu cerebro, la Dra. Caroline Leaf dio a los lectores una receta para una mejor salud y plenitud a traves de patrones de pensamiento correctos. Ahora ayuda a los lectores a vivir vidas mas felices, saludables y placenteras todos los dias con este devocional compaero de su libro mas vendido. Los lectores encontraran aqui aliento y estrategias para cosechar los beneficios de una vida de pensamientos desintoxicada, !todos los dias!

    According to researchers, the vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today (a whopping 75-98 percent) are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for illnesses.

    In Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf gave readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns. Now she helps readers live out their happier, healthier, more enjoyable lives every day with this devotional companion to her bestselling book. Readers will find encouragement and strategies to reap the benefits of a detoxed thought life every day!

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  • Poder De La Vision (Abridged) – (Spanish) (Abridged)


    Ya seas un ejecutivo de negocios, un gerente departamental, un empleado, una ama de casa, un estudiante o el gobernante de un estado, el autor de exitos de ventas Myles Munroe explica como puedes hacer realidad tus esperanzas y sueos.

    Mediante El poder de la vision podras…

    *Descubrir tu proposito en la vida.
    *Entender por que la vision es esencial para tu exito.
    *Comprender las claves necesarias para cumplir el sueo de tu vida.
    *Desarrollar un plan especifico para alcanzar tu vision.
    *Vencer obstaculos para tu vision.

    Tu exito no depende del estado de la economia, de que carreras profesionales estan en demanda en la actualidad, o de como es el mercado de trabajo. No tienes que verte obstaculizado por lo que la gente te cree capaz o por una falta de recursos. Este libro proporciona principios probados por el tiempo, que te capacitaran para llevar a cabo tu vision sin importar quien seas o de donde provengas.

    No fuiste creado para una vida mediocre o rutinaria. No existes solamente para ganarte la vida. Revive tu pasion por vivir. Persigue tu sueo. Descubre tu vision y encuentra tu verdadera vida.

    Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, best-selling author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality.

    *Through Vision Principles, you will…
    *Discover your purpose in life.
    *Understand why vision is essential to your success.
    *Grasp the necessary keys for fulfilling your life’s dream.
    *Develop a specific plan for achieving your vision.
    *Overcome obstacles to your vision.

    Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by what people think you are capable of or a lack of resources. This book provides you with time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from.

    You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision–and find your true life.

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  • Diablo No Prevalecera – (Spanish)


    Vivimos en una era sin precedentes de distraccion y tentacion. No puedes levantar tu telefono, encender tu televisor o salir por la puerta sin ser bombardeado con imagenes y mensajes de placeres y actividades mundanas.

    En esta compilacion de enseanzas nunca antes publicada, A.W. Tozer ofrece una vision penetrante y una aplicacion practica para ayudarte a tomar decisiones que honren a Dios, y den vida en una cultura que valora lo que es malo. Aprenderas a

    – reconocer las tacticas del enemigo,
    – resistir la tentacion,
    – impedir que el diablo se aproveche de ti, y
    – caminar de cerca y confiadamente con Dios.

    La vanidad de este mundo es grande, pero nosotros servimos a un Dios aun mayor. Aqui esta la sabiduria y el conocimiento biblico que necesitas para resistir al diablo y mantenerte firme en tierra santa.

    We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can’t pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits.

    In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A. W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to:

    *recognize the tactics of the enemy
    *resist temptation
    *prevent the devil from taking advantage of you
    *walk closely and confidently with God

    The vanity of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.

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  • Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)


    From the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.

    While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…

    *Discover God’s will for your life
    *Learn the secret of spiritual growth
    *Be led by the Holy Spirit
    *Live in victory over sin
    *Claim your inheritance in Christ
    *Strengthen your spiritual walk
    *Receive and attract God’s favor and blessings

    Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

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  • Battle Of The Ages


    Protect Yourself in the End-Times Confusion

    What is the greatest danger for believers at the end of the age?

    Is it persecution? Natural disasters? Financial collapse?

    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince warns that the most pressing danger is not any of these but rather deception.

    Satanic deception in the forms of false teaching, counterfeit signs and wonders, and other spiritual treachery is a Battle of the Ages that began in the garden of Eden and is intensifying to its greatest pitch in these end times.

    The danger of deception in this battle is high, even if we are confident that we are “safe.” Derek explains, “Anyone who denies his vulnerability to deception is already deceived, for Jesus has foretold it, and He does not err.”

    We are living in a dangerous time in which we require God’s supernatural warnings and wisdom. We must learn to recognize our own self-deception and to discern the end-time plots of the enemy before being drawn in to his tricks and schemes.

    The Battle of the Ages will equip you to:

    *Test the source of supernatural signs and wonders
    *Discern truth from falsehood
    *Learn the characteristics of candidates for deception
    *Know the safeguards against deception
    *Break free from pride, a stronghold of Satan
    *Resist the schemes of Satan and share in Jesus’s triumph over him
    *Recognize the mixture of the false church within the true church
    *Distinguish the Holy Spirit from counterfeit spirits
    *Keep your heart pure and surrendered to God
    *Powerfully share the gospel to bring in a great harvest

    You can uncover Satan’s strategies, effectively engage in spiritual warfare, free others from the enemy’s grip–and win the battle over deception and destruction.

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  • Explore Jan-Mar 2024


    Ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from January to March 2024, featuring Jason Meyer on Mark’s Gospel, Garrett Conner on Ezekiel and Carl Laferton on Easter.

    These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. You will be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.

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  • He Gives More Grace


    Motherhood is one of life’s most joyful yet most difficult gifts. We are eager to get it “right”, yet parenting usually highlights our weaknesses and leaves us worried about our mistakes.

    These hope-filled, positive devotions recognize the realities and pressures, joys and disappointments of motherhood and will give you a precious reminder of grace from God’s word to hold onto each day. They will help you to trust that God’s grace is enough for you and your kids. As the authors say in the introduction, “Our children do not need a perfect mother. What they do need is a mother who recognizes her need for a perfect Savior and understands that this is the greatest need of her children as well.”

    As you focus on the work of Jesus rather than your own efforts, you will feel less pressure and more freedom and joy in all the ups and downs of motherhood.

    Written by a mother-daughter combination (one with four kids aged 10-16 and one with three grown kids and ten grandchildren) who are both grateful recipients of God’s grace and faithfulness in the many seasons, situations and realities of motherhood.

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  • Spirit And Power Of Elijah


    Strongholds can’t be broken without the boldness to confront them.

    After reading this book, you will have the courage to walk in the same anointing as the prophet Elijah to boldly declare the power of the Lord and break off the strongholds holding our world captive to the darkness.As it was in the days of Elijah, a great number of God’s people today dwell in a nation that is on a path of progressive moral decline. America has the most liberal abortion standard in the world. Christians are hooked on pornography. The homosexual agenda is finding acceptance even in the church. Divorce is on the rise in the church. Human trafficking is manifesting as the ugly side of globalization. Those who were once considered great leaders are now preaching a doctrine of inclusion, with Christian who leaders or that are afraid to say on national television that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

    With the turn of a new decade plagued with violence, sickness, disease, and economic instability, the people cry out for the prophets to speak. And God is raising up a prophetic people who will help prepare the way for His purposes in our generation. A new company of Elijah prophets–holy, bold, and uncompromising–are being equipped to restore the spiritual destiny of the church in our generation.

    In this book, Michelle McClain-Walters challenges readers to awaken to the call God is stirring in the earth and stand up as modern-day Elijahs who will partner with the Holy Spirit to change the culture by turning hearts back to God. Readers will be encouraged to:

    *Identify the call of God on their lives in this hour and ask, “Am I an Elijah?”

    *Learn what it takes to walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and where they may be in their own journey

    *Understand the different roles miracles play during times of revival, reformation, and restoration

    *Learn to pray prayers that move heaven and shake earth, as well as how to persist in prayer

    This book will empower readers to discover their prophetic destiny in this hour and position themselves to receive a double portion of the spirit and power of Elijah.

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