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    Christian Living

    • Spirit Soul And Body


      In this exploration of the inner man, Lester Sumrall describes the unity of the human personality. He shows how the three distinct parts of the human person can function in harmony and how to yield each part to our Lord Jesus Christ. Learn how to understand the division of your spirit, soul, and body so that you can live a fulfilling, victorious life.

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    • Your Unique Purpose


      Discovering your calling in life does not have to be complicated. For more than thirty-five years, Dr. Bill Greenman has been helping people around the world discover their true purpose and live their dreams. He explains specific, time-tested “Master Principles” that will enable you to:

      *Know how to hear and to confirm the voice of God
      *Understand the role that personality, gifts, skills, and experience play in your purpose
      *Develop planning techniques
      *Itemize what you still need to learn and where to gain that knowledge
      *Find significant mentors, and then become a mentor yourself

      There are no shortcuts to success. But when you discover these Master Principles, learn them, and apply them, your life will begin to change for the better. You will be able to unlock the doors that have shut you out of what you desire to be and to do. Your Unique Purpose provides you with solid keys for achieving success in all areas of your life, including financial increase, business success, relations

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    • Pause With Jesus


      Think of reading the biblical stories of Jesus as a written travelogue. Each verse, story, chapter, account stands alone as an example of the exquisite life of Christ as each snapshot from a vacation individually reflects a unique experience of life. Unless surveyed as a whole, the completeness escapes and leaves us grasping mere fragments. The totality of a vacation, missed when viewing individual photos, can be seen by observing the album containing all the pictures, or a video showing the story in motion. Places and people. Good days and bad. Events comprising the entire trip come into focus, accurately portraying a journey that would appear out of balance when only certain pictures were noticed. This biblical travelogue presents description, like snapshots of a historical person. Knitted together, stories from Christ’s life bring into focus a true and astounding picture. More than a portrait of a movement, it is representation of the Man Himself. A Man who loved all the characters of the drama. The lonely? He loved them. The misfits? He loved them. The legalistic, religious, gotta-do-it-our-way-or-we-will-kill-you folks? He loved them. Demonstrations of that love differ with each scene, but uniqueness merges with unity; the same pure, profound love shines in every sighting. What I’ve offered here is an awareness, a glimpse, of what the Gospel writers were telling us. And what life seems to be revealing. These stories have caused me to see Jesus in fresh ways. I am more aware than ever of both my imperfections and His love for me in spite of my frailty. Watching Him with sinners in Matthew’s house, seeing Him gaze at the impish Zaccheus while certainly grinning, hearing His powerful words stifle the storm: such scenes moved me despite my familiarity with them. Moments of study offered me the impossible task of laying aside my preconceptions long enough to live through the events unfettered by prematurely drawn conclusions. Along the way, I met Jesus. Again. And He is very real, very alive. And He seems to think we are all important. May we refuse to think lightly of Jesus. May we refrain from closeness to Him that merely leaves us callous to His majesty. May we refuse to be ordinary. May we not work so hard to rise above others. May we pause. May we pause with Jesus.

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    • Praying Gods Word


      Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done,” and promised, “Ask in my name…and [God] will most certainly give it to you.” But how can you know that your prayers are in line with His will? This book is a treasury of principles and promises taken directly from Scripture. Pastor and author Ed Dufresne lays them out clearly, ready to be applied to your life. Take them with you to your prayer closet, and see for yourself the power in Praying God’s Word!

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    • Cambie Su Trayectoria – (Spanish)


      Nuestras vidas son como objetos que se precipitan por el tiempo, colisionando constantemente con circunstancias o situaciones cambiantes que nos envan rpidamente a nuevas trayectorias: nuevos caminos. El cambio, sin embargo, no tiene por qu ser una palabra negativa. Cuando confiamos en Dios, quien es soberanos sobre todo cambio, y le permitimos que nos dirija, el cambio llega a ser bueno. Y cuando estamos abiertos a la direccin de l para nuestras vidas, puede que necesitemos tomar el control de nuestra trayectoria!

      Experimentado fundador de una iglesia y pastor, el obispo Dale Bronner explica en trminos prcticos cmo asumir la responsabilidad de nuestra trayectoria en lugar de sentir pnico por el cambio o quedarnos estancados por falta de cambio.

      Con tiles principios, motivacin e historias personales, este libro es un manual para cualquier cristiano que quiera trabajar duro y llegar a ser un maestro del cambio. Aunque puede que sea inevitable cierta adversidad a lo largo del camino, nuestro nico fracaso verdadero es el no despegar en una nueva trayectoria cuando momentos, situaciones y circunstancias cambian a nuestro alrededor. Bronner nos alienta a profetizar nuestro futuro y entender que el poder en la Palabra de Dios puede llevarnos a un lugar nuevo, y mejor.

      Our lives are like objects hurtling through time, constantly colliding with changing circumstances or situations that send us careening down new trajectories;new paths. “Change,” however, doesn’t have to be a bad word. When we learn how to respond to it, change can make the rest of our lives even better.

      Experienced church founder and pastor Bishop Dale Bronner explains in practical terms how to take responsibility for our trajectory instead of panicking over change or stagnating from lack of change.

      With helpful principles, motivation, and personal stories, this book is a guide for any Christian who wants to work hard and become a master of change. Although some adversity may be inevitable along the way, our only true failure is a failure to launch in a new trajectory when times, situations, and circumstances change around us. Bronner encourages us to prophesy our future and to realize that the power in God’s Word can take us to a new and better place.

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    • Millionaire Mentality : Gods Principles For Generating Wealth


      “You need this. It’s going to take you to the next level!”
      T. D. Jakes

      “All who sit under this anointed teaching]]will be thoroughly equipped to gather in the end-time harvest!”
      Rod Parsley

      “I wholeheartedly recommend Gary Whetstone!”
      Morris Cerullo

      God Has Decreed Wealth for Those Who Love Him!

      Do you believe it is God’s will to bless you? Imagine your life if you experienced the reality of God’s promise in Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”

      God’s Word contains all-powerful, never-changing principles designed to rule your circumstances. When you align yourself with His Word, these principles bless you perpetually and provide freedom in every area of life.

      Let Millionaire Mentality help you to…

      *Understand your gifting and talents
      *Discover and pursue your God-given vision
      *Step up from “not enough” to the land of “God’s promises”
      *See beyond your limitations
      *Create a cash pump of perpetual wealth
      *Spark creative ideas for prosperous business endeavors
      *Find a career that excites you
      *Learn the secrets of Abraham and his descendants, so that you can deposit and withdraw unlimited resources from your heavenly account in order to fulfill God’s dream in your heart.

      Discover the secrets of how to release God’s blessings for your family, and how to generate wealth for the kingdom of God through your own prosperity!

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    • Essential Guide To Interpersonal Communication


      Virtually every human endeavor involves interpersonal communication. Leading Christian scholar and media commentator Quentin Schultze and respected professor of communication Diane Badzinski offer a solid Christian perspective on the topic, helping readers communicate with faith, skill, and virtue in their interpersonal relationships. Designed as a companion to Schultze’s successful An Essential Guide to Public Speaking, this inviting book provides biblical wisdom on critical areas of interpersonal communication: gratitude, listening, self-assessment, forgiveness, trust, encouragement, peace, and fidelity. Given the rapid rise and widespread use of social media, the book also integrates intriguing insights from the latest research on the influence of social media on interpersonal relationships. It includes engaging stories and numerous sidebars featuring practical lists, definitions, illustrations, and biblical insights.

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    • Renew : A Basic Guide For A Personal Retreat


      Life is busy with lots of demands, and many would acknowledge that they are overextended, exhausted and stressed out. In fact, some would say they don’t even have time to catch their breath. In the Gospels, there are different accounts of Jesus and the disciples deliberately leaving behind the demands of life and retreating to a quiet place in order to be renewed. This reinforces the concept that a retreat is a necessity for each one of us in today’s world if we want to keep our balance in life and relationship with God strong. In spite of all the good reasons we can think of, we can also come up with just as many good excuses not to take time to be away. In this new guide, David Sherbino helps you to get through this hindrance and identify the many aspects and benefits of doing a personal retreat. It is a step by step guide that will help you with practical steps that allow you to develop and build your relationship with God, create an openness to God and learn to listen to what he has to say to you and be totally renewed.

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    • Change Your Trajectory


      Our lives are like objects hurtling through time, constantly colliding with changing circumstances or situations that send us careening down new trajectories; new paths. “Change,” however, doesn’t have to be a bad word. When we learn how to respond to it, change can make the rest of our lives even better.

      Experienced church founder and pastor Bishop Dale Bronner explains in practical terms how to take responsibility for our trajectory instead of panicking over change or stagnating from lack of change.

      With helpful principles, motivation, and personal stories, this book is a guide for any Christian who wants to work hard and become a master of change. Although some adversity may be inevitable along the way, our only true failure is a failure to launch in a new trajectory when times, situations, and circumstances change around us. Bronner encourages us to prophesy our future and to realize that the power in God’s Word can take us to a new and better place.

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    • Shattering : An Encounter With Truth


      A paranormal encounter with a psychic relative convinced Jessica of a spiritual reality outside the bounds of her Christian upbringing, projecting her on an intense quest for spiritual truth. As the mysterious realm of energies and meditation opened before her, she expanded her practice by seeking in-depth training at a Buddhist Center in California, a meditation retreat in South America, and an ashram in India. After a decade of passionately pursing spirituality, she became a certified yoga teacher and a master level Reiki practitioner. Jessica then moved forward with her dream to share these teachings with others, but strange things began to occur. Before her business plan for an instruction center was completed, a terrifying and profound spiritual encounter shattered not only Jessica’s goals, but the very lens through which she viewed the world.

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    • Mentalidad De Millonario – (Spanish)


      “Usted necesita esto. Va a llevarle al siguiente nivel!”
      T. D. Jakes

      “Todo el que est bajo esta enseanza ungida]] ser plenamente equipado para recoger en la cosecha de los ltimos tiempos!”
      Rod Parsley

      “Recomiendo sinceramente a Gary Whetstone!”
      Morris Cerullo

      Dios ha decretado riqueza para los que le aman!

      Cree que es la voluntad de Dios bendecirle? Imagine su vida si experimentara la realidad de la promesa de Dios en Proverbios 10:22: “La bendicin de Jehov es la que enriquece, y no aade tristeza con ella.”

      La Palabra de Dios contiene principios todopoderosos e inmutables diseados para gobernar sus circunstancias. Cuando usted se pone en consonancia con su Palabra, esos principios le bendicen perpetuamente y proporcionan libertad en cada rea de la vida.

      Permita que Mentalidad de Millonario le ayude a…

      Entender sus dones y talentos

      Descubrir y perseguir la visin que Dios le ha dado

      Pasar del “no es suficiente” a la tierra de “las promesas de Dios”

      Ver ms all de sus limitaciones

      Crear un bombeo de efectivo de riqueza perpetua

      Desencadenar ideas creativas para prsperas aventuras de negocio

      Encontrar una carrera que le emocione

      Aprender los secretos de Abraham y sus descendientes, para poder depositar y retirar recursos ilimitados de su cuenta celestial a fin de cumplir el sueo que Dios puso en su corazn

      Descubra los secretos sobre cmo desatar las bendiciones de Dios para su familia, y cmo generar riqueza para el reino de Dios mediante su propia prosperidad!

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    • Integrity : Walking In The Spotlight Of Truth


      In a generation of selfies, slander, and little white lies, what does a life of integrity look like?

      Sean Feucht can see a problem: our generation has lost its integrity. We are not true to our countries, our families, our friends, or even ourselves. Integrity is left in the dust as we chase what the world wants: the perfect body, the biggest bank account, and the most power. Many in the church have abandoned integrity and been swept downward into a spiral of hypocrisy and finger-pointing. The need for radical Christian integrity to spread throughout the world has never been greater. But what would that look like?

      For the answer, internationally-known worship leader Sean Feucht asked his “mothers and fathers in the faith” to explain what integrity means in their lives. With chapters from James Goll, Darlene Cunningham, Heidi Baker, Dick Mills, Charlie Stock, Stacey Campbell, Allen Hood, Ch Ahn, and Cindy Jacobs, the result is a book full of insight and vulnerability from these leaders on how to walk with integrity through your communication, your ministry, your marriage, your family relationships, your leadership, your personal finances, and your times of trial.

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