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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 2137–2148 of 2417 results

  • Grieving The Loss Of Someone You Love (Reprinted)


    Few losses are as painful as the death of someone close. No valley is as vast as grief, no journey as personal and life changing. Compassionate and wise guides Raymond Mitsch and Lynn Brookside shine a light on the road through grief. They can help you endure the anguish and uncertainty; understand the cycles of grief; sort through the emotions of anger, guilt, fear, and depression; and face the God who allowed you to lose the one you love. A series of thoughtful daily devotions, Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love shares wisdom, insight, and comfort that will help you through and beyond your grief.

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  • Power Of The Tongue (Reprinted)


    Words have played a vital role in life since the beginning of time. In the book of Genesis, God created the world and everything in it with His words. Today, as believers, we have that same God-like ability to speak those things which be not as though they were.

    Through God’s Word, Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible’s secret of words and the vital importance of using the tongue to create rather than destroy.

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  • Totally Forgiving God


    When the world causes us pain, we often can feel betrayed by the God we trusted in. Break through these feelings of disappointment, anger and bitterness to find true freedom.There is nobody on the planet who has not suffered to some degree. We live in a world filled with injustice and evil. There are famines, wars, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, wicked governments, corrupt financial institutions, racial prejudices, and diseases. We all have been hurt in varying degrees, personally attacked, abused, mistreated, deceived, or falsely accused.God allows this. He could stop it. After all, He is unlimited in power and knowledge. It seems to us that ‘the right thing to do’ would be to stop evil! But God doesn’t stop it. Why?RT Kendall has written this book to answer tough questions like these, covering three reasons why we need to forgive God and release Him from the blame we put on Him when we feel He has betrayed us by allowing bad things to happen in our lives and the lives of others.

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  • Satan A Defeated Foe


    Seize Your Victory!

    Satan wants to blanket the earth in darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world. Christ has made His power available to us so that we can defeat the enemy in our lives. Here are powerful biblical strategies to overcome Satan when he tries to maneuver his way into your life.

    Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can…
    *Dodge the darts of the enemy
    *Live without condemnation and guilt
    *Bring your loved ones to Christ
    *Have power over sin
    *Be set free from anxiety
    *Literally shake the gates of hell

    Discover your God-given ability to use Satan as your stepping stone to greater spiritual heights. Learn how to defeat the enemy of your soul and experience victory in Jesus’ name.

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  • Working For God


    God has exciting plans for you that will give your life purpose and joy. God’s desire is that everyone should find new life and destiny in Him. He has given you specific gifts to accomplish His purposes. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will show you:
    *How to find and live out your true calling
    *How to discover your spiritual gifts
    *The excitement of working for God
    *How to lead many to salvation
    *How to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit

    “There is a treasury of good works God has prepared for us to do,” writes Andrew Murray. In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

    “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

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  • Reality Of Prayer


    Has prayer become just another complicated ritual?

    Is it a struggle to spend time in prayer?

    Does God really answer prayer?

    E. M. Bounds shows us that prayer is not difficult. It is a privilege and a blessing. By examining how Jesus prayed, Bounds helps us to pray boldly and expectantly. When we pray with the confidence of a child, we will find that God is eager to answer us, and we will discover the reality of what Jesus knew-prayer works!

    “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” -James 5:16

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  • How To Make Prayer More Effective


    Without a doubt, prayer is the greatest art in the world, a holy art that only needs to be learned and practiced.

    The greatest difference between effective and anemic Christianity, is prayer. The most fruitful soul winners are those who make much of prayer. The greatest preachers of the gospel and missionaries of the cross are those who pray long and often. Everyday believers who walk in the power and miracles of God are people who see prayer as an attitude of life, not as a series of isolated acts.

    To succeed at prayer is to realize that heaven is not far from earth. It is the ability to bend the arm of God.

    Join with best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer as he sets out to study the nature of prayer, and to better understand the simplicity and effectiveness of heartfelt communication with God.

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  • Wisdom Walk : 31 Days In The Book Of Proverbs


    Instructions, order, riches, wisdom, causeless curses, money, good men leaving an inheritance for their children’s children, foolishness, slothfulness, greed, drunkenness-these are some of the topics that Bishop George Bloomer tackles in this walk through the book of Proverbs.

    “Will you walk with me?” he asks.

    There are 31 days in most months, just as there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs: a word of wisdom every day, for 31 days.

    Thirty-one days from now can be “the beginning of the rest of your life.” This devotional has changed the lives of others, and it can change yours, too!

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  • Womans Wisdom : How The Book Of Proverbs Speaks To Everything


    Advice books are no short-lived trend. They continue to top bestseller lists even though much of the “wisdom” being offered proves shallow in the long run. People are looking for practical, proven advice for life and the book of Proverbs is the wisest place to start.

    Unpacking the short, pithy blurbs in Proverbs, Lydia Brownback shows how the Bible speaks to real life issues such as money, purity, marriage, and the day-to-day grind. Writing with a familiar yet knowledgeable tone, Brownback draws in the busiest of readers and asks realistic questions for personal reflection or group study. This well-conceived, twelve chapter book contains three parts:

    * What Is Wisdom and Why Does It Matter?
    * Six Things Wise Women Know
    * A Portrait of Wisdom

    A Woman’s Wisdom gives women a way to be wise, to know the very Author of wisdom, and to understand how to apply his relevant, riches.

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  • Psalm 91 Military Edition


    Written specifically for military men and women and their loved ones, this book explains God’s covenant of hope using stories that demonstrate God’s protection of soldiers in times of danger.

    In Psalm 91 Military Edition, Peggy Joyce Ruth, a veteran Bible teacher, guides you through a personal study of this psalm, explaining verse by verse God’s promises of protection, especially from a military viewpoint.

    The book will give military men and women-and those who love them-refuge and hope in this covenant promise from God. This psalm describes a haven of physical protection, safety, and security that can be found by trusting God’s covenant promises when faced with life-threatening danger and fear, whether during a military mission or from a spiritual attack from Satan and his demons.

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  • Provision Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


    Dios sana a los creyentes no solo fisicamente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente, sino tambien financieramente. Hablando por experiencia personal en vencer las dificultades financieras, la autora de exitos de ventas Joan Hunter comparte sabiduria biblica y le muestra como:
    *Ver victorias milagrosas
    *Vencer la pobreza y la perdida
    *Llegar a estar libre de deudas
    *Prosperar en medio de la adversidad
    *Tener todas sus necesidades satisfechas
    *Aplicar secretos para formar riqueza
    *Prosperar en tiempos de incertidumbre
    *Abrir las ventanas de los cielos

    Usted puede caminar en las abundantes bendiciones de Dios.

    God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to:
    *See miraculous breakthroughs
    *Overcome poverty and loss
    *Become debt-free
    *Prosper in the midst of adversity
    *Have all your needs met
    *Apply wealth-building secrets
    *Thrive in uncertain times
    *Unlock the windows of heaven

    You can walk in God’s abundant blessings.

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  • Gloria De Dios – (Spanish)


    Es la gloria de Dios una simple teoria o es algo que podemos experimentar?

    En este libro, el Dr. Guillermo Maldonado nos revela los misterios de la Gloria de Dios y nos guia a tener un encuentro real con Dios y experimentar Su presencia, !aqui y ahora! El Dr. Guillermo Maldonado vierte mas de 20 aos de experiencia manifestando el poder sobrenatural de Dios en su ministerio, donde ha sido usado por Dios para hacer que los ciegos vean, los sordos oigan, los cojos caminen, los muertos se levanten, y los oprimidos sean liberados, en mas de 50 paises alrededor del mundo.

    Este libro le impartira y lo activara para ser un vaso escogido por Dios para manifestar Su gloria dondequiera que vaya, por medio de milagros, seales y maravillas. A traves de este libro usted…

    *Entendera que es la gloria de Dios y la experimentara
    *Conectara la revelacion con la manifestacion
    *Recibira el fuego que lo apasionara a buscar Su presencia
    *Aprendera a construir una atmosfera de adoracion que traiga Su presencia
    *Experimentara una transformacion radical
    *Diferenciara las fuentes genuinas de poder de las falsas
    *Aprendera como ser un vaso escogido que manifieste Su gloria, aqui y ahora

    Is the glory of God only a theory or is it something we can experience?

    In this book, Dr. Guillermo Maldonado reveals the mysteries of the Glory of God and guides you to having a real encounter with God and experience His presence-here and now! Dr. Guillermo Maldonado pours out more than 20 years of experience in manifesting God’s supernatural power in his ministry, where he has been used by God to make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead raise, and the oppressed be delivered in over 50 countries around the world.

    This book will impart and activate you to be a chosen vessel of God to manifest the glory of God wherever you go with miracles, signs, and wonders-here and now! Through this book you will…
    *Understand what the Glory of God is and experience it
    *Be able to connect revelation to manifestation
    *Receive a fire for passion to search for His presence
    *How to build an atmosphere of worship in order to draw His manifested presence
    *Experience a radical transformation
    *Identify the genuine source of power versus the counterfeit
    *How to become a chosen vessel to manifest his glory here and now

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